Fallout 4 paint weapons locations. One can of yellow paint is found inside Vault 114.
Fallout 4 paint weapons locations The only differences between each Blue paint is a junk and quest item in Fallout 4. See also. A rusty can of red paint with a worn American flag logo on the side. There are three Hot Rodder magazine paint jobs (four with Creation Club); all of them grant a +1 Agility bonus when Gameplay. The paintbrush can be broken down into its individual components for use in crafting: Four at General Atomics Galleria. Plan: Rusted Weapon Loadout Paints is a plan in Fallout 76, introduced in the Atlantic City Boardwalk Paradise update. We currently have 82,887 articles on Fallout Wiki. 0 License unless otherwise noted. that are all connected in the 40k universe. Weapon mods (in the form of May 17, 2024 · Locations. Fallout 4. youtube. Join BoS and follow their quest line to blind betrayal (for Paladin paint; there is also sentinel and a couple other misc ones, but the first is unobtainable unless you fully side with them while the rest must be looted from named BoS NPCs during Institute or railroad quests; the most comes from the Institute BoS destruction). Page content in the main namespace is under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3. Handmade Shotgun: 45 36 9 39 Shotgun shell. Effects. The Brotherhood of Steel, Institute, Railroad, Minutemen Weapon Paint Job Bundle is a Creation Club Creation in Fallout 4 . The Institute paint is a paint scheme in Fallout 4. Conversely, if someone knows the item IDs for Black Paint and Dye, I'd happily take those as well to add with the console. Unlocked with Plan: Gunmetal Weapon Loadout Paints. Power Armor Paint Job - Hot Rod Flames: With the addition of the Captain Cosmos Creation Club Creation, it can also be added to the CC-00 Power Armor. The combat armor paint is unlocked at 7000 Overseer XP. Find out where to find all Unique Weapons in the interactive map, locations, how to get them and what are unique weapons. Justice: 50 35 20 15. It is relatively heavy and slow to swing but capable of inflicting reasonably high amounts of damage, especially in the early game stages. Besides the blue and yellow variants, the blood can resembles a can of red paint. Minutemen". The Spray n' Pray is a unique weapon in Fallout 4. Apart from the raiders inhabiting Hyde Park, note that enemies may also be randomly encountered at the church. Warhammer 40k is a franchise created by Games Workshop, detailing the far future and the grim darkness it holds. The weapon has the Explosive effect, in which each shot deals 15 points of area-of-effect explosive damage Renaming weapons. Location 50% chance to be awarded for completing the Operation Tidy daily quest . The sledgehammer is a melee weapon in Fallout 4. A paint scheme for the Combat Rifle. Jun 21, 2018 · If you end up missing the weapon on ghost any random npc including your dog may have picked it up and could be in some random not inventory. Although you can complete the quest with just yellow and blue paint, you can get 300 bottlecaps by mixing green paint in the mixer next to the rack. Players should note that some unique weapons are rewards from quests, others are sold by vendors in the wasteland whilst a few exceptions can simply be found in certain locations e. Board Handmade rifle Can only be crafted at a weapons workbench. Hot Rodder is a magazine in Fallout 4. The paint job increases Strength by +1 when all armor pieces are painted with Strength-boosting paint. Nuka Cola Paint job can be found in World of Refreshment, while the second one is hidden in the Galactic Zone. One paint can is found on the roof of Nov 25, 2024 · Fallout 4 boasts some of the most intricate lore and range of gameplay possibilities. The Enclave paint is a paint scheme in Fallout 4's Creation Club, obtainable after installing the "Captain Cosmos" content. The suppressor decreases the noise emitted from firing a weapon in Fallout 4, which decreases the chances of detection by nearby NPC characters. Type your article name above or click on one of the titles below and start writing! The Hot Rod Shark paint is a paint scheme in Fallout 4 and several Creation Club purchases. It is obtained upon completing the quest Nuclear Family. May 24, 2024 · Spray N' Pray Location Buy from Cricket in Different Locations. It increases Strength by 1 if all armor pieces are coated with paint that boosts Strength. This plan unlocks crafting of Gunmetal Paint. Pages that were created prior to July 2022 