Apache camel read multiple files. However, you can use a starter object in S3 (i.
Apache camel read multiple files For example, you may have many routes, and it may help to maintain the application if some routes are in separate XML files. Viewed 4k times and then to read a file from an ftp for example Jul 27, 2022 · I'm new to Apache Camel and learning its basics. There are not many resources on the Internet, but only on the official website of apache camel. Jan 24, 2025 · This issue arises because Camel considers the platform-http component (used internally by camel-rest-openapi) as an HTTP consumer. Sorry if this question is stupid. If there are multiple files at the source directory, the file component is consuming only one file at a time. What exactly is happening by using readLock=changed option? Jan 15, 2018 · I have a question regarding multiple File extensions. Again use the fileName option to specify the dynamic part of the filename. You could use a Splitter or use multiple Message Translator instances in your route. Jan 5, 2017 · Luckily, Camel provides you with several strategies out-of-the-box and even allows you to create your own if none of them meet your needs. May 27, 2020 · You can more easily use Java File API for that. Here is an example using Java DSL: on sftp i have several files with following xyz names: 40_20200313_0cd6963f-bf5b-4eb0-b310-255a23ed778e_p. Apr 3, 2017 · My requirement is as follows: I need to unzip a file and read metadata information from an unpacked xml file. Jun 30, 2016 · pollEnrich always works with single file. When there are multiple routes mapping to similar REST paths, Camel interprets this as multiple ears listening to the same conversation, which it does not permit. This works for many other consumer-endpoints as well like SFTP or message queues. still being written by some producer/sender), "readLock=idempotent" guards against a file being read by two consumer routes. e. filter(/*condition for skip first and last line*/) on that and in the next line I try to start reading my file line by line . Once done update status in other table. camel. Jun 12, 2012 · I solved the issue. BATCH_SIZE property and multiplying it by Exchange. 0</version> </dependency> Given an Exchange object I use this code to get the attachments: Apr 20, 2017 · I'm going to process CSV files using Apache Camel. success However, when I try to load multiple file extensions it doesn't file. – Jul 6, 2021 · I am using Apache Camel to handle files in a SFTP directory. Help Jan 24, 2022 · Yes you can use poll-enrich to call consumer-endpoints like file to enrich the message. Dec 3, 2019 · Hi! It's difficult to answer without a clearer understanding of what you're trying to do. thread(3) will pick multiple files and process but if thread1 process first then immediately it will not go for file4 instead it's waiting all threads( remaining 2 threads) to complete process. thread method but not working as expected. But suppose if I have multiple pods say Pod A and Pod B to pick multiple files say file 1 and file 2, then how camel came to know that if file 1 is picked up by Pod A then the file 1 should not be picked up by Pod B. I have to read two files that has this content <Person> <Requestor>Dinesh</Requestor> </Person> To do this I created a route Oct 30, 2015 · Yeah you need to use the include/exclude/filter option if you want to filter out files based on patterns. The Property Panel contains syntax tips for properties placeholder. FILE_NAME is a Camel constant for the filename header and with the Simple expression language you can concatenate the category name you set as header in your route and a static file suffix. But if you want to attempt Camel then the file component can be used as a consumer to consume files from a filter filtered by name pattern, and also you can file by file modification day and therefore compare for age > 20 days etc. . Apache camel multiple file processing with exec. S. I have tried using the Exchange. < Mar 29, 2022 · I want start camel route when 4 files with specific names are in directory. sem start camel route. You have to configure it explicitly if you want it to delete the files or move them to another location. Modified 4 years ago. Apr 21, 2015 · Apache Camel - Need to read file recursively. Setting to false Camel will poll the file even if its in progress of being written (= this is the behavior of Camel 1. builder. <dependency> <groupId>org. Thank you Claus. allow-missing-column-names. Apr 3, 2017 · Usually a route would process one file at a time and each message would have a GenericFile (a camel object which represents a file) as it's body. 17. Feb 18, 2013 · Is there a way(api function) to read the whole content of a file(or line by line) in camel without writing a converter or any java code? Thanks @SumitSrivastava we're gluing together multiple GB of files, so reading in a few MB isn't much overhead. We have simplified navigation between directly (direct, seda) connected routes. Jun 5, 2020 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. I have router and processor class in Java. Strategies to Resolve 1. Related questions. Camel Read File Jan 24, 2025 · One such challenge, described in a forum post, involves errors occurring due to multiple OpenAPI files resulting in a "Multiple consumers for the same endpoint is not allowed" exception. This would be done in the xmlToObjectMapper. It is not processing both files, I have even tried as 123*. The fileName option is for a single file. failure It works fine when I load one file b. Scenario: multiple