Nwn ee paladin build Its goal is to enhance the experience of NWN 1 players and module builders. I'm having difficulties at character creation, because the stats have different influence than in Baldur's Gate. Aug 5, 2003 · 1. Fighter 10/ Paladin 6/ CoT 14. There is a role for the build helpers and they show up in Orange (Build Advisor) build-guides: A channel dedicated to vetted builds. Aug 5, 2003 · For Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition on the PlayStation 4, Paladin Guide Guide by gruedragon. I love rogues in D&D. the goal is SMITE EVIL Crit that does massive damage. by Valerfor Jul 30, 2010 · Build: Paladin 7/Duelist 23/Champion of Torm 10 (Stand and Deliver) ebonfowl: Neverwinter Nights » Character Builds . May 6, 2020 · Been tinkering a bit with a strong dual-wield build, but can't seem to find one in the character build section that really tickles my fancy. To change class a bit, I choose paladin instead of cleric, and I kept the lv 32/fighter6/rogue2 combo as is very effective: immune to dispels lesser than Mords, and […] May 10, 2021 · I have been playing NWN single player since the release of the original game modules. " I play to get the most out of my character, then build a story to fit the build. Still there are always new things to learn. Sign in to edit History Purge Talk (15) This Monk 1/ paladin 9/ champion of Torm 30; Monk 9/ wizard 2/ arcane archer 29; NWN Diamond (NWN1) Server Address & Port victoriannordock. In addition, its immunity to fire allows it to withstand some of the more common spells. If you're absolutely going to hit level 20 (which you'll probably hit 15-17 in the campaign) The problem if you multiclass you might miss out on the fourth level spell Holy Sword, which is hugely powerful int he campaigns for Paladin's turning any weapon into a holy avenger. I have a general idea of getting a hold of the following Feats: Toughness, Combat Casting, Skill Focus: Concentration, Spell Jul 6, 2020 · There's kind of only one effective way to build a Paladin (as a primary class) in NWN. The Paladin itself isn't meant to be a killing machine, and this guide won't make one. My choices would be Discipline and Persuade. Probably others already figured most of them out already, but I thought I would post this comment in case it might help anyone new to the game or who did not know. NWN:EE Server Address & Port victoriannordock. I was thinking something along the lines of a fighter/cleric/ranger with decent str and high dex, con, wis. Clerics get better saves which is what this is about right? Oh and of course the obvious Paladin Blackguard Champ of Torm. Hello and welcome to Lord Fenton Gaming plays Neverwinter Nights. by far in NWN the most played class I've had fun with was 1 Paladin \ 39 Sorcerer. I have one problem however, once I hit lvl 21+ I need to level either Fighter or Champion of Torm to get the epic feat into epic Dec 12, 2017 · With the EE coming, I believe it'll be nice if a "NWN builds repository" subcategory is made here at the NWN:EE forum, so that we can post our builds in detail. Paladin Blackguard Cleric. There is room in this build for focusing in two weapons; longsword is a traditional choice for the first of these. RDD is not a caster class and doesn't go well in sorc. I am your host Lord Fenton. Nov 3, 2021 · Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 PC (No Commentary Playthrough Let's Play). Arelith Forums: Arelith specific forum containing a Builds & Mechanics sections; Although builds can be discussed here, at the time of writing, the predominate source of build support is the Discord. Weaknesses Dec 14, 2002 · Most recently played NWN 2 as a favored soul based build, but that class is not in NWN. EDIT - apparently, it's been fixed. This forum aims to make it easy to find a build which suits your needs. This forum has 13 topics, 19 replies, and was last updated 6 March 2023 at 7:48 am by rockbot. 1 level of paladin is pretty much all sorc even needs. Focusing on Evocation spells, this build employs the Sorcerer class exclusively. Jul 28, 2018 · Cleric is a class that got a hard nerf for NWN 2. It will I really like to roleplay my characters and want to create a paladin for my first playthrough in NWN:EE OC, although I know they're relatively weak in NWN. Paladin dispel resistance: 21 character gains a CL +3 against Dispels. the standard build is fighter 6/WM 7/DD rest I think. I've just finished the prologue, and I'm at lvl 3. High AC. 44-The place where to post your level 40 builds. For the Original campaign I take cleric to 12, then take a level of monk. The Paladin build is very powerful in low-magic campaigns because it doesn't need magical items to be effective. Geez, I wonder why the builder of this pure build didn't think of that. The idea is a 'paladin' like Jul 31, 2020 · I've already written a lot and you've asked only for builds so I can suggest a few, others can comment whether they suit the environment: Paladin 29 / Sorc 1 / RDD 10 - Valerfor's The Crimson Dragonslayer Paladin 29 / Sorc 1 / RDD 10 - The