Hallicrafters ham transmitters Radio Ham Transmitter; Hallicrafters S 27; Hallicrafters Sx 43; Hallicrafters S 36; Hallicrafters S 120; Ham Ht Radio; Additional site navigation. The case is a bit dirty and shows signs of age, but could be a fun restoration project. 00 +$75. Receiver has been pulled from a working environment, though has been sitting unused for a year. $139. See my separate auction for the matching Hallicrafters SX-140 receiver. Coverage: 80-10 meter, output 70-100 watts CW/SSB, 17-25 watts AM, features phasing-type side band generator, output meter, VOX, full band switching, VFO. Pre-Owned · Hallicrafters. Vintage Heathkit Model DX-60B 950 3947 Amature Ham Transmitter/Receiver Radio. Tube type HF ham radio transmitter. Sold As-is for parts or repair. Tested works Find Hallicrafters HT-17 rigs and spare parts on eBay Find the Hallicrafters HT-17 on Amazon Crystal controlled CW transmitter covering 80 to 10 meters. 00–$225. The next transmitter I owned was not on your list, but was actually fairly popular. 0"d. Prior to this, he had been involved in radio parts sales for some years but decided the time was right for a handcrafted amateur radio receiver - the company name being a combination of Halli(gan) and (hand)crafters. or Best Offer. Ham Radio Museum; Hallicrafters Transmitters; Hallicrafters HT-9 Modes: AM/CW Bands: 80, 40, 20, 10 Meters (plug-in coil set + band switch) Transmitter Sections Sep 18, 2024 · Hallicrafters Ham & Amateur Radio Transceivers, Hallicrafters Ham & Amateur Radio Electronics, Hallicrafters SSB Ham Radio Receivers, Ham Radio Transmitters Radio Transceivers, Ham & Amateur Radio Transmitters, Hallicrafters CW Ham & Amateur Radio Receivers, FM Ham & Amateur Radio Transmitters, AM Ham & Amateur Radio Transmitters, UHF Ham Jan 11, 2025 · Up for sale is a Hallicrafters HT-37 Ham Radio Transmitter. Sponsored. 9% positive; Seller's other items Seller's other items; Contact To build the largest and most complete Amateur Radio community site on the Internet - a "portal" that hams think of as the first place to go for information, to exchange ideas, and be part of what’s happening with ham radio on the Internet. Untested Sold for Parts or Repair. The Hallicrafters HT-32B Tube Ham Radio Transmitter/Exciter HT32B HT-32 *Please Make Offer* We are selling this unit for the family of the recently deceased operator. Its companion receiver,the Hallicrafters SX117 has been reviewed on e. Great deals on FM Ham & Amateur Radio Transmitters. Had several accessories. RF-output 25 watts max. Dec 4, 2024 · Ham & Amateur Radio Receivers, Hallicrafters Transmitter; Hallicrafter Radios; Hallicrafters Ht44; Hallicrafters S 40; Hallicrafters Sx 71; Hallicrafter Speaker; Manufacturer: Hallicrafters Model Number: HT-37 Serial #: Equipment Description: Transmitter Label Write-up: 17 tube. View cart for details. The Hallicrafters HT-37 amateur transmitter covers 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters in AM, CW and SSB modes. Vintage Hallicrafters HA-5 VFO. Ham. Power cord removed as shown. Hallicrafters Ham & Amateur Radio Electronics, Hallicrafters SSB Ham Radio Receivers, Jan 8, 2025 · Vintage Hallicrafters S-38D transmitter collectible ham radio short wave CD unit. Rig Reference Ham Radio Equipment. 00 ~ USD 143. This item appears to be in good working condition. 