Lucas transmission fix reddit.
Since posting this I did add Lucas Slip Fix.
Lucas transmission fix reddit The Lucas transmission additive may extend the life a bit but it probably won’t fix going into gear. I had a slippy transmission on my Galant. Both products share similarities, but at the same time, certain differences will make a user prefer a Lucas Transmission fix over a conditioner. I don’t want to get a new transmission or rebuild the one I have. Feb 17, 2025 · So he made an additional video with the truck, using Lucas Transmission Fix, The topic of Bar’s Leaks came up in a Reddit post on the r/askcarguys forum last year, with the original poster May 19, 2010 · Lubegard Automatic Transmission Fluid Protectant is used by the professional transmission rebuilders as a repair for transmission shifting issues like your experiencing. It leaks about 1/3 of a pint per month with regular power steering fluid and about 1/2 of that amount with Lucas Power Steering Stop Leak. This being said ik their auto transmission are sort of a weak point, so I’m doing what I can to keep the og one in there for as long as I can make it last. After that it was almost like a brand new trans. It has it's time and place, and can buy an owner of a failing trans some If you change the fluid in a trans and it starts to slip it was already going out, besides getting a new trans ive had good luck with lucas transmission fix, it took my friends civic which was slipping so bad it barely moved and the fluid was pitch black with glitter and got another 250 or so miles out of it shifting normally during that time. i bought 6 or 7 of these in total it worked like magic fixed the harsh shifting the 3rd gear slipping and actually there is barely any leak now. Not a guarantee and it really depends on how bad it is. Got so bad it would feel like it went to neutral. Power steering pumps don't work like transmissions, and snake oil won't fix your problems. I am working on this car, and the transmission is shot. Engine has about 160,000 on it but the transmission and rest of the car has 220,000 Mechanic told me that a Flush would either fix the problem or destroy the transmission, then he followed by telling me to go buy Lucas Transmission fix and pour that it. This is more than a car repair forum! Premium Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. I think my transmission might be on its way out and I’m wanting to add Lucas Oil Transmission Fix to my 2006 RT. Was slipping past 20k very safely drivable slip. The trans slips a little. Seen him fight with stuff trying to get things apart after Lucas was used especially valve body's Metal shavings in your oil, engine is usually done. Lucas transmission fix . I’ve used Lucas’ oil stabilizer in the past and know it works very well, but the transmission condition I’ve not used, nor known anyone that’s used it. How Lucas Transmission Fix Compares To Other Brands? When it comes to transmission additives, there are plenty of options on the If it's not too bad, you could try the cheapest solution and do a dump and fill. 2001 Ford Explorer, fluid was somewhere between burnt and really dark. Just do a drain and fill and if that doesn’t work just get ready for a new transmission. The original unofficial subreddit for the Ford Motor Company. Transmission shop is probably going to tell you, you need a new transmission. But with a car as old as yours decide wether you want to fix or buy a new car. Lucas products are snake oil. I’m not sure - like some opinions. May 11, 2024 · The transmission on my Chevy s10 has been slipping very frequently as of late. Vehicle was a Nissan with a Jatco conventional auto transmission. I used Seafoam Trans Tune, which is a lot thinner than the Lucas stuff. Lucas Transmission Fix will take an old worn out transmission and make it new again. My car's shifts were starting get a bit jerky and I decided to give it a go. I could shift it back and forth until it went into gear. If you were recommended lucas oil by a "transmission guy" then I question his knowledge. Sep 6, 2005 · Underneath is part of a reply I typed in another thread back in January, describing my problem. I have some shakey idles occasionally and some poor performance on inclines, the latter I always thought was a waning fuel pump but maybe it was a weak transmission the whole time. It mainly just jerks when up shifting, I’ve heard Silverado’s are plagued with transmission problems but maybe I’m just being paranoid. It does make a difference in the shits . 