Gw2 rifle engineer build. Aug 10, 2021 · GW2.

Gw2 rifle engineer build You picked the right starting weapon which is the rifle, and imo the best utility skills you can have early in the game are rocket boots and elixir U. Feb 5, 2025 · In Guild Wars 2, the Engineer is one of the three Adventurer professions, the others being Thief and Ranger. Mech Arms: Jade Cannons. Edited July 1, 2022 by Horky. 15 votes, 21 comments. Any A or rifle with elixirs (the potion looking skills, not the kit) and turrets is fine for core engi levelling, don't worry too much. youtube. Build heat in Photon Forge as quickly as possible while prioritizing 3/4. Aug 30, 2024 · Our collection of Guild Wars 2 Engineer builds is available to help out all types of players and raiders, from those just getting started, through to experienced veterans. Feb 27, 2023 · Low-Intensity Flamethrower is one of the easiest builds to play in the game, which features permanent Stability granting near immunity to CC passively What Is LI? LI stands for "Low-Intensity". However, you can increase your damage by leveraging 100% quickness uptime. The build makes use of Rifle 's synergy with Throw Wrench to land deversating ranged bursts capable of one-shotting some of the tankiest builds. Mar 14, 2025 · Overview. Dec 17, 2023 · Engineer builds for Guild Wars 2. But I think considering it's core, and power rifle at that, it's quite effective at what it can do. Oct 28, 2019 · The build simply doesn't have the staying power or damage to succeed otherwise. Power Engineer . Which boons are we producing? Mar 9, 2022 · Fight alongside your mechanical companion with our Guild Wars 2 Condition Mechanist build. It's a very simple build to play, but you have above average survivability, superior CC/breakbar damage, and very good utility. Engineer Builds Jul 6, 2022 · Fight alongside your mechanical companion with our Guild Wars 2 Power Mechanist build. May 26, 2024 · This build is probably the easiest build to play for core engineer at the moment. Feb 22, 2025 · Rifle. Mar 8, 2025 · Overview. Mar 29, 2024 · Core Condi Engi is a Condition Damage based F2P PvP build for Engineers who don't own the expansions, or simply want to play a decent core build. Because the Engineer is the source of damage, the Engineer should be the target of most of our boons. This build can also optionally use Pistol/Pistol, with both a 1-kit and 2-kit variation – these variants can be found at the top of the page. 2507 Power Alacrity Mechanist is a versatile build, providing permanent and 25 stacks of when paired with any Quickness Build. Dec 8, 2023 · The Burn Condi Holo is a great alternative for GW2 Open World PvE Engineer players to try something out besides grenades for a fast and fun experience that i Mar 9, 2019 · The build from the link works not with Strength Runes, it works with Superior Rune of the Chronomancer. Spear - A high risk, high reward weapon equally as viable as Rifle Mar 8, 2025 · Rifle/Hammer Mech is the best Mid Tier spec in the game. May 11, 2024 · However, it is the optimal build for pylon duty on Qadim the Peerless. Dec 27, 2024 · PvP build for Engineer in GW2 that focuses on Hybrid damage and Mobility. Feb 27, 2022 · The Power Holosmith Open World is a fast-paced engineer build with mobility, self buffs, and heavy burst damage from melee and range. net/editor/?PeQAQlxyuYuMLWMOsTax Sep 11, 2020 · Role: Assassin The Power Tools Holosmith is an Engineer WvW build that uses the low cooldown of specific Tool Belt skills to constantly trigger the Static Discharge trait, which when combined with other traits that trigger on-hit like Explosive Entrance can make it hard for enemies to react to the quick bursts. Like its cousin Deadeye - Power DPS D/D, this build relies heavily on allies to provide boons and conditions for Premeditation and Exposed Weakness. Jun 28, 2022 · 10-15 might, perma fury, perma alac, perma quickness, ranged, insane breakbar damage. Nov 25, 2014 · This build is designed for Conquest Structured Player versus Player Overview. Published Jan 8, 2024 Updated Aug 28, 2024. This forum post is about Mechanists using the rifle weapon. Engineer WvW. Its really good when facing maning enemys at Zergs, but is not that good in 1v1 or 2v2. Couple of reasons: 1) Ranged gameplay makes it easier to position yourself well in fights and makes it easier to have high dps uptime. Aug 17, 2022 · Like, comment, & subscribing really helps the channel as well as getting the video out there, cheers!Build: [&DQMGJh0qKy3ZEgAADhMAAMwSAAAnEwAAgxIAAAAAAAAAAAA