Muscles are overrated reddit male. Source: worked for an ortho surgeon.
Muscles are overrated reddit male Train Your Abs Like This Instead. Smith Machine Squats: If you’re gonna squat, free weights > Smith machine every time. It is a medical treatment designed to restore normal testosterone levels in men who have low testosterone, a condition often referred to as hypogonadism. It sucks this is the kind of thing I have to think about. I don’t consider that a “work out” because I’m just walking around a field shooting arrows at t I read it and yeah honestly Its just unbelievable, this guy is literally doing not capable by human but the whole point behind his character was that he was a normal human. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. Not to disparage the advice you get on reddit but a proper teacher will be able to help you out 1000x more than any of the comments here. Do whatever the fuck you want. The hard wiring is there, and even the most in your face "personality and intelligence is all that matters" types who scream in your face are helpless to that fact. Having a reasonable amount of activity to keep one active and a balance between junk food and nutrients is healthy enough. It's a fairly common practice when following a workout program to perform each exercise for a specific, Overrated: 1. The more you train them, the smaller they seem to get. I have to quickly figure out if they have aggression issues or are emotional unstable for my own safety. More often than not, these peoples bodies are so lean that they look bizarre and However, your submission has been removed, because your account does not have a verified email. Jeremy Brett of Sherlock Holmes in the 80s Granada to the mind the style of actor brits have the US doesn't. The show isn’t for you and that’s fine you need to grasp just because your friends enjoy something doesn’t mean you will like it also. Big traps look fucking stupid on skinny guys or guys with weak delts or weak backs. My personal pick is traps. I would argue that men value muscles more than women do. No HW will ever accomplish what Fedor did, being barely 6 ft tall and 230 lbs. I saw some guy comment on a guy's nudes like "Woah dude that's a pretty dick and I'm not even gay. Although I wouldn't necessarily call the male celebs effeminate in the after photos, perhaps more boyish. Dumbbell con: more effort is used in balance and control, so less focus on chest muscles. I like the relatively semi-plain/ugly man with some attractive features that make him good-looking in the right light. Its because no one wants to appear "shallow", but we are all monkeys with lizard brains. For men: Muscles. Look at the Golden Era bodybuilders, they do not have "cannonball" delts, and yet they're widely considered the ideal physiques. that being said, rolling is to my understanding a post workout recovery measure. it just has that shounen effect that at one point when it starts actually getting serious and its been long enough to get attatched to the characters that it becomes more involving, i feel past a few arcs its not undermining itself so much with the constant jokes enough to have stakes and the characters I get what you mean completely. More than anything, I'd think the takeaway should be the exact opposite. I think male body issues can only be combatted by men complimenting other men. This staple exercise is actually keeping you back from your six-pack goals. You can't even tell when wearing normal clothes (except for those tight compression sports clothes and even then they got to be pretty bulky) and literally every other upper body muscle will have a greater influence on He doesn’t need as much muscle as someone with a naturally higher bodyfat % and he sees his muscles immediatly after 4 weeks of consistent dieting and exercise. Also quite a few of the top players today are probably considered SKINNY by NBA standards (Curry, Klay, DURANT!!!, even Westbrook, who is ripped but still pretty slim, compared to say Wade). Overrated shitty routines are really frustrating to see. Yes, that means you can and should eat to appetite. interesting question, i do have an office job with sitting most of the time and despite doing bouldering and some bodyweight training on rings etc also focussing on traps eg Rings Hold, i do have very tight muscles most of the time and they get more sensible to pain as well but i went to a physio once and he mentioned that at some point the body sends signals to protect certain muscles or It should be noted that Travis was obese, as even the largest wild male chimps weigh in at 154 pounds. It seemed like a bizarre combo of One Punch Man (ridiculously physically overpowered MC), Black Clover (MC being the only non magical person amongst a lot of super powered mages), Boku No Hero (the whole school dynamic) and, of course, Harry Potter. I personally love muscles. Not high volume by any means. I stumbled on to Mashle, binged it, was intrigued by the premise. Gyms have much, much, more equipment. he ignores the fact that it's a movement where your scapulae get to move freely, unlike the bench press, where your scaps are pinned behind your back. The home of all things X-Men on reddit, be it comic books, film, television, gaming or any other medium that Marvel's mutants have inspired people over the last half-century. But if you’re not doing heavy rows and chin-ups, you’re leaving gains on the table. i used to have underdeveloped deltoids