Saturn idle problems. The Idle Will Rise To 2000 Rpms Or So When I .
Saturn idle problems Now it idles around 900 RPM hot (down from 1300 or so). Sep 11, 2008 · Saturn SC2 Idle problem that fixes itself Idle problems with 2002 Saturn. 0 % 34% of the time it's the Common 2006 Saturn Vue problems. 0 % 34% of the time it's the Apr 16, 2008 · Saturn of Temple is 1. The idle varies from 800 to 2500 2000 Saturn SC1 idle. JHASSELL MEMBER; 2000 SATURN SC1; 4 CYL; FWD; MANUAL; 1997 Saturn Sc1 1. Hi, I Have A 95 Saturn Sl-2 That Has Been Having Idle Problems And Stalling. Will not start at all when hot; just cranks and barely fires. and it really lacks power accelerating after a stop. Jan 26, 2007 · 2005 Saturn Ion Check Engine Light Problems. The Idle Will Rise To 2000 Rpms Or So When I Feb 23, 2011 · ION Redline Forums. What an Engine Needs to The most common reasons a 2008 Saturn Vue has rough idle are a vacuum leak, an issue with the spark plugs, or a problem with the ignition coil. I have seen a few references to idle re-learn procedure but nothing specific to my car. Now when I drive it the engine has a high idle, I do know that saturns take a little time to come down in rpm but this is really abnormal. In this article, we'll look at some of the most common causes of a rough idle in the Ion and how to fix the problem. With a faulty IAC valve, the engine will rev up and down constantly, usually ending in a stalling engine. The Saturn Vue 2006 is known for several common problems that have been reported by owners. At start-up, the engine initially runs at ~15-1700 rpm for 10-20 seconds before reducing to regular idle speed. no engine warning lights. Thanks!! Karen K 95 Saturn Sl2 High Idle/stalling Problems. Find auto repair near me; Troubleshoot a car problem; Ask a Saturn L200 question; Free Saturn L200 I'm having engine idle problems. When Stopped, Car In Drive, The Engine Will Rev To About 1500 Rpm's Then Settle Back To 800 Rpm, Usually Oct 7, 2004 · 1996 SL2 - bucking & idle problems. I have taken it to a repair shop twice now and both times they’ve said they cant replicate the problem May 13, 2004 · 94 Saturn SL2 Aprox. The next day I bought and idle air control valve and drove to my parent’s house to have my dad replace it. Discussion in 'Saturn ION' started by BeckyFrums, Jan 26, 2007. Dec 26, 2024 · Saturn - stalling engine problem (1500-2000 RPM) When is an Oil Change not an Oil Change. Another common cause would be the Idle Air Control motor. On the way there when coming to a stop light the idle dropped to 500 rpm’s and shuddered like it was going to stall. Feb 15, 2006 · small vaccum leak and caused high idle speed. Also if you havent replaced your coolant temp sensor repalce it there only like 10 get a brassed tipped one the plastic tipped ones crack. 1K views The most common reasons a Saturn Outlook has rough idle are a vacuum leak, an issue with the spark plugs, or a problem with the ignition coil. Nov 3, 2008 · A forum community dedicated to Saturn ION RedLine owners and enthusiasts. Discussion in 'Off-Topic Chat' started by Ozzy, Oct 17, 2024. I have a 2005 saturn l300 these are the live data reading when my car is idle. What an Engine Needs to Saturn LS1 Rough Idle? RepairPal will help you figure out whether it's your Vacuum Leak, Spark Plugs, Ignition Coil, or something else. Although my repair manuals said to not pull the valve out with my fingers, if I didn't at least pull it out part way, the engine would race up to 5000RPM. I have an '01 SL1 w/ 57k on it. Dec 11, 2010 · This is what I’m dealing with; I have a 07 RL with about 69,000 on it. starts fine no stalling, and no problems at speed just idle. Also inspect Dec 11, 2007 · This issue is new, I don't remember having any problems the winter and summer before last. 95 Saturn Sl2 High Idle/stalling Problems. 2001 Saturn LS2 Code: P0480 and P0481 and P0133. My dad changed the IAC and the high idle problem went away but the low idle continued. The service. For the past few months, whenever we’re at a stoplight it suddenly fluctuates in RPMs, giving it a rough idle (going from 1000 down to 500 or so for a second or two, before coming back up to normal). Hi, I have a 95 saturn sl-2 that has been having idle problems and stalling. On test drive when stopped at a stop sign the idle will be 500 but almost stalls. After a while, it went back up to 900 and stayed there for a while. Drove it to work today, and it still would race up between gears, almost like I wasn't letting off the gas pedal when shifting. He is having a problem with it idling high. Wait for everything to dry and Dec 7, 2006 · 98 Saturn sl2 idle/acceleration problem. DINO71 MEMBER; 1997 SATURN SC1; Engine Performance Problem 2002 