Mar 29, 2024 · Core Condi Engi is a Condition Damage based F2P PvP build for Engineers who don't own the expansions, or simply want to play a decent core build. slap as many sigil utility skills as possible. Rifle can be taken instead of Hammer if you do not have access to Oct 15, 2023 · A detailed guide on the Power Holosmith in Guild Wars 2. For similar builds using other weapons see Deadeye - Power DPS D/D and Deadeye - Power DPS P/P. He was pulling like 33KDPS on Sabatha… Rifle is basically only viable in competetive. Nov 1, 2024 · Our collection of Guild Wars 2 Engineer builds is available to help out all types of players and raiders, from those just getting started, through to experienced veterans. Published Mar 15, 2025 Updated Mar 5, 2025 Open World - February 2025 Balance Mar 14, 2022 · Fight alongside your mechanical companion with our Guild Wars 2 Power Alacrity Mechanist build. Apr 8, 2024 · The core "burst" rotation inside looks like this:. One build can run all PVE content in the game. The Shift Signet passively copies all boons you gain to your Jade Mech, which means it will also gain plenty of Might and Quickness from the tool belt Others have given good advice, I will advice something a bit different but maybe useful. On the holo build u should only use the exceeds while ur over 50 heat. For food, go cheap and get Avocado Smoothie and Tin Fruit Cake. Soooo. An easy-to-play Power Mechanist WvW roamer that's built around spamming Rifle Burst with Quickness to maintain constant pressure. grenade is strong, especially the toolbelt skill, but takes a little getting used to with the ground targeting. tl;dr - here is my ideal PvE Grenadier build (consider Explosives VII instead of X for Might-heavy groups), and here is my ideal WvW Grenadier build (use Tools IV instead of IX for roaming). For engineer, rifle is a ranged power weapon, p/p is a condition weapon, and shield is usually a support weapon or other apecific case you need block or more crowd control. Build Fundamentals Jan 7, 2025 · Rifle Burst Scrapper is a Power based PvP build for Engineers. Like, comment, & subscribing really helps the channel as well as getting the video out there, cheers! Build: http://gw2skills. Utility. Jun 28, 2022 · This seems to be a parse using a bomb kit. Dec 1, 2023 · First, the concept is neat and there are some things to consider when looking to get damage here. I run High Impact Drivers, throw mine, and the dragon trinket set up for my build. While the Rifle is not as good as the melee Thief weapons for chasing kills, it can maintain its damage for longer from a safe position. So if at any point in the fight do other targets spawn that need to be killed you can usually get stand inside the bosses hitbox and attack the other mob and hit both of them even if they are up to 1200 away from eachother. Recover ammunition for each of your other rifle skills and fully recharge your rifle burst skills. This build can choose from several different weapon variants – Rifle has slightly lower DPS than the two melee options, but comes with the advantage of being able to DPS from range. Damage increases with adrenaline level. LI builds are a class of builds that work to slow the game down drastically by using passive defense and builds that require very low input to function. Well, in fire arms I preffer High Caliber than Sanguine array. Very effective for me, however, your mileage may vary. Mar 8, 2025 · Rifle/Hammer Mech is the best Mid Tier spec in the game. Rifle has below average damage when compared to other options for Engineer. Mainly because in WvW there are many open spaces to fight. For the optional slot: Feedback - high anti-projectile uptime, quite useful against specs like Rifle Deadeyes or Longbow Dragonhunters. + blood reckoning 3. Jobber. Published Mar 9, 2022 Updated Feb 18, 2025 Raids - February 2025 Balance Jan 8, 2024 · Purchase Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds while supporting Snow Crows. See below for details on the mechanics of the burst. Engineer Builds. May 6, 2019 · Quit right before Heart of Thorns since back then the warrior+GS had been nerfed to the ground, complained about it on the forums and nothing ever happened. Jul 2, 2022 · The Power Mechanist DPS is an engineer build that does sustained damage from range and has one of the easiest rotations ever, making it great for any players who want to start in end-game content while allowing them to focus on learning the fight mechanics and not looking at their skill bar. And they might need some improvements but i think it will do pretty fine. Power Scrapper . Take explosives, tools, and firearms. Just takes some settling in to before you understand what it's capable of. 6348 Posted November 23, 2020 I managed to make a serviceable bunker type build in sPVP abusing net turret and Rifle immobilizes. I was hoping I would find a knowledgeable soul who could guide this poor chap and help fill in the huge gaps in my understanding of this game. Sep 27, 2022 · Using , this build relies on effective Heat management as you passively lose heat outside of Photon Forge, and expects that you exit Photon Forge before overheating. 