I regret hurting her reddit. At least, these are the explanations I gave to myself.

I regret hurting her reddit I hurt her she was in love and she was very hurt by the process of our break up. Once I was blocked by a friend out of nowhere, after one year of friendship, she decided to block all her contacts. It would at least make some of the pain worth it, because at one point in my life I loved her. Any person,including sociopaths can regret their decisions,but there is no emotion behind this,only the realisation that they fucked up,so they still won't feel bad for hurting you. Who knows it may even make her feel a little jealous and see you in a different light. so if she decides that she doesnt wanna respond to or even read this message, it is completely ok, and she would not be at ANY fault if she were to Let her regret her desicion by being a better version of yourself. I regret it immediately. You are disgusted by your actions and vow that, whatever the future holds, you will never do that again and have nothing but contempt for the man you were when you did that. It's always things I say or do with no intetions of hurting her that she gets upset about, and once I hurt her, she is not willing to talk about it at all. He needs to know that the depth of your regret is so large that you've posted on Reddit just to get help. true. I adored her. She’s happy with me. Look you can't just start where you left off, for one thing you probably hurt her when you left her, for another she may never be able to trust you again, the only real advice anyone can give you is to do your best, try to rebuild from the ground up, but if she just doesn't want you back then just move on. When she found out is when it hit me. It's never something confrontational, since I'm very non-confrontational and try to avoid it at all costs. I learned to not sit with her for long periods of time and it has helped immensely. I get I hurt her, and I get that she now needs time. Out of our almost 7 years, he never did. com Nov 6, 2023 · Nothing makes an ex regret the break up quite like losing you to someone else. He said some very hurtful things to me the last few days, but I know he’s just hurting. Humans make mistakes, humans regret, humans hurt, and humans cry. Honestly, thinking about this helps me get through the day. Hit the gym. Not because you did anything evil or bad but because you probably did hurt her feelings. The silly things she said. Get a better job, drive a better car, get fitter, get a whole new wardrobe, do fun things you always want to do. A few years later after I got my Karma I found her on social media and told her things blew up in my face and she didn’t deserve the way I treated her and I apologized profusely. There's nothing I can do to fix the harm l've caused and no way to take it back. Anyway, please don’t give her you’re time or energy. I have offered to leave multiple times, but she's adamant she doesn't want me to go. None of this is based on how she actually feels. I want her to feel remorse, I want her to apologize. Posted by u/wozziies - No votes and no comments I also think telling her is selfish because it’s for my own guilt and not hers. tldr : was a bit of an insecure mess and kept pushing on her boundaries without somehow realizing it would have actual consequences (never made her do anything sexual against her will, i usually just made crude, out of pocket jokes or said stuff that i really shouldnt've, never abused her or made fun of her, still. She had sociopathic tendencies, which were learned from her toxic and judgmental parents, who were both WAY off the scale in terms of abusivness and psychopath (I never heard her say a good word about all bar one of her family). So I did. She gets dramatic as well. I messed everything up. I think she is a sociopath. Now that it’s all over I deeply regret the pain I caused. I held on for as long as I could. It means getting over a version of someone that is going to (if a decent person) change after some time. Also it's highly unlikely for a sociopath to tell someone else his or hers diagnosis. I already feel so guilty for hurting her. Honestly, I see her as more of a child than anything. I’d forgive him, believe he’d changed and trusted him to not hurt me. Now it’s for me. He was already in her head. Because I love her I'm willing to give her anything and everything she needs in life, all we have to have is transparency, for you specifically, I would start there, gauge your and his happiness and quality of life together, use conversation to build bridges and mend, you only hurt yourself with the unnecessary thoughts, worries, accusations I don't think I regret it but I regret hurting her and it's hard for me right now to enjoy my newly wed life because of how negatively she reacted. We talked/texted constantly. I know that I made a poor decision and that led to what happened right now, you're probably resenting me, you're probably angry and that you doesn't want to hear anything from me ever again. I don’t know. If your girlfriend isnt able to say it then I will: fuck you cheaters. Tldr: Had an argument with sister days ago which lead to her half asking accepting my apology thereby making me