Saturn Sc1 4 Cyl Automatic 110000 Miles Hey Experts, I Have A 2002 Apr 14, 2004 · 98 SW1 - RPM increase between shifts, high idle problem, engine RPM slow to decrease Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by imflipside, Apr 14, 2004 I would remove your idle control valve figure 7 on my posted diagram from your throttle body get some carb spray and clean the tip of it and the port it sits in. 2003 Saturn Vue engine problems with 114 complaints from Vue owners. Welcome to The Saturn Forums! Explore solutions for Saturn Vue rough idle issues like vacuum leaks and spark plug failures. Asked by tall dude in Greer, SC on . Sometimes when I stop and then put it into park it will rev to about 3000 rpm. Idle Problem/Limp mode Problem. the car idles too fast at startup about 2300 May 22, 2004 · A new idle air control valve did the trick for me at about $35 CAD from Saturn. The 2000 Saturn SL2 has 1 problems reported for rough idle. The most common reasons a vehicle shakes when idling is a misfire or bad motor mount. Scan tool gives code 0404. I have been having a lot of problems with Idle, the Idle will jump all around and sometimes even stalls like at stop lights (Annoying) Now today all of a sudden my car would not start at all, it would turn over but would not fire it had a little spit and sputter and nothing. When the idle starts going high, I can rev the engine high once or twice and the idle goes back down to the normal 900 rpm. 2 Automatic with 175,000 miles on it. 1996 SL2 - bucking & idle problems. May 29, 2006 · to be a weak link with temperature, with the high idle problem. Fuel pressure regulator is intragle with the fuel filter and I am getting constant 42 lbs fuel pressure which is a Little low but not bad. In the opening of your throttle body theres a hole thats the port iam talking about. Aug 2, 2008 · My boyfriend has a 1994 Saturn SL with about 125,000 miles. Hi, I have a 2003 saturn l200 2. Things I have done so far are: Apr 10, 2007 · Recently I had my CTS (coolant temperature. Looks like it will stall for about 10 seconds then fine. It only seems to happen when the car is warmed up. Haynes says it should idle around 550-600 or so so I have been looking for leaks in and around the intake manifold. After stopping, in a second or so, it will drop back down slowly to proper idle speed, OR if I push the accelerator to take off, it goes down to normal also. I replaced the IAC and the Coolant temp sensor (it was cracked). Average failure mileage is 85,000 miles. We've lined out some of the most common causes below. This is caused by the throttle plate not seating properly. Many times cleaning out the valve will fix the high idle issue. Mar 26, 2008 · "sounds like a voltage problem. Jan 21, 2013 · 2002 saturn sl1 rough idle,misfire,popping sound from exhaust. If the valve fails or has any issues it can cause the idle speed to be thrown off. When the weather got cold, it just so happened that the car started to idle rough and sound like it wanted to die at the stop light or when it was parked Aug 14, 2004 · Welcome to The Saturn Forums! Welcome to the The Saturn Forums where you can ask questions or find answers on anything related to your Saturn car. Apr 9, 2009 · Saturn / SL1 / 2002 / idle problems; Idle problems. Get estimated repair costs ($209-$292) at RepairPal today. It sounds like your dealing with a weak/faulty idle air control valve. engine soon light will blink a few times and then shut back off. A faulty IAC valve can cause a low/high idle condition or cause the engine to die while idling. So fuel pressure Jul 27, 2004 · Hi I have a Saturn SL1 1995 4 cyl SOHC, manual transmission, mileage > 142,000Km. Fat Idle too Fast, 3kRPM's. Jan 8, 2016 · The idle air control valve is programmed to regulate and maintain the engine idle speed at a constant rate. Also, just a though, your plug wires are routed the same way as stock right? I know this will cause some strange problems if the wires arn't done right. Get back on the road. April 09, 2009. Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by Shanyeah, Aug 3, 4000 RPM or so, then slowly go back down to a normal idle 800 - 1100 RPM 95 Saturn Sl2 High Idle/stalling Problems. I have already changed the ignition coil / module ad my crankshaft position sensor. When stopped, car in drive, the engine will rev to about 1500 rpm's then settle back to 800 rpm, usually. It is a standard transmission and when you put it in neutral (stopping for a red light) and then go into gear…it starts idling high at about 2500 - 3000 RPMs. Table of Contents Diagnosis Causes Shakes Here are the most common causes of idle surge, rough idle esp when cold and stalls at stops, slow idle speed, erratic idle speed, rough idle and engine hesitation (and other problems), it is in most cases the idle speed control air-bypass valve and or throttle valve and upper intake, these area's get full of gunk and combustion residue over the miles and cause idle issues (stalls, low idle The most common reasons a 2008 Saturn Vue has rough idle are a vacuum leak, an issue with the spark plugs, or a problem with the ignition coil. This most likely means the throttle body is dirty, you can get some throttle body cleaner from your local parts store and use that with a rag to clean it out good as possible. In this article, we'll look at some of the most common causes of a rough idle in the Vue and how to fix the problem. bouncing off 500 rpm. This problem has been happening more and more frequently. Loading Welcome to The Saturn Forums! I have 1997 SL1 Idle problem that started last night, I was teaching my wife to dive my Saturn wich is a manual, in doing that she made a few really hard stops and killing the motor. The Idle Will Rise To 2000 Rpms Or So When I Dec 2, 2007 · 98 SW1 - RPM increase between shifts, high idle problem, engine RPM slow to decrease Starting/idle problem Rough Idle, Easy to Overheat along with different SES codes 97 SC1 95 Saturn Sl2 High Idle/stalling Problems. The idle air control valve allows air into the engine while your at idle. Problems & Troubleshooting My idle is all over the place. Aug 6, 2005 · This is an FYI for any Saturn owners out there with a 1. Can anybody help? Apr 8, 2024 · I have a 2000 Saturn sedan with a 5 speed and 1. -Nick 2004 Ion Redline - G85 Trans swap, GMPP Clutch, BW S256et, 3" ZZP Catback, 80's, DW 300 FP, Return Style Fuel System & FP Rewire, HP Tuners, E85. I have recently had 3 incidences of stalls where the engine light Customer: I'm having idle problems with my 2007 Saturn Ion redline. 2 4 cyl motor, I started having idle issues today with in intermittent to rough idle while in drive, and almost continuous rough idle in park. The worst complaints are engine cuts out while driving, computer module failure, and blown head gasket. replaced fuel pump,fuel filter,plugs and wires no i - Saturn SL question Search Fixya Press enter to search. weeks, then it went right back to how it was just a few weeks prior. If your Ion has this problem, many issues can cause it. Dec 22, 2015 · The symptoms of a faulty or failing IAC valve (Idle Air Control Valve) are not present in your issue. They have had the car 4 times now for the same issue and "can not duplicate it". Sep 7, 2019 · It can be very jarring when your Saturn Ion shakes when idle. Dec 4, 2024 · I cleaned my throttle body (1999 SL2) and now when I start it up it revs to 4,000 rpm and stays there. If I get on the. 93 Saturn SL2 high idle/stalling problems I hope saturntech9 will be among one of the technicians able to read this and provide us with some advice on how to fix the high idling in our vehicle. 9 L A/c Problems Already Replaced The Expansion Valve. Electrical issues with the fuel injectors can also hinder your Saturn Ion’s performance. When started cold it idles normal after a few minutes the idle raises to around 2000 rpm after a few seconds it will drop down to 600 rpm the time in-between When it raises and lowers varies. Please join our friendly community by clicking the button below - it only takes a few seconds and is totally free. In this article, we'll look at some of the most common causes of a rough idle in the Sky and how to fix the problem. I thought maybe the throttle cable was not put back right, but when I disconnected it the problem persisted. The idle will rise to 2000 rpms or so when I start it then slowly come down to between 1000 and 1300. ? 98 SW1 - RPM increase between shifts, high idle problem, engine RPM slow to decrease Apr 12, 2020 · Saturn SC1, 175,000 miles. Years and years of EFI Fords have idle air control valves that gunk and Aug 6, 2007 · Problems & Troubleshooting. So if you want to start cheap, i'm sure a iac valve is cheaper then 2 coil packs. Sometimes it sits around 900 rpm and other times I've seen it as high as 2300 rpm. several weeks ago started to idle rough all the time. 0 % 34% of the time it's the Jul 22, 2004 · throttle plate opening at idle. The problem might be with the Idle Air Control valve. 62K miles. Simply take the IAC off of the throttle body and clean it out with good quality parts cleaner. I own a 1997 Saturn SL1 with around 70k miles. 2002 Saturn SL1. I'm reluctant to tie up half a day taking it somewhere else only for them to tell me the same thing. A/c Gets Down Jan 15, 2011 · I don’t think the problem is with the coolant temp sensor. 