may be from the Fandom Fallout wiki. Minutemen paint is a paint scheme in Fallout 4 and some Creation Club purchases. Gleaming Depths; Milepost Zero; Skyline Valley; America's Playground; Boardwalk Paradise; Once in a Blue Moon; Mutation Invasion; Nuka-World on Tour; Expeditions: The Pitt A paint can is a junk item in Fallout 4. The multi-award-winning Bethesda hit has been critically and literally picked apart and sorted through since its release nearly a decade ago. Spray n' Pray is a legendary submachine gun sold by Cricket, or by other merchants (very rarely). It is visually identical to the Blood Can and the Red Paint Can. Three in D. Lower minimum level for most skins to provide more variety early game. S. However, I haven't actually come across any Black Paint or Dye. The weapons range from the 10mm Pistol all the way to the Handmade Rifle. Most are from mods or Creation Club content, however. Vault 33; Vault 4; Filly; Creation Club weapon paint scheme images Fallout 4 perks; Fallout: New Vegas weapons; For Auld Lang Syne; May 31, 2024 · Mix Green Paint to Get More Caps. Jun 29, 2024 · The Gunmetal Paint is a paint scheme in Fallout 76, introduced in the Atlantic City Boardwalk Paradise update. Customize your weapons with new paint! Dec 13, 2024 · Unlocking and applying weapon paints in Fallout 4 is not as straightforward as simply selecting a color from a menu. It can only be modded on the X-01 power armor. 44 Revolver. 7 389 Shotgun shell. The magazine may be sold, dropped, displayed or stored Red paint or the red paint can is a junk item in the Fallout 4 add-ons Nuka-World and Far Harbor. Although other wrenches appear in the game, the pipe wrench is the only one used as a makeshift melee weapon. A weapon of pre-War design, the Deliverer is a compact handgun favored by infiltrators who attach a silencer to it for covert kills. Nov 29, 2015 · For the Lone Wanderers looking for the best combat gear in Fallout 4, check out our guide on where to find all the unique weapons in Bethesda's post-apocalyptic RPG. Plan: Vault-Tec weapon loadout paints is a weapon mod plan in Fallout 76, introduced in the Expeditions: Atlantic City update part one, Boardwalk Paradise. The writing on the back of the armor labels it as "X-01-I P10 POLYMERIZED CASTING MIX C78A18N3G1. All games (3,469) Recently added (146) My Green paint is a quest item in Fallout 4. Gleaming Depths; Milepost Zero; Skyline Valley; America's Playground; Boardwalk Paradise; Once in a Blue Moon; Mutation Invasion; Nuka-World on Tour; Expeditions: The Pitt Magazines grant the player character additional perks when read, or unlock certain benefits. Fallout 4 close Clear game filter. They The Gunners are a ruthless mercenary organization that operates in the Commonwealth and Nuka-World in 2287. Gunmetal Paint appears in Fallout 76, introduced in the Atlantic City Boardwalk Paradise update. The Vault-Tec paint is a power armor paint scheme in Fallout 4. From builds and Settlements, to game-play and mods, get your Fallout 4 experience here! Members Online This page was last edited on 1 September 2023, at 20:04. Locations. Ash Heap; Cranberry Bog; Fallout 4 paint schemes New Vegas weapons; For Auld Lang Syne; Fallout 4 armor and clothing; Sep 4, 2016 · In Nuka World they added the new Automatic Rifle which allowed a painting mod to be applied. With mods on settlements people will just loot anything anywhere for instance there is a family far far south of the map and the one guy has different gear evergtine I need him so he changes his gear he's finding to what's stronger I'm guessing idk but Apr 4, 2021 · Here are a few locations from Fallout 4 that prove it. [5][6][7][8] The Gunners are a violent mercenary outfit, for whom no job is too brutal to undertake. One can of yellow paint is found inside Vault 114. I think the army paint should have been the same as the lighter uncolored version or the fatigues, just with more decals, patches, or insignia on the armor so it would pair better with it. 4 2 More skins for . Three at Federal ration stockpile. This modification adds several highly detailed inlays to the wooden frame that holds the rifle's barrel. You can stack legendaries on top of unique mods and make weapons that put exploding miniguns to shame. The combat rifle paint is unlocked at 3500 Overseer XP. Faction power armor points are in the base game, but do require you to have reached a certain point in that factions questlines, and are also generally for a single type of power armor. It is a paint scheme with an olive base with red edges, and eyes with a shark mouth on the torso. It looks too dark to wear with the army fatigues. It is visually identical to the blood can. For some weapons, such as the 10mm pistol, this decreases the AP cost when used in V. One of the best parts of games like Fallout 4 is the Most can be. It is a paint scheme with a "Vault-Tec blue" base and yellow edges. Atom Cats custom paint job is a paper note in Fallout 4. Locations Sold by June Seaver at Gilman Lumber Mill . 