Comsol electric field lines. See attached picture 2.
Comsol electric field lines Any advice? Apr 4, 2017 · Dear COMSOL users, I am working on my thesis and currently I have some questions regarding electric field line distribution in COMSOL. Regards, Nafeez In this paper, the dynamic mode of the electric current module in COMSOL® Multiphysics is used to assess the electric field, within a 2D geometry representing the hybrid insulation (gas/polymer), commonly found in electrotechnical equipment. May 3, 2012 · I've recently been using Comsol 4. I have parallel plate across a sphere immersed inside a liquid (can be seen in the attachments). 1V. Nov 1, 2022 · Defining Electric Field Lines. I had chosen electric current or electrostatics as my physics interface. See attached. In the Streamline Positioning section, adjust streamline parameters to get nice plot for magnetic field lines Good luck, Sep 21, 2022 · Slice plots are great for visualization, but if you need numbers, it is better to plot quantities at points or along lines. The model also illustrates the strength of using the boundary element method (BEM) for modeling, which is used by the Electrostatics, Boundary Elements physics interface. Also I had defined the boundary for electric potential and ground. I am attaching the file. 39 to -0. This is probably not what you wanted. In this paper, the dynamic mode of the electric current module in COMSOL® Multiphysics is used to assess the electric field, within a 2D geometry representing the hybrid insulation (gas/polymer), commonly found in electrotechnical equipment. May 15, 2024 · The Electric Field from Power Lines and Magnetic Field from Power Lines models, available in our Application Gallery, feature two towers that transmit high voltage three-phase AC power. If you still need help with COMSOL and have an on-subscription license, please visit Electric field lines length. 3a 2 Replies Nikola Bralovic In this paper, the dynamic mode of the electric current module in COMSOL® Multiphysics is used to assess the electric field, within a 2D geometry representing the hybrid insulation (gas/polymer), commonly found in electrotechnical equipment. The plates are separated by a distance “d”. Does COMSOL caters E-Filed attenuation and phase changes automatically as wave travels into different multi-layers medias? 3. In this paper a field calculation program called COMSOL Multiphysics® is used. Sep 9, 2013 · Electric field lines, Current density lines Posted 2013/09/09 6:54 GMT-4 RF & Microwave Engineering Version 4. m. Results>3D Plot Group 2. Dec 2, 2012 · Use the following steps to create magnetic stream lines: 1. Jun 20, 2013 · Once computed and rendered, the electric field lines show an asymmetry in their presentation: that is, the field lines don't *look* computationally wrong, they just aren't symmetric across axes. What source do you prefer to use for E-field incidence in RF problem in 2-D. In this example, transverse electromagnetic (TEM) type ports and a via type lumped port are used to simulate two adjacent microstrip lines. Top right: Line above plane. It seems that "Cut Line 2D" can only be used for a straight line. 2) Use Stationary solver. Next, we’ll explore two examples showcasing the use of modeling and simulation for analyzing the electric and magnetic fields produced by power lines. 2a, Version 4. 0a, Version 4. But I got trouble when I tried to define the Data Sets. However, what I want is a broken line. EDT RF & Microwave Engineering Version 4. So, if the electric potential as a function of time is specified at a boundary, then both the conduction current and the displacement current into the model are specified, and that is nonphysical. Pour en savoir plus sur le rôle de la simulation dans l’étude de l’exposition aux champs électromagnétiques, consultez le Blog COMSOL : Investigating Magnetic Field Exposure Near Transmission Line Dec 22, 2010 · Dear all, I am new to COMSOL multiphysics software. 2. Jun 20, 2013 · Good afternoon, I'm working on a project involving the electrostatic potential between two electrodes. Mar 5, 2015 · In each of these models, the transmission line operates in TEM mode, with the electric and magnetic fields normal to the propagation’s direction along the cable. It should in general not be used to excite a model. May 15, 2024 · Figure 3. See attached picture 2. Like the electric fields model, the phases in this model are also separated by 120 º. 2, after using another in-house 3D FEA package for quite sometime. His team used their simulation to determine the electric field strength and electric potential around different surfaces of the transmission line hardware. EDT Electromagnetics, Low-Frequency Electromagnetics, Charged Particle Tracing, Particle Tracing for Fluid Flow Version 5. ” Feb 9, 2016 · I have tried the max/min volume to get the highest electric field in GIS tank but when I put the coordinate that I got from max/min volume to domain point probe, the result was different. Apr 9, 2015 · Electric field lines length Posted Apr 9, 2015, 5:27 a. When i try to simulate for electric field lines, using the streamline function by the magnitude controlled option i get non symmetric lines even though my model is symmetric. Feb 9, 2016 · The analytic line in the left plot, “Attenuation Constant vs Frequency”, is computed using the same equations as the high-frequency (HF) lines used for comparison with the results of the AC/DC Module simulations. EDT Low-Frequency Electromagnetics Version 4. but one thing I've been able to do before, was plot the electric field across a line. 0 1 Reply Electric Field Lines. 01m, for example) cylindrical electrodes with radius equal to radius of your coloumn on the bottom and on the top of the coloumn. Thanks-----Josh Feb 9, 2016 · The analytic line in the left plot, “Attenuation Constant vs Frequency”, is computed using the same equations as the high-frequency (HF) lines used for comparison with the results of the AC/DC Module simulations. After further investigation, I have discovered that the electric field in general corresponds well with my expectations, in that the electric field is strong across the resistive elements, and weak Jul 3, 2015 · Electric field lines inside the conductor Posted Jul 3, 2015, 3:23 a. Feb 25, 2020 · Hi, I am a new user to COMSOL. 2 to get the electric field. I am new in COMSOL and trying to get longer field lines and electric field to show the difference of varying voltage and gap in an experiment. Ebx) = -0. Jan 29, 2017 · Beautiful streamlines for magnetic field lines of Helmholtz coils Posted Jan 29, 2017, 8:36 a. I tried to get the x, y and z component of highest electric field. In this tutorial, towers transmitting high voltage three-phase AC power are modeled, and the resulting magnetic field is computed. It was important to capture the height and suspension of the power line cables in 3D. I want to to vary the length of that needle and simulate equipotential lines in all cases. I'm interested in knowing the quantitative data of the electric field (along with data from other pieces of computed physics) at certain spatial X,Y,Z coordinates. If you still need help with COMSOL and have an on-subscription license, please Apr 4, 2017 · Dear COMSOL users, I am working on my thesis and currently I have some questions regarding electric field line distribution in COMSOL. 2010, 03:56 GMT-8 Low-Frequency Electromagnetics, Electrochemistry Version 4. Oct 12, 2023 · You have overlaid two kinds of arrow plots: streamline arrows and field volume arrows. COMSOL Multiphysics® is a powerful simulation software that uses finite element method (FEM) to simulate multi-field problems. 0 1 Reply Santiago Villavicencio May 15, 2024 · Electric Fields from Power Lines Model; Magnetic Fields from Power Lines Model; Pour aller plus loin. As the equation suggests, the boundary condition only guarantees that the tangential components of E and E 0 are equal. 45 V/m. Jul 19, 2013 · FORUM locations of a given Field value; KNOWLEDGE BASE Two-Phase Flow Modeling Guidelines; FORUM Getting same value of electric field even after changing the material ; BLOG Sampling Random Numbers from Probability Distribution Functions; FORUM electric field line electric field value Nov 7, 2010 · If you still need help with COMSOL and have an on-subscription license, please visit our Support Center for help. EST Low-Frequency Electromagnetics, Modeling Tools & Definitions, Parameters, Variables, & Functions, Results & Visualization Version 5. Aug 17, 2023 · This is the sum of the conduction current and displacement current, and the electric field is computed from \mathbf{E}(t) = -\nabla V(t). A picture showing the asymmetry across the X- and Z- axes is attached below. Mar 12, 2019 · Hello Qazi Ahmed Your Discussion has gone 30 days without a reply. Apr 10, 2015 · electric field line electric field value Posted Apr 10, 2015, 8:03 a. g. In the result I could view the Multislice Electric potential. Top left: Coaxial. Can anyone help me, please? I want to compute and plot the electric field intensity and the equipotential surfaces produced by two parallel plates at their midway and at a point closer to any one of the plates (if it's possible to simulate at points of our own choice). I'm not sure what you mean by "the area is cover does not grow. If