Jacob betrays bella twilight fanfiction. Help comes from the most unexpected person, Jacob.
Jacob betrays bella twilight fanfiction When long-buried secrets rise to the surface, Bella finds herself torn between the human world and the supernatural world of vampires and werewolves. Bella grinned down at us as she waited for it to pass. la cual ahora ya debía ser una chupasangre, estaba casi seguro que ahora ella ya no era humana, ya sus ojos no serian AN: Alright, let me unblock my mind for a second and explain. Jacob turned to look at me. Jacob's hand suddenly shot out, grabbing my forearm roughly. "You're really pale. If something develops while you are out, my sons will be able to get to him, and get you both back so I can care for him. Blindly Betrayed. Chapter 6 "Ms. "They were arguing about the imprint, well Jacob and Paul were. So I made him have this conversation with Sam the day after the phone call instead of the first night he is phased. A small, frustrated tear escaped my right eye and rolled down my cheek to the corner of my mouth. Twisted yet believable Edward. N: I know I haven't really talked about Jacob in the story but now he is in it). The entire pack were suspicious about it, but after two weeks they stopped caring. Well one night I had a MAJOR case of writer's block and decided to let the idea of Jacob and Bella's wedding flow. Edward finds him, and they fall . Jacob always saying that Edward was no good for her. Edward's sudden departure in September. She'd only met Bella in passing. He looked at Edward and smirked before giving us all a sarcastic wave and walking off. I could smell the brine from the ocean. Edward misses the touch of his beloved Jacob and makes it his life mission to find him again after an intimate night they shared. CHECK THEM OUT ON YOUTUBE! TYPE IN "Twilight Hour", their songs should come up and tell me ur fav song! (yes, the wrote these before the movie came out) Twilight's Sun: The Story of a half Vampire and a Werewolf. Time has passed and they can no longer fight what was meant to be from the beginning. I reached over to grab it on the first ring, hoping it hadn't woken up Billy. Jacob tasted it there and pulled away, looking worriedly into my face. If Seth couldn't find her or if she were dead, Jacob wanted to try and keep him. His imprint is nobody else but a loyal Volturi Guard named Demetri. She decides to become a lawyer, but as she works a case she meets Jasper and finds out some things she never expected. I open it and Jacob bursts in, his dad following (Jacob's sister was pushing him). Bella defending Edward and Jacob at every step. Bella just started college again after a mental breakdown. By JennRay. I was ready to redeem myself. For myself. Edward and Jacob always hating each other. I am doing what our parents want. Jessica giggled. Would Jacob take me back after all the heartache I put him through? I sighed, there was only one way to find out. The very first friend she made when they moved to Phoenix was Leah Clearwater. Terms of Service. Jasper glowered as I panicked, when another cold hand suddenly grabbed Jacob's arm so rough that his skin went white immediately. "I thought you loved me" Edward interrupted, cocking his head slightly and taking a step closer, closing the distance between them. "You're all I have, Bella. "No and she's not answering her phone" I explain to him, about to cry. Very dark! Jan 10, 2025 · Jacob Black has been a life line for Bella, keeping her steady on her feet, but when Bella meets Paul Lahote, she begins to wonder if she could actually move on past Edward Cullen. Cookies. "Fate's working for us, isn't it?" "In some way? Yes. He stood in front of me, his face still sickeningly serene and cocky as I cradled my wrist in my left Sep 6, 2011 · Bella POV. His mom disappeared when he was young and it’s made him depressed and given him a saviour complex. Edward telling me that he was confident that Jacob would tell me whatever it was plaguing his mind. "Of course I care, you're like my sister, I'm so sorry about earlier," Leah whispered to Bella, striking her hair softly, I wanted to go to Bella but the pain radiating throughout me rooted me in the spot. I love Jacob with all that I have and nothing will make me happier than being his wife. She looked over at him and her eyes Dec 7, 2024 · Bella began. I cradle my arm against my chest as I walk up the stairs towards the Cullen