6 days ago · Fight alongside your mechanical companion with our Guild Wars 2 Power Mechanist build. Note that unlike the two melee variants, Rifle uses . Jan 2, 2021 · Power CannonBeen enjoying this build a lot. Guild Wars 2 end-gamer but loving many other games as well. Jun 23, 2021 · I've been playing around with jank builds for PvE recently (soloing champions and bounties, that kind of thing) and found myself riffing on this build from metabattle Holosmith - Condi Holo - MetaBattle Guild Wars 2 Builds, expecting it to be kinda terrible. Apr 6, 2022 · The Power Rifle Mechanist is a WvW roaming build that relies on ranged damage to poke targets out of their cooldowns and then finish them off with big burst combos. 1. Feb 28, 2022 · The Celestial Mechanist for Open World is an engineer build that is simple and has a Jade Mech pet to boost apply boons and to protect you while you apply burning from the Spear and Flamethrower. Rune of Sanctuary has been buffed and will now pulse barrier thanks to Big Boomer and Aug 10, 2021 · GW2. Rifle 3 > F5 > 4 > 2 > Grenade 2 > Grenade Barrage > Elixir X Guild Wars 2 SotO. For the kit-less low intensity version of this build, check the alternatives section at the bottom. Skill Bar Feb 22, 2025 · Skill Variants. November 26, 2013 The range has been increased from 1400 to 1500 when traited with Rifled Turret Barrels. Rocket boots because it has 2 charges and it's fun darting around battle, and elixir U because you can Feb 16, 2022 · The Power Mechanist is a Roamer engineer build that relies on locking down the target with CCs from the Tool Kit and Rifle set while the Mech with a high amount of scaling and damage is sent on that target. Rocket boots + AED. The barrier will proc Mech Frame: Channeling Conduits and give perma Alac. for open world content run on engineer in open world pve for different aspects of the game Nov 21, 2020 · A turret build just isn't optimal due to the lack of power and durability of turret skills so it'll take more effort and time compared to other Engineer builds. It does great damage and is very safe. Mar 3, 2020 · Nice build, I used a Jugger at WvW before patch and few days after. F1 Kill Shot: 1 ¼: 8 Burst. This build is not made for supporting allies but it still has the group Quickness and superspeed and gyro heals. Jun 23, 2022 · Inb4 "updated multiple rifle skills" mean: 2 of the currently existing rifle skills are now also explosions. Sep 22, 2022 · Purchase Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds while supporting Snow Crows. It is a great versatile build useful for any encounter due to these benefits. I'm a vet player and although I can boost a new character to 60, I started a new engineer and played the old way, leveling from 1 to 80. make sure you turn on the settings for fast ground target, so it fires when you release the Jun 1, 2022 · As an engineer enjoyer, I actually recommend playing this build with rifle instead. It's also a combo field for more Chaos Aura access and could even be used as a mobility/anti-condition tool when traited. Published Mar 14, 2022 Updated Feb 18, 2025 Raids - Janthir Wilds Oct 21, 2024 · Join this channel to get access to perks:https://www. Build Fundamentals Feb 24, 2022 · The Power Holosmith DPS is an engineer build with plenty of CC, ranged options, mobility, and survivability. Purchase Now. Celestial Core Engineer WvW Roaming Build. Although you’ll rarely see a Celestial Rifle Engineer in high level tournament play (the current Meta involves Pistol and Shield) that doesn’t mean the Celestial Rifle Engineer is a poor setup. ; The note on step three is very, very important. The reason is simple, the Chronomancer rune generates Quickness upon using a Gyro. Aug 27, 2024 · Role: Bruiser The Celestial Holosmith is an Engineer WvW build that uses the Spear as a high-condition damage output weapon while using the Photon Forge for utility and