44 Revolver Mar 15, 2018 · 4 New armor Paints! Light Gray, Winter Camo. Hot Rodder - Location: I always thought the same thing. Le Fusil Terribles: 62 35 20 15. Appearances. Update 1. Unlike previous installments, weapons in Fallout 4 fall under three classifications, including normal, legendary, and unique. 2 47 16 FE XXX 804. 8 35 28 001F61E4. The paint scheme is purchasable from the Atomic Shop for 500 or as part of the Wild West Virginia bundle for 1000 . Report Back to Abbot. If you're on the hunt for a new, powerful weapon, here's where to find the 25 best weapons in Fallout 4. Over 800 locations including Vaults, Bobbleheads, Perk Magazines, quests and more! Sign in to track your progress. Aug 4, 2024 · Can the Enclave Paint from the new update be put on the Institute Laser weapons, and can it also be put on Virgil's Rifle? I can't find the info anywhere (though I managed to confirm it can be put on Synth Armor) and since I'm at school I sadly can't test it. Dec 8, 2017 · Several camos patterns for most weapons. Refer to page histories for details. Legendary weapons come with random bonuses applied to them and are only dropped by legendary enemies. A suppressor is a muzzle weapon mod in Fallout 4. Three at Easy City Downs. [9] They are widely The Fallout Network's Subreddit for everything Fallout 4 . War Paint is a side quest in the Fallout 4 Creation Club content "Gunners vs. Its upgrade options in the base game Gameplay. Spray N' Pray ID Spray N' Pray Weapon ID: 001f61e3 Apr 3, 2024 · Plan: Gunmetal Weapon Loadout Paints is a plan in Fallout 76, introduced in the Atlantic City Boardwalk Paradise update. It is a paint scheme with an olive base which can be modded onto all T- model and X-01 power armors. It is typically equipped with high-tier mods, such as a large quick-eject drum and a suppressor, and can be modified at a weapons workbench. Green paint is the result of mixing Yellow Paint and Blue Paint with a paint mixer at Hardware Town. com/watch?v=WODjoTZMBRs&list=PLl_Xou7GtCi5A0ZT1P May 23, 2024 · Unique Weapons are special variants of regular weapons in Fallout 4 (FO4). This item can be purchased from Rowdy at the Atom Cats garage. Bats found in the Commonwealth have a base weight of three pounds, approaching the weight Military paint is a paint scheme in Fallout 4. It gives the armor a clean appearance, with rust only visible inside the helmet's air intake system and small amounts of dirt seen throughout. Armor Paint Job - Swamp Camo; Power Armor Paint Job Probably late to the party here but here is what i found so far. A paint scheme with a metal base and the Brotherhood of Steel logo on the chest. In Fallout 4 the player is able to rename any weapon, including unique weapons, at any weapons workbench. Sold by June Seaver at Gilman Lumber Mill. Triple-Barrel Handmade Mar 25, 2024 · This page was last edited on 25 March 2024, at 07:21. Jun 18, 2023 · This page was last edited on 18 June 2023, at 05:48. A black undercoat painted with distinct red markings indicative of the Brotherhood Outcasts. Once you have the paint cans, head back to Diamond City and report to Abbot. "Epic" weapon configuration now has a chance to spawn with higher tier skins, Idea being that since the weapon spawns with higher tier upgrades the previous owner gave it a paint job as well. Normal weapons have no special bonuses on them whatsoever. Add-ons (DLC) Characters; Companions; Creation Club weapon paint schemes Yellow paint is both a junk item and a quest item in Fallout 4. The main attraction of 40k is the miniatures, but there are also many video games, board games, books, ect. Perk magazines replace skill books from earlier installments in the Fallout franchise, due to the merger of skills and perks. A. Find out all special and perk magazines IDs, all perk magazine console commands, and how to get them instantly on PC. The Spray N' Pray can be bought from Cricket in the following locations: Diamond City Market; Warwick Homestead; Vault 81; Bunker Hill; All Unique Weapons Locations Map. Under MLB regulations, a baseball bat cannot exceed 2. Crafting A paintbrush is a junk item in Fallout 4. He will ask to The pipe wrench is a melee weapon in Fallout 4. When all pieces of the power armor are painted with the Outcast paint, the armor provides a +1 bonus to Intelligence. Hot Rodder is a pre-War magazine for automotive enthusiasts. 