I plot the background field in the xy-plane, I am supposed to get a fairly constant value. Application Library path: ACDC_Module/Devices Jan 5, 2012 · I've recently been using Comsol 4. May 15, 2024 · A model illustrating power lines sending electricity over long distances. Power lines are commonly used as a means of transmitting electrical power across large distances. However, now I would like to see how the e-field changes with respect to time along a certain path or line in the structure? So, it is basically a 1D plot of time-varying e-field along a straight line. Any advice? In this paper, we use COMSOL Multiphysics to study electric field distribution and scattering parameters of ZnO-PCL nanocomposites when placed inside a rectangular waveguide and as an overlay on a microstrip at microwave frequency (8-12 GHz). I have simulated the e-field distribution on the surface. but I get real(emw. I am doing electrospinning in which polymer nanofibers of the order of nanometer diameters are produced by applying a high voltage(of the order of 10-15 kV) at the tip of a syringe and collecting the fibers on a grounded collector of aluminium sheet which kept at a distance of 10-15 cm from the tip. ) Red and blue represent positively and negatively charged surfaces (See attached picture 1). The contours are lines of equal value, in your case the x component of the field strength. Red and blue represent positively and negatively charged surfaces (See attached picture 1). My study type is frequency domain in this Dec 2, 2012 · Use the following steps to create magnetic stream lines: 1. May 2, 2013 · I then tried to do a line integral of the electric field between the two sensor outputs, and I was surprised to find the expected voltage of 0. Bottom left: Two wire. 3a 2 Replies Nikola Bralovic Dec 18, 2024 · I am new in COMSOL and trying to get longer field lines and electric field to show the difference of varying voltage and gap in an experiment. 12. Apr 21, 2018 · A file is attached. Sep 9, 2013 · Electric field lines, Current density lines Posted 2013年9月9日 GMT-4 06:54 RF & Microwave Engineering Version 4. 4 | ELECTRIC FIELD FROM POWER LINES Results The electric field norm from the wires at ground level is shown Figure 2, along with streamlines showing the direction of the electric field, Figure 2: The electric field norm (surface) and the electric field (streamlines) from the transmission lines. ” He then explained, “Above a certain voltage, the electric field ionizes air molecules and creates corona discharge. g, I was able to plot the electric field (graph) on the surface of a conductor/insulator or any other object, in a straight line, given the co-ordinates. I am not sure what went wrong. Posted 2011年12月17日 GMT-5 10:50 Low-Frequency Electromagnetics, Materials, Modeling Tools & Definitions, Parameters, Variables, & Functions, Results & Visualization, Studies & Solvers 1 Reply Sep 11, 2013 · I wanted to visualize how the electric field lines develop between oppositely charged electrodes of various shapes. Thanks-----Josh Jan 24, 2011 · Hi! 1) First try Electrostatics (es) physics. I wanted to visualize the distribution of the electric field between oppositely charged electrodes to know its effect on human blood RBCs during separation as shown in the figure attached. 3 0 Replies Ganesh Avhad Electric field lines, Current density lines Posted 09. Regards, Nafeez Dec 18, 2024 · I am new in COMSOL and trying to get longer field lines and electric field to show the difference of varying voltage and gap in an experiment. 3) To get the correct field you need to add to your model the electrodes: draw thin (you can take 0. 3a 2 Replies Nikola Bralovic Jan 18, 2025 · Top electrode: Straight line with center gap (set to 100V) Bottom electrode: Parabolic curve f(x) = ax² (set to Ground) Air domain between electrodes Issue: Electric field lines are penetrating through the conductor surfaces, particularly: Going straight through the bottom curved electrode Curving up beyond the top plate surface Feb 9, 2016 · The analytic line in the left plot, “Attenuation Constant vs Frequency”, is computed using the same equations as the high-frequency (HF) lines used for comparison with the results of the AC/DC Module simulations. lets say I expect to get real(emw. For Electric field lines mapping Posted 22. 