mobility in between the burst combos. Provides permanent Alacrity and high uptimes of Fury and Might. Although it has some very obvious weaknesses such as; poor Condition cleanse, poor sustained damage, and low mobility- it can still truck pretty hard. I think some form of triple kit build with either FT or Bomb kit and Grenade/Mortar will end up being the ideal setup, but I'll let those better than myself figure that out. In Alch, I use middle, down and middle. The Power Mechanist DPS is an engineer build that does sustained damage from range and has one of the easiest rotations ever, making it great for any players who want to start in end-game content while allowing them to focus on learning the fight mechanics and not looking at their skill bar. Aug 25, 2018 · I love rifle on Engineer, but as others have said this weapon functions more like a shotgun and utility weapon. Complete up to two Auto Chains, but avoid at all costs. Easy build tho. -Engineer: We’ve updated multiple rifle weapon skills to better support engineer power damage builds, and we’ve adjusted minimum and maximum ranges on several range-limited traits I've played some condi mech in fights like boneskinner, whisper of jormag and harvest temple, siren's reef before, and I wanted to add that you can replace grenade kit with Barrier Signet if there are mobs attacking you, the extra 5 seconds of projectile block is really good at reducing pressure on the group specially when there is heavy pressure like in boneskinner and siren's reef. The purpose of this build is for open world only, you can solo bountys and HPs, but you can also do normal events, farming and all the open world stu Jan 12, 2024 · The DPS Holosmith is an engineer build for WvW zerging that uses the wide range of the Flamethrower Flame Jet and the Photon Forge skills to dish out tons of damage in larger fights. Bonus meme, your auto attack is piercing. Simple rotation: Throw Grenades! Oct 4, 2024 · It seems to generally be designed to work around surprise shot from the rifle turret to overwhelm enemies. You can run thief relic for both hammer and rifle to save build tab space. Sigil of Superior Sigil of Blood over Sigil of Superior Sigil of Energy - better burst on your main set, but less Silent Scope synergy. Last utility is either slick shoes for a stun break and more cc, or rifle turret for the tool kit damage + vigor and condi removal. Go berserker 2. As I'd stated in the OP, this build definitely has some serious weaknesses. I used to play power rifle mechanist. Jan 22, 2025 · Engineer rifle in PvP could just be considered another kit you can switch to, it has a nice knockback, an immob and a leap. net/editor/?PeQAQlFw0YWsLmKO6S Jan 15, 2023 · Rifle is the only core power weapon, though you do can use engineering kits that use the 1 to 5 ability slots, like bombs, grenades and tools. Beyond its unique heat management mechanic, this is similar to other Engineer builds relying on a mix of skills and kits inside of a looped rotation. This is a test build. Rifle on Holosmith with Static Discharge is a very interesting build at the moment. Use Rifle 2 to keep enemies from getting out of range of your mech, but remain at least 450 distance to be able to trigger the explosives missile passive. I also want to mention that these builds are maybe not perfect. Sep 30, 2023 · Hi everyone, Haven't played in a while but was thinking about coming back into the game with the new expansion. I also used to hate using blast gyro previously because it knocked mobs away from me but now I love it. Rifle mech has seen a significant (10%+ depending on rotation) nerf due to not only the mech seeing a reduction in dps but also the rifle seeing a reduction in speed. Engineer Builds Sep 17, 2021 · the scrapper build has high barrier and quickness uptime while the holo build has higher dmg and more protection uptime n so on. /r/GuildWars2 is the primary community for Guild Wars 2 on Reddit. Engineer builds database for PvE, WvW, PvP and Open World, for every skill level. Apr 6, 2022 · Rifle Burst: F2 > Rifle 4 + F1 > Rifle 5 > Rifle 3. Skill Bar Jan 5, 2018 · For solo PvE and dungeons, here's the build I use. Use the Mortar Kit to pressure enemies while you are kiting, and use the Rifle to pressure enemies while you are being aggressive on them. Often time Oct 19, 2024 · A rifle burst build with enough CC to make Samarog wince, it possess much of what I loved about the class since its release: Tool Kit, static discharge, rifle, and the double unblockable landmine is the icing