50 shipping. This webpage indexes and links to a virtual museum of a large collection of radio equipment from Hallicrafters and the History of Hallicrafters. This is a B&W documentary presenting a look at the manufacturing […] Hallicrafters HT-32 Ham Radio Transmitter. When first licensed as a novice in '71, I used 'rock-bound' CW transmitters but my ham buddy's brother owned an HT-37 that amazed us with its VFO and mysterious "DSB" and "LSB" modes. One such cooperative project, which involved a group of ham radio operators, Hallicrafters company engineers, and military officials, took the company's highly successful HT-4 ham transmitter, and modified it for rugged service required for use in the European theater of WW-II. Great deals on AM Ham & Amateur Radio Transmitters. HT-37 BALANCED MODULATOR DISCUSSION HT 37 FIRST RUN TEST SPECIFICATIONS HR MAG FEB 1979 "IMPROVING THE HT-37 HR MAG NOV 1969 "IMPROVED SIDEBAND REJECTION" BIAS MOD HT-37… Sep 15, 2024 · Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for The Hallicrafters HT-32B Tube Ham Radio Transmitter HT32B HT-32 W/ 2x Manuals at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Hallicrafters Ht-40 Ham Radio 40w Transmitter at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! Receiver was a Hallicrafters S-85 bought on time, with money earned from an after school job. item 8 1948 Hallicrafters HT-19, Vintage Amateur Radio Transmitter~ Extremely Rare 1948 Hallicrafters HT-19, Vintage Amateur Radio Transmitter~ Extremely Rare $850. Original knobs, crisp lettering, very good front panel and a clear meter. net. Transmitter TX-range 160-10 m (continuous) Amateur / Ham radio operators Accessories-RigReference ID 2745 MPN HALLICRAFTERS-HT-000020. In 1944, this short subject film was produced by the Jam Handy Organization and sponsored by the Hallicrafters Company. Parts Only. RF power is 75 watts input AM/CW. Suamico, Wi. . Something went wrong. Internally the unit appears original including the 6DQ5 tube. sku: 4206497253526102. Fast & Free The Vintage Hallicrafters HT-37 is a classic ham radio transmitter manufactured by Hallicrafters. Shipped your choice USPS ground advantage or priority mail. harli160 (3488) 100% positive; Seller's other items Seller's other items; Contact seller; US $279. Buy HALLICRAFTERS HT-44 Transmitter PS-150-120 SR-150 $165. Pre-Owned. William J. Sep 15, 2024 · Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for The Hallicrafters HT-32B Tube Ham Radio Transmitter HT32B HT-32 W/ 2x Manuals at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! Feb 26, 2024 · Hallicrafters Ham & Amateur Radio Transceivers, Hallicrafters Ham & Amateur Radio Electronics, Hallicrafters SSB Ham Radio Receivers, Ham Radio Transmitters Radio Transceivers, Hallicrafters HF Ham & Amateur Radio Receivers, FM Ham & Amateur Radio Transmitters, AM Ham & Amateur Radio Transmitters, Johnson Ham and Amateur Radio Transmitters Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Hallicrafters HT 40 HF Ham Radio transmitter UNTESTED PARTS/REPAIR ONLY at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! Feb 26, 2024 · Hallicrafters Ham & Amateur Radio Transceivers, Hallicrafters Ham & Amateur Radio Electronics, Hallicrafters SSB Ham Radio Receivers, Ham Radio Transmitters Radio Transceivers, Hallicrafters HF Ham & Amateur Radio Receivers, FM Ham & Amateur Radio Transmitters, AM Ham & Amateur Radio Transmitters, Johnson Ham and Amateur Radio Transmitters Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Hallicrafters HT 40 HF Ham Radio transmitter UNTESTED PARTS/REPAIR ONLY at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! The HT-37 is the 6th generation of AM, CW and SSB exciter/transmitters produced by Hallicrafters. 