house. Jacob made everything better and offered Bella the chance to move to La push and she took it to get away from the pain. Times before Bella knew Jacob was a wolf. Companion story to 'Unexplained Connection'. NOT FOR EDWARD FANS, sexual content and strong language. Well, more like watching him work. ] Blindly Betrayed. Esme and I were both wrong to abandon the both of you to this. "I'll keep him away from you, Bella," Rosalie growls. After Bella and Jacob are happily imprinted, a certain vampire decides that their union is unacceptable and sets out to redemn her for her sins. "Are you sure you're ok?" I asked. Edward X Bella. I was saving the people that I loved. " Bella had nodded and said, "I don't know about never forgiving you or Esme. Then she imprinted on Isabella Swan. V. "You need to leave now She had a very lucky escape from the Volturi by running at the same time a serial killer was on the loose. She wondered what the leech-lover thought about her… and then wondered with surprise why she cared what Bella thought of her. Gather a search party" Dad says, walking to the home phone as I hurry to the door. " I held up my injured hand. Beware lemony goodness in chapter 12/33 . But I can only tolerate so long. " "Alive?" Jane couldn't stop the surprise slipping from her tongue. "Follow up on the matter, Jane. Jacob would come back. I sat on the plane in my first class seat. The drops were no longer falling from above; they slanted at an angle from the west. Yeah, wait till Bella gets killed. " I grinned happily, and placed one hand one Jacob's neck and the other onto his waist. Help comes from the most unexpected person, Jacob. I would also like to do a Jacob's Perspective for Chapter 15, you know. This caused me to jump to my feet and race from the cave. I said yes of course. [Ah. I can't lose myself like this, not even for you. Discontinued & being rewritten under "The Life We Live" also written by me. I'd been waiting my whole life for this moment. Jacob winced but screamed when Edward thrust down into him fast and hard. She looked a lot like Edward in her facial features and bronze hair color but there was so much Bella in her too. "But those two escaped. One twisted night shifts the entire trajectory of Jacob and Bella's lives. "Hi Bella how was your morning" said Alice. This Bella was stronger, more determined, and having found she couldn't live with the painful memories of our family and Jacob Blacks unwanted attention she had run, finding a kind of solace in a wandering life until she ran into Alice. Jacob's smile, so kind and heartwarming. Her cell phone had already gone off twice, one glance at the messages showing they were all from Edward. Bella had met her at the library. I would never, never hurt you, Bella. "What's wrong? Was I going too far? I'm sorry, honey, look, really-" Leah's life was less than prefect. My life has been pretty good so far. The rain picked up, and so did the wind. This is my take on the New Moon story but if Edward Cullen never comes back and Bella actually moves on. Mar 5, 2019 · Jacob barely acknowledged her but Leah could hear him mention her as he spoke under his breath to Bella. Jan 26, 2025 · A touching lovestory reunion AU where Edward and Jacob end up together after Bella and Renesmee's tragic death. Jacob is a PI. " When Bella discovers that Edward planned to break up with her the whole time they were dating, she is livid. I saw Jacob, cradling my daughter across the room, Rosalie watching him, angrily. " Jacob sighed once again, he removed his arms from Bella and stepped back away from her. She climbed into her old red truck and didn't look back. The Twilight Saga is a series of YA books and films that follow Bella Swan, whose life changes after she meets the mysterious Edward Cullen in the small town of Forks, Washington. I didn't stop, I couldn't. Sep 25, 2020 · After Edward left, Bella becomes catatonic but when Jacob betrays her trust she moves away from Forks. As he strode to the driver's side, Bella twisted in her seat to look at Jacob. I couldn't take my eyes off the house. Please review if you can. Once again, everyone at school was gossiping about me and my "secret boyfriend". But she pushed down her jealousies and knew that no matter what she'd be in the baby's life, that she'd be an Aunt and she wouldn't give that up for anything. Come on Bella! Stop doing that. I snarled. Twilight - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 5,670 - Reviews: 118 - Favs: 339 - Follows: 58 - Published: 2/12/2009 - Jacob, Bella - Complete New Life by SunnyZim reviews Bella gazed into not one, but two pairs of deep brown eyes, wide and curious, with that slight squint that newborn babies have. "Edward! Let go of me!" I yell and jerk awake. "I love you, Bella," he murmured, his beautiful brown eyes looking into my own. Betrayed-Bella's POV. People are dying. The room is filled with growls. The rain started to drizzle, stinging here and there against my skin. I'm just Jacob as unorthodoxly as possible ran up the church's aisle, running to Bella with full on ferocity, wanting to find what exactly had made her stop, and freezing her in the place that she stood, I thought it would be best to address her and her soon to be husband. Bella is willing to negotiate her pregnancy but what will she ask of Jacob and Edward? Helping Jacob work on his bikes. Disclaimer: Twilight and its characters belong to author Stephanie Meyer, and are brought to the fandom by Summit Entertainment. Bella looked down at her feet, shuffling them, an intense look on her face, biting her bottom lip. I felt his lips brush my hair. "That wasn't my fault. Jacob suddenly keeping distance from Bella in the last week of February. While Edward is out hunting Bella decides to see her old friend Jacob. This story is rated M for a reason, please keep that in mind. There's so much I could give you that he can't. He was always so caring and protective over me, even when it came to my parents. Bella punches Jakob- drives to the Cullens. Edward get curious when he comes home a few time from hunting and Bella is not their. Edward always restraining Bella to go to Jacob. Edward's Bella and Jacob's Bella. "Ok, uh, you answer the door, and I call around. "Pity he's From the part where Jacob said his first words to Bella. But I knew that we were bonded. The radio played and it reminded her of old times. His tan skin stood out amongst the woods that were covered in white. " I glanced at her she was wiping her tears but made hand gestures letting me know she wanted me to continue. What happens when Edward finds out and what position will it put the Cullens in? Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure - Bella, Jacob - Chapters: 4 - Words: 3,913 - Reviews: 21 - Favs: 8 - Follows: 10 - Updated: 6/7/2009 - Published: 4/30/2009 - id: 5029860 After I talked to them my mom came to see me again and asked if I wanted to go to Olympus. "No, Jacob, I love you. The times they sat, ate cold pizza, and watched the rain. She was jealous that Bella was pregnant, that Bella was going to have what she had always wanted. A/N So I've always hated how Jacob got injured at the end of Eclipse, as it felt to me that he got injured purely for sympathy and so that everyone will overlook the blatant manipulation he had just pulled with Bella – threatening to kill himself to get her to kiss him. Jacob was my best friend but now Damien son of posiden is my best friend. "Sorry your majesty it won't happen again," Jacob sneered. Nov 23, 2013 · Bella goes away to college to study English so she can become a teacher, she goes clubbing with her new friends (who are wolfs) soon she feels someone watching her and she started dating him so he turns her into a werewolf which made her go back to forks to think what she wants The last thing Jacob needed was an audience to watch his pain, and the last thing he wanted was to accidentally bump into Bella or her beloved nest of killers. Preview to next chapter: Edward wants Jacob to give Bella some puppies in order to save her from her demon pregnancy. I do not own Twilight Jacob lifted his head into Edward's neck and bit teasingly on the cold hard flesh. "Don't worry, leech. Just don't scare me again like that, Bella. Ness was 5'4" and had the body of healthy 17-year-old-girl. Thus, producing Jacob and Bella the one shot Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 18 - Words: 36,366 - Reviews: 182 - Favs: 153 - Follows: 151 - Updated: 7/3/2009 - Published: 3/27/2009 - Jacob, Bella Blindly Betrayed by Writing Keeper reviews "JACOB!" Bella screamed out for me. Thank you for this Carlisle. Follow me through this story as Bella experiences loss, peace and finally acceptance when reunited with her Edward. Bella then looked to Carlisle and Esme but they too looked at her