Sebastian county juvenile probation office FAQ; January 31, 2025 from Department: County Parks Department. Fort Smith, AR Greenwood Courthouse 11 Town Square Greenwood, AR 72936 Scott Sebastian County Library Board; Juvenile Probation. A Fort Smith resident, Moore, 66, graduated from the Univers… Phone: 479-783-1051(24 hours) Fort Smith District 800 South A Street Fort Smith, AR 72901. 6501 or 479. The Juvenile Probation Department has two main locations – one on South B Street in Fort Smith and the other on Center Street in Greenwood – where officers serve juvenile Fort Smith Court House 35 South 6 St. 2123 | 805 Garrison Ave, Fort Smith, AR 72901 • Secure Access to Juvenile Court Docket [] Located at 805 Garrison Avenue, this office is open Monday through Friday and can be reached at (479) 785-2664. 783. Fort Smith Location Sebastian County Courts Building 901 South B Street, Suite 100 Fort Smith, AR 72901 Monday through Friday 8am-5pm About Sebastian County Juvenile Department. Capacity: 268 Sharon Brooks - email. Fort Smith Sebastian County Courts Building 901 South B Street Fort Smith, AR 72901 Mon - Fri: 8:00am-5:00pm Main Office: 479-783-8976 Restitution/Fines: 479-784-1554 Fort Smith Court House 35 South 6 St. 0 miles Built in 1995 at a cost of $6,179,646, the center serves as a secure detention facility for individuals awaiting trial or serving short-term sentences, with a capacity of 266 inmates. Fort Smith, AR Greenwood Courthouse 11 Town Square Greenwood, AR 72956 Nov 17, 2016 · Fort Smith Court House 35 South 6 St. 2145 Scott Sebastian County Library Board; Juvenile Probation. Fort Smith, AR Greenwood Courthouse 11 Town Square Greenwood, AR 72936 May 24, 2019 · Fort Smith Court House 35 South 6 St. Fort Smith, AR Greenwood Courthouse 11 Town Square Greenwood, AR 72956 Scott Sebastian County Library Board; Juvenile Probation. The position will be responsible for representing clients appointed to the office including criminal defendants in Circuit and District Court, clients in Juvenile Court and clients appointed in Adult Protective There are six main juvenile probation offices serving the needs of the juvenile justice and detention systems in Sebastian County, offering services in Spanish as needed. sebastiancountyar. Fort Smith, AR Greenwood Courthouse 11 Town Square Greenwood, AR 72956 Sebastian County Adc / Jdc South A Street, Fort Smith, AR - 0. LOCATION. Resources • Adult Probation - 479. Ph: 479-784-1589 Raquel Smith. 784. Coker Greenwood, AR 72936 Phone: 479-996-4485 Fax: 479-996-3110 Find adult probation, juvenile probation, parole offices, community supervision and corrections departments in Sebastian County, Arkansas Feb 19, 2025 · Fort Smith Court House 35 South 6 St. Fort Smith, AR Greenwood Courthouse 11 Town Square Greenwood, AR 72956 Fort Smith Court House 35 South 6 St. Prosecuting Attorney for Sebastian County 901 South B Street, Suite 209 Fort Smith, Arkansas 72901 Phone: 479-783-8976 Hot Check Office: 479-783-1069 Restitution Office: 479-784-1554 https://www. Greenwood District 479-996-2145. 8:00am - 5:00 pm Monday through Friday Sebastian County Election Results November 3, 2020 General 100% Reporting. 1507 Fax: 479-783-1193 Juvenile Probation. W. FAQ; Sheriff Department 800 South A Street Fort Smith, AR 72901 Sep 18, 2017 · After over four decades of service, Kevin Moore's tenure with the Sebastian County Juvenile Probation Office will soon draw to a close. Fort Smith, AR Greenwood Courthouse 11 Town Square Greenwood, AR 72936 Fort Smith Court House 35 South 6 St. Fort Smith, AR Greenwood Courthouse 11 Town Square Greenwood, AR 72956 Zach Johnson - email LOCATIONS. 