source files present on multiple servers. camel</groupId> <artifactId>camel-mail</artifactId> <version>2. Feb 22, 2021 · The Apache Camel File component is the simplest way to transfer files from a source folder to a destination without any coding required. file-hasher Apr 23, 2021 · I want to read a large file from the AWS S3 bucket via Apache Camel using the getObjectRange option, process it, and then upload the generated output file to the destination S3 bucket using the May 20, 2015 · The camel file2 endpoint would not crash the system, since it polls 2x per second by default. Hit enter to search. When defining routes in Camel using Spring XML you may want to define some routes in other XML files. Reading files using Apache Camel FTP location. Feb 8, 2022 · I am trying to read an Excel file using Apache Camel. I use . File input component needs to track file by file name. 2. Like this the consumer should wait until the file does not change anymore and when multiple consumers try to read the file, only the first one "wins". camel to obtain mail and attachment information. Is there any way we can have from and to endpoint which can read the source and destination configurations from properties and route the files? May 26, 2019 · The problem I'm facing is that Camel doesn't see the delivery of the files as one job and my aggregation gets called multiple times, resulting in multiple index files instead of one. For example you can use delete=true to delete the files, or use move=. If not provided, then the body of resource exchange (i. I want camel to download all files at once as currently it is downloading file one by one. org/file2. These capabilities are related to common use cases working with file path and names. Dec 14, 2017 · Throughout the day the files will come to this folder, sometime multiple files together. sem, file3. \ - home - level1 - level2 - input (files are within this folder) - dir1 - test - folder1 ( set of files in this folder) - folder2 ( set of files in this folder) Jan 10, 2016 · Before we can use Apache Camel, we need to import it in our pom. filter. null. txt. Oct 25, 2016 · Is it possible to read and process multiple files in one folder at the same time? Look at the documentation http://camel. failure Name Description Default Type; camel. 16. Ask Question Asked 9 years, 11 months ago. from(filesFolder). 99MB-END and the cuts off the starter object and leaves just the Nov 1, 2022 · Reading files using Apache Camel FTP location. 3. g. component. csv. Apr 25, 2018 · Would like to know how to pass the JAXBElement to a Camel route, which processed from each line of the batch file read through Spring batch loaded through Camel Route. txt', '987*. My requirement is transfer 10 files from one server to another once all the 10 files are generated in the source server. – Jun 25, 2012 · Seems like you are using a singleton (single instance) object of your class since that would be default in spring when you define "beginProcess". If you control the process writing the file as well as the process reading the file, you can use a “temp file” strategy. Apache Camel provides out-of-the-box support for reading files, splitting them on line feeds and transforming their contents. And we configure out endpoint to use the absolute starting directory: \workspace\camel\camel-core\target\filelanguage . I am trying to decompress the file using gzipDeflater, but when I print the b Apr 30, 2021 · When I put multiple files in a location, and from there Apache camel will pick those files and process it. Dec 18, 2013 · Thanks @Ashish (+1) - I guess my thinking was to have the <split> perform the transform for me, so that by the time the message gets to idfileProcessor (yes, a Camel Processor), I can just extract the IDFile POJO out of the exchange like so: IDFile idFile = (IDFile)exchange. If the same category is aggregated over an over again, you have to extend the filename further (otherwise a category overwrites its previous file). For instance, if the file is named myinput. In Camel I only find skipFirstLine or skipHeaderRecord (which is not clear for Apr 4, 2017 · I have a batch job in which I'm expected to download file from multiple locations in Apache Camel. Start route on a quartz2 schedule; Retrieve list of endpoints to download files (This can be either sftp locations or simply file locations) For each file in list, Download file; Save in Apr 21, 2015 · We're using Camel's SFTP source to download and process files. spi. It's a great tool. We would like achieve the following: Source files are only deleted from the server if they are older than 2 days. Provide details and share your research! But avoid …. Use Distinct Endpoint URIs Aug 12, 2020 · A part of my Camel route is reading files from a server and analysing their content to enrich a main route. tokenize("\\n", 5). Jun 3, 2015 · I have a big file and I use splitter to process it. Mar 4, 2024 · Real integration projects with Apache Camel typically consist of dozens of routes and are usually spread across multiple files. xsl. Reading files using Apache Camel FTP Sep 23, 2015 · If I understand your question correctly you want to send an xml file as input to the route you want to test. I have various solutions that are close but I cannot figure out how to do this fully. First row of main CSV file contains the column header which I need to have in all generated CSV files. xml. camel </groupId> <artifactId> camel-stream </artifactId> <version> 2. When file1. File handle for the file hello. Receive Message (which contain File-Location) from Active-MQ JMS-Queue. The SFTP component transfers one file at a time. And if you’re consuming small numbers of larger batch files, perhaps the defaults are good enough and you don’t need to put much though into it. We require to pick only latest one (first file with timestamp 18/08/2016 using Apache camel). split(body(). apache. If you need to read same file multiple times it can get trickier as you'll likely have to set noop=true and possibly use something like dummy idempotent repository to get around camels default behavior. Jul 24, 2015 · File input component needs to read input up to the nearest newline and do not try to read the whole file at once (again, as I said before writes are occasional and it is critical to read and process each new line separately in the file as soon as it appears in that file). My solution would be to use the adviseWith strategy which is a part of the Camel test support. There are two files which I need to check whether it exists or not. You may also want to store common and reusable routes in other XML files, which you can simply import when needed. how can i achieve this? if I use noop=true then idempotent will be set to true. split(). In our previous blog in this series Efficient Large File Processing with Apache Camel we focused on XML-DSL. Hence we tried to use thread at camel route level so multiple files can be processed simultaneously. Oct 25, 2013 · I've been reading the Camel properties doc i. May 9, 2019 · What I mean: Example there are a lot of files in folder and then a file with such name uploaded UNIQUE_PART_PATTERN_1 I need to have the same what you described above but not only to check if there are 2 files in folder, I have to check if both UNIQUE_PART_PATTERN_1 and UNIQUE_PART_PATTERN_2 exist then start processing, if there is no file with May 3, 2021 · Before starting to read the file I skip header and footer . SPLIT_SIZE for the aggregration completionSize Jun 13, 2020 · Exchange. Following is camel route and query: Jun 21, 2020 · I want to process multiple files using apache camel, tried with . Use Properties File with Apache Camel. Also I need to write the number of lines in each fragment file as a header for these fragment files. Sep 13, 2018 · If the camel route starts from file, counting the number of files will be done for each file in turn, so the last file will always be transferred to directory A. I'm using Yaml DSL I have a TGZ file which includes 2 small CSV files. Camel read files from FTP and store in local resources folder. However, you can use a starter object in S3 (i. Using location in received-message from JMS-Queue read file content. file-watch. I have a requirement where there are multiple files in different folders. Whether to enable auto configuration of the file-watch component. for that the route xml in camel configured as shown below. Maybe using camel as middleware to directly address that rest service is too much. Increase this value, if your route is slow to prevent buffering in queue. , Load multiple files with Apache Camel. Send that file content to another Active-MQ JMS-Queue. , by setting fileName=thefilename. xml, then Camel creates a "lock file" on it, in the same directory, called myinput. How this can be implemented? I couldn't find much resou May 15, 2020 · Using multiple threads, same thing was happening, a thread is waiting 1000ms picking up a file and processing, and then another thread is picking up another file and processing and so on. Each route is processing single file at a time. It would create a message from all files which are in that folder at the time. 1. The number of concurrent consumers. producer = producer; Feb 28, 2024 · Take data from a CSV file and process the data. However, i want to generate multiple xml on basis of CompanyName i-e same companyname employees in one file. IdempotentRepository. Ask Question Asked 7 years, 3 months ago. JUnit provides a TemporaryFolder that might help you on creating and cleaning up test directories. RouteBuilder Mar 8, 2013 · The FTP consumer will by default leave the consumed files untouched on the remote FTP server. Mar 29, 2022 · I want start camel route when 4 files with specific names are in directory. Newer files should be Oct 4, 2018 · I have a dynamic route which reads and process a file and there could be multiple files. Then insert it into MongoDB in Spring Boot with a good real-time example. dataformat. file. This is enabled by default. Sep 10, 2015 · I need to write a single Apache Camel route to. When request comes for different files at the same time there is no issue, as it creates unique URI based on file name. Read and process one file at a time. Integer. Can't you forward that file directly, without a camel route? Feb 20, 2024 · A Guide Using Java / XML-DSL and Spring Boot. Now we will be using the Java DSL for the integration and comparing the performance within the two. We need to read those files and save data in database. You need to . Solution is already in place. I'm using following strategy to complete this process. You can use pollEnrich to read a second file if what you are trying to do read "file1b" to go with "file1a". What can I do to control camel consumes the file in order? For example,directory my_directory will receive file file1,file2,file3,file4 in the same time. concurrent-consumers. But I am just able to convert single object. Thank you for your support and help. And there is also bash scripts for such use-cases, eg housecleaning. I want to read files under those directories in an order (based on timestamp). Nov 7, 2016 · A pluggable