apologetically. And I would make you happy, Bella. " Marcus supplied. He suddenly looked disgusted with me. Jacob's dream shifted to him and I sharing a passionate kiss. Edward tugged my hand. Jacob could tell Bella liked him. When she finally looked up at me, her face betrayed no second-guesses, no conscience… just a pure, unadulterated focus. Bella and Jacob's near kiss in New Moon. "What do you want" I said, looking Alice up and down. " Jane pointed out. If you wish to be present, or question Sam on your own, you are welcome. Lorsque Bella emménage à Forks chez son oncle John, elle est persuadée de ne jamais pouvoir trouver sa place dans cette ville qui lui semble si froide et austère. When Leah was laid off of her job almost a year ago, Bella spoke to Jacob about hiring her as his Books Twilight. He catches me easily and gives me a bear hug. Disclaimers: All characters belong to Stephanie Meyers but the plot belongs to ME! Bella's POV. J/B story Bella. Edward grabbed the wolf's arms and pushed them down into the ground hard. "Bella?" Emmet asks behind me suddenly and I jerk, then I smile relieved, throwing myself into his arms. Stay. Edward, I understand that being the imprintee, your feelings for Jake are just as strong as his, and with what Bella had told us of you, you're very protective of those you care for. "I love you, Jacob. ** I have changed the order of when Sam tells Jacob about Emily and they have the "Bella" conversation. "E-Edward!" Jacob screamed as he thrust up trying to match his speed. My heart exploded with love for him, I was giving Edward up but for a good reason. He advised they be sent to him. . Aro eyed her. "Put her, down, Jacob. Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight. "Bella?" "Jacob," came the voice. Please," I begged. I'm simply playing with them!(: Jacob overheard me talking to Edward. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Drama - Bella, Jacob - Chapters: 17 - Words: 16,491 - Reviews: 18 - Favs: 23 - Follows: 26 - Updated: 5/8/2012 - Published: 8/13/2010 - id Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight - The story and its characters belong to Stephenie Meyer. A dark twilight AU. . By: kaiistar. Mar 25, 2022 · Bella thought it must be difficult for the she-wolf to sit across the circle from Sam and Emily. Do the hell with the tribe! I growled. I turned around and saw him, he was beautiful. " What if the imprint was wrong, that by its very existence it placed both the wolf and the tribe in immense danger? Would the man be strong enough to deny his imprint if he knew in his heart it was not right? A/N- I do not own Twilight or any of it's characters unfortunately. Very dark! Jacob can't control his feelings for Bella anymore. Swan," a gentle voice called for her in the darkness. He is about as capable of defending himself from a werewolf or vampire as a human. He explained how he'd found the little guy in the woods and Seth was looking for his mother. You know that," I said quickly. Her beautiful face was closed off, she showed no emotion as she stared into the flames. in my room, when Alice came into my room by the window. Chapter 1: Betrayal (Bella PoV) I heard a crunching sound and I gasped, pulling my right hand to my chest and Turning away from my offender. Chapter 7 "Flight B960 requesting permission to land. If I did the vampires will NOT SPARKLE! Summary: Instead of going home after the incident in Volterra, Italy, Edward is detained by the Volturi. After Edward left, Bella becomes catatonic but when Jacob betrays her trust she moves away from Forks. She hated the girl at first, but now? She's her life, but there is something about Bella, what is she hiding? FemSlash, Jacob Bashing, Bella/Leah Pairing. Previously: "Bella can I talk to you" Alice said. Rather than Jake turning her away, he sees her and embraces her. If I compare them on every count I'll drive myself crazy. I LOVED THAT PART. After twenty minutes, Jacob arrived at Bella's house. " Twilight Saga: Eclipse Chapter 15 Jacob se encontraba aun lejos de Forks, estaba descansando sobre un gran árbol aun en su forma lobuna, mientras pensaba en Bella, su Bella, la chica de ojos cafés, piel clara, cabello oscuro y propensa a sufrir accidentes. "No you don't, betrayed me, bet you laughed at my foolishness. Jacob got a bit nervous, what if they didn't believe him, "Your right, smells like him" said Embry, I had sex with Jacob and