1. With the addition of the "Captain Cosmos" Creation Club content, it can also be added to the CC-00 power armor. 2 47 16 00092217. 1 fieldbook in senator matthews office on the oilrig (settlement flags) 2 fieldbook in the police station (settlement barricades) 3 fieldbook us depot maintaince shed (enclave paint for weapons and armour Pipboy paint mod in the subcomplex on the oil rig Sep 12, 2016 · What's more, most of these new uniques behave like Kremvh's Tooth. However, the Silver submachine gun, the Survivor's Special, Ashmaker and Grognak's axe cannot be renamed, nor will they pick up any prefixes from modding. Applying this paint scheme to all six armor pieces at once will grant a bonus of +1 Charisma. It doesn't really match with much of anything. Technical High School. Where can I find that stuff in game? I've checked with multiple merchants and in Hardware Town with the paint mixer, but I've found nothing. All paints are unlocked through progression in the Nuclear Winter mode during the Halloween event: The 10mm pistol paint is unlocked at 750 Overseer XP. The actual "unique" part of the weapon is a mod that can be detatched and put on other weapons, similar to Kremvh's Tooth. The paintbrush is a wide brush used for general painting. Fallout 4 Recommended Guides Oct 7, 2021 · This mod adds 57 recreated weapon paints from Fallout 76 to Fallout 4. It increases Charisma by 1 if all armor pieces are painted with Charisma-boosting paint. The paint job has Aug 20, 2024 · This page was last edited on 20 August 2024, at 22:20. Fallout 4 Related Guides. The pipe wrench's low weight, average swing speed and heavy damage makes it a decent low to mid-tier melee weapon. The weapon was later Nov 11, 2020 · ALL NEW UNARMED WEAPONS! ROLEPLAY AS LOGAN, X23 OR AS YOUR OWN MUTANT. Double-Barrel Shotgun: 45 36 9 39 Shotgun Shell. Fallout 4 Wiki. 👉 New Weapon Locati. Multicam, and Leaf Camo! Customize the look of your armor with new paint options! 8 Military-spec color options! 9 Color options! 13 Camo patterns! Faction Paints for Diamond City and Disciples NW Raider gang! (More to come at some point) Carbon Fiber! We made it to the Hot Files! Plan: . It increases Agility by 1 when all pieces are painted with Agility-boosting paint. A can of blue paint with a worn American flag and paint name on the label. Combat Armor is the best armor early location. It is a paint scheme with a black base, dirty white trim, and a white Enclave symbol on the chest. Creation Club. Unlocked with Plan: Rusted Weapon Loadout Paints. 32 71 41 00225771. Related quest. 61 inches in diameter at the widest point, can be no longer than 42 inches, and must be a single solid piece. A purely cosmetic modification that applies the colors for the Pack to a weapon. Unique weapons are weapons that are already named and will always retain the same special bonuses. Crafting Weapon Paint at a Workbench. Through my travels however, I managed to find a painted sledgehammer! Another weapon able to be painted! Are these the only two weapons that can be painted or has anyone found any other weapons? The painted mod is a weapon mod for weapons used by the Pack in the Fallout 4 add-on Nuka-World. Customize your weapons with new Material paint! Supported weapons include Assault Rifle, Combat Rifle, Combat Shotgun, Laser Rifle, Institute Rifle, Missile Launcher, Minigun, 10mm Pistol, Gatling Laser and the . These perks can have multiple ranks, with the rank increasing each time the player character reads a copy of the magazine. Sold by Responder June Seaver at Gilman lumber mill. There are also empty paint cans, which weigh less, but won't produce oil when scrapped. This page was last edited on 29 December 2023, at 07:54. A rusty can of yellow paint with a worn logo on the side. Acquired. It can be applied to all power armors. RELATED: Fallout 4: The 10 Best DLC Weapons This Bundle includes 4 Weapon Paint Jobs: Brotherhood of Steel, Institute, Railroad and Minutemen. Steel Dawn onward) holiday gift as part of the Holiday Scorched community event. It is a paint scheme with an olive base that can be modded onto all T-model and X-01 power armors. With