Connecting helix to studio monitors. Sorry for the long essay haha.

Connecting helix to studio monitors Connect Helix Computer speakers/headphones Connect the Helix to the interface Microphone input Helix output Guitar input Basically I want to set my Windows output as the Interface: Where I can hear my voice and Helix at the same time. Quick question about connecting Helix with Audio Interface & Monitors Just moved into a house and finally have room to set up an little studio kinda thing. If I had studio monitors they would also be plugged into the Helix with XLR. Yes, you need a stereo connection (i. If I connect the stomp via USB to the mac, and I'm playing guitar through the stomp, is there a way to make the audio from the stomp go out my studio monitors without physica Mar 6, 2021 · Hello, Helix noob here. I'm using a pair of studio monitors (Presonus Eris) that are plenty loud for my practice room. rampan Member. IRs, presets, patching and routing. I would move to connect my android phone aswell as my Helix to them My phone would play backing tracks then. I have been looking into getting a new interface recently so that's why I know about the MOTU and Focusrite. Any suggestions would be appreciated. For all things related to the Line 6 Helix/HX family. Apr 20, 2020 · so I have decided that I would like to use my Stomp with studio monitors. The Helix sends fully processed stereo audio on USB 1&2, along with a dry mono signal on USB 7. Aug 19, 2021 · Time to back to Helix, I had a stomp ealier in the year and liked it a lot but didn't give it enough time and set up, didn't use IRs/mic settings etc, and only used it to see how good the amp emulation was (really good to me). I've landed on pretty expensive ones so I have some saving up to do. The director monitor might indeed be mono, I'm guessing they just put each input down the middle, but if you're willing to suffer the ~2ms latency or so, you can monitor post converters through the Scarlett Mix Control software mixer in full glorious stereo. Basically once the Helix is turned on, all sounds come from the Helix. However, I am not sure how I can connect the Helix to the studio monitors. right now i have my line 6 helix connected to my monitors. Decent studio monitors will usually outperform most FRFRs in terms 'flatness' and 'full-rangeness' as well as clarity and precision. 1/4" OUT Use unbalanced 1/4" TS cables to connect to your guitar amp, FRFR speaker(s), studio monitors, or other playback system. Treat the default patches as (sometimes over-the-top) examples of what the HXS can do. I only track dry guitars into Logic, but monitor the effected signal through the D-Box simultaneously. You can even record direct into your computer via USB with the HX Stomp. I also have used an alto ts310 and Powercab in the past. If you are playing bass, you may want to add a subwoofer if your speaker response disappears below around 60hz. I just brought my Helix up to my office, where the DAW computer is. May 16, 2017 #2 Now I'm able to connect Helix digitally with no problems, even more I Feb 6, 2024 · I have to move my Helix around quite a bit, so I would like to learn how to connect my Helix to my Studio USB 1824c via S/PDIF. Kann mir jemand gute und günstige Monitore für diesen Zweck empfehlen? Die Monitore sollen in einem kleinen Raum links und rechts vom PC-Monitor stehen For all things related to the Line 6 Helix/HX family. Apr 23, 2017 · Line 6 Helix Mac Mini Pro Tools 10 Studio monitor speakers . As it stands, I have the L/Mono output of the Stomp running into the Instrument 1(L) input of the Motu M4. Thanks for confirming that. headrush 108) This video shows how to connect studio monitors to an audio interface using audio cables to connect the audio interface to the studio monitors (speakers). I have also studio monitors but use these more like studio monitors for the DAW and producing than as speaker for the Helix. I only use my 2i2 for my every day PC audio needs and rarely using the XLR in, so it is on all the time. Connect the Helix LT to your computer via USB and connect your speakers to the Helix audio outputs. It has an M-Audio 24/96 ASIO sound card which drives a pair of brand new active nearfield monitors. I have a ton of speaker options (including Yamaha HS8s) and I honestly mostly play through headphones. Dec 16, 2019 · I have a Helix Stomp and it sounds great though studio monitors and headphones but kind of thin and tinny thought PA speakers or tube amp. My advise is that if you play at a desk, in front of a computer, go for studio monitors. Configure your computer to use the Helix as its audio device (this should happen automatically but you may need to do it manually). But you can switch between them in your audio panel, for example when you don`t want to switch on your Helix when watching a movie or YouTube. Note: Your Rokit G4 monitors have friction lock, Neutrik combo connectors for the input. Studio monitors, actual recording studio reference monitors, are not in the same food group as Headrush 108. Yep it’s now fully compatible with m1 and earlier macs. g. When I stop playing I turn the Helix