betrayed Edward. I am trying to protect her, and you all … Are trying to protect our tribe, Jacob, Sam interrupted, and Bella is not more important than our tribe. I stood and my blood red eyes blazed. Bella looked at Jacob wide eyed. I nodded to Rosalie, who rushed over and held Renesmee immediately. A few months after these events, Edward writes to Bella. WARNING: this story deals with rape and its aftermath. Jacob had been kept updated from Bella about the situation, he had been pretty weirded out by the entire thing. She kept her eyes trained on the burning logs as she felt Bella's eyes on her. " Bella whispered to Jacob. "JACOB BLACK YOU FILTHY, FLEA-RIDDEN MUTT!" "I think someone's looking' for ya Jakey," laughed Billy, my father, as he wheeled his chair to the front door and waved at Bella. Stories about Jacob Black and his oc's because Jake deserves someone to love besides Bella and Nessie. May they be stronger then the feelings she has for Edward. But I still miss Jacob (A. Jasper's eyes flashed between the two as Jacob stepped forward. These characters are Stephanie Meyers' genius. Jacob refuses Edward's proposition to give Bella "puppies". He took my hand in his and closed the space Whilst grieving for her lost love, she's also betrayed by her best friend Jacob Black. "Why do you care?" Bella replied, her breathing was getting worse by the second. First, let's start with Jacob's Bella. " Betrayed by Your Own Kind. Pourtant, sa rencontre avec Jacob Black, un indien de la tribu Quileute, lui permet d'entrevoir l'espoir de commencer une nouvelle vie. Today, I am determined to figure all of my feelings out. At least take this so I don't worry about you or Nessie. Note: Dark themes and religious references. HAHA! That knocked me off my chair, and even gave me a bruise. "Bye, Bella. "Bella, please, no," Alice yelled as they all fought against the barrier surrounding us. My ears twitched at the sound and I felt a surprising amount of fear as my heart sped up and my face lost all colour. His eyes darkening before the kiss that changed everything for me. I was at home relaxing and watching T. She was incredibly intelligent and beautiful. "Argh! I hate Jacob Black," Lauren spat. It didn't hurt, and I got it in a good way. "Bella, I have to go. " His grinned dropped, only slightly, and suddenly his face was serious. Jacob giving me an 'are you serious' look, before rolling his eyes with a scoff. Bella watched Jacob with a sense of longing and missed comfort. Bella parked her car at the side of the road and made her way through the thick foliage leading to Edward's meadow. "Can, er, may I kiss you, Bella?" He whispered. "Jacob, I want you to stay away from her. I can't believe Jakob did that. "It's getting late. I do not own Twilight She was glad to see Bella was finally asleep, but she had a sting of jealousy. edward cheeats on bella with tanya jacob imprints on someone else bella and renesmee go to the volturi to find love only after 30 years the 2 people they don't want to see come back BellaXAlec RenesmeeXdemetri set after breaking dawn on hiatus. Times when he wasn't a wolf. She realizes that she has feelings for Jacob. I'll bet he couldn't even kiss you like that — because he would hurt you. "I reached out to Marcus the day of Bella's birthday, I told him I had a patient that I saw the mark on and just wanted to know what I should do. Jacob reached out slowly for Renesmee. "Edward?" I whisper nervously, the pitch-black room freaking me out. We had made it. You should have known better. "Bella!" Jacob shouted, Embry and Jasper seconds away from a fight. Jacob was pissed, Paul made it known that he'd fight it and that's when I came up saying I'd fight it as well. The part where Jacob force-kisses Bella. Nov 23, 2013 · Bella said honestly, another sting of pain hit Jacob, he knew how Rose could be. MA only. Suddenly all control was lost. Mpreg First BTW Slash Jacob/Edward Bella was gone; I "Bella, Bella, Bella," someone chants and I try to struggle out of the hold. By, Faith Weitner. Alice is on her way to Bella's house in New Moon when Jacob stops her. Bella shrugged. Top. I still loved my Bella. "No, please. He had had a pretty tough six months already, and it was only getting worse. Jacob's large gentle hand cupped my chin as he drew my face up to look at him. Carlisle looked at me with pity in his eyes, pity that I didn't deserve then he turned to Bella " When I was taking care of her, I knew she was telling the truth. NOT for Jacob fans. Especially the Face-to-Fist part. "Jacob Black you put me down right now!! Do you hear me? Jacob, you don't know what you're doing! Edward is going to kill you! STOP!" Bella's heart rate increased as Charlie virtually pushed her into the passenger side. I was kindly granted artistic licensing from this wonderful author to use her story and let me write about it. Jacob feels hurt and betrayed when Bella choose Edward over him and the last straw was when he's invited to they're wedding, in a fit of anger he leaves and in a remote part of the forests he finds his imprint. They hit it off and became close friends. I have no doubts. Jun 19, 2012 · He had been distracted ever since Edward had dropped me off at the borderline. When faced with a betrayal that could tear them apart, Edward and Bella must put their faith in the healing power of love. The reason is because I do not feel that Jacob and Bella's phone conversation makes sense if he has already agreed to not see her. I decided to talk to her. " Jacob didn't just kiss Bella in Eclipse, he betrayed her trust in the worst way. I started to struggle as we ran faster and deeper into the darkness. She only stated the truth. I was just going," he hissed. (A) Help. " "I'm fine," he said stiffly. Bella, Jacob "You sound like you're having doubts Bella," he said. Renesmee Cullen. Jacob shook his head slightly, and cranked the radio up. "Jake, tell her to leave," Bella said slowly and clearly. Second Place (tied) Winner on Jacob Black 'N Pack's ANON One-shot Contest! Thanks to everyone who voted! Today was the day. Can Edward confront his role in Bella's pain? Will Bella take him back, or are Edward's lies a betrayal too far? Inspired by many Midnight Sun readers' shock at Edward's premeditated plans to leave. ray id: php-api "Maybe he is Jacob" said Seth in a small voice, the whole groups attention fell on the young one, "He smells like Jacob, a bit different, but still smells like him" said Seth in a whisper, looking they circled Jacob, smelling his fur. Aug 5, 2012 · Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight nor am I affiliated with those that do! This is a work of fiction and should be treated as such. Think about this. Chapter 10: Betrayal. "Bella, please don't do this to them. Chapter 3 "I don't know what games you're playing, Aro. Bella and Jacob have an affair. "I'll forgive you if you give her an Alpha command. Jacob… Jan 10, 2025 · Jacob Black has been a life line for Bella, keeping her steady on her feet, but when Bella meets Paul Lahote, she begins to wonder if she could actually move on past Edward Cullen. I wonder what’s going on! This is almost more of an audreyii_fic fanfic than a Twilight fanfic. After the movies Bella is fed up with Jake ignoring her, instead of waiting, she's going to him. For Bella. I've been toying with the idea of creating Jacob and Bella's wedding, with the possibility of just making it a flashback. I screamed when she did, she scared the fuck out of me. So beware of a bit of non-J/B throughout. I looked at him again. I didn't need him in my life. SET DURING AND POST NEW MOON-After Edward leaves Bella turns to Jacob for comfort when he abandons her too, she jumps off a cliff and Jacob saves her again and a relationship develops from there. They don't deserve this," Edward yelled. Can they finally find their sanctuary after years of groundlessness? Set 5 years after the Breaking Dawn timeline. Don't like, don't read. Would she use her guilt as some sort of excuse to not be with me? God, I wish she had let me stay, The phone rang, breaking me from my thoughts. "Bellawe should get back to the partyJacob you should stay here, Emmett needs a dance with his new sister-in-law. What will Bella do after her kiss with Jacob, and after Edward comes back utterly obsessed? Definitely a tortured JXB story. Warnings: Mentions of MPreg, Slash pairings, Shifter x Vampire. He looked at me, his expression broken. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Suspense/Drama - Chapters: 4 - Words: 1,807 - Reviews: 13 - Favs: 5 - Follows: 4 - Updated: 12/27/2007 - Published: 12/24/2007 - id: 3967003 Pairing: Jacob/Bella, of course Rating: PG-13/R for cursing and sexual situations in later chapters Warnings: While this fic is meant to be J/B, I've kind of attempted to make Bella a semi-normal person and fall in love with more than two people her entire freaking life. When I am with Jacob I feel like I can share anything with him and that it is the same for him. "I love you, Edward, but I… I can't. Jacob and I had been married for exactly an hour. Yes she may have succeded in her suicide, but I still loved her. Mais quels secrets lui et sa tribu cachent Jacob and Bella couldn't handle the separation. For a while now I have been batting two sides of me. I do not own Twilight Story is unavailable for reading. Twilight/New Moon/Eclipse Fan Fiction. Disclaimer: SM owns Twilight! Original story idea from Ookami21Kage in 'Not a curse for some' Thank you BTW. Tears began to brim my eyes but I forced them back, not daring show anymore weakness in front of Jacob. Privacy. You all are there to protect the tribe, so I'll be there to protect Bella. Jacob has been having some discomfort when he changes, and his sense are diluted. Leah volunteered to clean the house after Sean's death. " Jacob began to walk towards the front door and I wrapped my arms around him, trying to get him to stop. Together they try to save newborns, while the Volturi comes poking around Twilight - Rated: T - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 20 - Words: 33,252 - Reviews: 78 - Favs: 36 - Follows: 27 - Updated: 7/24/2010 - Published: 2 Jacob grinned. "Is she home yet?" Jacob says, getting right down to business. I crawl into a smaller ball and try to stop crying. (Human OOC A/U) Drabble Disclaimer: I don't own the Twilight Series. It was a wonderful thing, having Jacob at my side. Post-Eclipse, AU. I walk silently by his hand to our room. She didn't say anything to insult Renesmee or Jacob. This community is purely JacobOFC, original characters only. "Bella," Carlisle said sadly. " Jacob and I were mortal enemies. The problem of wolves. I was only supposed to come here and get information. but it will take some time. He had to. Sam, Jacob, Paul, Seth, and Jared. Bella is heartbroken by Jacob imprinting and stuggles to move on, while Edward becomes Bella's protect once again. Edward walked back to them and cleared his throat. You can get your chance on Edward that time, Jacob. His thoughts so loud, that they were screaming at Edward, when he dropped me off. #5 on Twifanfictionrecs top ten stories completed in March 2020. In the uncertain light his eyes were deeply shadowed, I couldn't read his expression. Follow/Fav Betrayed. If I hadn't gotten there in time-. Bella left the note on the kitchen table along with the last meal she would ever prepare for her father. This is Bella's reply. He sighed. Stephenie Meyer owns it all. See to it that Bella is returned to us alive. " He choked and was silent. But im kind of curious about what she's going to say. This is not a A/Jac, it's more of Alice's POV of the last chapters of NM. "Undoubtedly they want the location of Edward and the wolf. " she said, letting out a shaky breath, avoiding the hot gaze he held looking at her. The Cullen's return from hunting to find a heart broken and now distant Bella, will they find out what's wrong? This is my first Twilight fanfiction, so, go easy on me? Bella saw Edward kissing Rosalie Hale when she arrived home early from a visit to her mother and she was heartbroken. (Dec '23: back, updating weekly) "Bella? Why would they want Bella?" Aro wondered aloud. I told Edward that we needed to get Bella to Italy, but he explained to me that Bella no longer wanted anything to do with us and wanted us to leave. " I said through gritted teeth. After her vampire husband betrays her trust, Rosalie sneaks her to a new home in La Push. Bella balanced her bag on her knees as Charlie slammed the door shut with such force the cruiser rocked under the impact. She had Bella's beautiful eyes, of course, but also her stubbornness, her selflessness, and her blushing cheeks. Edward's Betrayal. To Alice and Esme. "Heya Bella!" After a while of missing Jacob bella finally tells him of everything he's missed and Jake shows bella of everything he could giver her; edward over time is angry at jake. Sam Betrays Jacob. He said, "I betrayed you Bella and I know that I will possibly never get you to forgive me. She wouldn't leave me would she? She chose me. O gods I don't want to talk to her. Bella was in favor of the idea. She can't leave. ffdce umvc jnomb hdwjbe dpzc ovzt kix qjtmcv obod nfmv nbzj bkuw ltw dginrh ovaxgy