Universal Paladin Fighter 10 / WM 25 / Paladin 5 - Valerfor's Harvestor of Souls Oct 6, 2021 · Hello! After having played with Orion's Boccob tricky devastator (nice build, btw), roleplayed as an evil follower of Erythnul, I thought to make a "good-aligned" version. Paladin's nice and all, but its really a cleric light. CHA ends up 26: - My Draconic Avenger by Xyberknight In terms of the ECB Filter search there are two spellsword builds: - Spellsword of Bahamut by Mick Dagger, (Sorc 26 / RDD 10 / Paladin 4) May 3, 2022 · This, it's fun making some build combination and seeing how they play out. 1 - Druids are no longer listed as a possible Paladin multiclass, reworded the Multiclass section a bit; notable changes are the Paladin/Rogue, Paladin/Blackguard and Paladin/Shadowdancer. nwnecbguild. Lots of feats for fighter and CoT make the requirements for WM pretty easy to reach. Maintaining Sorcerer's Place and a stable environment for all our hosted sites requires a substantial amount of our time and funds on a regular basis, so please consider The Sorcerer Build is a NWN Build for BioWare's cRPG Definition of 2002, Neverwinter Nights 1. Divine power protects these warriors of virtue, warding off harm, protecting them from disease, healing them and their allies, and guarding against fear. Tier 3: The Paladin has a 50% chance to bypass immunity against critical hits. NWN1. Divine Synergy: 21 Paladin's don't really need much else to be good. 1K Italiano; 43 Annunci Ufficiali; 26 Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Feb 8, 2014 · Paladin smites themselves, since a paladin gets only one per day (extra smiting makes it five, I think) are not going to be that impressive. COT is nice for the saves I suppose a scythe master might want more feats, but hell you don't need them since I've dual wielded with weapon masters and still managed. The Paladin Build is a NWN Build for BioWare's cRPG Definition of 2002, Neverwinter Nights 1. This forum has 91 topics, 86 replies, and was last updated 15 September 2020 at 10:44 am by Orion. Powered by the Epic Character Builders Guild Barbarian Bard Cleric Druid Fighter Monk Paladin Ranger Rogue Sorcerer Wizard Sep 15, 2020 · This forum contains a number of character builds, which are unique ways to make and play NWN characters. Most fun I had in NWN was making Fighter/RDD with level of Sorc. Stats - this is str build, Dex/Wis AC bonus, the rest what you like (cha of 11 for true strike or 13 for alternate build) Skills - as above Feats - you can go for Dev Critical (though some say it's overpowered) just choose Kama or Unarmed, circle kick makes more sense with this build as does whirlwind attack for groups. Critical hits will be frequent due to the amazing Paladin bonuses to AB and the very high AB. 2 Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition (German) 2 Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition (Deutsch) 6 Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition; 96 Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition; 7 Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear; 34 Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition; 14 Modding; 21 Off Topic; 1. I have played probably nearly every class and combination of classes in the original three modules of Apr 11, 2018 · Thanks mate! I saw your builds are strenght based. You can also summon different creatures (and buff them too) and turn undead. you get such huge amounts of saving throw points it is insane. Get 6 lvls in Champion of Torm. Jan 21, 2023 · Image by Stefan Keller I found this a fun DC spellcaster and tank hybrid build. Clerics looks OP, imho. However, on my iPad version of EE (from the Apple Store), I can't do it. Btw in nwn 2 pale master isn't that good, because it's levels don't adds to caster levels right? So it's used for AC bonus rather than being a core of build? That's actually the bug in NWN, NWN2 fixed that and they do get a caster level increase and learn new spells. Apr 11, 2004 · Level 5 Cleric slots, yeah, that's the most common piece of equipment in all Neverwinter Nights. com:5121. Granted, the henchie is one level higher than my paladin and is a troll with 22 STR and 20 CON, but things that can be done with a two-handed weapon and high STR bonus Nov 12, 2021 · Source: NWN: EE, WoG PW. There were a number of features which made it special: Great spell casting, excellent spell penetration and Mord resistant buffs. But oh yeah PALADIN/COT/WM sort of build. Comment: This is a 50 AB (unbuffed, mundane items) Paladin with Str 42 (up to 54) with devastating critical. 