from benching too much and past a certain point Idk it probably helps in the dating world to be muscular but it is probably heavily overrated and something that men decided matters, more than women. You need to work hard to get a gym physique. The shoulders do help exaggerate this look, but they're not the primary factor. Which means according to "scientific principles of strength training" and similar workout design references, you're gonna have to take it a little easier on your Abs are the most overrated muscle group for men I don't get the obsession with them by fitness magazines and in general. Men always say they can compartmentalize their thoughts but yet here we are with men using about every situation in life to hit on a woman. I swear people who keep asking for it in the UFC, just haven’t actually read about it or how it works. Bravo to the men and women who actually work on themselves. r/MuscleGrowthHub: For those who enjoy muscle growth content from morphs to comics. ) Fallout 4 Sure by default the men look fine but they can look better and I want my character to be a pretty burly guy. They arch their backs to shorten the distance they're pushing and maximizing the amount of weight they can push over their body. Tony was trying to establish some kinda dominance - he is still the big BossMan, even after falling spraying for ants. While wild male chimps spend their days maneuvering through jungle habitat foraging for fruit, jostling with other males in the troop for status, waging war with other communities, and hunting wild game, Travis… was watching TV and had memorized when the ice cream truck came around. Gym body is purely for show i once knew a guy who had really defined muscles and he wasnt that strong. Skinny men are cool too, I'm just saying, I love muscles. Jonathan is definitely at number one,especially in the manga where the dude is rocking a fucking 10 pack,this guy is an absolute unit. But 20 years later, that study was debunked by Glen Finch in Yale, were he found that the average chimpanzee actually pulled the same amount of weight as the average human. Read yourself. One side-effect I've seen is the libido increase other people have reported here. yea that’s most definitely compartmentalization. I don't mind if a man has them or not but my initial reaction is to be cautious around muscle-y men because of how easily they could overpower me. So when you say "less effective", you're gonna need to add in some caveats. When you're coming up out of the hole you're using the stretch telex in your posterior chain for a lot of the work back to standing, and then the guys mashle didn't exactly drop, it's just that the series is ending and the hype of the world has stopped being active until the big moment arrives, relax with mash coming back on stage, all the hype will come back very strong, and this it will be soon!, don't tell you that where lemon has problems with that new one masi will rise up and fight him! The fuller faces have softer appearance, which tends to be less attractive for men than for women. So many easy work arounds that render it pointless, one of them I’m pretty sure is literally just holding your pee for ages to raise the water levels inside of it. 5 actually). Like the thread about lagging mucle groups only this time about overdeveloped muscle groups. 2. i've never heard of anyone developing bad posture from doing too much overhead pressing. Because I'm both resistance training and doing cardio the high amino-acid content helps rapidly heal the muscles I've been using. That's the only way you'll be happy anyway. In order to gain muscle mass over the long term the body accomplishes this by reducing the rate of protein breakdown, even after PS returns to baseline 24-48 hours after a workout your body is still adding extra muscle tissue because the protein breakdown rate is lower than the protein synthesis rate, the net effect is muscle hypertrophy. They optically take away from the with of your body and give people a kind of "meathead" look. Dumbbell pro: big range of motion. If we’re analysing this from a lens of evolutionary preference, this has negative consequences to do with health, thus is not desirable. Hot-Take: Fedor, 'The Last Emperor' is miles ahead of Stipe in GOAT status. More stability, more activation, more real strength. I'm saying because 4-5 years ago I was also trying to figure out my voice through Reddit and youtube, which all that got me was even more confusion and feeling of hopelessness. Plus about muscles. Just clench and hold the muscle you use to stop your piss midstream. As a 5"7 male, I have found that being short has many slept-on advantages that people often fail to consider. Looks like a matter of overgrown masseter muscles, which is known to cause pain (TMJ). Women and men view bodies and beauty differently. Doesn't mean that it works those muscles to a non negligible degree Also, those contests just further prove my point that they're overrated. The abductor machine I don’t do quite as much though because my hips are really tight. Starting my collection and id like to hear what you guys think is the most overrated of all time. e. Yes, your appetite may be non existing or you have to eat an absurd amount of calories in order to gain weight, but trust me, it is so worth it. I would say your first sentence is 100% accurate, the rest is subjective. Kidding. 