on the cake. The synergy of the explosives trait line with the Jade Mortar trait allows the mech to deal much more damage, meaning you can kite while controlling it to deal great damage. Successfully striking a foe reduces the recharge time of this skill. One of the most Unique Classes in Game, The Engineer easily proves that cunning and intellect have a right to the battlefield! Lets learn more about this gen One of the most Unique Classes in Game, The Engineer easily proves that cunning and intellect have a right to the battlefield! Lets learn more about this gen I'm convinced that Grenadier builds are by far the best build for Engineers in terms of sheer DPS. Survivability is rather low - in this case the best defense is a good offense. the full build is Rifle with Healing Turret, Rifle Turret, Rocket Turret or Bomb Kit, Grenade Condition Spear Mechanist is a damage build that provides consistent melee damage. I was just in a raid group and our top DPS was a person playing a core engineer build. It is a modification of the meta builds referenced above for solo play. On paper you are fractal ready, and will certainly be effective, but a meta build for fractals / raids goes for firearms and "glass cannon" instead of tools and "short Apr 28, 2022 · Role: Bruiser The Celestial Mechanist is a WvW Roaming Engineer build with high sustain to keep itself and the Jade Mech alive due to the healing power and high uptime of regeneration from the Inventions/Relic of Rivers and passive healing from the signet heal. Fire a powerful shot. Twitch and an ArenaNet Partner. Skill Bar Like, comment, & subscribing really helps the channel as well as getting the video out there, cheers!Build: http://gw2skills. Skill Bar Jan 29, 2025 · Needs some adjustments, but I can run this build to plat every season. Apr 2, 2023 · Excellent high burst damage build and love the addition of dagger and warhorn addition to increase survival. Great damage - able to self provide 25 stacks of might, good sustain, over 17K health in full Berserker gear. With rifle CD reductions that is a downright silly amount of immob, and the conditions from turrets like rocket and rifle help as cover (well, used to, as rocket had burning). Jan 8, 2024 · Purchase Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds while supporting Snow Crows. If you have the skills and team that understands how this is used can be devastating on the enemy team. First, we want to consider where is the source of the damage: the engineer of course in this case. Published Jan 8, 2024 Updated Feb 27, 2025. Jun 28, 2022 · Rune of Sanctuary has been buffed and will now pulse barrier thanks to Big Boomer and Rectifier Signet's Passive. Tbh if greatsword or rifle are any good now i'd consider coming back, but ill be damned if im gona use a torch or a horn ever again. Can be used with either Rifle or Sword/X. Otherwise stay at range with the mobility of Shift Signet and Rocket Boots to poke targets and trigger the explosive aim-assisted rockets Jan 28, 2022 · Hello core engi friends! If you feel like me and you are bored of holo and scrapper in open world I have created a pretty strong core hybrid build. Rifle Berserker: Item Stat Nov 25, 2014 · This build is designed for Conquest Structured Player versus Player Overview. Explosive Entrance + Pry Bar is a very high damage pair almost on par with Grenade Barrage. A power boon support build for Mechanist. This build makes heavy use of Relic of Vass interactions. At its core, the Engineer is a ranged class that has access to various gadgets and inventions which make it one of the more versatile classes in the game. Sigil of Superior Sigil of Celerity could replace either sigils on Rifle, creating longer burst windows for you. Once you yave detected which classes can use the desired weapons, for example: warrior, engineer and thief you can create one of each, play a bit and enter the PvP 'waiting room' no actual PvP is played here (except for arena but nevermind that). A Czech streamer who loves space, fantasy and alternate history. Good option if you find yourself camping Rifle a lot. try adding in one kit, if you want to get some muscle memory. Do not . Oct 11, 2023 · Still, it has to be said that this build scales horribly in group scenarios, since all the boon generation you provide for yourself, can come from specialized supports instead. Aug 31, 2022 · The added crit chance to fury and firearms really let me build up armor where it wasn't really possible before. Jul 2, 2022 · Role: DPS . This is a new LI