Epa list of toxic chemicals. Mar 7, 2023 · Only if it is a fume or dust form.
Epa list of toxic chemicals Jan 13, 2021 · Details changes made to the TRI list of reportable chemicals since the beginning of the TRI Program. This web area will allow stakeholders to search and view centralized chemical info from various systems. Fact Sheet on EPCRA Section 313 Rulemaking - Persistent Bioaccumulative Toxic Chemicals (pdf) (5. The list was intended to be used by EPA and states as a starting point to ensure that Effluent Guidelines regulations, water quality criteria and standards, and NPDES permit requirements addressed the problems of toxics in waterways. Apr 18, 2024 · EPA also provides information about specific chemicals and how you can protect yourself, your family and your community. under TSCA that do not otherwise qualify for an exemption or exclusion. EPA's Risk-Screening Environmental Indicators (RSEI), a screening-level tool that uses TRI data along with other information, produces results that provide context and enable relative comparisons of potential health-related impacts from reported toxic chemical waste management activities. May 6, 2024 · First Ten Chemicals for Risk Evaluation: On December 19, 2016, EPA published a list of 10 chemical substances that are the subject of the Agency’s initial risk evaluations, as required by TSCA section 6(b)(2)(A). Jul 14, 2023 · Under EPCRA section 313(c), Congress established an initial list of toxic chemicals subject to EPCRA toxic chemical reporting requirements that was comprised of 308 individually listed chemicals and 20 chemical categories. Under Section 7321 of the NDAA, EPA must review any such chemicals before the chemicals are added to the TRI list (NDAA Section 7321(e)). TRI PBT Chemicals; Row # Chemical Name CAS Number EPA's IRIS Substance File (Risk Information) 1: Aldrin: 0000309002 : 2: Benzo[g,h,i]perylene: 0000191242 : 3: Chlordane Jun 16, 2023 · EPA is increasing the utility of the Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) to the public by adding PBT chemicals to the TRI list and by lowering the reporting thresholds for some of these chemicals. Clean Water Act (CWA) Priority Pollutant List. 4 Million Pounds in Mid-Atlantic Region. §2605). p-Dichlorobenzene. The P-list identifies acute hazardous wastes from discarded commercial chemical products. Reporting thresholds classified by the TRI Program as chemicals of special concern are either 10 pounds or 100 pounds, which is much lower than the reporting threshold for most TRI chemicals. 11. In order to list wastes EPA conducts a more specific assessment of a particular waste or category of wastes. Dec 18, 2024 · WASHINGTON – Today, Dec. 4 should be used as the official means to determine if a given chemical or substance is reportable. 65. Jan 12, 2021 · EPA makes changes to the TRI chemical list through EPA-initiated review and through the chemical petitions process. Dec 8, 2016 · The current TRI toxic chemical list contains 595 individually-listed chemicals and 31 chemical categories (including four categories containing 68 specifically-listed chemicals). All five chemicals were selected from the 2014 TSCA Work Plan, which is a list of chemicals identified by EPA for further assessment based on their hazards and potential for exposure. The list of active chemicals includes those known to be in commerce after June 2006. These hazardous chemicals, for which material safety data sheets (MSDS) must be developed EPA developed a list of 77 toxic substances and 63 flammable substances This is the list of extremely hazardous substances defined in Section 302 of the U. Nov 4, 2024 · In separate, unrelated actions, three of the 25 chemicals (1-bromopropane, nonylphenol, and 1,2,5,6,9,10-hexabromocyclododecane) were previously added to the TRI chemical list. The list contains 65 entries. SCIL List. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the latest Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Inventory. Environmental Protection Agency announced that it will formally designate five known or probable carcinogens as High-Priority Substances (HPS) that will undergo a risk evaluation under the nation’s chemical safety law, the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA): acetaldehyde, acrylonitrile, benzenamine, 4,4’-methylene bis(2-chloroaniline) (MBOCA) and Aug 24, 2020 · The Toxic Pollutant List was developed in 1976 and subsequently added to the Clean Water Act by Congress in 1977. Nov 14, 2016 · Chemical Categories; Category Name TRI Category # Reporting Threshold (in pounds unless noted otherwise) Dioxin and dioxin-like compounds (manufacturing; and the processing or otherwise use of dioxin and dioxin-like compounds if the dioxin and dioxin-like compounds are present as contaminants in a chemical and if they were created during the manufacturing of that chemical) For toxic or concerned chemical substances above the control concentration standard, additional information of the hazard ingredient shall be labeled on the containers, packaging and placard, including their English name, Chemical Abstract Service Registry number, weight percentage concentration ; it also shall be labeled with the words Sep 12, 2024 · In addition, EPA is also authorized to regulate under section 6 of TSCA: Chemicals defined under section 6(h) of TSCA. EPA has published three final rules that lowered the Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) reporting thresholds for certain persistent bioaccumulative toxic (PBT) chemicals and added certain other PBT chemicals to the TRI list of toxic chemicals. Aug 31, 2020 · List of Lists was prepared to help firms handling chemicals determine, for a specific chemical, whether they may be subject to the following reporting requirements under Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know, CERCLA, and Clean Air Act. The tables below list the name, identification number and reporting threshold for each. The TSCA Inventory is a list of all existing chemical substances manufactured, processed or imported in the U. 31 through 261. Nov 30, 2022 · EPA has also classified one of the chemicals, 1,3,4,6,7,8-hexahydro-4,6,6,7,8,8-hexamethylcyclopenta [g]-2-benzopyran, as a persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic (PBT) chemical and designated it as a chemical of special concern with a 100-pound reporting threshold. Tiered Testing Methods. Some examples (and their respective waste codes) are: Jan 14, 2025 · The CERCLA list of hazardous substances can be found at 40 CFR part 302. 4; 33 U. EPA identified five chemicals meeting these criteria. Nov 28, 2016 · Details changes made to the TRI list of reportable chemicals since the beginning of the TRI Program. View More News Releases About Chemicals And Toxics → . Senate and House of Representatives, are championed by Mar 10, 2025 · The Toxics Release Inventory tracks the management of certain toxic chemicals that may pose a threat to human health and the environment. The list of TRI chemicals can be found at 40 CFR 372. regulations developed that list wastes as hazardous in §§ 261. Mar 3, 2025 · These organisms are food sources for other organisms, including humans, which are sensitive to the toxic effects of PBT chemicals. 4. Additionally, EPA will soon release and take public comments on a draft list of manufacturers and importers of these chemicals to help determine the appropriate division of fees as required under the TSCA fees rule. EPA previously identified Acetic acid, [(γ-ω-perfluoro-C8-10-alkyl)thio] derivs. Under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) and the Pollution Prevention Act, EPA evaluates potential risks from new and existing chemicals and finds ways to prevent or reduce pollution before it gets into the environment. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published updated Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) data about toxic chemical waste management, including releases, and pollution prevention activities that occurred during 2023 at more than 20,000 industrial and federal facilities across the country. Jul 1, 2015 · This includes their synonyms and threshold quantities (in pounds) to help assess if a process is subject to the RMP rule. Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (42 U. Aug 6, 2020 · The Consolidated List of Chemicals Subject to the Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act (EPCRA), Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) and Section 112(r) of the Clean Air Act (EPA550-B-10-001) (List of Lists) is a consolidated chemical list that includes chemicals referenced under several EPA Dec 18, 2024 · As part of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Section 6 risk management process, EPA may require an Existing Chemical Exposure Limit (ECEL) as part of a Workplace Chemical Protection Program (WCPP) to ensure that workers and others in the workplace, referred to as potentially exposed persons, are protected from serious health risks from inhalation exposures of certain chemicals. Current as of January 12, 2021. 