
Precanceled stamp permit. 2 Permit to Use Precanceled Stamps 3.

Precanceled stamp permit Complete a copy of PS Form 3615, Mailing Permit Application and Customer Profile (detailed instructions are on Page 2 of the form). 1. The stamp for Presorted First Class is 25¢. Other times the service inscription was part of the design and the precancel was simply the two black bars. They CANNOT be dropped in a collection box or given to a carrier. Stamps add a personal touch to your envelope and may give your customer an added incentive to open and read your mail. 0, may be affixed to every piece in the mailing or mailing job, or each piece may bear a permit imprint. You need a mailing permit for commercial mailings, whether you’re using precanceled stamps, postage evidencing systems indicia or permit imprint. The $200 fee mentioned is for bulk mailings at discounted rates. CAPS Cust. 7 Stamps Converted to Other Postage Forms A customer may submit postage stamps for conversion to an advance deposit for permit imprint mailings, subject to these conditions: productivity. There are 9,556 Bureau precanceled stamps. Thus, collectors and dealers either had to obtain precancels from incoming mail or — if they were fortunate enough to either hold a permit or know someone who did — purchase small quantities for Dec 9, 2004 · P020 Postage Stamps and Stationery P023 Precanceled Stamps. You can buy precanceled stamps in large quantities at the retail window of the Post Office where you hold your precanceled stamp permit. *If exact postage is not affixed, all additional postage and surcharges must be paid at the time of mailing with an advance Mar 11, 2013 · Mailer's postmark permits, aka MPP, have been in use for years. A fee is not required to be paid for processing a PS Form 3620, Permit to Use Precanceled Stamps or Government Precanceled Stamps Envelopes Application. Jul 14, 2024 · Precanceled stamps are sold over the counter and still retain postal validity w henbeing used in the manner of restricted use, if any, by a postal patron. Permit Holders Name and Address and Email Address, if Any Telephone Post Office of Mailing Processing Category Mailer's Mailing Date Letters Flats Federal Agency Cost Code Statement Seq. 0 through 705. dat Technical Specification states that "When postage affixed (precanceled stamp or meter) is used, the file must include a separate MPA record. Preprinted rate markings authorization (check May 12, 2008 · Unused precanceled stamps in full coils and in full sheets redeemed from precanceled permit holders: 90% of postage value. Ref. This practice began on a small scale almost as soon as stamps were born, as a time-saving procedure for postmasters. Each letter-size or flat-size piece may bear a USPS precanceled stamp (or stamps precanceled with a mailer’s precancel postmark), under 604. 0 is required. If an applicant has a completed Form 3615 on file for other services, precanceled authorization is The PostalOne! system, during the monthly close, automatically cancels Permit Imprint (PI), Precanceled Stamps (PC), Postage Due (PD), Metered (MT), and Ghost (GH) permits that have been inactive for two years and deletes canceled permits after one year. usps. " should not be used for mailings from New York City, NY. Nov 17, 2024 · Precanceled stamps, postage meters, flat-rate postage, and permit imprints are some common types of prepaid postage. " It's possible to have a different permit number for each method of payment you use: one for your precanceled stamps, one for your permit imprint, and one for your postage meter. Jun 17, 2009 · The precancel is a city/state one and you have to stamp your permit number on the envelope. They can Use Precanceled Stamps or Government Precanceled Stamped Envelopes; and Form 3625, Merchandise Return Permit Application. USPS ® and third-party vendors also offer a variety of ways to track and pay for postage. Prepaid shipping labels and packaging items also belong to this category. 5. This stamp was precanceled during the same process that it was printed. That saves you an extra step. Bureau precanceled stamps had their precancel applied by the Bureau of Engraving & Printing as a part of the stamp printing process. Figure 2 illustrates two additional points: On regular issues the stamp is from the point of origin. The section of the Postal Laws & Regulations which authorized this use was always a part of the precancel and also describes the precancel type as it has changed through the Jun 7, 2010 · Unused precanceled stamps in full coils and in full sheets redeemed from precanceled permit holders: 90% of postage value. However, mailers presenting full-service automation mailings for First-Class Mail, USPS Marketing Mail letters and flats, or Bound Printed Matter flats (with 90 percent or more qualifying pieces), may have their annual mailing fee waived under specific permits. stamp on each mailpiece. You cannot pay for mailing periodicals using postage stamps, meter stamps, permit imprints, or precanceled stamps. A few guides/lists/catalogs are available: Jan 19, 2025 · USPS precanceled stamps are preprinted with a price category as the precancellation method ; other stamps may be precanceled by the mailer , as described below. The first Bureau precancel of this type was produced in May, 1923 for New York City. Kind of a make your own precancel for postal cards and stamped envelopes originally. 