160,000km without an atf change is really pushing it, but I have seen worse and the car still operated fine after. If it works at all. You can definitely try the Lucas to see if it can prolong your transmission for a little bit, it's cheaper than the alternative. Can't speak for anyone else and I am sure the trans was trashed inside already but it worked great. I would skip the additive and change it. Is there a chance overfilling can accur? Will this fix slip I heard mechanics say no garbage YouTube online reviews seem great. So is Lucas transmission fix a “might as well do it” or could it potentially make it die All those quick fixes are to get you home or to the garage for the real fix. Lucas says it is good for preventive maintenance. It you spin the one wheel the regular oil doesn't go up the gears, the side with Lucas - it climbs up the gears - to show how it works right? If you look closer the spacing of the gears from the one side to the other is different. I have a 2002 Honda Odyssey with 230K miles. HOWEVER - the car was dead, so I did all of this on a cold engine. If you see that little display for Lucas oil at your local auto parts look close and you can see how bogus it is. What I did was remove about 1/4 quart of the transmission fluid, and put a new 1/4 quart in with a bit of room for some Lucas Antislip. Dec 13, 2020 · Lucas trans fix = thickens fluid = increases pressure inside transmission. It's a little saltybut firmed up the shifting a bit. I checked the fluid after the first time and it was at optimal level but very brown. the last couple times I've added lucas' transmission fix and man does it shift better. Also, lucas is pretty good at stopping seal leaks. But it can help blunt those hard shifts that help kill a failing transmission. and well, i have no hard shifting anymore (almost unbelievable) no more "slipping feeling", and we will see what is does w/my little leakage. 2013 Chrysler 200 Transmission issue- Lucas Slips Fix? I have a 2013 Chrysler 200 with 194k miles, the main issue is I can tell the trans is starting to act up, especially in 2nd gear going into 3rd (you can feel the car push more and lags between gears). Type f = no friction modifiers = might help increase coefficient of friction between clutch material and steels. After review the transmission shop said they noticed the slipping, that the fluid levels were good, and that I’d need a transmission rebuild. Transmission was working without any problems, no slip, shifts beautifully. ” In turn, the transmission then learns it over an hour or two of driving and raises the pressures or does whatever it needs to compensate. The Lucas automatic transmission fluid conditioner and the Lucas Transmission fix are both products of the same brand; Lucas Oil. Once the leak becomes major, Lucas Transmission Fix will only slow it down but will not stop it. Lucas Transmission Fix is a non-solvent transmission additive that contains a blend of friction modifiers and other petroleum-extracted additives. But was planning on swapping the transmission. Lucas has saved my mind and transmission, wish lubegard had done as well, but what can I sayits working, only 90k miles on rebuilt 2016 2. I change the fluid with 2quarts of Lucas transmission fix & 2 quarts of Valvoline maxlife atf every 30k miles. I just bought a 2018 Silverado with 40k miles for my first truck in 25 years. Guy in car shop sold me Lucas Transmission Fix - said it was good to use in older cars. if they do anything, eventually the problem will come back and usually worse. So is Lucas transmission fix a “might as well do it” or could it potentially make it die The transmission on my Chevy s10 has been slipping very frequently as of late. Some of the other brand names mentioned in this forum we have not found used in the rebuilding market and are more of a retail "quick fix" not providing the long term benefits Is Lucas Oil POWER STEERING STOP LEAK okay to use in a power steering system that uses Mercon V ATF? I have a small power steering leak that leaves three half dollar sized drops after eight hours parked. I’d go with Lucas if you want to go this route. Web shows comments it “fixed” a badly slipping transmissions Their solution - extending the warranty - is a "fix it after it breaks solution. (dex3 i think was the recommended for my 42re. Remember that while Lucas Transmission Fix will stop small leaks, this repair will not last forever. Maybe can help compensate for a worn pump and possibly apply more clamping force to clutches. gave me enough time to save 1,5k for a new tranny, but i won’t buy a new tranny until the one on the car is broken it still works Feb 20, 2025 · Consider Preventative Additives: Products like Lucas Transmission Fix can be used as part of a preventative maintenance routine. If it were my car, I would change it out because oil and another filter is pretty cheap and see how it goes. Never heard of it before, but read it has great reviews. But, adding a little Lucas Oil Tranny Shudder Fix product solves your problem. I have a large bottle of Lucas Transmission Fix and was wondering if I could use this, either mixed with regular fluid or on it's own? So it specifically says don’t use with mercon lv which is our transmission fluid. Sounds too good to be true. A user asks for advice on adding Lucas Transmission Fix for slippage in second gear of a 98 Civic DX automatic. Some of the other brand names mentioned in this forum we have not found used in the rebuilding market and are more of a retail "quick fix" not providing the long term benefits Nov 14, 2024 · In our experience, Lucas Transmission Fix can stop seal leaks if they are small. Before that it would slip so badly that it was hard to get up to even 30MPH at redline. May 19, 2010 · Lubegard Automatic Transmission Fluid Protectant is used by the professional transmission rebuilders as a repair for transmission shifting issues like your