the addition of the Creation Club content "Captain Cosmos" and "Hellfire Power Armor," the paint can also be applied to the CC-00 and Hellfire power armors. Variants. It is a paint scheme with a red base with black flames. The quest starts off by traveling to the church located west of Hyde Park and heading to the upper floor. May 5, 2024 · Weapons Paint Job - Pickman: Bethesda Softworks: Weapons Paint Job - Railroad: George "Skibadaa" Appleby: Weapons Paint Job - Reilly's Rangers: Bethesda Softworks: Weapons Paint Job - Shi: Bethesda Softworks: 100 Customize your weapons with new paint! Weapons Paint Job - Swamp Camo: Bethesda Softworks: 100 Customize your weapons with new paint May 16, 2024 · This article is part of a directory: Fallout 4 Guide Hub: Weapons, Armor, Quest Walkthroughs, Tips, & More Pages that were created prior to July 2022 may be from the Fandom Fallout wiki. Ash Heap; Cranberry Bog; Category:Creation Club weapon paint schemes; Piggy Bank bomb; Piggy Bank Fat Man; Fallout 4 weapons; Apr 29, 2021 · Many of them are in hidden locations or unmarked spots, which necessitates the right skills or even a dash of luck to even stumble across in the first place. It can only be modded on the T-45 power armor in Fallout 4. After purchasing, the Atom Cat paint job is permanently added to the available paint schemes in the power armor station, thus the note that appears in the miscellaneous section of one's inventory can be sold without losing the ability to craft the paint job. According to Deacon, Tinker Tom, resident genius of the Railroad, modified an intact unit, increasing its stopping power and effectiveness in stealth, making it one-of-a-kind in the wasteland. Includes Two in Back Alley Bowling. Uniques May 31, 2024 · This is a list of all Magazine IDs for Fallout 4 (FO4). Two are found at Taffington Dec 27, 2023 · Location. Painting the Town: Talk to Abbot at the wall in the northwest part of Diamond City. Fallout 76 weapon paint schemes. Beyond the "Captain The Hot Rod Flames paint is a paint scheme in Fallout 4 and several Creation Club purchases. One drawback of suppressors is that they greatly reduce the range of projectile weapons, by 30 points. The Gunners are most known for their no prisoners mindset and have been known to wipe out entire settlements, like common raiders, but are better organized and equipped. All BOS paint schemes are normally only available for the T-60 power armor (textures for the X-01 exist in the files but are not accessible). The pipe wrench is a heavy, metal wrench, specked with rust and covered in chipped red paint. It can be modded on all power armors. Sep 14, 2024 · Finding weapon paints can be a thrilling adventure, with several methods and locations to discover. The plan unlocks crafting of the Vault-Tec paint for the following weapons: 10mm pistol Baseball bat Combat rifle Pump action shotgun Western revolver This page was last edited on 30 November 2023, at 21:21. One can is found in The Mechanist's Lair. The plan can only be obtained by opening a second-generation (i. Fallout 4 Guide Hub: Weapons, Armor, Quest Walkthroughs, Tips, & More Best Power Armor Build All Hot Rod Power Armor Paint Jobs Where Sep 4, 2018 · What to had some color to your Weapons? Well now you can have loads of new colors and camo paints for The Handmade Rifle from the Nuka World DLC! More then 30 Colors/camos to choose from! Dec 27, 2023 · This page was last edited on 27 December 2023, at 09:34. 5 1076 Shotgun shell. Each issue collected unlocks a new custom paint job for power armor. There are many different types of perk magazines such as increasing your critical hit rate, giving you custom paint for your power armor and many more. Found in some places across the Commonwealth. B. A can of green paint and a partial American flag on the side of the can. Wooden inlay paint is a paint scheme for the lever action rifle in Fallout 76. The paint can can be broken down into its individual components for use in crafting: Empty paint can Red paint Blue paint Yellow paint Nine Aug 30, 2024 · Reading a Magazine will grant your character a special effect or gives you certain benefits. Feb 4, 2020 · I apperiently bought some of the skins for the pistol on the creation club (yes I do regret past me's purchase) but now that I have it might as well use it but for the life of me I cant figure out how to apply it to the gun The BOS elder paint, BOS sentinel paint, BOS paladin paint, and BOS knight paint are paint schemes exclusive to power armor in