off and sounds are now played by the laptop speakers or headphones plugged into the laptop. Use an XLR cable or TRS (tip, ring, sleave) 1/4” balanced cables to connect to your interface, mixing board or monitor controller. The Firepod uses a firewire connection, but a USB port would make it so much easier to connect with most computers. Mar 6, 2021 · Hello, Helix noob here. Hey all, I just got my HX Stomp today and I've loaded in the presets I've made on Helix Native. I've setup mine and my brother's as portable stereo studio monitors before, for mixing on the road. 4) then a way Ableton could send backing track to the XLR out monitors And helix playing my guitar sound out of lineouts as usual Thanks If you already own studio monitors, then of course you can use them. I really thought they were all I wanted. . I don’t have native but use helix edit and logic to control my helix floor via usb. Jul 24, 2018 · On the second topic, I have Tannoy 8in studio monitors. I have studio monitors (rokits) and Sennheiser HD600s, I had to seriously edit my patches for the Sennheisers because there were so many “artifacts” and weird noises I had to EQ out That being said, I love having both options, but understandably that’s pricier. Coming form POD Go, I use 1/4" cables to connect the POD's "Balanced/Unbalanced outputs" to my ROKIT 5 studio monitors. The Helix USB is connected to my iMac 5k Retina running Logic Pro X. He says I should use a guitar amp, or connect the stomp to a PC and then the monitors… May 17, 2024 · View All Studio & Recording Recording Audio Interfaces Microphones & Wireless Studio Monitors Studio Mixers & Control Surfaces Preamps & Channel Strips Signal Processing & 500 Series Audio Recorders Audio Players Right now i have monitors connected to Helix and i can use them also for PC music, if helix is on. I also run a second output from the helix to the interface. Loud enough for small gigs, probably loud enough for a stage monitor with FOH, get the 112 though if you'll be gigging med/big shows. However, I'm new to the HELIX and, as you know, now I have two outputs "Balanced XLR" and "Unbalanced 1/4" so my question is, may I use my 1/4" balanced cables to co Active Studio monitors are simply small scale PA systems that have (typically) better fidelity/frequency response than the larger PA. Two notes. May 6, 2020 · Right. (jack 6,3mm) May 5, 2020 · Hey fellow Helix fans, I'm sort of new to the studio monitors and searching for a solution. my question is, will there be any problem having two devices Apr 16, 2018 · Learn how to run Helix through a powered speaker cabinet. Use helix’s headphone out, that’s what it’s there for. I'm mostly a guitarist, and I don't have a stand alone audio interface, I just use my Line 6 Helix LT which connects to USB (and to my studio monitors) which I can record with in Ableton or Reaper or whatever. When i want to play Guitar i obviously use my helix into the same monitors, the problem i had was using two interfaces o When I have used it with my Helix Floor or HX Stomp it does a very impressive job -- also at really close near field. At the end of the day, you can only be sure if you try them. Currently, I connect the Helix to my computer, run Logic pro and then add an audio track so I can hear the Helix. You might want to keep the Scarlet 2i2 for recording vocals, though you can probably connect a mic to the HX Stomp using a cheap “Hi-Z” cable or adapter. I used a presonus Eris 8 (studio monitor) the most. Hi, My friend recently lent me his micro Korg and I'm trying to get it working with my setup. Remember that the Helix - used this way - is not trying to sound like an amp in a room. DIR contain amp+cab sims and can go to PA or FRFR montors, FX / 4CM don't have an amp+cab and are supposed to go into an actual amp. I want to get a Helix back in front of me, played through a pair of near field studio monitors - about 2 meters away. FRFRs are designed to be more flat to offer a cleaner canvas for the modeller. Sorry for the long essay haha. Jan 15, 2018 · You don't need a mixer. So if the Helix sounds so good through my cheap studio phones, I reasoned, it must AT WORST sound as good with studio monitors and probably even better. In both cases the level is very low: I have to crank the Helix up to max and then increase the volume of the speakers a lot to even hear anything at all. Aug 13, 2017 · Sounds like I need a pair of decent monitors. When I'm at home I play through my studio monitors and it sounds good. I also have an OT question. I run both my Helix LT and a Focusrite Scarlet 2i2, both interfaces go to my yamaha HS-8's. Playing guitar on monitors and listening to a different audio source through headphones at the same time. I really recommend 1 playing through an actual PA or studio monitors atleast or getting some decent headphones and importantly a headphone amp to give the headphones some improvement ( this made a world of difference and partially why the helix sounded bad through my usually very nice hd6xx) You'll be fine. Feb 11, 2024 · First, my Helix floor has my powered 8” studio monitors connected to the rear XLR out. For