9% focused on single-player gaming. However, holy martial strike, an epic level feat which requires smiting and which does 2d6 divine damage to evil through any melee weapon--now that's a feat to be sure you get. On a critical hit, the enemy has to make a fortitude save DC 46-52 or the enemy dies. Anyway, I get the vibe that the whole Package thing was added after this guide I chose was written, and so I'm hoping to get a bit of advice proceeding forward, both in a Paladin/CoT build path, as well as what to do at character creation with my 12 starting skill points. Following levels Cleric until I can get Champion of Torm levels. Paladin might be easier to build for, but would probably do less damage on the whole. This player character build (paladin 29/ sorcerer 1/ red dragon disciple 10) is designed to be a hard-hitter, with close to the maximum possible strength (for a non-polymorphed player character) and full base attack. But I designed it for a half orc, and this version has 0 chance at WM due to the high int requirement. The Versatile Kensai In CombatIf you are looking for a character that is easy to play all the way throughout the build, then this might be your ticket. For NWN, sure, Fighter / CoT / WM is a pretty easy build to make. com:5122 Hello and welcome to Lord Fenton Gaming plays Neverwinter Nights. . What do you think about it? Taking Blackguard as a class means: - Needs Cleave - Gets Cha to saves - Option to take Divine Might and Divine Shield (Requires 13 Str for Power Attack) Mar 6, 2023 · This subforum contains community created level 40 spellsword and spellbow builds, written by new and experienced players. For Neverwinter Nights on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Looking for pure builds". Divine power also Dec 21, 2020 · Tier 2: Greater Spell Focus: Abjuration, if the Paladin also has Spell Focus: Abjuration. May 4, 2023 · nwnecbguild. It does also lose Maximise, but that is also not that big of a loss (you still have Extend and Empower). Sorcerer PC Games . Nov 15, 2015 · If you're a Paladin with 10 intelligence you have enough points to max out two skills. Tier 3: Eldritch Blasts targeting the Paladin inflict reduced damage. How To Build An Effective Paladin/ Champion of Torm This guide is meant to help those who have had trouble beating Hordes of the Underdark begin the game as a paladin and finish as a Champion of Torm, choosing feats that maximize the paladin's abilities along the way. Tier 3: Holy Sword also applies all immunities granted by the Undeath's Eternal Foe spell. Their sneak attacks are really powerful but rogues suffer from one problem: they are squishy as hell and Jun 3, 2019 · There are some people who wants to become a Blackguard instead of Champion of Torm if they choose a Paladin class. After getting all NWN Steam ach, i plan on going wild with that. A human Paladin gets additional points and could max out three skills, so you could add Lore or something else to the list. Very tanky (heavy armor, shield and buff spells), can do some magical and melee damage. Have I already screwed up? xD In NWN there is no Feat to increase weapon dmg based off Dex, hence dex weapons (aka weapon finess weapons) still use str for extra dmg. NWN Character Build Search. The rest are Cleric (30lvls total). Sorcerer(36), Paladin(3), Monk(1), Human On my Windows PC running EE on Steam, leveling a Paladin or Ranger with <11 WIS is not a problem. where the elite NWN character builders meet. I was thinking about starting as a fighter (1), then level cleric up to about level 7 or 8 to get the str and con buffs and stoneskin, before going Aug 28, 2020 · Of course, but it depends on what you like to play Fighters are usually easy to start off with but get more challenging as time goes on I would probably recommend playing as either a Cleric or a Paladin for a bit of self sustain. Most of these builds are also viable online, in multi-player or on Persistent Worlds, though the cRPG blog is 99. Feb 25, 2020 · Other builds: There is one Sorc 29/Paladin 1/RDD 10 build in the ECB Archives, it attempts to be a meleer. Jul 10, 2020 · This is a list of 12+ different guides written in the NWN Epic Character Builders Guild Forum, and links to each one, all of which should be of interest to both new and experienced players alike. Sep 21, 2011 · There are a few builds that use Paladin differently and almost uniquely, but those are best to be looked at individually, like my Paladin Zen Archer or my Paladin / Druid with Dragon Shape (and one alignment shift). Well, even then I would recommend to build the character first, which would be simple as "he is the ultimate expert in deadly swift sword combat". Best d&d build. It can be organised and searched more easily, and offers better scope of discussions and improvements. If you want to make rdd, then 1 lvl of sorc, 10 rdd and the rest of whatever melee class you like would be optimal i think. All of these builds pertain to both Diamond Edition and Enhanced Edition versions of Neverwinter Nights; there is no difference as of 2023. Jul 23, 2019 · I studied wiki for a while and I am thinking about the following build: First 4 lvls - Fighter (for weapon spec into greatsword). Class combo Paladin/Purple Dragon Knight Stats Strength 15 Dexterity 9 Constitution 13 Wisdom 14 Inteligence 10 Charisma 15 Skills Description: Paladins take their adventures seriously, and even a mundane mission is, in the heart of the paladin, a personal test - an opportunity to demonstrate bravery, to learn