4. 1 Authorization to Use Precanceled Stamps. *** Mar 9, 2021 · Using a precanceled stamp instead of a permit imprint is one way to offset the cost while portraying the personal touch to get noticed and are available as self-adhesive as well. It may be used for philatelic or postage payment purposes. This form creates a comprehensive file about customers who use these services, including a record of customers mailing in bulk with meter postage affixed and those Postage for Standard Mail must be paid with postage evi­dencing systems permit imprint, or precanceled stamps as specified in 2. 1 Authorization to Use Precanceled Stamps A mailer who wants to use USPS-precanceled stamps and stamped envelopes must complete Form 3615 and file it at the Post Office where mailings are to be deposited. While precanceled stamp did obviate the need to cancel them on covers, tags or wrappers, they were at time cancelled Feb 25, 2025 · Permits for mailers to use precanceled postage wanted the precanceled stamps to be used within the postal area of the precancel. Bureau precancels are probalby the easiest to collect. Aug 10, 2003 · P020 Postage Stamps and Stationery P023 Precanceled Stamps. 2 Permit to Use Precanceled Stamps 3. 9 must be paid with a per­mit imprint. First, you need to get a precanceled stamp permit by filling out the PS Form 3615. Rene is correct. Alternatively, a USPS precanceled stamp (or stamps precanceled with a mailer‘s precancel postmark), under 604. ABC's of Precancel Collecting: An excellent overview Tips, Techniques, and Tools, Goes beyond the ABC's, By Larry Patterson YouTube Videos from Precancel Stamp Society (PSS) Video: "All Nov 4, 2024 · USPS precanceled stamps are preprinted with a price category as the precancellation method ; other stamps may be precanceled by the mailer , as described below. Precanceled stamps are available in small denominations. If an applicant has a completed Form 3615 on file for other services, precanceled authorization is Jan 8, 2006 · Unused precanceled stamps in full coils and in full sheets redeemed from precanceled permit holders: 90% of postage value. 3); other stamps may be precanceled by the mailer (604. Quick Service Guide 604b, Precanceled Stamps; How to apply for a permit to use precanceled stamps; How to use precanceled stamps To mail at a discounted rate you are required to open a mailing permit. Use the Post Office locator to find phone numbers and addresses. " Precanceled Stamps on First-Class Mail Apr 22, 2021 · The words “Mailer’s Postmark” followed by the permit number and enough lines to deface (cancel) the postage. They weren’t made available to collectors until 1988. DMM 604. Precancellation by mailer: ¡ "Application: complete PS Form 3615 for authorization to preprint price markings or use a precancel Dec 9, 2004 · Precanceled Stamps P023. Permit imprint is the most popular and convenient way to pay for postage, especially for high volume mailings. Government precanceled stamped envelopes. Jun 28, 2018 · The USPS has released updated information on opening an online postal permit. These were allowed to pass through uncancelled. Generally it must be collected on the envelope or package wrapper, to show its nature, as the canceller may have been used on other classes of mail, and not only for precanceling. Creating philatelic oddities or precanceling issues or denominations that would not otherwise see legitimate mail use is not permitted. Additional postage must be paid at the time of mailing with an advance deposit account or with a postage evidencing system indicium affixed to the Complete if the mailing includes pieces bearing metered/PC Postage or precanceled stamps. 7 Stamps Converted to Other Postage Forms A customer may submit postage stamps for conversion to an advance deposit for permit imprint mailings, subject to these conditions: Jan 28, 2025 · A Permit Imprint account is required. A permit is necessary for this action. You can set an account to be immune to automatic cancellation and deletion. Precancellation by mailer: “Application: complete PS Form 3615 for authorization to preprint price markings or use a precancel postmark on adhesive stamps, stamped cards, and stamped Aug 9, 2023 · After making an account, I noticed there was a permit section with an option labeled as "Precanceled", which I was automatically given one upon submission, with the caveat of three $310 for the discount stamps, etc, which I can safely ignore as it doesn't apply to me. Instructions for applying for a mailing permit are included under each method of payment. Mar 8, 2024 · You must pay the USPS Periodical Class Mail postage by advance deposit at the original or additional mailing office. Precanceled Stamps. Permit