angry resulting in me hitting my mother and uncle leading to regret Locked post. New comments cannot be posted. Why not be honest with her and apologize for hosting her? You have nothing to lose, showing her that you are sorry and still definitely want to talk to her might just do it. Rejection is hurting her ego. It wrecked her and took her a while to recover and when I was finally ready to move on from my ex, she had found someone. I met my wife and my life has changed and she has a beautiful family as well. Been cheated on since those initial teenage years and also by my 1st serious girlfriend. If I were to text her, it's likely she would see it even if she had social media deleted. She started crying and eventually fought back, which led to more physical altercations. I regret doing everything i did to that girl because she was such a good girl i ruined her perception of love and what a relationship is supposed to be with my own baggage i couldn’t handle my personal life and all the stress/trauma that i had and i ended up ruining the relationship with mistakes i wish i never made. Bull-shit. Then he was out of town on a work trip in the middle of the artic for a month. She had to go through surgery for her endo to get there in the end, but she did it and even though she still looks at kids her first child's age with regret I think she's made peace with it now. I felt like she prioritize everyone but me. I told her I'd rather miss her everyday than see her every once in a while and think "well, maybe this time she'll like me". Write a letter admitting everything and saying the thing you regret the most is hurting her which she did not in any way deserve. It feels like I slammed the door on any hope of us getting back together in the future. All I try to do is vent to her about people that hurt me. Then she will regret losing you but probably for selfish reasons. At the start it was to make her regret/get her back. I was the absolute best boyfriend I could have been but it still wasn't enough for her. It can lead to years of depression and suicidal thoughts But my friend just remain strong because now you'll become the best man for ladies someone who would respect them and never ever treat them wrong again. Words hurt. If she gives you another chance you need to make her a priority, but I don’t know what you could do to get there. Do I regret it? Well, I regret how I did it and I regret hurting her so I have no idea if I’ll ever quite forgive myself for the way I hurt you. I defended myself, but this only caused her more harm. Eventually you will meet a person that will re-activate those energetic feelings for you and that is your clue to lock it in. And sorry I treated you poorly :-( I broke up with her because I was going through ptsd and mid life crisis. Say you regret it, you want another chance, but you're afraid of hurting her again and that you're being selfish. When she stepped back and trusted that he wouldn't let the baby fall on her head, and even encouraged him for his efforts, he ended up doing a lot more with the kid It's still no excuse for her actions and dishonesty, but I feel like there was more I could have done to help her with that. It’s healthy as long as you make the switch of motivation at some point. We don't have kids, which is lucky because the pain of hurting her is enough. My friend is a happy mother of two now by the way, with a baby daddy who doesn't hurt her. There is a pretty big age gap between us and I’ve always been afraid of her becoming uncomfortable. I think I want to be with her again, but I know that’s probably not possible anymore. I know my ex couldn't give two fucks but at the end of the day, you only have yourself to rely on. Still think about her today, and wonder if I could have felt for her if I'd tried harder. . It was a massive weight off my shoulder. Words mean nothing to her because you could not keep your word. So I ghosted her and made it official with someone else. I'd see her, have a great time, then forget her for days or weeks. And it was a complete 360 on her personality so of course I couldn't believe it. I think she was having a hard time, she came back to her abusive ex and her mental health was unstable. I honestly never got a legit reason why she left she just abandoned me and our relationship. 11) They send you mixed signals Mixed signals are confusing as hell, but it probably means your ex isn’t sure how to act around you or is also confused about their feelings . But I wanted to hurt her for what she did to me. 3 years. It was a really hard time for me and I couldn’t handle it. Feb 3, 2025 · Maybe you’re looking for signs they regret hurting you. You say you love her but don’t act on it. That was back in. She said she could get better, but I kind of didn’t believe her. You want to feel validated in your pain. Asked if I could move my stuff into her garage and stay in her basement part time while I figured The kid left her and she had a meltdown. i cut off a best friend because i felt we didnt align as people anymore - i want a lot from life and they want nothing, really. He may be healing. She hadn't even realized she was reacting like that to him. One of the signs they regret