00 shipping Feb 28, 2025 · Up for your consideration is an EF Jonson Viking 500 Transmitter Device is from a local amateur radio operator who is downsizing his collection. Many of their models were used nearly exclusively by the military. I added a 3-6 MHZ unit (another 4 bucks, wow!) and could work 80 and 40 CW by unplugging the homebrew power supply from one and moving it to the other. About eBay It is compatible with other Hallicrafters products and is being sold in used condition. Oct 8, 2012 · ham radio blog, electronics, Homebrew, soldersmoke, QRP, boatanchors, wireless, radio history, radio construction, Dominican Republic, podcast Jun 19, 2024 · Hallicrafters HT-17 Transmitter. William (Bill) J. This shortwave unit, known for its robust construction and reliable performance, is a testament to the era when communication was as much about the hobby as it was about the contact. 71 shipping. Buy It Now +$34. Feb 22, 2025 · Good day, I have been looking to purchase a good complete example and am curious if anyone here uses an HT-4 or BC-610 on 40, 80, or 160 meters AM? How do yo… This fine Vintage AM/CW transmitter runs about 50 watts out on 80 -20, 45 watts out on 15 and 10, and about 15 watts out on 6 meters. Features include vox, cw break-in keying, PTT, AALC and front panel control of slave or independent transmitter functions. 50. The HT-44 was the matching transmitter for the SX-117 receiver. harli160 (3586) 100% positive; Hallicrafters Ham & Amateur Radio Electronics, Hallicrafters SSB Ham Radio Receivers, Hallicrafters HT-46 Weight: 26 lbs. Fifth Ave. Nov 8, 2024 · Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for 1948 Hallicrafters HT-19, Vintage Amateur Radio Transmitter~ Extremely Rare at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! The XT-1 is a sub-miniature audio input transformer that has a 15 to 1 turn ratio with an input impedance of 1,000 ohm and 30K ohm secondarily, making it ideally suited for matching low-impedance microphones to high-impedance audio preamplifiers such as the ones found in vacuum tube ham radio transmitters (Collins, Johnson, Drake, Heath, Hallicrafters, etc. com. More than 40 years later I started snooping around for one of these phasing method beauties in order to join the fun on the 80 meter AM nets. Halligan, founder of Hallicrafters, was born in Boston, Massachusetts in 1899. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Hallicrafters Ht-32 Transmitter Ham Radio Vintage at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! Great deals on AM/FM Ham & Amateur Radio Transmitters. Aug 5, 2017 · Great film about a great radio manufacturer and radio set. Opens in a new window or tab Hallicrafters HT-17 Transmitter Vintage Tube Ham Radio Dec 10, 2024 · Hallicrafters HA-5 VFO. Device is from the estate of an avid amateur radio operator. As a piece of consumer electronics from the past, the HT-37 is sought after by vintage radio enthusiasts and collectors for its historical significance and performance in radio communication To build the largest and most complete Amateur Radio community site on the Internet - a "portal" that hams think of as the first place to go for information, to exchange ideas, and be part of what’s happening with ham radio on the Internet. Great deals on Vintage Ham Radio Transmitter. It covers 80 through 10 meters. Transmitter TX-range 10-80 m HALLICRAFTERS-HT-000037. Size: 6. Hallicrafters Ham & Amateur Radio Transceivers, Hallicrafters Ham & Amateur Radio Electronics, Hallicrafters SSB Ham Radio Receivers, Ham Radio Transmitters Radio Transceivers, Ham & Amateur Radio Transmitters, FM Ham & Amateur Radio Transmitters, AM Ham & Amateur Radio Transmitters, Collins Ham & Amateur Radio Transmitters, Johnson Ham and Hallicrafters HT-32 Ham Radio Transmitter. It is designed for use in amateur radio communication and has a reputation for quality and reliability. The HT-37 is paired with the SX-110 receiver. It shows the construction of the SCR-299 and dramatizes its use during World War II. 00; Ham, Amateur Radio Communication For Sale. Be prepared and able to communicate in case of emergency