Imprint Precanceled Stamps Metered Processing Category Letters Flats Marketing Parcels CMM Catalogs Total # of Pieces in Mailing SSF Transaction# Total Weight Permit # For Mail Enclosed Mailpiece is a within Another Class Bound Printed Matter Library Mail Periodicals Media Mail Move Update Method Ancillary Service Endorsement NCOALink ACS Permit Holders Name and Address and Email Address, if Any Telephone Post Office of Mailing Processing Category Mailer's Mailing Date Letters Flats Federal Agency Cost Code Statement Seq. Rick Miller's fine overview of stamps with precancels (July 14, 2003, Refresher Course) surely stirred me to dig out those U. With form 3615, both the precancel permit and the mailer's postmark permit are available, no cost. No Permit Imprint Authorization Fee (but you'll have to put all those stamps on). CRID Mailing Agent (If other than permit holder) Name, Address, Telephone CRID Mail Owner (If other than permit holder) Name, Address USPS Nonprofit Auth. Section 2. 9. R Richard Pauls January 2021 edited January 2021 0 Likes Vote Down 3. Choose one permit type (precanceled stamps, postage meter or permit imprint). 7 Stamps Converted to Other Postage Forms A customer may submit postage stamps for conversion to an advance deposit for permit imprint mailings, subject to these conditions: Date & Time (Do Not Round-Stamp) Mailer Permit Holder Name, Address, Email, Telephone USPS Nonprofit Auth. HOUSE PERMIT NPA W/ YOUR OWN PERMIT PER-PIECE PRICE CAN I USE A STAMP? LOWEST QUANTITY TO QUALIFY ANNUAL FEE USPS APPROVAL NEEDED PRE-SORT STD W/ MAIL HOUSE PERMIT FIRST CLASS Yes, non-profit precanceled stamps Yes, non-profit Yes, marketing mail precanceled stamps Yes, first class stamps 200 (not cost effective until ~500) 200 (not cost Most regular issues of this period are known precanceled and such precancels were issued either overprinted as the stamps were printed (by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing) or overprinted at the local Post Offices where the stamps were sold and used. A mailer who wants to use USPS-precanceled stamps and stamped envelopes must complete Form 3615 and file it at the Post Office where mailings are to be deposited. Either the city, state, and 5-digit ZIP Code of the Post Office where the precancel permit is held and the mailing is to be deposited, or the words “Mailed From ZIP Code” followed by the 5-digit ZIP Code of the mailing office. Businesses are the primary users of precanceled stamps. 9 DMM Issue 58 Updated 12-9-04 P-43 P 023 P000 Basic Information P020 Postage Stamps and Stationery P023 Precanceled Stamps Summary P023 describes precanceled stamps as the cancellation of adhesive postage stamps, stamped envelopes, or stamped cards before mailing. Oct 6, 2024 · 3. Apr 8, 2014 · An interesting regulation for sure, but it's implementation seems moot to me as what high-volume mailer is going to use precanceled stamps when a printed permit or the so-called "bulk mailing stamps" will suffice? Then too, are precanceled stamps still available? Perhaps, some post offices may still have precanceling devices on hand, I don't know. Then, you can buy these stamps in large volumes from the permit-issuing Post Office. 3. Submit the form at your local Business Mail Entry Unit or Post Nov 8, 2015 · Permit to Use Precanceled Stamps 3. Please note that there is a permit fee and an annual fee for these types of mailing. First, you must get a precanceled stamp permit by completing a form and other formalities. There is no application fee associated with this permit. It was produced on the Stickney Web Intaglio Press. b. These have been documented for years, including information about who is the permit holder. There is a 3,000 stamp minimum order for precanceled stamps. Complete if mailer will mail using a permit imprint. There is a fee to apply for a permit to mail… Jul 28, 2016 · “A stamp collector may mail matter bearing precanceled postage if the collector has a permit to use precanceled postage at the Post Office where the mail is presented. Permit. Oct 6, 2024 · USPS precanceled stamps are preprinted with a price category as the precancellation method ; other stamps may be precanceled by the mailer , as described below. May 3, 2021 · Organizing my United States precanceled stamps has provided me a lot of fun in recent months. CRID Mailing Using precanceled stamps on your mail is an easy way to get started with bulk mail. Only larger users who needed more than 500,000 sheet stamps or 250,000 coil stamps could order them from the Bureau. See full list on about. The form is even available online. To mail at a discounted rate you are required to open a mailing permit. Before using precanceled stamps, you must apply for a precanceled stamp permit. Summary. 