hurting you is if they become defensive. I dont know how to support someone that is depressed and I was scared to grow through that process. That sucks, man. I can’t stress it enough, it’s all ego-based. The OP has just come into the realization that her ex was a good person and she misses him, dumper’s regret after seeing what’s out there in the dating pool. I know my ex wouldn't reach out again, but it gives me peace believing that there will come a day when she would look back at our time together and regret her decision to let me go, and by that time I've already moved on and she's only starting to grieve. However, I feel like this would be selfish. I called her a hoe, old, undesirable. I thought no contact was supposed to make them miss us more? I miss her so much, guys. There are no benefits in that especially when it comes with negative I'd see her, have a great time, then forget her for days or weeks. On her weekends the kids are with her parents while she’s out partying with her rich bf’s. I don't think I regret it but I regret hurting her and it's hard for me right now to enjoy my newly wed life because of how negatively she reacted. I told my mom before he got back that I was I love and I was pretty sure the shit was about to hit the fan. So, good luck to that guy, I guess. This way she knows you've moved on and will no longer feel weird around you. The way her hair played on the nape of her neck when she wore that baseball shirt she found at a garage sale. What I think is that you're living so much in a fantasy about this woman that you're unable to treat her like a normal person. 61 votes, 72 comments. Found out She was actually also talking to two other officemates of her while talking to me all those months. So it hurts more on our side when we do things for you. Seeing the bruise on her hand has made me realize how wrong View community ranking In the Top 10% of largest communities on Reddit I regret hurting a close friend and pushing her away. She does not love her ex and lucky for him - he moved on from her. We'd been together a little over 2 years when it happened. I didn’t do it intentionally because I would never ever truly mean to hurt her, but nevertheless I did hurt her and she left me. I called my BFF and she showed up with her boyfriend and a friend of his and we had one hell of foursome (something I wanted to do with my BF). I didn't intend to beat her, but I lost control of my anger. I didn't stop talking to her because I hated her, yes I was very angry, but even then I would have done anything to have had it never happen. Not all men are the same, some doesn't care if they hurt you and some do, but from my experience men are just not very good at saying "Im sorry for hurting you" which can be hurtful enough, cause you get the feeling that you don't matter to them. Today I’m 40… my ptsd is gone, Ive never felt better, I’ve lost 20 lbs and have a six pack, I quit cigarettes, I have money in the bank and multiple investment properties. This made me so angry and worried for her well-being. She blames me for her unhappiness. We have a child and we co-parent but barely have contact. And you apologize for hurting her feelings in the past. I regret how aggressive and intimidating I had been with her crowd and social circle. Honestly at times I do regret meeting her, but then I think about what I would have missed out on if I didn’t know her. It will hurt her to find out the truth because I know she can’t and wouldn’t leave me so why torture her with the truth? I wish it was worth it. The faces she made. I found out last week she unfollowed me on Twitter, so clearly she saw I blocked her on Instagram and decided to follow suit and cut all ties. I want her to regret her actions. our interests are very different too. My sister has been using her phone for 12-15 hours daily, and when I checked her digital well-being, I saw that she spends more than 10 hours a day on Instagram. This is absolutely abysmal and she should be ashamed of her actions and leave her ex My ex cheated on me with my best friend twice and then after she broke up with me they became friends with benefits ifits. The truth is, they may never care. Somedays I feel like disappearing from the world forever. Her friend can still see her location and she spent the night at the guys house a few times within 2 weeks of ghosting me. Apology letter to the person I regret hurting the most. I talked to my mother about it, but she didn't listen to her either. I think romance to her was just me not playing so many video games. It’s the damm anger outburst, and how easy is to hurt someone you know better that anyone else, I said horrible things to my GF during a domestic fight, we were arguing about chores, I was trying to contain myself from exploding, I really did, but she kept raising her voice, and all I could hear was noise inside my head until I snapped, I said everything that would hurt her deeply, not even The fact she told you that speaks soooo poorly on her character and leads me to think she probably will not regret hurting you until she gets her karma and is hurt by somebody else. I’m divorcing my husband because of the flirting he does with women online and in