with the largest selection at eBay. S Hallicrafters Ham Transmitter Radio HT44 Powers-up Clean No Power Supply. GREAT condition, good cosmetically. Fast & Free shipping on Hallicrafters HT 40 HF Ham Radio transmitter (for parts or repair) Parts Only · Hallicrafters. Crafted by Hallicrafters, a brand synonymous with quality, the S-38E is Hallicrafters founder William J. To build the largest and most complete Amateur Radio community site on the Internet - a "portal" that hams think of as the first place to go for information, to exchange ideas, and be part of what’s happening with ham radio on the Internet. 99. Halligan (1898–1992), founded Hallicrafters Company in Chicago in late 1932. Manual is 24 pages long and includes 11x17" part list and 11x24" foldout of circuit diagram. $90. Sota Sellers (3358) 98. Halligan depicted in a 1944 magazine ad. or Best Offer +$5. 69 shipping. Seller stated consistently that my $600 order was shipped with signature demand where infact he shipped the package outside of eBay's global shipping program with a signature request meaning signature at driver discretion which I was seriously concerned ,I held off on paying import costs until rectified as I didn't feel safe Great deals on UHF Ham & Amateur Radio Transmitters. When paired with… Hallicrafters ham radio equipment. K2ACB Rating: 2008-07-29; A good Transmitter for ItsTime Time Owned: more than 12 months. net several times. Desktop HF/VHF Transmitter. Hallicrafters produced many models of radios. Owner said it has not been used in several years. Over 25,000 units were produced by Hallicrafters and other allied companies. This has been sitting in my shop for several years and is a duplicate in my collection. Fast & Free shipping on many items! item 7 1948 Hallicrafters HT-19, Vintage Amateur Radio Transmitter~ Extremely Rare 1948 Hallicrafters HT-19, Vintage Amateur Radio Transmitter~ Extremely Rare $850. I love Hallicrafters stuff. 0"h x 11. Sales LLC! Nationwide Radio 1490 Norfield Rd. 50 delivery. We do our best to be Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Hallicrafters Ht-46 Ham Transmitter for Parts or Restoration SN 346001 621037 at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!. Nov 24, 2024 · Collins Ham & Amateur Radio Transmitters, Hallicrafters Ham & Amateur Radio Receivers for Base Station; Shop Top Sellers and Highly Rated Products in Ham Radio Receivers. It includes color photos, specifications, descriptions and interesting information for those interested in Hallicrafters radios. 85 shipping. In the event buyer wants to return these, the buyer will pay return shipping this set is in working condition Hallicrafters manufactured an extensive line of transmitters, beginning with the HT-1 in 1937. The frequency may be set by a crystal or external VFO (neither supplied). or Best Offer +$46. net provides recognition and enjoyment to the people who use, contribute, and build the site. 15 watchers. Hallicrafters Ham & Amateur Radio Transceivers, Hallicrafters Ham & Amateur Radio Electronics, Hallicrafters SSB Ham Radio Receivers, Ham Radio Transmitters Radio Transceivers, Ham & Amateur Radio Transmitters, Ham Radio Transmitters Crystals, FM Ham & Amateur Radio Transmitters, Johnson Ham and Amateur Radio Transmitters, Collins Ham & Amateur I am unable to test, as the two toggle switches on the front are broken and will need to be replaced. Cabinet is not damaged or modified and the original paint Dec 23, 2024 · Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Hallicrafters SX117 HT44 Receivers and Transmitter at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! Allied deception that use of the relatively high -powered transmitter was deemed necessary. He got his first ham license as a teenager. 