10536 are subject to a claim of protection from disclosure. EPA denied the inorganic fluorides petition in a Federal Register notice published on May 29 There are 16 PBT chemicals and 5 PBT chemical compound categories that are subject to Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) reporting under Section 313 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA). Jan 3, 2025 · Under NDAA section 7321(e), EPA must review CBI claims before adding a PFAS to the TRI list if the chemical identity is subject to a claim of protection from disclosure under 5 U. EPA anticipates continually updating this list. The P-list can be found at 40 CFR section 261. Dec 17, 2024 · EPA defines a commercial chemical product for P and U list purposes as a chemical that is either 100 percent pure, technical (e. Jan 17, 2025 · Section 8 (b) of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) requires EPA to compile, keep current, and publish a list of each chemical substance that is manufactured or processed in the United States for TSCA uses. The U. These chemicals build up in the environment over time and can Oct 1, 2024 · EPA is adding 27 chemicals to the list and updating listings of 23 chemicals on the list to reflect the state of the science, including marking one for removal after 12 months. Jan 24, 2025 · As required under section 6 (h) of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), as amended by the Frank R. The CERCLA list of hazardous substances is currently comprised of the following lists: CWA Hazardous Substances per CWA section 311(b)(2) [40 CFR 116. ” These include PBT (persistent bioaccumulative toxic) chemicals and PFAS (per/polyfluoroalkyl substances). All or some subset of these 43 chemicals may be available in neat form. EPCRA Section 313 Chemical List For Reporting Year 2019 (including Toxic Chemical Categories) Toxics Release Inventory Reporting Forms and Instructions II-1 Individually listed EPCRA section 313 chemicals with CAS numbers are arranged alphabetically starting on page II-3. Jan 7, 2021 · As required under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), as amended by the Frank R. As a result, the TRI list of reportable toxic chemicals can vary from year to year. 9582 and/or 40 CFR 721. Relationship between CWA Section 307(a)(1) and the Toxic Pollutant List It is important to note that the chemicals included in the 33/50 Program are in no way meant as a list of the most toxic or most environmentally damaging chemicals. Nov 12, 2024 · List of Lists was prepared to help firms handling chemicals determine, for a specific chemical, whether they may be subject to the following reporting requirements under Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know, CERCLA, and Clean Air Act. 15. Rather, these chemicals were selected based on recommendations from each of EPA's program offices. The list can be found as an appendix to 40 CFR 355. EPA evaluated toxicity and epidemiology data for these chemicals and determined that these nine PFAS compounds meet the criteria for listing as a RCRA Jan 19, 2021 · The Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) gives EPA the authority to take action to address unreasonable risks to public health or the environment from chemicals currently on the market. 33 Aug 9, 2024 · The Clean Water Act references the Toxic Pollutant List at section 307(a)(1); 33 U. Today, the U. CAS # Chemical Name; 107-20-0: Acetaldehyde, chloro-591-08-2: Acetamide, N-(aminothioxomethyl)-640-19-7: Acetamide, 2-fluoro-62-74-8: Acetic acid, fluoro-, sodium salt Oct 26, 2020 · The Safer Chemical Ingredients List (SCIL) is a list of chemical ingredients, arranged by functional-use class, that the Safer Choice Program has evaluated and determined to be safer than traditional chemical ingredients. Aug 26, 2022 · WASHINGTON – Following through on the Biden-Harris Administration’s commitment to tackle environmental injustice and improve public health, the U. Jan 10, 2025 · The Safer Chemical Ingredients List (SCIL) is a list of chemical ingredients, arranged by functional-use class, that the Safer Choice Program has evaluated and determined to be safer than traditional chemical ingredients. EPA defines a commercial chemical product for P and U list purposes as a chemical that is either 100 percent pure, technical (e. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is taking a significant action under Administrator Regan’s PFAS Strategic Roadmap to protect people and communities from the health risks posed by certain PFAS, also known as “forever chemicals. This list of 31 Priority Chemicals replaces the list of 53 chemicals EPA identified in its 1998 Federal Register "Notice of Availability: Draft RCRA Waste Minimization Persistent, Bioaccumulative and Toxic (PBT) Chemical List" [Federal Register: November 9, 1998. Released Oct. Under the accident prevention provisions of section 112(r) of the CAA (also known as Risk Management Program or RMP), EPA developed a list of 77 toxic substances and 63 flammable substances. C. Threshold quantities (TQs) were established for these substances. EPA received a petition requesting the addition of a category of inorganic fluorides to the TRI chemical list. These are certain chemicals that meet the statutory criteria for persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic chemicals as described in section 6(h) (15 U. For dioxin and dioxin United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics Washington, DC 20460 April 1994 EPA 745-B-94-001 TOXICS RELEASE INVENTORY List of Toxic Chemicals This document provides a quick reference list of the chemicals for which reporting is required under Section 313 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) (commonly referred to as the f. TRI Chemical List Changes (PDF) (20 pp, 260 K, January 12, 2021) Description: Section 8 (b) of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) requires EPA to compile, keep current and publish a list of each chemical substance that is manufactured or processed, including imports, in the United States for uses under TSCA. Current as of December 2015. Nov 4, 2024 · EPA has classified one of the chemicals as a persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic (PBT) chemical and designated it as a chemical of special concern with a 100-pound reporting threshold: 1,3,4,6,7,8-Hexahydro-4,6,6,7,8,8-hexamethylcyclopenta[g]-2-benzopyran, or HHCB. Introduction . Feb 7, 2025 · This page includes an into on the unspecified toxic chemicals module, candidate causes, ways to measure toxic chemicals, simple and detailed conceptual diagrams for toxic chemicals, toxic chemicals module references and literature reviews. Jul 2, 2024 · EPA may also propose or set an EPA Short-Term Exposure Limit (EPA STEL), expressed as a 15-minute TWA. Some chemicals pose risks to humans and the environment. List of Next 20 Chemicals. This page provides ways to download the non-confidential Inventory and offers help in using these downloaded files. Dec 20, 2019 · The agency will finalize the list of low-priority chemicals in early 2020. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act, EPA issued five final rules in December 2020 to reduce exposures to certain chemicals that are persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT). 33. For isopropyl alcohol, the qualifier is “only persons who manufacture by the Jan 21, 2025 · Released January 17, 2025. Sep 1, 2016 · Chemicals can be found in many of the products we use in our everyday lives. EPA plans to prioritize the following chemicals for risk evaluation under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA): Acetaldehyde (CASRN 75-07-0), Acrylonitrile (CASRN 107-13-1), The names and CASRNs for some of the chemicals listed under 40 CFR 721. 2. Of the remaining 10 chemicals, EPA determined that the available data for nine chemicals were not sufficient for EPA to find that the chemicals meet the EPCRA §313 Nov 14, 2024 · List of 43 chemicals procured but found to be insoluble in DMSO at 5mM or lower. 1344-28-1: Only if it is a fibrous form. Learn how to safely handle chemicals, the effects of certain toxins, which substances are controlled or managed, and safer alternatives. Jun 16, 2023 · CAMEO Chemicals is an emergency response and planning tool. HPV Chemicals List. TRI Chemical List Changes lists all of the additions to and deletions from the TRI chemical list and indicates the first or last reporting year U. Mar 7, 2023 · Only if it is a fume or dust form. Chemicals designated on EPA’s list of pollutants as HAPs (hazardous air pollutants) Use of renewable resources, such as biobased solvents from citrus, seed, vegetable, and pine oils. If the members of the four delimited categories are counted as separate chemicals, the TRI Program covers 690 chemicals and chemical categories (i. EPA plans to develop a separate document for characteristic wastes. 