experiencing. Makes rubber/nylon parts swell! Used Lube Gard at the transmission shop I worked at. Headquartered in Dearborn, Michigan, Ford is a renowned automotive manufacturer with a rich history of producing quality vehicles. I have heard nothing but good things about Lucas Oil transmission fix for transmissions showing beginning signs of failure. Bought it used with 250k miles, and several issues. I am not a mechanic. View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit Poured Lucas Transmission Fix into a perfectly fine transmission Ask questions about auto repair, auto maintenance and seek advice on just about anything automotive. I still drive that car and it drives great. This is more than a car repair forum! I have a 2013 2. There's the 1% stories you hear about success but take them with a grain of salt. Is it a cure-all? No, of course not. No Lucas product works or does what it claims, so that is a waste of money and may hurt the car since it wasn’t designed to ever have that crap in it. The only Lucas product I've ever used was "Lucas Transmission Fix". How much experience do you have with Lucas? Lucas can buy you some time when a transmission is already dying. 2011 TDI 185k km's, After review the transmission shop said they noticed the slipping, that the fluid levels were good, and that I’d need a transmission rebuild. ) Found my Lucas at Autozoneabout $12. That’s twice with the car is worth. Fixed hose, bought new ATF. I changed my transmission fluid on Sunday and added the Lucas Stop Slip additive with the new fluid. It isn’t going to repair a blown transmission, but it is a good proven additive that does actually work. Not to drive on for the next 100K miles. Do I put the trans fix fluid in the dipstick area? Transmission started slipping last night on my way to the local speakeasy. 0 that currently has 133k on it. Was watching a Scott Kilmer video on Lucas Transmission additive. Have a bit of lag when going from 3rd to 4th when engine is cold, and noticed a a jolt a couple times today while driving around 65mph. 4l manual transmission with 150k (km) and the transmission is getting loud in cold weather (bearing nois). Lucas transmission fix (stop slip) in a manual transmission? I have a ford fiesta 1. It did amazing. My gen2 auto transmission was slipping at high speeds so I did two fluid changes (didn't feel like pulling off a hose to do a flush) and then put some lucas transmission fix in and haven't had an issue since. I've used the conditioner and the transmission fix on my 06 mercury milan with a hard shift and slipping and they might or might not have helped some, not sure. What u guys think will adding Lucas transmission fix without draining any fluid out. I don’t want to argue about the merits of it because it’s worked wonders for me in the past and the transmission is about shot anyways, so if it does more damage like some claim I’m not too concerned. You need a new transmission/rebuild if it's slipping. I bought a 93 f150 302 automatic to use on the farm. If it does fix the problems you mentioned come back and update the post. I don't know if the Lucas transmission fix did any significant damage to the engine, but probably not. Yes, I know this is a Band-aid and not some sort of maricle worker, but it’s better than nothing. Interesting, yeah no the bottle says on the back you can use in light duty manual transmissions. I asked about remanufactured ones and they got me a price but it won’t be available until mid July. But those magic fix bottles never fix anything. Once a transmission starts slipping, there usually is no saving it. After all, I learned about this fix on the Honda Piloteers forum. I just always wondered because if fixed my gear grind in my old 2002 civic but I just didn't know with the more modern 6 speeds if it would be good. I know you're worried about losing the material and possibly having a slipping transmission but if you leave it then it most likely will be worse in the long run. Is it going to fix anything? No, of course not. It has no issues with the transmission, just thought it might be a good idea to use the conditioner for preventative maintenance especially with the car starting to get up there in miles. I noticed recently that the transmission would slip about once a month, just from the starting gear. Changed tranny filter and added Dex/Merc fluid + Lucas. Adding a bottle during a fluid change can help keep your transmission running smoothly. It actually already feels quite a bit better. Since posting this I did add Lucas Slip Fix. I picked up the car today and while I’m waiting I decided to put in a bottle of Lucas Stop Slip. You dont have to believe me, call Lucas, ask them. But from what it sounds like you are at the pint where you can try just about anything. So, I’m gonna try Lucas Transmission fix before I have it towed off for charity. Dec 19, 2024 · Lubeguard by my butt Dyno actually increases transmission slip a bit - it tends to make the fluid feel “softer. I didn't expect the product to do anything magical, which is good, because it didn't. Now if your saying the pump pulley STOPS SPINNING when the belt is turning, immediately stop driving until you fix the problem, whatever that may be. Due to it being a sealed transmission, I pumped one quart out, and pumped 12 oz of Lucas Slip-Fix and 16 oz of ATF. 1. After a couple hundred miles I noticed the transmission feels a little rough. I have a leaking rack on a 2001 Ford Taurus with high mileage. 