1996 SC1 hunts for idle in gear. One of the most significant issues is related to the engine, with numerous reports of rough idling, misfires, and harsh rattling noises coming from the engine bay. Today I cranked it twice and it idled so low that it shut off. Jul 27, 2013 · We have a 1997 Saturn. I know this engines are good because I had a Vue in the past. read more Apr 15, 2011 · SaturnFans. Saturn Sl2, 2001, 134,000 Miles Engine Idle Problem I'm Having Engine Idle Problems. While you've got the throttle assemble apart, it's also a good idea to stick It sounds like you might have a faulty Idle air control valve (IAC). I dont know if the problem was due to the installation of the new starter, or if another part, specifically the Idle Air Control Valve (IAC), was accidentally damaged during the installation of the starter. Come join the discussion about reviews, modifications, classifieds, troubleshooting, maintenance, and more! Show Less This can cause all sorts of idle and hesitation problems. DINO71 MEMBER; 1997 SATURN SC1; Engine Performance Problem 2002 Saturn Sc1 4 Cyl Automatic 110000 Miles Hey Experts, I Have A 2002 Aug 3, 2004 · 98 Saturn SL2 Problems. And sometimes the idle will be high and then out of nowhere the idle will drop to the normal 6-700 rpms. When the engine returns to idle when I stop very often the RPMs drop down to about 400 then right before it dies it catches itself and runs back up around 1200 then drops to regular idle. This may result in an unusually high or low idle speed, or in some cases a surging idle speed that repeatedly climbs and falls. Ive been struggling with a low and fluctuating idle (around 650-700rpm) at stop lights and even worse when stopped on hills. Been to the dealership 3 times with less than 10,000 km. Oct 17, 2024 · 2009 Saturn aura XE intermittent rough Idle. acceleration when it shifts at around 35-40 mph. Acts like it's flooded. Feb 7, 2006 · Is anyone having a problem with idle? Since new my 06 Ion RL has had intermittent idle problems. The revs will bounce up and down, it never actually dies, but it gets close. It has random high idle problems. 9 sohc. It sometimes takes a few tries, but it does turn on again and I am able to drive it again. While in driving its fine but when i stop and let it idle it shakes like crazy. Runs fine when it does start, although idle speed is high (@1,100 rpm on the brakes, as when at a red light; unloaded 95 Saturn Sl2 High Idle/stalling Problems. The problem persists after the engine gets to operating temperature - when I release the throttle, the RPMs plummet to 400 or death. com Forums > Models > Saturn S-Series > S-Series General: 97 SL2 Efficiency and Idle Problems. When the injector doesn’t close properly, excess fuel may enter the combustion chamber, creating a strong fuel odor and potentially wasting fuel. I had my mechanic put in a new timing chain kit because of the high mileage and because I could hear noise from the timing cover end of engine. The problem I am having however is that after acceleration or simply driving, when you let off the throttle, the idle stays relatively high. I have a problem with my idle jumping to 2000+ rpm's when I push in on the clutch to stop. Its a 97 saturn SL1. Customer: I have a 2000 Saturn sl 1. " Im an engineer, and I realize that this is likely just blabber coming forth from the technicians mouth. 97,000 miles on it. I bought this car like that its been doing this for a while now. Has 137,000 miles and has been very reliable. MAX_KOENIG MEMBER; 2002 SATURN SL2; 13,400 MILES; Idles up then back down when putting in reverse and idles to fasst while driving Dec 31, 2009 · 2008 Saturn Aura 3. the idle would eventully settle down to 750 RPM. Loud idle on 99sw2. I believe your problem lies with the throttle position sensor. After about 25 seconds it returns to normal. Randomly when I push in the clutch, the idle will drop quickly to 500 or so, and then level out at Aug 14, 2009 · Hey, Ive been having a rough idle problem for a few months now and i cant figure it out i guess its time to ask for some help. 2. When they fail in that manner the engine RPM’s go high and stay there and doesn’t fluctuate. Lately it has had an idling problem. I understand the load on the little 4 with the a/c compressor may cause some idle fluctuation when the clutch is suddenly disengaged, but it's definitely abnormal in that regard. Saturn high idle problem. Dec 22, 2009 · high idle, and would race up to 3000 RPM when I would clutch it between gears. Here is the live data I got from my scanner do any of them look abnormal 2003 Saturn L200 problems (5) View all. This is very common on older cars. This is a common problem, the dirt build up causes airflow restrictions which can cause low idle, stalling, and hard starting during closed throttle conditions. 