1530 or Email Go Back • Go To All Articles Sebastian County Juvenile & Adult Detention Center; 801 A Street South, Fort Smith, AR 72901; 479-783-3532; 479-784-1532 Fort Smith Court House 35 South 6 St. View Claudia Abrajan’s Phone: 479-783-1051(24 hours) Fort Smith District 800 South A Street Fort Smith, AR 72901. FAQ; Sebastian County Courts Building 901 South B Street, Rm 205 Phone: 479-782-1046 Fax: 479-784-1580 Records Office Parker Annex 40 Phone: 479-783-1051(24 hours) Fort Smith District 800 South A Street Fort Smith, AR 72901. Phone: 479-783-1051(24 hours) Fort Smith District 800 South A Street Fort Smith, AR 72901. Admin Office: (479) 646-2444 Phone: 479-783-1103 Fax: 479-441-1398. 1507 Fax: 479-783-1193 County Judges Office Fort Smith Courthouse 35 South 6th, Room 106 Fort Smith, AR 72901 Monday through Friday 8am - 12pm and 1pm - 5pm Ph: 479-783-6139 Jay Randolph - email Ben Geren Park 7200 South Zero Street Fort Smith, AR 72903 Office Hours Are: Monday through Friday 8:00 a. With a dedicated team of case coordinators and officers, Sebastian County Juvenile Department plays a vital role in promoting public safety and providing guidance to troubled youth in the community. 6100 Golf Course Loop Fort Smith, AR 72903 Office: (479) 646-2444. Administrative Office Hours: M-F 8am - 4:30pm Fort Smith Court House 35 South 6 St. gov/Courts/Prosecuting-Attorney. Fort Smith, AR Greenwood Courthouse 11 Town Square Greenwood, AR 72936 Sep 6, 2023 · Fort Smith Court House 35 South 6 St. Sebastian, a U. Fort Smith, AR Greenwood Courthouse 11 Town Square Greenwood, AR 72936 Cpt. - 5:00 p. 801 South A Street Fort Smith AR, 72901 Phone: 479-783-3532 Fax: 479-784-1532 Sebastian County Government LOCATIONS Fort Smith Courthouse 35 So. These must be conventionally filed. It was created from territory which previously comprised Crawford, Scott, and Polk Counties and was named after William K. Courts Building 901 South B Street Fort Smith, AR 72901 Public Defender LOCATION 40 South 4th Street Fort Smith, AR 72901 Monday through Friday: 8 am - 5 pm Ph: 479-785-2326 Fax: 479-784-1504 Jay Randolph - email Ben Geren Park 7200 South Zero Street Fort Smith, AR 72903 Office Hours Are: Monday through Friday 8:00 a. 8:00am - 5:00 pm Monday through Friday Fort Smith Court House 35 South 6 St. Administrative Office Hours: M-F 8am - 4:30pm Sebastian County Fort Smith District Law Library Board; - Juvenile Probation - Access is granted by the Juvenile Court Office (479. Courts Building 901 South B Street Fort Smith, AR 72901 Jul 21, 2023 · The Sebastian County Clerk's Office will begin mandatory e-filing August 1, 2023 in Probate, Civil, Juvenile and Domestic Divisions with the exception of case initiation documents that require a fee. Drug Court Admin Office Sebastian County Courts 901 South B, Room 204 Fort Smith, AR, 72901 Phone: 479. FAQ; Sebastian County, April 1, 2022 - Spring is in the air and that means it's time for our Spring Cleanup Campaign. Sebastian County Circuit Clerk 901 South B Street, Suite 205 Fort Smith, AR 72901 Phone: 479-782-1046 Office Hours: Normal: 8:00 am – 4:30 pm Monday – Friday Extended: 7:00 am – 7:00 pm Monday and Wednesday The Texas Juvenile Probation Directory contains the names and addresses of Texas juvenile probation professionals as reported to the Texas Juvenile Justice Department by the local juvenile probation departments. FAQ; Chris Landrum - email. Fort Smith, AR Greenwood Courthouse 11 Town Square Greenwood, AR 72936 Jay Randolph- email Community Complex. Fort Smith, AR Greenwood Courthouse 11 Town Square Greenwood, AR 72936 Phone: 479-783-1103 Fax: 479-441-1398. Court Administrator - email LOCATION Court Administration Sebastian County Courts Building 901 South B Street Fort Smith, AR 72901 Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm Sheriff's Department 800 South A Street Fort Smith, AR 72901 Monday through Friday 8:00 a. Courts Building 901 South B Street Fort Smith, AR 72901 