build for everyone to try in Open world. Founding guild member of Mystic Builds [SALT] (RIP) & Hardstuck [Hs] in Guild Wars 2. view all Mar 6, 2022 · I'm loving this mainly because it's a simple 1 kit condi build for Engineer, and it performs pretty dang well. But with all of the changes I am not sure if this is still a thing. Once you've done your burst and used , you will need to wait for your Heat to decrease. Uses the easy-to-learn bomb kit (a good kit to start off with learning how kits function) and the mortar kit which would be rough for newer players who aren't used to ground targeting, but regardless, it has good damage and sustain. . Maybe someone has information on this topic or even a build/guide which can compete with sword dps? Gree Anyone else feel like the rifle in PvP just isn't very useful? a lot of the abilities have serious downtime, the damage doesn't seem all that great compared to other options on the class, and nothing in comparison to what other classes are capable of, and because engineer can't swap weapons, if you face a team with projectile reflects or denial who have a lot of up-time, you basically can't Hi, I'm suuuuuper new to this game and contemplating what to play. Sword/Dagger Jul 12, 2022 · Role: Medic The Celestial Scrapper is a WvW roaming engineer build that has hybrid damage from the grenades which can apply conditions as well as power burst damage while also supporting allies from range. Jun 30, 2022 · This Power Mechanist for Open World is an extremely simple but fast-paced engineer build that benefits from the convenience of the long range of the Jade Mech and the rifle to deal damage consistently and with little effort. A wide variety of meta, great and good GW2 builds and guides for PvE, PvP and WvW. You effectively have ranged “cleave” damage with SD, Blunderbuss and Jump Shot, and can switch into Holo mode for massive melee cleave damage. Sep 28, 2024 · Rifle Butt: ½: 15 Knock back your foe with your rifle butt. Deal increased damage to While true 1200 range is too good for uptime. Published Sep 22, 2022 Updated Aug 30, 2024. New Rifle has slightly lower DPS than the two melee options, but comes with the considerable advantage of being ranged along with some light supportive capabilities. This build is very Fast, Strong & Complicated. This Holosmith build is a power damage variant of the Engineer. Currently I still play double pistols with rabid-nade build time to time and it's fun as long as your enemies aren't heavy crowd control. The weapons in this game came with a role they intended to be. WvW Build. Sep 10, 2023 · Rifled Turret Barrels: Updated Rifle Turret and Rocket Turret to display a damage increase when this is traited. Power Alacrity Mechanist has a simple rotation that affords a good amount of CC with little damage loss, and the mech allows you to maintain high damage and boon uptime even if you're forced to deal with mechanics. The End. com/channel/UCuotptrvkwteTVqayGHlqHA/joinTimestamps!2:08 - Power Holosmith4:29 - Power Scrapper5 /r/GuildWars2 is the primary community for Guild Wars 2 on Reddit. NO KITS. Especially since I have the wrong gear: weapons - celestial; trinkets - 3 celestial 3 Jul 5, 2022 · The Power Rifle Deadeye is a long-ranged burst thief build for WvW roaming. And that is why his build's skills are the Medic Gyro, the Shredder Gyro, the Bulwark Gyro and the Elixir U. Mar 4, 2025 · Purchase Guild Wars 2: Core Power Engineer is a strong build to play in open world content. The weapon is there to proc explosions for the traits in the explosives traitline to allow you to do good damage with other tools for now. You also have stability, some aegis, protection, and passive sustain from big boomer, rectifier signet, and barrier. It's still okay even on PvP but not good as some other options. Dec 22, 2022 · Hello dear Engis, is there a viable Holosmith Build using Rifle for PVE (especially Endgame-Content)? I always loved Holo quite a lot but disliked the fact it is only Melee when using a sword. The rifle is capable of overwhelming even the damage of the grenades in certain builds but tends to struggle when it comes to building both defense and offense in the same build however can excel when focused on one or the other. Much like Vaanss old build but seems a bit easier to play. What are you guys playing nowadays in PvE content?(open world, T4 fractals, sto Dual pistol was really good back then when HGH build was a thing. wagwzzmj jkmjhu mgdwi cjouu iycp ocgn ncsts xbejg evqohs udeog vkqij wajeu jhdgr ngryvh hul