00 Here we have this MONSTER of a radio. eHam. Fast & Free shipping on many items! Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Hallicrafters HT-37 Ham Radio Transmitter at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! The Hallicrafters HT-40 amateur transmitter covers 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 and 6 meters in AM and CW modes. Collins TCS Transmitter Ameco AC 1 Hallicrafters HT-40 Drake T-4XC Multi Elmac AF68 transciter TRIO TX-88A Multibander AM/CW Transmitter Kit Gonset GSB-100 Hallicrafters HT-32 Transmitter Eico 720 Transmitter HeathKit DX60B Johnson Viking (One) Collins KWS-1 Transmitter Heathkit AT-1 Knight 50 Watt Transmitter Collins 32V2 Drake 2NT CW transmitter Feb 25, 2025 · Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Vintage 1940s Hallicrafters HT-18 VFO Tube Amateur Transmitter For Parts Repair at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! Apr 1, 2021 · Museum Artifact: Hallicrafters Model 5R34A Continental Radio, 1952 Made By: Hallicrafters Company, 4401 W. Jan 19, 2025 · Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for The Hallicrafters HT-32 Tube Ham Radio Transmitter/Exciter HT32 HT-32 at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! N6AF Rating: 2013-05-19; HT-37 "out of the barn" Time Owned: more than 12 months. shipping only. It uses a separate power supply, the model PS-150-120. 7% positive; Seller's other items Seller's other Hallicrafters manufactured an extensive line of transmitters, beginning with the HT-1 in 1937. Even at that age he considered himself a radio experimenter and bulit an early spark-gap transmitter. Opens in a new window or tab. An Eldico TR75TV. We do our best to be Let us know what you traded it for and help other ham operators! Based on historic data, today's second-hand price of the Hallicrafters HT-44 is around: USD 17. $57. Includes Halicrafters Model 150120 Speaker Power Supply (not Pictured). Sold as-is/as-shown for parts/repair. Hallicrafters Ham & Amateur Radio Transceivers, Hallicrafters Ham & Amateur Radio Electronics, Hallicrafters SSB Ham Radio Receivers, Ham Radio Transmitters Radio Transceivers, Ham & Amateur Radio Transmitters, FM Ham & Amateur Radio Transmitters, Johnson Ham and Amateur Radio Transmitters, Heathkit Ham & Amateur Radio Transmitters, UHF Ham Hallicrafters HT-37 Ham Radio Transmitter - ORIGINAL MANUAL W/ SCHEMATIC. Switch and tuning knob work but I have not hooked it up to a radio. 0"w x 13. The finals are a pair of 6146 tubes. , on the higher bands the output drops off somewhat and makes 12 watts on 10 meters. I have included many high-resolution photographs for you to evaluate condition. Ham Radio Museum; Hallicrafters Transmitters; Hallicrafters HT-9 Modes: AM/CW Bands: 80, 40, 20, 10 Meters (plug-in coil set + band switch) Transmitter Sections When first licensed as a novice in '71, I used 'rock-bound' CW transmitters but my ham buddy's brother owned an HT-37 that amazed us with its VFO and mysterious "DSB" and "LSB" modes. 00 shipping Up for your consideration is a Hallicrafters HT-44 transmitter. $449. harli160 (3550) 100% positive; Hallicrafters Ham & Amateur Radio Electronics, Hallicrafters SSB Ham Radio Receivers, Sep 3, 2024 · Hallicrafters Ham & Amateur Radio Receivers, Hallicrafters Ham & Amateur Radio Transceivers, Hallicrafters Ham & Amateur Radio Electronics, Hallicrafters SSB Ham Radio Receivers, Ham Radio Transmitters Radio Transceivers, Ham & Amateur Radio Transmitters, Ham Radio Transmitter Other Ham Radio Equipment, FM Ham & Amateur Radio Transmitters, AM 6 days ago · As I continue to clear out 40 years of collecting ham radio everything, it is time to sell . Jan 21, 2025 · Immerse yourself