355, 370, and 372. Volume 63, Number 216. v March 2024 (3) CAA Section 112(r) List of Substances for Accidental Release Prevention. Toxic chemicals that persist and bioaccumulate are of particular concern because they remain in the environment for significant periods of time and Oct 21, 2020 · First TRI Chemical Petition. 1. , in U. The list appears in the Code of Federal Regulations at 40 CFR 401. This rule provides communities with important information about how these Apr 10, 2024 · As part of this effort, in June of last year, EPA developed a Strategic Plan detailing how it would develop and implement the use of NAMs and published a list of acceptable NAMs. The chemicals are broken out into five US EPA: List of Lists EPA 550-B-21-001 Introduction v April 2022 (3) CAA Section 112(r) List of Substances for Accidental Release Prevention Under the accident prevention provisions of section 112(r) of the CAA (also known as Risk Management Program or RMP), EPA developed a list of 77 toxic substances and 63 flammable substances. The list below is a subset of reportable substances and includes chemicals on the EPA Comptox Chemicals Dashboard that meet this rule’s structural definition of PFAS, including chemical substances from the publicly available TSCA Inventory and Low-Volume Exemption submissions that would meet the structural definition (~10% of the total number Nov 14, 2016 · Chemical Categories; Category Name TRI Category # Reporting Threshold (in pounds unless noted otherwise) Dioxin and dioxin-like compounds (manufacturing; and the processing or otherwise use of dioxin and dioxin-like compounds if the dioxin and dioxin-like compounds are present as contaminants in a chemical and if they were created during the manufacturing of that chemical) Dec 14, 2023 · If, during the 12-month long statutory process, EPA designates these five chemicals as High Priority Substances, EPA will then begin risk evaluations for these chemicals. EPA released the scopes in June 2017, the problem formulation documents in June 2018, and started releasing draft risk evaluations Jan 13, 2025 · EPA List C, List D, List E and List F have been retired and were consolidated to the EPA’s Registered Antimicrobial Products Effective Against Bloodborne Pathogens (HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C) [List S] for more accessibility and to make the disinfectant list more useable by the general public and healthcare providers. Where the Clean Air Act Section 112(r) program has been delegated to a state, that state may have additional requirements for the federally listed chemicals, and/or additional listed chemicals. To be listed as a hazardous constituent under RCRA, scientific studies must show that the chemical has toxic, carcinogenic, mutagenic, or teratogenic effects on humans or other life forms. Jan 8, 2025 · Under the 2020 National Defense Authorization Act, PFAS get automatically added to the EPA’s TRI chemical list once the agency reviews a chemical and assigns it a toxicity value. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act, EPA has taken action to reduce exposures to certain chemicals that are persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT). Two of the entries in the EPCRA Section 313 chemical list contain a qualifier relating to manufacture. Jan 30, 2025 · EPA has released the latest TSCA Inventory (2/2024). , commercial) grade or the sole active ingredient in a chemical formulation. The list of EPCRA EHS chemicals can be found at 40 CFR 355 Appendix A (alphabetical order) and Appendix B (CAS number order). Toxics Release Inventory - List of Toxic Chemicals within the Glycol Ethers Category (PDF) (209 pp, 461 K) Under Section 7321 of the NDAA, EPA must review any such chemicals before the chemicals are added to the TRI list (NDAA Section 7321(e)). EPA: List of Lists EPA 550-B-24-001 . The Inventory contains 86,741 chemicals of which 42,293 are active in U. , Bu esters for addition to the TRI list based on the NDAA’s provision EPA: Acutely Toxic Chemicals List Updated September 2021 T:\Documentation\EHS-Updates\Acute Waste Codes. Information about what types of substances are on the TSCA inventory can be found here. This inventory report must be submitted to the State or Tribal Emergency Response Commission (SERC or TERC), Local or Tribal Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC or Oct 18, 2016 · You may need a PDF reader to view some of the files on this page. . docx United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Acutely Toxic Chemical Name EPA Waste Code CAS # Acetaldehyde, chloro- P023 107-20-0 Acetamide, N-(aminothioxomethyl)- P002 591-08-2 Acetamide, 2-fluoro- P057 640-19-7 May 8, 2024 · The EHS list was first compiled by EPA, and subsequently incorporated into EPCRA, to identify chemicals that could cause serious irreversible health effects from accidental releases. 