228 votes, 23 comments. There are slow twitch and fast twitch fibres in the muscles, the more muscle you have the more of such fibres, now you want fast twitch fibres for lifting weights, unfortunately the distribution is genetic, so you have to build as much muscle as possible to get the fast twitch fibres, hence the hypertrophy blocks. I mean. It's an objective truth that on average, shorter people have longer lifespans than taller people. You want to look like that. 161K subscribers in the MuscleWorship community. Source: worked for an ortho surgeon. Not saying it doesn't matter at all. Think squat for example. Moderately obese people have the best calves while dedicated weightlifters leave much to desire. • Posts asking for recommendations, shopping advice, and how to wear tips are restricted to the daily thread -- read rules before posting. IMO consistently going to the gym for like 2 years and doing body building style work outs will give you the right amount of muscles. So the answer is you need developed muscles but nothing too crazy. Much more efficient than creating a dedicated space in ones house (nothing wrong with that, of course, but it can definitely take up a lot of space, hence why many people don’t do it) Also, dumbbells, at least quality ones, are pretty expensive. But it will give your body the correct shape and support all your other activity. When it comes to attention especially online it seems that the men who get the most attention from women are men who have the eboy persona. They use the example of isolation exercises not being worthy for athletes-- hence athletes focus on compound exercises that train multiple muscles all at once such as squats, pull ups, rows, overhead press, bench press Male model Francisco Lachowski on top of being handsome asf is also apparently 6'4 (193cm so precisely 6'3. If you have any issues with verification, please contact reddit support at r/help, as subreddit moderators do not have the tools to aid with verification. It is the most difficult bit to learn how to tone. The abs are the same way. If you can do it long enough, eventually you can stop yourself from blowing your skittles when you're doing the business, and then when you finally do blow the skittles, it'll be one of those movie size bags instead of a grab and go from your local 7-11. Undisputed Heavyweight 馃悙 I lament it a bit, because the culturally ideal men's body is a lot harder to obtain than the ideal female's, and men are also VERY harshly judged on their height, which is something they absolutely cannot control. As much as its comedy, it also has truth in it. That the hard wiring to finding a mate who is fit was important for our pre-cilviliation ancestors for a couple million years. Tony knew that Muscles couldn't really fight back against him, I mean the rest of the crew yelled "nooo" or "Don't do it", something like that, when muscles went for Tony. Achieve those numbers or better and you will have lots of muscle and actually be strong. " Honestly find it so refreshing and wholesome. Since squats are a poor hamstrings developer, and since most people don't tend to deadlift with very high volumes, people should focus more on direct hamstrings training to make sure they aren't neglected. r/Male_MuscleWorship. New research suggests overuse of products like whey powder or creatine may be affecting young people’s Mar 10, 2025 路 Recently, Redditor u/HyperIndus232 asked the men of the Reddit Community to share which "manly" societal expectation they secretly think is overrated, and some points were made. Dips: Want a thick chest, triceps, and shoulders Dom mazetti or BroScienceLife made a pretty good video about it. Assuming you’re a healthy male so, I’d aim (for reps) 2 plate flat bench, 205 incline (or dumbell equivalent), 3 plate squats, 365-405 deadlifts, pull ups/chin ups with a 45 lb plate attached to you, standing overhead BB press 1 plate, BB row 200-250. I’m talking about the men and women who stuff their bodies full of countless supplements that have 6 syllables and every letter of the alphabet in them; the people who have muscles on their muscles. Chest fly pro: isolates the chest muscles. Similarly, shorter people are less at risk for cardiovascular diseases whic Sets per workout per muscle recommendations actually start at zero for some muscles for isolation work, but most start around 8 sets total per week, which falls in line with 3 workouts and 3 sets per muscle. I’m not fit by any means (I’m definitely overweight) but I do archery most days, and my recurve bow has a 45lb draw. developing my overhead strength actually saved my shoulders, i think. i was Really not into it when i started, it felt like, small smirk sometimes at the jokes. You can see Tony fiddle with his ring before hand as well. That necessity for consistent pressure on the muscle doesn't necessarily need to be a thing either a it's pretty much not going to be a thing on any compound movement. Bicep Curls: They work, sure. He beat 9 UFC Champions, undefeated for 28 fights, a decade of dominace in a era of big muscle men and ped monsters. This applies to a lot of things like muscle cars, leather jackets, gym physiques, etc. You don’t fit the bill as far as guys who need that advice. A subreddit for general weight training discussion, focused on intermediate level and above in experience and strength, for those ranging from strength sport competitors, sports that benefit from weight training, or weight training enthusiasts. I know it's a personal preference, but