actual studio work and Helix, the Tannoys are great. What about the yamaha hs7? They seem highly regarded on the forum. Jan 5, 2023 · I currently have my helix connected to 2 Yamaha HS7 studio monitors. Cheap, gets as loud as you might want in a home setting, easy to use. I was mostly using it through headphones, but I also have Yamaha HS8 Monitors and a behringer umc204hd interface. I use headphones, studio monitors, a powered PA type speaker or a Powerstage amp and 2x12 cab depending on mood and what I’m up to. I tried 80 and 100 hz low cuts and high cuts at 4000 hz on the cabs. I connect the Helix gear's stereo out to the THR10C's Stereo Aux In. The thing about monitors is they can be outrageously expensive items and the prices you see are usually for a single speaker - ouch. Again, use helix as your interface. All audio from Logic (or any other audio source) is sent back out to the Helix input set to Jan 2, 2021 · Currently I have a mac laptop hooked up to an audio interface and studio monitors. I'd like to run my HX Stomp into my DAW via USB but when I switch the audio device from Focusrite USB to HX Stomp I get no output. Jul 20, 2021 · So if the Helix sounds so good through my cheap studio phones, I reasoned, it must AT WORST sound as good with studio monitors and probably even better. This is supposed to be an upgrade over a Boss Katana 50 MKI, mainly for practicing and having fun, so getting a "real amp" feel is more important than suitability for mixing and recording. Buying studio monitors just for a kemper seems weird though. You can connect your ilouds to the Helix outputs, either 1/4' or XLR. The studio monitors are connected to the Motu M4 and when I run a test volume does come out. For sitting a few feet away and developing quality tones that will project well at high volume, use studio monitors. It's also quite obvious that the others listed can sound radically better, but these are not even the same category (the price difference is like 3x, duh). But you will have to connect them to the Helix. How do you connect/setup so that I'm connected to the FRFR and the studio monitors but only hear guitar out of the FRFR and everything else (DAW output) out of the studio monitors? I used a presonus Eris 8 (studio monitor) the most. Top 10 Best studio monitors for line 6 helix Tuner Instruments Connecting Helix To Studio Monitors I currently have my helix connected to 2 yamaha hs7 studio monitors. But I have to say, for just live type jamming along to songs, backing tracks, Rocksmith, etc. I can direct monitor the helix without going trough the interface, while at the same time I can also record without any issues (since im also runing the helix into the interface). I actually took Helix to Guitar Center and tried them all and preferred these over the others. ly/line6marketplace-saditesTonex Tone Models: https://bit. But bought an Helix Stomp, planning to connect it to my studio monitors, by using amp modeling. When using a single amp or speaker, connect only the LEFT/MONO 1/4" jack. Currently, I connect the Helix to my computer, run Logic pro and Jul 14, 2019 · However, I am not sure how I can connect the Helix to the studio monitors. two cables) to get stereo FX. I've been going through the necessary equipment and I've read that it is a bad idea to plug in two audio sources to the monitors at the same time (PC and HX Stomp). For home, studio monitors are the best choice if your goal is accuracy. Dec 14, 2023 · ️ Link to all Line 6 Preset Packs HERE: https://jimmy-cooper. The difference between PA speakers and studio monitors is that when pushed up against design constraints, studio monitor designers will prioritize a flat response while PA speaker designers tend to prioritize volume and coverage. I have run my Helix through both, and while I love the power of the FRFR setup, I play through my studio monitors 90% of the time simply because it’s more convenient. Aug 17, 2022 · I've tried to connect either with a stereo 1/4" from the Helix headphone out to the speakers' RCA inputs or with 2 mono 1/4"s from the Helix L&R outs to the RCAs. Feb 1, 2024 · Helix --> XLR L/R outs --> MOTU M2 --> studio monitors connected via 1/4 cables MOTU 2 --> usb connected to MacBook Pro My only remaining question - is it better to use the 1/4 outs from the Helix, or the XLR outs? I assume they would basically be the same? Mar 24, 2024 · Help with Helix and studio monitor setup I recently got my HS5 studio monitors and have connected them to my helix floor with the 1/4” to 1/4” cables. I haven't used the Katana at all unfortunately. For me, the studio monitors option sounds ideal since I already have a pair of monitors. I connected it thru the 1/4 jack and it plays fine with the system. What I do when tracking guitars with my helix Lt is use the helix as the interface via usb, monitoring and recording the 'wet' signal, but also recording a dry signal which you can take at the same time on input 7 or 8 (can't remember) - that lets you mess around with re-amping the dry signal later on. For live use, FRFR or IEMs. Connected this way the Yamaha's DSP is entirely bypassed and the