3a 2 Replies Nikola Bralovic Electric field lines inside the conductor Posted 2015年7月3日 GMT-4 03:23 Low-Frequency Electromagnetics Version 4. These examples will focus on the strength of the fields and their distribution in relation to the power lines and towers. The electric field (red) and magnetic field (blue) are purely in the cross-sectional plane between the two perfect electric conductors (black) and the dielectric within (light blue) is homogeneous. Jan 31, 2022 · Hello everyone, I am new in comsol. The geometry I am using has a sawtooth boundary. The towers are equipped with two shielding lines above the phase lines to prevent damage from lightning strikes. Regards, Nafeez Images of the four true TEM transmission lines. EDT 0 Replies . Their normal components might deviate depending on specific situations. When visualizing the z-component of the electric field, the polarity of differential signals can be displayed with a couple of colors . Mar 11, 2020 · Hello! I am a new user to COMSOL. I am however confused with some results. Posted 2015年4月9日 GMT-4 05:27 Electromagnetics, Low-Frequency Electromagnetics, Charged Particle Tracing, Particle Tracing for Fluid Flow Version 5. So minimizing the total energy provides in a method to find u(x) whose electric field distribution is similar to the (x). The electric field lines. Jan 24, 2011 · Hi! 1) First try Electrostatics (es) physics. Sep 11, 2013 · I wanted to visualize how the electric field lines develop between oppositely charged electrodes of various shapes. Leman told me, “If you’ve ever stood near a transmission line, you’ve probably heard the buzzing noise is makes. Can anyone help me please? I wanted to generate equipotential lines distribution between 2 parallel metal plates that have a needle like structure attached to one of the plates (attached to plate with zero bias in my case). " 3. In particular, we don't want to reconstruct the photodiode but simply to say to comsol that a spherical wave of initial amplitude E0 note starts from a given surface. 09. The total flux through a closed surface equals its enclosed charge. Ebx) = {-0. The towers have two shielding lines. That’s the noise you hear. Sep 19, 2013 · 2) How can I visualize the Electric Field inside the vacuum? What I did so far was (using the electric current-module) applying a terminal to the lower left corner and defining a potential (20kV), and defining ground on the upper right corner. If you still need help with COMSOL and have an on-subscription license, please visit our Support Center for help. FORUM electric field line electric field value; Jun 20, 2013 · Good afternoon, I'm working on a project involving the electrostatic potential between two electrodes. Posted Nov 1, 2022, 2:42 p. Application Library path: ACDC_Module/Devices Nov 1, 2022 · Defining Electric Field Lines. However, when I tried to plot the electric field lines along the intersection regions between oppositely charged surfaces, Comsol added those lines in two directions (red and blue curves) but not in the third direction. Feb 16, 2015 · Hi! I am new to COMSOL and I have a very simple model consisting of 2 electrodes. 2013, 06:54 GMT-4 RF & Microwave Engineering Version 4. The Electrostatics (es) interface (), found under the AC/DC>Electric Fields and Currents branch when adding a physics interface, is used to compute the electric field, electric displacement field, and potential distributions in dielectrics under conditions where the electric charge distribution is explicitly prescribed. The electrical field distribution around three 380-kV AC systems and one 400-kV bipolar DC system is analyzed. For the vacuum I used Helium gas and set the electric conductivity to 10^-40. They used their results to predict which areas were most susceptible to corona discharge, and gained valuable knowledge about how insulator assembly designs can be modified for better Apr 21, 2018 · A file is attached. The electric field is conservative. 建模所需的 comsol ® 产品组合取决于多种因素,包括边界条件、材料属性、物理场接口及零件库,等等。 不同模块可能具有相同的特定功能,详情可以查阅 技术规格表 ,推荐您通过免费的试用许可证来确定满足您的建模需求的正确产品组合。 Sep 9, 2013 · Electric field lines, Current density lines Posted 2013/09/09 6:54 GMT-4 RF & Microwave Engineering Version 4. Because of this, modeling a 2D cross section is enough to calculate the fields and impedance, and the models are solved with a Mode Analysis study feature. , plot the electric field along the x axis, or something like that. In the line graph you see a pretty constant field strength along the line. Any advice? Jan 29, 2017 · Beautiful streamlines for magnetic field lines of Helmholtz coils Posted Jan 29, 2017, 8:36 a. . Comsol Tutorial: Electric Field of a Charged Sphere, Brice Williams, Wim Geerts, Summer 2013, 3 larger [1]. 