person. Her “rejection” hurt me so much added to the fact that she chose to go to other people’s big events over mine made me feel rejected and unappreciated. every single day of my life for the past year. And refusing to deal with the consequences of her actions. Sadly if you let her down multiple times it is reasonable she broke up. Sounds like you had your fun break sleeping with other girls and now expect your ex, who you destroyed, to be the loyal life partner she was. I know that right now you probably doesn't want to hear my apologies and regret of what happened to us. We’ve talked a bit during the break up process. I told her that I never loved her and I used her for sex. I seriously have hurt myself 4X more by ruminating and regretting the needless abuse than the actual abuse itself hurt me! Another time I spent 2 months depressed but then spent 6 months regretting the depression and wishing I had avoided what caused it. Effort waned from my side and I should’ve always been fighting for her. Sure, I’d feel good for giving myself closure, but I feel like it would just re-open old wounds that she’s just healed from. I knew they were her major insecurities. And my grandma died on top of that. Instead of lying to her and pretending I wasn't in love, I told her that I couldn't do it anymore. She’s miserable because she longs for a United family that will never come. She’s the reason I moved into my current and wonderful apartment. I never understood my feelings for you and I let that confusion string you along for far too long. You're selfish to the bone but making it with "not wanting to hurt her". and u can explain that its not that u didnt/dont wanna be friends with her, but that as a person that has hurt her in such a way, it is absolutely illogical to ask for anything from her in any way. Somedays I hear the words “why wasn’t I enough” echo in my mind. I told her I just want to be friends after a month of NC and then she told me she doesn’t feel comfortable continuing anymore. Saying things that repeatedly hurt him is really painful. I'll give an example. Throwing a fit and stomping her foot when she doesn't get her way. What you need to do is ask her to set you up with one of her friends or if that's not an option tell her you met someone at work and ask her advise on how to ask this new girl out. It wasn't until that point that I could see she actually loved me and was truly broken by what I had done. The kid left her and she had a meltdown. Even when we were dating, we never used text messaging much, preferring to use other apps to chat. It sent me into a deep depression for 3 months. What really tore me up was seeing how much it hurt her. ) If anyone could make that more clear, that'd be appreciated. Nowhere did I say you were a shitty person. My lessons were two. Both she and her parents who saw us regularly thought we would end up getting married so when I broke it off she was willing to fight for us. I have been here for 2 months. After 4 years and a pending marriage proposal, I found out and immediately dropped her and everything associated with her. The wheel turns, and we turn with it. I hurt my ex and I deeply regret my actions. Well it's good to know someone who went through the same things as me, and you feels some regret. Trips. I'm glad it happened the way it did. Worst decision of my life. I love her and I regret what I did bitterly. i thought they didnt care much abt me and at worst they'd be a bit upset and then move on so i stopped talking to them for a few weeks. That’s understandable, and there are many things to look out for when it comes to hurt feelings. She now wants validation from somebody she could once confide in. I can't imagine if I had hurt more people in the process. You are MUCH better without someone willing to twist a knife in your heart for no reason. I want to ask her to forgive me however during the time we were broken up I've slept with someone and I'd like to know how to approach the conversation. Now, I’m sitting here, filled with regret and shame for what I did. Despite this, she's clearly not ready to forgive me either, which I completely understand. I hope the day you will marry her, look into her eyes and promise loyalty you will remind yourself of what kind of horrible piece of shit you are. I think my 2nd ex is regretting it right now. I think sometimes they might regret and came back. We didn't see our elopement as a big deal for family because we saw it as a day for us and she does not see it that way at all. I know he really cares for me, but right now he’s very hurt and I can’t help it feel like he hates me. Not a sure shot of course, but that’s what i would do. I'd say if I was your gf, I'd be mad too but it seems like we both went through the same things lol. Meanwhile. " Show your husband this thread. And has since been through 3 other men, all of which make a TON of money. Be the best you without them and never look back. I should’ve been more attentive to her needs and I shoudve done so much more. I broke her heart, but she kept coming back, until I finally realised how badly I was hurting her and said we should stop. But in your last paragraph, and assuming your ex was a nice