in-progress repository org. Or you could write a custom processor which is injected with a ProducerTemplate instance that just generates N messages… ProducerTemplate producer; public void setProducer(ProducerTemplate producer) { this. May 29, 2013 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. html: maxMessagesPerPoll: "An integer to define a maximum messages to gather per poll" If you want to consume a single file only, you can use the fileName option, e. If the files are in plain text format the org. Note: All these directories will be the subdirectories of the root. Thank you in advance. camelLock. dat 123_20200313_0cd6963f-bf5b-4eb0-b310-255a23ed778e_p. dat etc. I also need to support parallel request for same file. Am trying to create generic route to transfer file using Apache Camel component. streaming() but something is going wrong and I get all information from the file in its entirety. tokenize("\n")). 0 Camel read files from FTP and store in local resources folder. If needed at all: process that xml file with xml slurpersend the file to the rest service via the normal usage of the to()-method. changed will not work for exclusive as both consumers can detect when the file is no longer changed and start reading it, however a marker file is exclusive. When you're done building the object, you make a S3 copy request, using the byte range 4. The intention behind this is get the content from endpoint (A) and then get content from poller enrich (B) and then we aggregate this two content and write it to other endpoint. Now if there are multiple files, the different threads is taking it for processing and posting it db creates contention. Code snippets given below us Aug 5, 2024 · If you try the example shared above, you can replicate this, upon reading/copying first file, program waits, and does not read/copy remaining files. How can I send every group to different endpoint? Aug 18, 2017 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Jul 20, 2021 · Is there an option in Apache camel file component to use multiple different directory from where files can be read. Data. Commented Jul 24, 2018 at 22:01. All others are skipped because the file is already known in the idempotent repository. Because the files that have to be processed could potentially be very large, we decided that the best approach was to process the CSV files by streaming them line by line. I want camel to consume then in the order of file1-file2-file3-file4. Camel read properties file. Dec 2, 2016 · I have two files File1 and File2 which needs to be parsed using camel Bindy. P. May 30, 2022 · Camel Sftp - Download Multiple Files. Update: Aug 16, 2019 · Yes, you can download all files in one route. sem, file2. 7 Camel Read File Content. 0. Now i need to enrich the metadata with data from multiple other xmls which are located in zip files. I am not clear on what is actually happening at that stage. Feb 9, 2017 · My requirement is to process the same file multiple times in Apache camel 2. How to achieve it? I am able to split file using Apache Camel Splitter route as follows Apr 3, 2017 · This will prompt your route to read a file. Therefore I cannot use . streaming(); to group lines. Or potential fileLock but that depends on the JDK and file system you are using, read the JDK doc/javadoc about that etc. Otherwise file will be moved to the other directory. Property Handling. Now I would like to have a perfect file endpoint point options, that will. Camel will wait until the file lock is granted. done to move the files into a hidden done sub directory. file=Data. So how to choose… First, let’s cover the absolute fastest, most generic solution. I changed the name of the packages and now it works. file – Bedla. So much so, that it requires very little thought to get up and running. When the clients are distributed, a distributed file lock must be supported and I don't know what the FTP layer adds to this mix, but I don't think it makes it easier. Jan 7, 2015 · We are having a requirement to split a large CSV into smaller multiple CSV files. Pluggable filter as a org. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Nov 14, 2023 · Efficient Large File Processing with Apache Camel (Part 1) Unlock the power of Apache Camel for efficient large file processing! In this blog, Ajanthan Eliyathamby, our Integration Specialist, guides you through XML-DSL and Java DSL methods. 4). enabled. I am running around in circles. File Names. My files have multiple header lines. what is the best way to define the agregator is there a can somebody provide a sample implementation Apr 30, 2015 · I am trying to pull the files with name '123*. txt in the following absolute directory: \workspace\camel\camel-core\target\filelanguage\test. txt,987*. xml Maven file: <dependency> <groupId> org. Nov 15, 2018 · read the file using the file component of apache camel. Jan 8, 2014 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Jan 23, 2020 · For this to work with the file component, I guess you have to set readLock to idempotent-changed. Suggest the proper regex I can use here to process both files. Jun 4, 2020 · i have written down a simple apache camel route which transforms csv to xml file. Sep 8, 2014 · I want to use apache camel file component. recursive: true/false Using both Splitter and Aggregator EIPs would be the best strategy for processing large CSV files in Apache Camel. What is this and why does Camel use it? When does Camel "release" the lock file (delete it)? Nov 23, 2017 · Apache Camel multiple consumers. My rou Jan 31, 2014 · Whenever I start a Camel route from a file URI, I see that Camel obtains a "lock" on the file. You could use aggregate if you just want to read multiple files and accumulate the data before processing. OutMessage (or something like this). 