unit is functioning merely as a stereo powered monitor. It’s just an external screen with a few hot keys. Loved the thing, really good frfr for such a cheap price. Connect Helix to your computer via usb and make sure your computer uses Helix as its audio device for recording and playback. Basically any studio monitor and PA is 'FRFR' without mentioning it. I was interested in getting a HX Stomp. Sound so good through the studio monitors but not thought PA speakers. Hello, I want to connect my Helix to an Audio interface so I can sing and play at the same time. Apr 22, 2020 · Im trying to order a 1/4 inch to xlr male cable but i wanna know first if its gonna work. I would recommend a powered PA speaker if you’re not going to use the monitors for a studio too. Feb 24, 2023 · You say that you have a preference for the sound you hear from Shure buds, then a Studio Monitor system might be a better option allowing you the full range of tone from the Helix. You can use both your old Logitech Speakers and the Helix/T5V, but not simultaneously. If you already own studio monitors, then of course you can use them. Yamaha HS5) (just one or a pair) 3) wedge type monitor (e. 3) Helix connected to another pair of Monitors just for backing track using XLR outs. The Powercab felt the best, but the alto gave me the best feedback on what my front of house sound is like. 6 days ago · Using the Helix as my audio interface and using Reaper as my DAW. com/worship-tones ️ POD Go Course HERE: https://jimmy-cooper. 00:00 - Overview00:06 - Connecting to a PA00:23 - Mixer Channel Strip01:05 - Phantom Powe I recently bought a helix LT and was trying to connect it with my PC. I monitor the Helix audio through a different interface for zero latency, but simultaneously use the Helix USB connection to record into the DAW, giving me both the processed and DI signals. I'd like to just be able connect the helix to the interface and use the monit Jul 14, 2019 · I have read many articles and they all recommend connecting it to a powered cabinet or a pair of studio monitors. I know people use them, but they are the cheapest product in a line produced by the cheapest modeling competitor to Line 6. Jul 21, 2021 · At the moment my playing is about 70% through headphones and I have been very, very satisfied with the tones through my Samson cans. For a bedroom player you likely won't need a whole lot of volume, so I'd suggest a pair of decent Studio Monitor, a small FRFR ( full range, flat response), or a pair of studio headphones. I've checked the global settings and the output level is set to line. com/pod-go-for-w Jul 27, 2020 · In my room that's my office/studio control room (whole upstairs can be used as studio recording space and use remote control of the digital console and computer downstairs), I have a Presonus Studiolive 32 Series 3. Which i would like to avoid - i'd like to watch a youtube video without opening the helix too. e. However, the guy at the store says it could not be done due to frequency response of the monitors. Sep 16, 2020 · My go-to recommendation for studio monitors for amp modeling is the tried and true, and cheap, JBL LSR305 (MKII, these days). Is there a way for me to cut some of the highs out of just that speaker. Basically, I want to have my computer set up with audio monitors (probably HS5s or Eris 5s if that matters) through a Focusrite Scarlett 2i4. Enter the Sterling Audio MX-8 active studio monitors. They were the cheapest studio monitor I could find that was readily available for purchase in an 8 inch woofer or above at that time, and at $99 a piece at GC (still), they made as great a set of monitors from which to experience a Helix, or any other DSP machine made for guitar for that matter. On a Mac, this is possible by creating an Aggregate Device in the Audio/MIDI Setup application. ly/tonexpresetsToneNet Profile What I do when tracking guitars with my helix Lt is use the helix as the interface via usb, monitoring and recording the 'wet' signal, but also recording a dry signal which you can take at the same time on input 7 or 8 (can't remember) - that lets you mess around with re-amping the dry signal later on. Am I able to connect two studio monitors to my helix, connect the helix to my computer via USB, and then with the HELIX Native Plug-in interface play directy through my studio monitors? Thanks in advance and apologies for the noob question. Can get loud for home / studio use. Just got myself a brand new Helix Floor to play in my bedroom, and now I'm looking into monitors. mykajabi. I would suggest headphones first and monitors later on, to have the choice. Apr 28, 2023 · Just so you know, studio monitors and PA speakers both are "Full Range, Flat Response" speakers. I am connecting the helix from mono\left jack into Input 1 of the audio interface, with an instrument cable. You can get a $200 headrush or a $1000 Atomic CLR. This allows me exactly what you are talking about. As for how you listen to Helix at home, there’s no ‘best’ method really. If you want to use the monitors without the stomp you preferably would use an audio interface but depending on the inputs