I'm just not into them. Of course I'm not saying don't get the bod you want, do whatever you want with your body, for girls, other men, or yourself, whoever but some men truly believe getting jacked is the key to winning women's hearts? The reasoning for this is because women will be more attractive to a man with muscles. This is a place to ask feminists your questions and to discuss the issues with feminists. LONGEVITY ISN’T NECESSARILY the best Jan 31, 2023 路 Battle ropes serve as a valuable tool for athletes who need cardio workouts, but some trainers claim you can use them to build muscle. Abdominal muscles in particular appear to benefit a great deal from this type of resistance exercise (isometric exercise)--I've even read about bodybuilders who do virtually no specific abdominal exercise and strengthen their core muscles instead in the course of intense, full-body lifts like squats and clean and jerk (granted, I doubt there The hottest men all know how to train the inner abdominal wall, called the transverse abdominis. He quotes an actual article in it instead of presuming what women do or want, which admittedly we men often suck at, in which a woman writer goes on to say that part of the reason dadbods are popular is "because we like to be the pretty one [in the relationship]" I used to think muscles made you stupid, due to your brain having to wire extra nerves. r/fragrance is an inclusive, adult community for discussing finished retail perfumes and other scented personal and home-care products. 132K subscribers in the MaleUnderwear community. Underrated: 1. Stretching the muscle fascia also aids in reducing the sensation of tightness and pain (DOMS) in muscles in the following days. Here are Sep 9, 2022 路 Crunches Are Overrated. Traps are a muscle that more easily distract from and negatively affect the aesthetics of the body when they are even slightly disproportionately too large. bro handpicked all of his genes Is muscle overrated? We know LBJ has been trying to slim down a bit. We welcome everyone who would like to worship or be worshipped. I don't think people with muscles are superior to those who don't have them, contrary to what those ripped men and women are always portrayed as. While many men find the supermodel look unappealing, many women see this as THE look. It's an excellent supplement. Both extremes are very unhealthy and are contributing to men dying young. just like how muscles and etc look nice because they've taken on a distinct shape and form, they're tight and shapely. I am simply asking to what degree women find muscles fascinating vs how men find women assets fascinating All your muscles do require work to build sure, but the abs are no exception. If you've wondered what most feminists think about certain things, what our response is to certain issues, how we think certain things should be handled, or why we have adopted the positions and stands that we have, this is your place to get your questions answered! So everyone knows calves are a bass-ackward muscle. I'm all for staying fit and healthy, but I find a man with less than 10% body fat unappealing. I’d be the same, honestly. . And to whether they're overrated, i also disagree. This inferior scum has been longing to devote its life to worshipping the feet of a Superior God! For some women. So I come to you guys today with a stunning revelation: Calves are actually the devil's muscle!! Think about it. Yep - it's likely that OP is too early in their training career to even be seeing notable growth as a natural, so maybe there's actually some issue with posture, but regardless of the situation, the solution is the same: just have a balanced routine that includes a movement for chest pressing, incline chest press, row, vertical pull, hip hinge, squat variant, biceps isolation, triceps Very muscular men spend a lot of time to maintain their body type, it’s a hobby, which is great for them. However I dont think this is the case and is really just apart of the male gaze. Here are better moves. I've had some very muscular boyfriends in the past- think beach body kind of thing. Im not going full professor science but the kind of body we're talking is just breaking muscle fibers and the allowing them to heal which done repeatedly cause muscle swelling which cause muscles to grow bigger, sure you get stronger but the difference is more in terms of appearance than it The main difference between bodybuilding and street workout is the development of various components of the training. You need a lot of money to afford a muscle car. Even if it's 250 pounds of pure, slab muscle, you are likely going to end up with painful hips, knees and ankles from horsing all that freight around. Training Frequency for Muscle Growth: What the Data Say. Many American men struggle Men always say they can compartmentalize their thoughts but yet here we are with men using about every situation in life to hit on a woman. Painting in broad strokes, higher frequencies seem to have a larger effect for untrained subjects than trained subjects, for low training volumes than high training volumes, and when you’re assessing hypertrophy using indirect measures (i. Saw this several times. You can verify your email address on the Reddit Preferences page. I just do lifts for that muscle group and make sure i am really stretching and contracting the muscle. That's what is expected of men. They also used a reasonable argument by saying that grip