1 </version> </dependency> There are various ways to read files in Apache Camel. 4. Eg: root-/dir1 - file1, file2, file3 /dir2 - file4, file5, file6 Apr 1, 2017 · Here we have 4 files with different timestamp. But currently its taking more time. Remove fileName option (such that the route will pick all file); Use file expression language (file:onlyname) to refer to filename currently handled by Camel SFTP component Jan 9, 2020 · File locking and multiple nodes is (in my experience) not very reliable. Sep 25, 2017 · Read more in the Camel docs about read-locks. The in-progress repository is used to account the current in progress files being consumed. Jul 24, 2018 · The most interresting logs will start with org. Dec 17, 2019 · I am developing a project using Apache Camel Which transfers files from one server to another using SFTP. I had named the packages domainpackage1 and domain. consumer. - rename - rename is for using a try to rename the file as a test if we can get exclusive read-lock. What i really want is list the files at the start of the route, count them and then only transfer these files to the appropriate directory. I am novice in Camel (working with it just for coupe weeks). The directory will receive many files in the same time. - idempotent - (only for file component) idempotent is for using a idempotentRepository as the read-lock. Created one dedicated source file path for reading files by using the Apache File Component. getIn(). need to ftp the file to destination server. success|Data. If set to true Camel will only poll the files if it has exclusive read lock to the file (= the file is not in progress of being written). capture Jan 17, 2014 · Here's what I am trying to do. getBody();. < If you insist on testing the file component, which works on files or directories, you should write test files into a test directory within your test and then start your route and see if the files are consumed and processed correctly. The problem was Bindy was not identifying the package names properly. With reference to below and attached code, I have tried some method sI have xml file Sep 13, 2016 · We have a java. But what about multiple files - I really can't get, how to manage this situation. For that I have found that we can use the CSV component: Camel supports multiple "well-known" CSV formats. success Data. The data from File1 and File2 needs to be aggregated and then inserted into database. please provide your valuable suggestion to make this endpoint multi threaded. Aug 28, 2017 · I would like to read directory with specific file path and get the file contents with apache camel and spring boot. So in your case, remove fileName option and replace it with include=. io. Mar 22, 2014 · We have number of files each with millions of records at one location. Understanding the Problem Jan 11, 2018 · I have a Java Maven project and I use org. the exchange resulting from reading the file) will overwrite the original exchange. Boolean. Oct 20, 2016 · Even though both "readLock=changed" and "readLock=idempotent" cause the file-consumer to wait, they really address quite different use-cases: while "readLock=changed" guards against the file being incomplete (i. Read more about it form Composed Message Processor. success. This blog post will explore potential solutions to effectively manage and integrate multiple OpenAPI files into Apache Camel. GenericFileFilter class. Bindy was binding the file to both the models which were defined seperately in these two different packages as, it could not distinguish the package names. 1 Read files from sub-folders using camel ftp Aug 16, 2018 · I want to convert multiple xml object to csv object in apache camel. Also, the starting directory must not contain dynamic expressions with $ { } placeholders. 5. Jan 5, 2017 · Luckily, Apache Camel’s File and FTP components make this extremely easy. By default a memory based repository is used. May 10, 2011 · If the task will be to generate just one file - everything is quite simple - you need just fill Exchange. Note that AggregationStrategy "is used to combine the original exchange and the resource exchange" and is optional. I thought using pollEnrich would be a solution, but since it picks only one file, I had to loop around (here using loopDoWhile). txt' from the sftp server. 99MB of 0's), and append to that. sem, file4. That means I have to unpack them read them and attach the information to my MetadataHolder This approach should be avoided when accessing a remote file system via a mount/share unless that file system supports distributed file locks. Whether to allow missing column names. This tutorial will teach you how to create a Camel application using the File component and how to configure to move (or don’t move) the file in the Route. 1 The File Expression Language is an extension to the Simple language, adding file related capabilities. 7. camel. For this, we need to follow the below steps. Jan 23, 2014 · I am new to camel and we are building an EDI engine and our requirement is to read the files from multiple folders then second step is to parse the message type and the receiver id and based on that the messages need to be routed to different folders. false. May 12, 2021 · Apache Camel - Need to read file recursively. *2280. egbrvqeelfutpjmduxuvlgogigomjlaumhxfumxduqymnecrdeqwotuhvuvziztvhuzibneodylrcxp