503}. There are multiple ways to excite and terminate transmission lines using different types of port and lumped port features. Regards, Nafeez In this tutorial, towers transmitting high voltage three-phase AC power are modeled, and the resulting electric field is computed. so for e. The surface charge at a material interface equals the jump in the normal component of the displacement field. Mar 8, 2015 · 1. Faraday's law (electrostatics) The electric field is irrotational. The figure shows the rotational symmetry of electric field around the conductor, which is expected due to the symmetry of the cable. In the magnetic fields model, each phase line conducts a 1000 A current. The formulation is Sep 9, 2013 · Electric field lines, Current density lines Posted Sep 9, 2013, 6:54 a. (E. 3 0 Replies Ganesh Avhad Mar 11, 2020 · Hello! I am a new user to COMSOL. Dec 14, 2020 · To analyze the low-frequency magnetic fields of the parallel transmission lines, Holmquist modeled both transmission lines at different frequencies in 3D in the COMSOL Multiphysics® software. The electric field norm (surface) and the electric field (streamlines) from the transmission lines. I am wanting to measure and plot the electric field along Line Segment 1, 2, 3, and 4. Posted 2022年11月1日 GMT-4 14:42 0 Replies . In the expression to plot, define Magnetic flux density vector {Bx,By,Bz}, or Magnetic field vector {Hx,Hy,Hz} 4. For Red and blue represent positively and negatively charged surfaces (See attached picture 1). The equipotential field lines are parallel to the ground sheath. Sep 11, 2013 · I wanted to visualize how the electric field lines develop between oppositely charged electrodes of various shapes. That's ok. The electric field norm of a differential line composed of two microstrip lines is plotted in Figure 4. If you don't already have a line in your model where you would need one, create a "cut line" in post processing, and then you can then create conventional (classic cartesian) plots with very easily readable axes and numbers. In this tutorial, towers transmitting high voltage three-phase AC power are modeled, and the resulting electric field is computed. Feb 14, 2019 · All field lines start and end on charges. Electric Field Between Concentric Cylinders Application ID: 105501 This introduction model creates a simple model of the electrostatics problem with two concentric cylinders of infinite length, which is commonly found in textbooks. Hello, I'm still very inexperienced using Comsol. Because of the uniqueness theorem u(x)= (x) if e(x)=0. A default magnetic insulation boundary condition is Jun 17, 2021 · The electric field tangent to the surface is always zero, and thus the integral of the electric field along any line on that surface is zero. Posted Dec 3, 2019, If you still need help with COMSOL and have an on-subscription license, please visit our Support Power lines are commonly used as a means of transmitting electrical power across large distances. And I am trying to get the electric field along the sawtooth. 3a 1 Reply Muhamed Shareef May 3, 2012 · I've recently been using Comsol 4. Dec 3, 2019 · Electric Field Lines Distribution at Tips. If anyone can help me with this. EDT Low-Frequency Electromagnetics 0 Replies Santiago Villavicencio Aug 4, 2016 · Problem: I have a defined antenna structure. Magnetic Fields Model. However, the surface currents are defined as \mathbf{J = n \times H} , where \mathbf{ H} is computed from \mathbf{\nabla \times E} = -j \omega \mathbf{H} , so the currents are nonzero, even though the specifies the tangential component of the electric field. 3D Plot Group 1>Streamline 3. I had chosen electric current or electrostatics as my physics interface. For my thesis I need to observe the propagation of the electric field emitted by an UVC led. Firstly, I went through the COMSOL document for choosing the correct physics (ec and es). 3a 2 Replies Nikola Bralovic 建模所需的 comsol ® 产品组合取决于多种因素,包括边界条件、材料属性、物理场接口及零件库,等等。 不同模块可能具有相同的特定功能,详情可以查阅 技术规格表 ,推荐您通过免费的试用许可证来确定满足您的建模需求的正确产品组合。 Jan 24, 2011 · Hi! 1) First try Electrostatics (es) physics. Aug 16, 2024 · Thank you very much for your help. Its either line point source, point dipole, electric field at some boundary or background E-field? 2. ) Jun 10, 2014 · Electric field strength at the surface of the dead-end assembly. Dec 3, 2019 · Hello Qazi Ahmed Your Discussion has gone 30 days without a reply. If you want to view the strength of electric field quantitatively, create another type of plot. 2a 0 Replies The equipotential lines are close to each other where the electric field intensity is high and vice versa. For Mar 12, 2013 · In your 2D PlotGroup 2 you plot field contours and not field lines (stream lines). The analytic line in the right plot, “Effective Refractive Index vs Frequency”, is simply n = \sqrt{\epsilon_r\mu_r}. npkwsokenuboeuvogjrrqjbmmogxnmdwaxgywgoxyxqxuvnhiipqixeqobjmqedyeubg