in the timeless appeal of vintage electronics with the Hallicrafters S-38E Receiver, a classic piece of ham radio history. Keying with either crystal or a VFO is nice and the AM sounds good from reports I've gotten on the air. 29 shipping Hallicrafters SX-117 (1965) One of the most advanced ones for its time. S. It has been discarded. Appears to be complete, however unit does not seem to power on. Hallicrafters HT-46 HT46 Communications Transmitter Manual HAM RADIO | eBay Nov 5, 2024 · Transmitter, receiver, power supply. It is normally pared with the HT-41 linear amp and the SX-111 receiver. $199. Let us know what you traded it for and help other ham operators! Hallicrafters HT-32 Ham Radio Transmitter. Hallicrafters HT-40 Ham Radio Transmitter ONLY Works Good 35w Out On 40CW. , Chicago, IL [North Lawndale] “For radio equipment that won’t be satisfied with the limits of the pre-war world, for radio that will go places and do things hitherto undreamed of and uncharted—look to Hallicrafters, builders of the radio man’s radio. It powers on and lights up. I guess it was because when I was a teen back in the 60's I owned a Hallicrafters CB-3A CB. Specs Manuals (0) Amateur / Ham radio operators Accessories-RigReference ID 2747 MPN HALLICRAFTERS-HT-000040. U. 54173 (920) 434-8097 Nov 16, 2024 · Hallicrafters HT-40. The HT-44 was the last of the Ham band stand alone transmitter/exciters to come off the Hallicrafters production line. Click on the "Misc Manuals" link and look for the Hallicrafters folder Hallicrafters HT-37 Ham Radio Transmitter - ORIGINAL MANUAL W/ SCHEMATIC. Hallicrafters Ham & Amateur Radio Electronics, Hallicrafters SSB Ham Radio Receivers, Jun 19, 2024 · Hallicrafters HT-17 Transmitter. Innovation was the hallmark of the transmitter products, such as the phasing HT-37 and HT-44 designs. I am surprised that I am giving this transmitter its first review on e. Power is 70-100 watts input SSB PEP/CW. harli160 (3550) 100% positive; Hallicrafters Ham & Amateur Radio Electronics, Hallicrafters SSB Ham Radio Receivers, AA1ZO Rating: 2003-05-08; A great transmitter! Time Owned: more than 12 months. In 1944, a short subject film was pro-duced by the Jam Handy Organization and sponsored by the Hallicrafters Company detailing how the HT -4 trans- RCA 7059 Vacuum Tube Vintage Hallicrafters Amateur Ham Transmitters TRX Collins. Model HT-44 (1962) transmitter with continuous wave (CW) and single-sideband (SSB) capability on 10 to 80-meter amateur radio bands. This transmitter is a piece of radio communication history, perfect for collectors or hobbyists looking to bring a classic piece of history to there collection or there daily Ham operation/s ! Welcome to Nationwide Radio & Eq. ) Aug 9, 2023 · For sale is reprint of Hallicrafters Model HT-46 transmitter manual. HALLICRAFTERS HT-44. Fast & Free Hallicrafters SX-117 (1965) One of the most advanced ones for its time. ”—Hallicrafters Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Hallicrafters Ht-37 Ham Radio Transmitter Clean SN 337002 211154 at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! Jan 14, 2025 · Vintage Hallicrafters HT-40 HF Ham Radio Transmitter PARTS Knob Dial Selector . 00. JPTronics: has more Hallicrafters docs, including an Engineering Bulletin ; LA5KI Ham Shack: HT Transmitters - a rundown of the Hallicrafters HT series ; Radio Boatanchor Parts - has parts; VE9GC: also has the Service Manual. Vintage Hallicrafters HT-37 Ham Radio Transmitter. JNS Vintage Radio & Tubes (3759) 99. $19. Login; Register; Desktop Shortwave Transmitter 194x-194x RX - - TX AM CW 10, 20, 40 & 80 m Hallicrafters HT-32 Ham Radio Transmitter. kjmt kyyph jlblu tkzeqzap oqkrc fputx ozhgew sew xrmz ivxxk zagpabwv owwugku qehxu jzk qbwox