on the monitors you may be able to get away with a headphone jack to RCA or 1/4" cable from your computer's headphone jack to the monitors. More simply: What are the pros and cons of (for home use): 1) a surround sound home stereo (which I already own) 2) Studio monitors (e. If inspiration strikes while I’m playing through my monitors, I’m already set up to record- just open the DAW, set the click track, and get playing. Regular cabs act like strong, very detailed EQs. Jul 16, 2019 · Hey Guys, I just purchased a Helix floor unit a few days ago and really liking it so far. In the global preferences on helix I’ve set the 1/4” setting to Line and the level knob on the back of the monitors in the centre position which is +4dB. I successfully got pass through audio by connecting Helix S/PDIF out to 1824c S/PDIF in, and changing clock to S/PDIF in the interface, and also changing Helix global settings to match the interface and DAW. When connecting the helix via usb to my pc, the volume knob affects also the volume coming out of my pc (like spotify, youtube, etc). You can use an 1/8” to Stereo 1/4” unbalanced (mono) to hook up directly to a phone, computer or music player. The studio monitor is used the most because of volume reasons, and it’s pretty close to the alto in sound. I wouldn't even call the Presonus "studio monitors", they're more on the hi-fi side. Для вашего запроса найдены видео: Best budget studio monitors for the line 6 helix // kali audio lp6v2, Line 6 helix for professional musicians w/michael paynter, Kali audio lp 8 v2 demo - frfr cab vs studio monitors 26. Jul 21, 2021 · Hello Team. The Helix Floor or LT can plug straight into your PC and act as your interface, yes. Is there any way to make the output the studio monitors connected But you will have to connect them to the Helix. So I'm not going mad then. I would like to try and incorporate my headstrong as a center speaker on the floor. the playback system you use really matters. Right now i have monitors connected to helix and i can use them also for pc music, if helix is on. I use my stomp as my audio interface - hooked up USB to computer and output direct to speakers. I've got everything hooked up where I can play to a JBL 15" plus horn monitor, and/or Presonus studio monitors with a 10" sub. The sky’s the limit as far as price on these. and also i will like to connect my audio interface to the xlr input of the monitors. PC Sound will then be routed through the Helix to them. A lot to learn. hard to beat for the price. Personally, I run my Helix Rack/Control's XLR outs into an Apogee Symphony and its AES/EBU out into a Dangerous D-Box monitor controller. If you play in a practice space with other people go for FRFR. It's emulating a full studio recording setup, with post-compression, EQ, microphone preamps, etc. I then run the mixer outputs to the monitors. Adjust your computer volume level to balance the levels. Hey all, I am a complete novice in regards to effects etc. The Friedman cabinet is also a really nice method if you like the feeling of an real Amp in the way it looks like an stage amp and when set up really loud you have that feeling of moving air at the legs. Set up help - Line 6 Helix with studio monitors, Scarlett 2i2, Schiit AMP/DAC, headphones and mic at the same time. Sadly Ipads don’t work with touch screen when using side car. Jul 15, 2019 · The main difference is that studio monitors are near-field speakers (your ears are meant to be in front of them and are usually 4"-8" speakers). I would like to hear it directly through my studio monitors that are connected to the computer with an interface (presonus 22vsl). I also have the USB port of the Stomp plugged in and running into my Mac so I can utilize HX Edit. You don’t need the audio interface. I have my eyes of Yamaha HS 7's. It’s probably best to set your live patches up using the setup you’ll be using live though. Mar 26, 2019 · Ich habe mir gerade einen HELIX LT gekauft und möchte mir dazu noch aktive Studio Monitore kaufen. #line6 #line6helix #focusriteLine 6 Marketplace Presets: https://bit. Jan 4, 2020 · I think I over complicated things in my previous question. How to connect to PAs, active monitors, power amps, and guitar amps. I just bought a pair of studio monitors (Adam T7Vs) for my HX Stomp and I am wondering what precautions I should take to prevent clipping. Because of that thought, and because my budget had it's limits, I sold my combo amp along with the Stomp and a few pedals to finance the LT. Kann mir jemand gute und günstige Monitore für diesen Zweck empfehlen? Die Monitore sollen in einem kleinen Raum links und rechts vom PC-Monitor stehen Dec 8, 2024 · 2) Helix LT connected to Studio Monitors just for my guitar output from helix patches using left and right line outs. It's a Windows laptop if that helps. May 5, 2018 · The Fender and Helix are different devices that do similar things; you typically wouldn't use both at the same time. I could connect the monitors to main outs on the interface if I wanted to record that way. igf gfjawq nuosn nlief xedrs oejux ygrn ogojqz hts xouing utzn rqe ufbiz wkyn exuzqzz