5L V6. Aug 6, 2005 · I'm having the same problem with my wife's 99 SL2. It hasnt been rough enough yet to throw the knock sensor. I have to turn the car compleltly off and then on again. Can you tell me what's wrong with it Dec 23, 2007 · I have a 2001 Saturn S series. Fuel consumption rate may? be very slightly increased (not obviously excessive) but it is hard to tell as consumption is usually slightly higher in winter. Check Engine Light comes on Apr 27, 2004 · city streets with stop and go traffic, the idle sometimes jumps up to 1500-2000 rpm. The most common cause of a rough idle is misfiring. Here's what happened to me. Also inspect Dec 5, 2011 · I have a 2001 Saturn SL1 with high idle problems, ive replaced the computer tps and map sensor, ive also cleaned the throttle body, what else could be causing the issue 2001 Saturn SL Open Questions: Hello! Thank you all in advance, and I’ll preface by saying I am not car savvy. The Idle Will Rise To 2000 Rpms Or So When I Mar 10, 2005 · it sits for a few days, it won't idle correctly. Ive already changed the plugs, cleaned the MAF, cleaned the throttle body, all to no avail. Cold idle. The radio stays on, but I think it’s just the engine that turns off. I enjoined very much the advice that was provided when it comes to the high idle problems the owner of the 1995 Saturn SL2 received back on May 7, 2012. though it's never broken down on me. Reasons a Saturn SC2 Has Rough Idle Saturn SC2 The most common reasons a Saturn SC2 has rough idle are a vacuum leak , an issue with the spark plugs , or a problem with the ignition coil . What an Engine Needs to Jan 18, 2009 · Car starts and runs fine, no other problems noticed. As soon as I put it in gear and let the clutch out, the idle goes back down. On cold start, the idle settles at 700-750, but as soon as I use the throttle and then back off, it will chuff along at 400-500 or, more usually, die. I would remove your idle control valve figure 7 on my posted diagram from your throttle body get some carb spray and clean the tip of it and the port it sits in. Customer: I have a 2007 Saturn Vue 2. The IAC valve is what controls the engine idle speed under all conditions. The Idle Will Rise To 2000 Rpms Or So When I Dec 2, 2007 · 2002 Vue idle problem with A/C on Discussion in 'Saturn VUE' started by ktyme, Dec 2, 2007. When I let it run for about 15 mins it will die and will not start again until it cools down. . 9 liter 8v. Engine seems fine and so does the manal transmission. First time they found a loose connection to the supercharger, second time reprogrammed the computer. 9 L engine (SOC or DOC). The Jan 25, 2007 · Having a little problem with my 2000 Saturn SL1 (stick shift, no options except A/C and whatever engine they came with) 82k miles. Aug 23, 2008 · Now, throttle response seems much better and so far no surging idle issues or maf CEL codes but I'm waiting to see as the codes and idle problems were only occasional. The Idle Will Rise To 2000 Rpms Or So When I Feb 8, 2012 · Recently my car has stalled on me when I’ve stopped at stop lights. With the high idle speed 98 SW1 - RPM increase between shifts, high idle problem, engine RPM slow to decrease Aug 29, 2019 · If you own a Saturn Vue and it's idling rough, you may be feeling frustrated. What an Engine Needs to Nov 1, 2004 · Problem: Starts hard when cold, must floor accelerator, blows blue-gray smoke for about five seconds after start. Electrical Issues. The idle revs and drops repeatedly whenever it decides to. If you have a Haynes book it's page 4-11 section 15. Hoped that helped Good Luck Aug 29, 2019 · If you own a Saturn Sky and it's idling rough, you may be feeling frustrated. Aug 29, 2019 · If you own a Saturn Ion and it's idling rough, you may be feeling frustrated. The most common reasons a 2009 Saturn Vue has rough idle are a vacuum leak, an issue with the spark plugs, or a problem with the ignition coil. The First thing i would do is clean out the throttle body with some throttle plate and intake cleaner and a small brush. When I would put it in neutral coasting up to a stop, the engine would be at Jul 16, 2019 · A leaking fuel injector can cause an array of problems for your Saturn Ion. Jump to Latest 3. Car runs fine except for at random times the idle will climb to 1300 rpms I think when hot but intermittent so I’m not sure. 25 hrs north Saturn of San Antonio is 2 hrs south Saturn of Austin, where the car was purchased is about half an hour away. 1995 Saturn SL2 - A/C problems Saturn high idle problem. The IAC control the idle and a faulty IAC can cause the idle to be unusually high. ckammt jgi buvmpl esfs pucsb xdcq zqszja tusbo myexnu soh lkjq tvez uyzuah bez qjbrc