tactics, and to do good in the world. In today's Neverwinter Nights build video, I am going to be bui Mar 18, 2018 · Anybody has a good red dragon disciple build ? (a regular one with 2 prestige class 20 / 10 / 10 or 30 / 10) I remember builds with like 1 level of warrior for this or one level of druid for that RP speaking, it's kinda cheating IMHO so it's not the kind of stuff I'm looking for. Extraordinary saves that are off the charts further buffed by +9 to saves against spells from spellcraft 45 modified Great […] Character builds Category page. I like to run this character as a multiclass as well being that the Paladin gets a summon mount ability. that build steamrolled through all 3 official campaigns on Hardcore diff. cf. I thought Dexterity builds were better, that's why I picked up Weapon Finesse. ||| I mainly need a Feat rundown in leveling order of what to obtain to get the most "ommf" out of my casting |||. Clerics like Chuck Norris can do eveything! Druids at the second place. This site is strictly not for profit. Edit: I've been playing Alazander's modules for a while (great stuff!) and gaining a whole new appreciation for fighter builds when watching one operate alongside my paladin. Paladin and Harper Priest: 21 If you have at least 21 levels of paladin and at least 3 levels of harper priest, you will get 2 less CL towards dispels. If ads are present they will only be minimal and designed only to cover costs, following which either ads will be removed or income will be donated to a charitable cause agreed on by the forum members. Cleric if you want to be mainly a fighter type with warrior buffs. Jun 5, 2009 · Sacred Fist Introduction: One of the many gestalt classes introduced by the PRC, the Sacred Fist is a full 30-level prestige class that fuses the strengths of the Monk and a divine caster class, focusing particularly on the strength of the Monk's fist and speed, while providing full caster progression, full BAB progression, unique use-per-day abilities, and maintaining a solid d8 hitdie. This build is designed for fighting evil, including Mar 31, 2018 · For Paladin I prefer to run human, being that they are CHA based and most races get a subtraction to CHA. Jan 1, 2022 · nwnecbguild. _____ "My name is Thaxll'ssyllia, but you simians may refer to me merely as "Sir", if you prefer a less syllable intensive workout. the general Cleric Build I consider depends on the level the campaign is going to. FORUMS. The Exalted Sorceress has one level of monk to help her maximize such skills as discipline and tumble, but, more importantly, she gains feats like Evasion. 44-The place where to post your level 20 builds. May 29, 2018 · I won't be as in depth as Jimbobslimbob has been, but I will try to give you enough :) This build is open to pretty much any non shorty race (those too if you want to adapt it) and is open to some variation (pick up champ of torm, for example, or WM etc). Devastating Critical. Normal Topic Hot Topic (More than 10 replies) Aug 30, 2019 · I know I know, Wizard is the "most powerful" build if it's made properly, and there are some combinations that "broke" the game in terms of power (monk druid shapeshifter), but because I like to RP my characters into believeable builds, I am going to share my finding. 44-The place where to post your level 30 Builds. But they are some people that are having a hard time how to earn a "ALIGNMENT TOWARDS EVIL" since it can only receive in some side quest of the chapter and and "CLEAVE" one of feat of each class. Another fun build is 1 sorcerer \ 19 fighter then on level 21 you get dev crit and insta kill most stuff with 1 hit. It helps that I love character building in NWN - a system that allows for so much possibility. May 3, 2005 · Home Forums > D&D Games Forums > Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition > Neverwinter Nights (Classic) > Sorcerer's Place is a project run entirely by fans and for fans. Pure paladin build. Dec 21, 2015 · The build gets Divine Shield and Listen, over junk feats and Lore. I value spells slots more than cheesy Evasion feats from Rogue / Monk multiclassing or four attacks a round from getting a dash of Fighter in the mix. It also features exceptionally high saving throws (base saves of 51/46/44). Apr 15, 2005 · This guide is meant to give effective ways to build a Paladin, either pure or multiclassed. This player character build (monk 1/ paladin 9/ champion of Torm 30) is a charisma-based build centered around smiting and divine might/divine shield. Paladin is considered a MAD (multiple attribute dependent) class, so it needs: a 14 wisdom to cast spells; charisma for saves and the divine feats (if you aren't going to increase charisma, make a Cleric instead) paladin Blackguard Sorc. In today's Neverwinter Nights build video, I am going to be bui May 31, 2020 · Casters in NWN2 don't need Paladin/Blackguard/Warlock dips. It is also intended to stand up to DC casters via spellcraft and divine grace. wsu dzw pde lsuaa dbgl awcvp rhqk ivrxdj tsi ckrzybud rgplqd efdi kfimcen utuhqgu fzlvfe