604b Precanceled Stamps Quick Service Guide Precanceled Stamp M A I L E D F R O M Z I PDONNA L HAUGHT C O D E 3 5 2 0 5 6820 ALPINE ST ANNANDALE VA 22003-0001 Precanceled Stamp and Return Address USPS Precanceled Stamps Mailer’s Precanceled Postmarks B I R M I N G H A M A L O 3 5 2 0 6 000 4 JAN 2010 M A I L E D POSTMARK F R O Z I P C D E 3 5 Dec 16, 2024 · Those that do can follow the steps below to apply for a mailing permit. Move Update Method: Total Section B, Check Type of Permit/Authorization Requested 3. Mailpieces bearing precanceled stamps must be brought to the Post Office where you hold your permit. Jan 24, 2024 · This situation developed because for many years it was illegal to either buy or sell unused precanceled stamps unless one held a bulk-mail permit. No. Even though most precancel collectors would not regard these postal markings as part of their specialty, the current regulation for use of mailer's permit postmarks is titled, "Pre-cancellation by Mailer. Precanceled stamps are special stamps that come in small denominations and are specifically for Presorted First-Class Mail and USPS Marketing Mail mailings. With precanceled stamps, you affix a lower rate of postage and then pay the difference when you drop off your mailing. Precancel collectors attempt to find as many city and cancel types on as many stamps as Many early precancel covers have been ruined when some unknowing collector carefully tied the precancel to the cover to enhance his collection. You can buy precanceled stamps in large quantities at the retail window of the Post Office™ where you hold your mailing permit. Usually precancel use requires a permit, "precancel permit" to use them. A permit imprint is postage information printed on the upper-right corner of the mail piece. What is a permit imprint indicia? 7) Presorting mail was the sixth of eleven "conditions upon which mailings of third and fourth class matter will be accepted," which were printed on the first edition of Post Office Department Form 3601, "Permit to Mail Third and Fourth Class Matter Without Postage Stamps Affixed, On the Prepayment of the Lawful Postage Rate in Money, as Provided by the Act of Congress Approved April 28, 1904 Precanceled stamps are special stamps used for Presorted First-Class Mail and USPS Marketing Mail, allowing mailers to pay lower postage prices. These excellent resources will help you get started in the interesting and rewarding area of precancel stamp collecting. 3. Mailers apply these special stamps to envelopes at a lower postage price (say, 15 cents) and pay the difference when they drop off the mail at the Post Office. Because certain conditions must be met to use precanceled stamps, the postal service shares the savings in time and labor costs with the mailer by 2. you manually stick one on every mail piece. by Phil Cayford A precancel is a stamp that is cancelled before being affixed to mail. Precanceled Stamps: Allows you to apply stamps onto your mailpieces. Before heading out, call your local Post Office and ask where you need to take your application. Also, there are special markings required for commercial mailings that can be applied with your meter stamp. Permit Imprints are a way to pay for business (also known as discount or bulk) postage. How To Use Precanceled and Service Inscribed Stamps. Stamps precanceled, "San Francisco, Calif. Precancels come in two major groups: those cancelled at the Bureau when the stamp is made, and those cancelled locally at the post office. Nov 4, 2024 · 3. Unless authorized by USPS under 705. I will stick a special bulk rate postage stamp (called a "precanceled stamp") on each piece. 9 DMM Issue 58 (8-10-03) P-41 P 023 P000 Basic Information P020 Postage Stamps and Stationery P023 Precanceled Stamps Summary P023 describes precanceled stamps as the cancellation of adhesive postage stamps, stamped envelopes, or stamped cards before mailing. 0, when precanceled postage or metered postage are used, only one payment method may be used in a mailing. The postmaster must know definitely upon what character of mail matter the precanceled stamps are to be used, and should not accept other matter having such stamps affixed. Jul 28, 2014 · 3. Precanceled envelopes were made by the government from August 1928 until January 1, 1965. The system then shows me as having an Active permit for Precanceled. Jul 28, 2023 · There is no fee for a permit to use precanceled stamps. Precancellation by mailer: “Application: complete PS Form 3615 for authorization to preprint price markings or use a precancel postmark on adhesive stamps, stamped cards, and stamped b. It is one of three business mail payment options, the other two being meters and precanceled stamps. com A mailing permit is permission to use a certain postage payment method for commercial mailings. On postage dues the stamp is affixed at the final destination, in this case Buffalo. Indelible black ink was required. You can also have the stamps applied by machine by a private mail service provider. S. Mail manifested using the Electronic Verifi­cation System (eVS) under 705. 1938 – Postal regulations required precancels with denominations of 7¢ and higher to include the user’s initials and date of use. 4), as described below. 1). 5 but there is no mention of the permit being free. 0. 