Sebastian County Fort Smith District Law Library Board; Solid Waste Management Board; Western Arkansas Intermodal Authority; FAQ; Cooperative Extension Services. Sebastian County Juvenile Department is located at 901 B St S # 100 in Fort Smith, Arkansas 72901. Justice Building 901 South B St. 8400 South Zero St Building B Fort Smith, AR 72903 Mailing Address: P. O. County Road Department 201 S. 6th, Room 102 Fort Smith, AR 72901 Mon - Fri: 8:00am-5:00pm. Administrative Office Hours: M-F 8am - 4:30pm Kenneth Hobbs - email. Fort Smith, AR. We supervise requirements of court orders and sanctions as ordered by the juvenile court. 901 South B Street Fort Smith, AR 72901 Monday through Friday 8am - 5pm We observe all state and federal holidays. FAQ; Sheriff Department 800 South A Street Fort Smith, AR 72901 Fort Smith Court House 35 South 6 St. Mike Conger - email LOCATION 800 South “A” Street Fort Smith, AR, 72901 Monday through Friday 8 am to 4:30 pm Ph: 479-783-1053 Mar 10, 2020 · Scott Sebastian County Library Board; Juvenile Probation. Documents mailed to ARDOT State Aid Division: 3/05/2020: Certificate of concurrence was sent to ARDOT awarding SILCO the low bid: 4/09/2020. m. 801 South A Street Fort Smith AR, 72901 Phone: 479-783-3532 Fax: 479-784-1532 Susie Hassett - email. Fort Smith Sebastian County Courts Building 901 South B Street Fort Smith, AR 72901 Mon - Fri: 8:00am-5:00pm Main Office: 479-783-8976 Restitution/Fines: 479-784-1554 Apr 14, 2020 · If you have any questions, please contact our office by email or telephone as follows: Phone: 479. The Juvenile Probation Office provides services for delinquent and at risk kids. 801 South A Street Fort Smith AR, 72901 Phone: 479-783-3532 Fax: 479-784-1532 Phone: 479-783-1051(24 hours) Fort Smith District 800 South A Street Fort Smith, AR 72901. Sebastian County Courts Building 901 South B Street Fort Smith, AR 72901. Veteran's Service 35 South 6th Street, Room G6 Fort Smith, AR 72901 Phone: 479-782-3421 Fax: 479-784-9250 8am - 5pm, Monday - Friday Daniel Shue. 6th Fort Smith, AR 72901 . 8:00am - 5:00 pm Monday through Friday Becky Tabor - email. Fort Smith Courthouse 35 South 6th Street, Room 105 Fort Smith, AR 72901 Mon - Fri: 8:00am-5:00pm Personal Property & Business: 479-783-8948 Kenneth Hobbs - email. Administrative Office Hours: M-F 8am - 4:30pm Jun 15, 2015 · Fort Smith Court House 35 South 6 St. 6 - Pursuant to order of the Arkansas Supreme Court, Issue 6 has been disqualified from the ballot. Jay Randolph - email Ben Geren Park 7200 South Zero Street Fort Smith, AR 72903 Office Hours Are: Monday through Friday 8:00 a. Ph: 479. Phone: 479-783-0630 Fax: 479-289-6492 Location: Pulaski County Probation Office, 1302 Pike Avenue, Suite C, North Little Rock, AR 72114 (Arkansas Department of Corrections Office Locations) Contact: 501-686-9800 Sebastian County May 24, 2022 · Fort Smith Court House 35 South 6 St. Fort Smith Courthouse 35 So. Contact information for the Fort Smith office of the Arkansas Department of Corrections. - 4:30 p. Notice Regarding Issue No. LOCATIONS. Fort Smith, AR Greenwood Courthouse 11 Town Square Greenwood, AR 72936 Sebastian County Government LOCATIONS Fort Smith Courthouse 35 So. Court Administrator - email LOCATION Court Administration Sebastian County Courts Building 901 South B Street Fort Smith, AR 72901 Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm Payment of Fines and Costs Sebastian County Sheriff's Office Greenwood Courthouse - 1st Floor P. FAQ; Local Office Info: (877) 595-7232 2022, provides curbside collection for all residents of Sebastian County (excluding City of Fort Becky Tabor - email. FAQ; Sheriff Department 800 South A Street Fort Smith, AR 72901 Phone: 479-783-1051 (24 hours) Fort Smith District 800 South A Street Fort Smith, AR 72901. Sheriff Department Mar 20, 2017 · Fort Smith Court House 35 South 6 St. Sebastian County Courts Building 901 South B Street Fort Smith, AR 72901 Phone: 479-783-1103 Fax: 479-784-1527 Juvenile Probation. Fort Smith Court House 35 South 6 St. Public Defender LOCATION 40 South 4th Street Fort Smith, AR 72901 Monday through Friday: 8 am - 5 pm Ph: 479-785-2326 Fax: 479-784-1504 Phone: 479-783-1103 Fax: 479-441-1398. 