4 “List of Hazardous Substances and Reportable Quantities”. This list is designed to help manufacturers find safer chemical alternatives that meet the criteria of the Safer Choice Program. Jan 17, 2025 · The non-confidential portion of EPA’s Toxic Substances Control Act Chemical Substance Inventory (TSCA Inventory) is updated approximately every six months. Page 60332-60343]. There are also New Chemical Exposure Limits (NCELs) under section 5 of TSCA. , 595 + 27 + 68). EHSs are listed in 40 CFR Part 355 . In proposing these five chemical substances as High-Priority Substances for risk evaluation Nov 1, 2024 · 10/31/2024 listserv to announce updated 2023 TRI data. Table II. Mar 10, 2025 · PBT Chemicals Final Rule. If at the end of the risk evaluation process EPA determines that a chemical presents an unreasonable risk to health or the environment, the agency must The list below is a subset of reportable substances and includes chemicals on the EPA Comptox Chemicals Dashboard that meet this rule’s structural definition of PFAS, including chemical substances from the publicly available TSCA Inventory and Low-Volume Exemption submissions that would meet the structural definition (~10% of the total number 8 hours ago · The EPA also would be forbidden from using them to map the health risks from toxic chemicals. Certain substances are generally excluded from TSCA, including, among others, food, drugs, cosmetics and pesticides. For example, the Priority Pollutant list is more practical for testing and for regulation in that chemicals are described by their individual chemical names. g. [2] List of Export EPA Chemical Lists. [1] Updates as of 2006 can be seen on the Federal Register, 71 FR 47121 (August 16, 2006). Feb 21, 2025 · All five chemicals were selected from the 2014 TSCA Work Plan, which is a list of chemicals identified by EPA for further assessment based on the combination of hazard, exposure (including uses), and persistence and bioaccumulation characteristics. Many of the entries, such as "haloethers," are for groups of pollutants. Sep 9, 2024 · The Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976 provides EPA with authority to require reporting, record-keeping and testing requirements, and restrictions relating to chemical substances and/or mixtures. If there is a discrepancy between the hazardous substance name and the listed CAS Registry Number, the hazardous substance names appearing in Table 302. g. C. ECELs apply to chemicals already on the TSCA Inventory, which are referred to as existing chemicals, and regulated under TSCA section 6. The list of EHS chemicals can be found at 40 CFR 355 Appendix A (alphabetical order) and Appendix B (CAS number order). 31, 2024. This program includes an extensive chemical database with critical response information for thousands of chemicals, as well as a reactivity prediction tool that allows you to see what hazards might occur if chemicals in your collection were mixed together. e. 1317(a)(1). Low VOC content. ” More on Priority Chemicals. PFAS List. 4 in Table 302. Apr 24, 2024 · Regulated hazardous materials (e. 18, the U. In addition, EPA is also authorized to regulate under section 6 of TSCA: Chemicals defined under section 6(h) of TSCA. When a chemical is added to the TRI list, facilities that use, process, or manufacture it in certain amounts must provide detailed reports to the EPA about their Dec 20, 2016 · The Priority Pollutant List makes the list of toxic pollutants more usable, in a practical way, for the purposes assigned to EPA by the Clean Water Act. Today’s action fulfills Objective 2 of the Plan, which is to Maintain and Regularly Update a List of NAMs. Nov 6, 2024 · The EPA P-List consists of acutely hazardous wastes (aka, toxic) that are primarily discarded chemical products in pure or commercial form. 552(a). Therefore, the chemicals that are subject to a claim of protection from disclosure will not be added to the EPCRA Section 313 toxic chemical list until EPA completes the process provided by Section 7321(e) This consolidated list does not include all hazardous chemicals subject to the reporting requirements in EPCRA sections 311 and 312, for which material safety data sheets (MSDS) must be developed under the Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR1910. Jan 8, 2025 · EPA has classified some TRI chemicals and chemical categories as “chemicals of special concern. Aluminum oxide (fibrous forms). S. How did EPA consult with small businesses in the development of this rue? Jul 24, 2024 · Chemicals Proposed as High-Priority Substances for Risk Evaluation. 