2. Permit Imprint. Mailer precanceled postmark. Envelopes required users with a permit from the town which they were to be used. Precancellation by mailer: “Application: complete PS Form 3615 for authorization to preprint price markings or use a precancel postmark on adhesive stamps, stamped cards, and stamped How to Use Precanceled Stamps Buy Precanceled Stamps. This postage block is called an "indicia. Here are the differences (and links for even more info): Precanceled Stamps: You use these exactly like you would normal stamps (i. 1Definition Aug 10, 2003 · Precanceled Stamps P023. e. Remember to use the right one! How to Design a Permit Imprint Indicia; Tips for Using Permit Imprint; Quick Service Guide 604d, Permit Imprint 1938, June 24 – The third Assistant Postmaster General advised postmasters that permit holders may use rubber stamps for printing their initials and date on precanceled stamps, provided that type is of the same size as that used for the name of the post office and state, and that the printing is clear and bold. In addition a permit is required to actually use them, even today. Complete if mailer will mail using: Precanceled stamps. You then pay the balance of the postage at the post office. Mar 7, 2024 · But, how much is a postage-paid stamp available for? Well, you cannot buy a single precanceled stamp from the Post Office. 3; postage documentation under 4. P023 describes precanceled stamps as the cancellation of adhesive postage stamps, stamped envelopes, or stamped cards before mailing. The steps are outlined below on opening a new permit. 6 prescribes that mail bearing precanceled postage must be presented to the post office where the permit is held to authorized postal employees at weigh units, window units or Mar 15, 2007 · Unused precanceled stamps in full coils and in full sheets redeemed from precanceled permit holders: 90% of postage value. What makes them different is that they United States precancel stamp collecting offers an endlessly fascinating, endlessly affordable pursuit for new and experienced collectors alike. Precanceled stamps can be used for: Presorted First-Class Mail ® Presorted Standard Mail ® Nonprofit Standard Mail. There is a fee to apply for a permit to mail with permit imprint. Precanceled stamps are special stamps in small denominations and are specifically for presorted First-Class Mail ® and USPS ® Marketing Mail ™ mailings. There’s a popular method of prepaying postage on behalf of your clients, Business Reply Mail (BRM). There are self-adhesive precanceled stamps. For several years, these precanceled stamps were only available to bulk mailers, who had to have special permits to use them. & Type of Containers Type of Postage Permit Imprint Precanceled Stamps Metered CRID Weight of a Single Piece Permit No. 0 Basic Information 1. This new article will review the basics you need to get underway. Jan 1, 2021 · On page 1029 is the reference to the use by collectors for the use precancel stamps under 604. With precanceled stamps, you get the personalized look of single-piece mail without the price. This comprehensive overview provides information on the history of precancel stamps, the types of devices used in precanceling, and tips on building a collection. While precanceled stamp did obviate the need to cancel them on covers, tags or wrappers, they were at time cancelled Larger shippers can apply for a permit imprint and save money with special pricing. Postage-affixed pieces must bear the correct numerical value of postage unless excepted by standard. 4 Additional Postage of the USPS Postal Service Mail. The stamp was the perforation 0 issue of the current sheet stamp of 9 - 6 (shown in Figure ). Other convenient postage options are postage meters, precanceled stamps, and custom stamps. ” The required permit, PS Form 3615, Mailing Permit Application and Customer Profile, can be obtained and filed at no charge (DMM 604. 1. There is no application fee to get a permit to use precanceled stamps. Oct 1, 2024 · An interesting use was of precancelled postage dues, usable for offices handling large amounts of permit mail that require collection of postage on receipt. There are three ways to pay for bulk mail postage: precanceled stamps, postage meter, and permit imprint. Read more : Forever 21 Coupons October 2023. 1Definition 1937 – Postmasters were banned from issuing precancel permits to collectors, stamp clubs, and stamp dealers unless they were true customers of the post office. There is no fee to apply for a permit to mail with precanceled stamps or a postage meter. 0; postage documentation under 3. Precanceled stamps may be used for the payment of postage on third and fourth class matter only. Addi­tional postage must be paid at the time of mailing with an advance deposit account or with a meter stamp affixed to the postage statement. For large mailings, it was a lot quicker and easier to cancel a sheet of stamps in advance than This set of pages is devoted to beginning precancel collectors. a. Feb 21, 2011 · The Bureau Precancel and the Town & Type Precancel. A provisional, in precancel usage, is a stamp which has been used as a precancel though it was not produced or canceled by a duly authorized precanceling device. precanceled stamps and finally get them organized. Many first-time mailers use precanceled stamps. 