training should be just like training any other muscles for strength. Men are also expected to never do some things, like wear pantyhose, skirts, dresses, frilly/lace/satin underwear, colorful clothes. They are some of the very few men where I look at them and actually WANT to run my hands over them and touch them. IF YOU’RE A MALE AND YOU POST YOUR OWN PHOTO, YOU WILL BE BANNED!!! This subreddit is intended to be… The back is the essential muscle group for the aesthetic v-taper look. Low testosterone levels can cause symptoms such as fatigue, depression, decreased libido, and reduced muscle mass. On the other hand, men also seem affected by these stigma than women are of theirs. Sure friends tend to enjoy similar things but never 100% on everything. Gyms of only decent quality will still likely have equipments for every part of the body. [Fo4] Any mods on Fallout 4 Xbox that make the men more muscular and/or have more defined muscles (such as defined abs, biceps, etc. They look great. The rolling pressure helps to drain lactic acid from the muscle, and likewise forces more blood to circulate through. ONEs hydration test is massively overrated. Members Online Cyclops muscle suit by “Unmasked Studio” I really can't summarize the 66 linked medical studies about creatine and muscle power from that site, but generally speaking you'll significantly increase your muscle strength gains. I wouldn’t say I work out, because I’ve never been to a gym or used gym equipment. A biologist named Bauman once conducted a faulty study which lead people to believe that chimps were 5 times stronger than the average human. Makes it literally hard to walk,bend over or do anything involving those muscles. 47M subscribers in the AskReddit community. But you also don’t want to have body builder levels of muscle because you will be doing intensive cardio for 15/25 minutes. 95 votes, 493 comments. I think the reason why beards are overrated is because it really doesn't take any effort to get one. I still think that does have an affect even if it is 100% unnoticeable but I now believe that stupid people think they need muscles rather. Lots of muscle mass but not super low body fat either so I’m muscular but don’t have shredded abs. There are two interior muscles (one on each leg) called the psoas major ("hip flexors"). That’s why you see so many thin and average weight women who think they are fat and now what men want. Reddit's hub for all things male underwear related. Chest fly con: isolates the chest muscles. This community is different than typical diet communities, it's not a grab bag of tips and hacks for undereating It's all about restoring health and that means providing nourishment to shift body composition, starting with increasing muscle and bone density. As sad as it is I really don’t stretch them enough. Girls have been spoon fed a certain look from a young age. Feb 21, 2025 路 Muscle-building supplements are increasingly popular with teen boys and young men. Short people live longer. I find it too intimidating maybe, and think it looks a bit much. Nov 3, 2022 路 Jeff Cavaliere wants you to stop counting your reps, and start making them count. Men are expected to have medium to large amounts of muscles, 180cm height, tanned body, little to medium amount of body hair, short head hair. Here's why that's false. I know a lot of women who like the lean muscular look. And wtf, I have dated several women who have loved muscles, so obviously because some random redditor girl tells me she don't like muscles doesn't delete my experiences of women loving muscles. The kinds of women that hit on men tend to be predatory , desperate or just very rare. Hitting the gym absolutely benefits most men in terms of attraction, but level of muscle mass needed to boost your general attraction is overrated. The first one focuses on quality, and the second focuses on the presence of skills in training, since exercises of more complex techniques are used in street workout. It's starting was good but i didnt like it afterwards( only my opinion) it was like any other manga/manhwa/manhua where the MC is super strong and enemy 1 looks down on the mc, mc defeats enemy 1 without breaking a sweat, enemy 1 becomes ally, then enemy 2 comes and looks down on mc, enemy 1 fights enemy 2 and enemy 1 gets defeated, mc defeats enemy 2 and enemy 2 becomes an ally, then enemy 3 Better if you're pansexual. Jan 13, 2025 路 We oscillate between coddling men to disregard their health and be out of shape, vs demanding that they chase ever larger muscle gains. Welcome to r/carnivore. To me(F15), muscles are really unattractive, and I think some men don't realize a lot of girls think this as well. muscle thicknesses). IMO, the edits do make the male celebrities seem a bit less masculine and the female celebrities seem more feminine. I see lots of skinny dude with morbidly obese women and vice-versa. so it's basically male/male competition more than female choices. I'd probably say Jotaro is number 2 but young Joseph is quite close,I'd say maybe Jotaro comes out further from Part 3 but that's really just because of the art style where he's swole as fuck. in my opinion, i have no clue how people can even grow by doing those really low rep insanely high weight programs. lean body mass) than direct measures (i. I take the Black variety on occasion when I'm in a very intensive training period. ftvgewasbozxburgfjkonsrwrvfickidxtexvxtblmxarbsnajuavbnoqltrkubopyxyoprk