Fallout 4. This page was last edited on 3 April 2024, at 09:51. Gallery. It is a paint scheme with a metal base and the Minutemen logo on the chest. Become General. T. e. A can of blue paint can be broken down into its individual components for use in crafting: Green paint Red paint Yellow paint Three cans are found in the Hardware Town right next to the paint mixer. Crafting. A simple tool repurposed to serve as a basic melee weapon. It increases Agility by 1 when all pieces are painted Plan: Pioneer Scout bowie knife paint is a weapon mod plan in Fallout 76, introduced in the Wild Appalachia update. Fallout 4 Secret Location(s) List! In the maze by Fallon's Dept. Blue paint Red paint Yellow paint Green paint is the result of mixing yellow paint and blue paint with a paint mixer at Hardware Town. May 23, 2016 · All Paint Job Locations in the Far Harbor DLC in Fallout 4!- All Unique Weapons & Armor: https://www. Two in the Institute's FEV lab. Note! NONE of the textures have been taken from 76, everything is completely remade from scratch using Substance Painter. Yellow paint can be broken down into its individual components for use in crafting: Blue paint Green paint Red paint The yellow paint is found at Hardware Town towards the back of the store. 44 blue camo paint is a weapon mod plan in Fallout 76, introduced in the Fallout Worlds update. Vault 33; Vault 4; Filly; Shady Sands; Fallout 4. Gameplay. Craftable at a Weapons Workbench. This page was last edited on 14 January 2024, at 10:49. This is a long, smooth wooden bat, typically made of ash, for use in the sport of baseball. Store there is a pink paint job magazine you are able to Maintenance room with unique weapon The Deliverer is a unique weapon in Fallout 4. The CC-00 version Oct 29, 2024 · Gameplay. One can is found in the Mechanist's lair. When applied to a power armor piece, it gains a solid blue base color with yellow-colored edges to reflect the official colors used by the Vault-Tec Corporation. Later in the game without add-ons, it usually finds itself outclassed by its big brother, the super sledge. Mar 2, 2021 · Weapons, armor, power armor, and your pip boy can all have different skins. In order to craft the Vault-Tec paint mod, a power armor frame with the Interactive map of Fallout 4 locations. By reading the Hot Rodder magazine, the Sole Survivor is able to unlock a new custom paint job for power armor. He will ask to retrieve a can of paint from Hardware Town so that he can continue painting The baseball bat is a melee weapon in Fallout 4. . Games. To access different paints, you must first meet certain requirements, such as discovering specific locations or completing certain quests. Dec 1, 2024 · Gameplay. Unlocks. TIA! The subreddit for all things related to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the Java edition of Minecraft. All versions Jan 14, 2024 · This page was last edited on 14 January 2024, at 10:49. Location. g Les Fusil Teribles and Big Jim. The paint scheme is a white base with the Institute logo painted on the chest. Red paint can be broken down into its individual components for use in crafting: How to get a full set of combat armor early in Fallout 4 at level 1 after Next Gen Udpate. On the second floor, the corpse of Nunez holds Nunez's note, revealing that the Locations. Red paint can be broken down into its individual components for use in crafting: Paint can Blue paint Green paint Yellow paint Fourteen cans of paint can be found in Nuka-Town backstage Aug 30, 2016 · The latest Fallout 4 DLC – Nuka World introduces new quests, settlements, weapons, power armors and two new Paint Jobs – Nuka Cola and Nuka Quantum. Three at Parsons Fallout 4 Wiki will guide you with information on weapons, armor, enemies, perks, Paint Jobs | Fallout 4 Wiki. Games . It can only be painted onto CC-00 power armor. " With the addition of the Captain Cosmos Creation Club content In this post I'm going to list each of the Unique weapons in Fallout 4 including full details on how you find them. Three in the Institute. Here are the key sources of weapon paints: Vendor-Sold Weapon Paints This page lists all paints for weapons found in Fallout 4. Rusted Paint appears in Fallout 76, introduced in the Atlantic City Boardwalk Paradise update. The Rusted Paint is a paint scheme in Fallout 76, introduced in the Atlantic City Boardwalk Paradise update. lvea noc mxjjk crpllm zlzz ngy emmgx tmzmwk cakrmem otd serw nrf jsbdcpb wibh lnkr
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