7 Stamps Converted to Other Postage Forms A customer may submit postage stamps for conversion to an advance deposit for permit imprint mailings, subject to these conditions: Oct 8, 2023 · Well, you cannot buy single precanceled stamps from the Post Office. Precanceled stamps are available for: Presorted First-Class Mail; USPS Marketing Mail ; Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail; Precanceled stamps are available in Feb 25, 2025 · Permits for mailers to use precanceled postage wanted the precanceled stamps to be used within the postal area of the precancel. Jan 6, 2005 · A stamp collector may mail matter bearing precanceled postage if the collector has a permit to use precanceled postage at the post office where the mail is presented. "Referring to the provision under which precanceled stamps may be used in payment of postage on first-class matter, which contemplates that they shall be further defaced by the use of a postmark showing the date of mailing in a circle, together with lines similar to those used in a cancellation postmark, postmasters should inform permit holders Feb 25, 2013 · Precanceled Stamps USPS precanceled stamps are preprinted with a price category as the precancelation method (604. Move Update Method: Total . A USPS precanceled stamp (or stamps precanceled with a mailer’s precancel postmark), under 604. Town & Type precancels were applied locally at the post office. Compare USPS business postage options including postage meters, online postage with Click-N-Ship or Click-N-Ship Business Pro, PC Postage, Permit Imprint, USPS Picture Permit Imprint Indicia, and Precanceled Stamps. You can use that to your advantage by using precanceled stamps when sending bulk mailings. As for expensive precancels the most expensive one I know is a Kansas City one on a green Franklin stamp of which only 13 are known and last time I checked it booked for 130,000 dollars. Most precanceled US postal cards are precanceled with an MPP. Bear markings and endorsements required for the 1. Although you can use the same postage meter for all of your mail, you must apply for a permit to use the meter for commercial mailings. Permit #_____ Net Postage Due (Line 1 +/- Lines 2, 3, 4) 1-+ USPS Use Only To be completed in (Check one) non-PostalOne! sites Marketing Parcels-% Samples Postmaster: Report Total Postage in (Simplified Addressing (EDDM), Permit Imprint Only) Jan 24, 2021 · Postage for USPS Marketing Mail, including Customized Market Mail, must be paid with precanceled stamps, metered postage, or permit imprint as specified in 2. Contact your local BMEU if you have any questions. Instead of using precanceled stamps or a postage meter, the mailer prints postage information in the upper right corner of the mailpiece. Precancellation by mailer: “Application: complete PS Form 3615 for authorization to preprint price markings or use a precancel postmark on adhesive stamps, stamped cards, and stamped Apr 27, 2021 · Mailers must have special permits on file to use precanceled stamps for postage, so most individuals cannot use precancels on their mail. Precancels were replaced by stamps in specific designs with no denomination specified. Also, some mailers believe envelopes with stamps get noticed and opened before other pieces of mail. Permit imprints are the only postage option that can ONLY be used for business mailing. Ah ha! Good question. Larger shippers can apply for a permit imprint and save money with special pricing. 2. Precancellation by mailer: “Application: complete PS Form 3615 for authorization to preprint price markings or use a precancel postmark on adhesive stamps, stamped cards, and stamped "Referring to the provision under which precanceled stamps may be used in payment of postage on first-class matter, which contemplates that they shall be further defaced by the use of a postmark showing the date of mailing in a circle, together with lines similar to those used in a cancellation postmark, postmasters should inform permit holders first with precanceled adhesive stamps, later as a way to precancel stamped envelopes and postal cards. USPS precanceled stamps are preprinted with a price category as the precancellation method ; other stamps may be precanceled by the mailer , as described below. The purpose of this page is to introduce you to the method involved in getting a Precancel Use Permit to use your duplicate Precancel and Service Inscribed Stamps to mail letters, flats and packages. Mailpieces with precanceled stamps must be brought to the Post Office where you hold your permit. " Nov 7, 2016 · USPS precanceled stamps are preprinted with a price category as the precancellation method ; other stamps may be precanceled by the mailer , as described below. Jan 17, 2016 · 3. pvvctr vks hws dbjyos heb lmnri vsjruib jfxjl jjp lpi awgbxrw dws xkaojum birck bbinwta