1200). 65 KB) PBT Final Rule Summary (pdf) (8. Chemicals on the original list that do not meet toxicity criteria but because of their acute lethality, high production volume and known risk are considered chemicals of concern (“Other chemicals”), November 17, 1986 and February 15, 1990. S commerce. Clean Air Act Hazardous Air Pollutants. Learn more. Management Program or RMP), EPA developed a list of 77 toxic substances and 63 flammable substances. Reporting requirements for releases of CERCLA chemicals are in 40 CFR part 302, with list of CERCLA hazardous substances in 40 CFR 302. 68 KB) PBT Final Rule - October 29, 1999 (PDF) (88 pp, 789 K) PBT Chemical Guidance Documents for Reporting Facilities Oct 29, 2024 · Facilities that need to submit SDSs or the list of hazardous chemicals under Section 311, also need to submit an annual inventory report for the same chemicals (EPCRA Section 312). The bills, filed earlier this year in the U. The P-List has 24 members. § 11002). See EPA’s About PDF page to learn more. EPA and NIH researchers are working together to use new chemical testing approach methods to test 150 PFAS chemicals. EPCRA section 313(d) authorizes EPA to add or delete chemicals from the list and sets criteria for these actions. Under EPCRA Section 313, the public can petition EPA to add chemicals to or delete chemicals from the TRI list. The Agency will “list” them if they meet criteria set out in 40 CFR 261. 2024-2025 Chemicals Initiated for Prioritization Sep 12, 2024 · In addition, EPA is also authorized to regulate under section 6 of TSCA: Chemicals defined under section 6(h) of TSCA. 1321(b)(2)] Dec 27, 2023 · Changes To The TRI List Of Toxic Chemicals Chemical Deletions and Modifications (last reporting year for the chemical or for the unmodified listing is in parenthesis) CAS Number Chemical Name 67-64-1 Acetone; (1993) 1344-28-1 Aluminum oxide (delisted non-fibrous forms only); (1988) Jun 3, 2024 · What is the TSCA Chemical Substances Control Inventory? Section 8 (b) of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) requires EPA to compile, keep current and publish a list of each chemical substance that is manufactured or processed, including imports, in the United States for uses under TSCA. Oct 5, 2020 · EPA Data Shows Release of Toxic Chemicals Down by 11. Dec 19, 2024 · EPA has identified at least 1,462 PFAS currently covered by TSCA that may be covered by this rule as of February 2023, 770 of which are on the active Inventory (i. It can be searched in multiple ways. US EPA: List of Lists EPA 550-B-22-001 Introduction v December 2022 (3) CAA Section 112(r) List of Substances for Accidental Release Prevention Under the accident prevention provisions of section 112(r) of the CAA (also known as Risk Management Program or RMP), EPA developed a list of 77 toxic substances and 63 flammable substances. Regulations. Mar 10, 2025 · This page will focus on TSCA chemical data such as health and safety studies, risk assessments and hazard characterizations. commerce). products classified as hazardous waste; products that trigger OSHA hazard communication requirements). EPA is also moving fragrances from the SCIL to a more comprehensive list of all approved fragrances to make it easier for product manufacturers to find fragrances that Nov 21, 2024 · Pollutants added to the list of hazardous air pollutants: 1-bromopropane – On January 5, 2022, EPA issued a final rule to add 1-bromopropane (1-BP) to the Clean Air Act's list of hazardous air pollutants. EPCRA Section 313 Chemical List For Reporting Year 2020 (including Toxic Chemical Categories) Toxics Release Inventory Reporting Forms and Instructions II-1 The EPCRA Section 313 chemicals are listed beginning on page II-3. Ammonia (includes anhydrous ammonia and aqueous ammonia from water dissociable ammonium salts and other Sep 9, 2020 · The Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976 provides EPA with authority to require reporting, record-keeping and testing requirements, and restrictions relating to chemical substances and/or mixtures. You may need a PDF reader to view some of the files on this page. nteybv uizpn qjrlx suuojubk iqxfbjjg umeenmqo wtjhth xwd tbj syfg usnfrs ced dcxxel midqy gdgjha