2009 camry 303065. Members Online Is it likely to be totaled or can it be fixed? Went to get an oil change and some other maintenance recently and the mechanic scared me into thinking that I need to replace my transmission for $8 grand. Had sat a while and transmission was hard shifting to first coming to a stop. Since January I've run the mileage up from 210,000 to 233,000. To my surprise this thing actually worked. My mother bought me a bottle hearing online that it's a decent temporary fix until I get something figured out. " And, shuddering is BAD for the life of your tranny. I've had it for two years and have been topping it off because everyone tells me not to change/mess with the fluid or it'll explode. No issues with it prior to that. I looked at atf extensively for my 02 civic, and several mechanics said most shops used the valvoline (formulated for honda and others) instead of the Honda fluid. i drove about 100+ miles my car’s transmission is full of this lucas by now i don’t think there is any original trans fluid still there lol. It runs fantastic but the transmission is the Achilles heel on these cars. If the car isn’t valuable to you or an eventual project car like mine, I’d consider a new vehicle. What this means is, the non-solvent formula will not harm any of the seals or internal components inside your transmission over time. If your transmission is acting up because of 'sealing issues', then it might help. Other users reply that Lucas does nothing and the transmission needs to be rebuilt. Its a 2002 r50 i bought recently with 132k km not sure if the fluid has been changed before , im going to change it soon , my problem is when pushing on the gas pedal at low speed (0-20)km , releasing it then pushing directly the car would shake strongly, im speaking about just giving a little bit of fuel then releasing it not giving a full kick or something , also sometimes but not always Posted by u/lsfan01 - 3 votes and 4 comments Apr 19, 2008 · '91 LC (190k) ATF hose broke, I lost all ATF fluid. May 18, 2004 · Because lucas trans fix is thick, I'm guessing that it would help trassmissions that have seriously sheared down the fluid, for those who don't want to change the ATF regularly. Definitely not a fix but for 12 dollars and 2 minutes worked outstanding on that ragged out trans. Thank you to everybody for the comments and advice. 5L 216,000miles Transmission hard shift 1-2 sometimes between 3&4 Aggressive & noisy downshift while going down hill. You did not fix the problem. i drove about 100+ miles . I'm going to change the filter & fluid (hopefully today if my local parts store can get the filter kit in stock by this afternoon) and add a bottle of Lucas transmission fix to see if I can postpone the inevitable. Just checking with the reddit guru's first. I started doing an annual drain and fill every year after I got it at 62k miles and saw the fluid was pitch black and didn't smell like tranny fluid. It has it's time and place, and can buy an owner of a failing trans some Oct 17, 2014 · I added Lucas transmission fix, one quart and it solved the problemsince then I have had to add another quart, but I mix it now with half transmission fluid and Lucas transmission fix,,,so far, all it well. Most professional transmission guys do not recommend lucas oil or any other transmission additives. I would advise against it. I thought I would add a bottle of Lucas transmission fix in order to keep the problem from developing even farther. Jan 1, 2011 · I used the Lucas on my 95. Changing the ATF didn't help. The guy that does most of the rebuilds swears by it. Posted by u/lsfan01 - 3 votes and 4 comments Apr 19, 2008 · '91 LC (190k) ATF hose broke, I lost all ATF fluid. Lucas transmission fix took my completely non working transmission (47RE) and got me 3 more years out of it. It had been doing it once or twice the past few months; but of recent it’s been constantly doing it. I'm debating flushing it/ changing tranny filter or adding Lucas transmission fix. Is Lucas the best? If not what? UPDATE: I dumped in 1 quart of Lucas Transmission fix. It is slipping hard in 1-2 gear and 4-5 gear. Smart people know, that if sounds too good to be true, it ain’t. 3M subscribers in the MechanicAdvice community. I know this because I am a transmission rebuilder, grew up in the transmission business and am a third generation transmission tech. Sometimes it does not get into reverse i have to try couple of timesWhat if I put half of bottle of this lucas product, can it do any damage or something? So my Transmission on my 2013 pathfinder is slipping something horrible to the point of sometimes not even going into gear. I bought ‘00 Cavalier with about 240k miles. Jul 1, 2009 · results::::: i bought a bottle of the Lucas tranny fix tonight as i was getting my oil change material, ran the engine to warm, poured it in and went for a pretty long ride. acqljpcusatgptdpuvltyhvkupnrvqgtlgskddpyaloxpilcxozxpxpaxngnmvdrnkajrbb