person, you can actually say all those things to her. Seeing the bruise on her hand has made me realize how wrong I pulled one friend aside and explained to her how she might successfully get her husband to do more with the baby. How would I go about making a hex or spell for that? If needed I do have a lock of her hair. but I regret breaking up with her everyday. My BF came to my place as soon as he made it back in town. I did do all those things and I regret them so much, I wish I could go back and never stop taking my meds. I just dont want get her hope up and then hurt her again. I regret hurting her with my words. She responded, which is good. You don't care for her, or her relationship. Anger could be included as one of the signs they regret hurting you. All you can do is apologize, stay sincere in your apology and never repeat that mistake. Towards the end, of the (short) second relationship, I used to think of the first with deep regret. ) Whatever the reason, he accepted the breakup and didn’t contact her to beg. You might regret losing her, but maybe it is best for her if she finds someone who would never abandon her to seek casual dating. I don’t know if it’s a bad sign or not. It sucks and it hurts of course. Getting over someone doesn’t always mean getting over the person him/herself. I don't regret it. She’s the one who encouraged me to adopt my beautiful cat. See full list on aconsciousrethink. More for my closure though, sorry. She doesn’t know how to have a conversation without accusing me of being crazy or evil. The regret of treating a good women badly can be as deep as the biggest regret you might ever have. You deserve the world and I’m sorry I couldn’t give you that. Getting a new job in a new city we’d wanted to move to is next. I’m about 99% sure my GF ghosted me and her friends because she was emotionally cheating on me towards the end with some line cook at the restaurant she works at lmfao. He’s told me that what we had wasn’t love at all. We weren’t official so it’s not technically cheating, but it is. She says we took the moment from her and a bunch of other stuff. Basically, I got dumped the second time around. The thing is, I never mean to hurt her when I do. 😓 Did you In a fit of anger, I beat her with my phone, causing a bruise on her hand. ), regret it alot and hope i I honestly never got a legit reason why she left she just abandoned me and our relationship. Explain to her how what she is saying is hurting you, explain that it’s hurting your progress, say you don’t expect her to sit there with you and talk badly about your brother but you are person with feelings and you do not want to talk about your brother. I was scared that I did something to hurt her or make her uncomfortable and I kept pushing for answers. Now my meds have leved out, I am thinking clearly and I see how weird I was and how I hurt her. (Well, besides Blue locking her in solitary confinement for acting out. I want nothing more than to apologize to her for hurting her the way I did. Breaking up with her was choosing myself over her. We just had the best date ever. I regret talking to others about our relationship, that was a breach of privacy. I asked her if I hurt her when I had to leave for my job and she told me she didn’t want to talk about it. She may have commitment issues (I am not diagnosing her, it seems so to me. I ended up actually pushing her away. About 3 hours ago, I texted her, telling her that I'd been thinking about her a lot and that I wanted to talk to her about where we stood and my When she found out is when it hit me. i missed them, and sometimes wanted to talk again, but i didn't focus much on my feelings But it is all my fault. All of those were lies. I pulled one friend aside and explained to her how she might successfully get her husband to do more with the baby. I [22m] deeply regret breaking up with my girlfriend [23f]. By February she said she chose this other officemate. I remember she told me that her friends thought I was the most terrifying person they had ever met. Thanks, SarahJ. No, because I never mistreated her or was rude to her or even argued with her. We have a 2 and a 3 yo. I stopped playing when she said she was unhappy, but it was too late. But I do wonder if I had have changed certain aspects of my personality if it might have made a different, like being more socially outgoing, independent, etc. I was fine with her breaking up with me because I knew that it'd do the same if she had cheated (yes hypocrite). You can’t take it back. He told me that I’ve given him trauma. 2 months and almost have abs. At least, these are the explanations I gave to myself. 2020 I was 37 she was 25. I haven’t seen her in about 2 months because she doesn’t want to have contact or her new bf doesn’t want her to. I regret letting things get between us when she should’ve been my priority. In my humble opinion writing a letter is a bit much, a text or call is good enough. No, I stopped because I saw if I didn't do that I would be stuck and my life had to move forward. We bounced between failed relationships but never went back to each other. isxdemu riujqv xfcmjrj zlvptl nmjvx jbwklef gab tdtbr kfmk feehc zsa yyh mqv yxg lfreu