1595 The Hamilton County Juvenile Court Probation Department works with children, and families who are under Court supervision. Juvenile Probation. S. Senator, and judge of the first circuit court for several years after the state was admitted to the Union. Fort Smith, AR Greenwood Courthouse 11 Town Square Greenwood, AR 72936 The position will serve as a Deputy Public Defender in the Sebastian County Public Defender’s Office located in Fort Smith, Arkansas. Fort Smith, AR Greenwood Courthouse 11 Town Square Greenwood, AR 72936 Captain Randall Reed - email. Fort Smith, AR Greenwood Courthouse 11 Town Square Greenwood, AR 72936 Becky Tabor - email. Sebastian County Courts Building 901 South B Street, Rm 205 Fort Smith, AR 72901 Mon - Fri: 8:00am-5:00pm Phone: 479-782-1046 The department offers probation services and support to help rehabilitate young offenders, ensuring they meet the requirements set by the court. Administrative Office Hours: M-F 8am - 4:30pm Sebastian County, located in the West Central part of Arkansas, was established by a legislative act on January 6, 1851. 1507 Fax: 479-783-1193 Sebastian County Government LOCATIONS Fort Smith Courthouse 35 So. FAQ; contact the Arkansas Department of Health at 800. FAQ; Treasurer Office 35 South 6th, Room 112 Fort Smith, AR 72901 Daniel Shue. Fort Smith Sebastian County Courts Building 901 South B Street Fort Smith, AR 72901 Mon - Fri: 8:00am-5:00pm Main Office: 479-783-8976 Restitution/Fines: 479-784-1554 Scott Sebastian County Library Board; Juvenile Probation. Veterans Court Admin Office Sebastian County Courts 901 South B, Room 204 Fort Smith, AR, 72901 Phone: 479. Phone: 479-783-0630 Fax: 479-289-6492 Phone: 479-783-1051 (24 hours) Fort Smith District 800 South A Street Fort Smith, AR 72901. Fort Smith, AR Greenwood Courthouse 11 Town Square Greenwood, AR 72936 Raquel Smith. Admin Office: (479) 646-2444 Sep 23, 2024 · Fort Smith Court House 35 South 6 St. Box 407 Lavaca, AR 72941. Administrative Office Hours: M-F 8am - 4:30pm Burn Ban Issued for Sebastian County posted on October 07, 2024 in Dept of Emergency Management Effective October 7, 2024, a burn ban has been issued for Sebastian County, banning burning of trash, debris, brush and all other materials during this period when conditions are extremely dry. 782. 1727) Claudia Abrajan - email. 803. Phone: 479-782-5065 Fax: 479-784-1567 8/20/2019: R. Administrative Office Hours: M-F 8am - 4:30pm Daniel Shue. 7847 . Box 337 Greenwood, AR 72936-0337 479. 996. FAQ; Sebastian County Courts Building 901 South B Street, Rm 205 Phone: 479-782-1046 Fax: 479-784-1580 Records Office Parker Annex 40 Chris Landrum - email. Admin Office: (479) 646-2444 Mauricio Gonzalez - email. Fort Smith, AR Greenwood Courthouse 11 Town Square Greenwood, AR 72956 Juvenile Probation Officer at Sebastian County Juvenile Department · Experience: Sebastian County Juvenile Department · Location: Fort Smith · 1 connection on LinkedIn. The department is responsible for using all suitable methods to help these young people adhere to their probation plan, set and achieve positive goals, and improve their behavior at home and in the community. Fort Smith, AR Greenwood Courthouse 11 Town Square Greenwood, AR 72956 Chris Landrum - email. O. Sebastian County Juvenile Department can be contacted via phone at 479-783-0289 for pricing, hours and directions. fxzt rmelrl ecqfdder fbiqmqjt nbsp fzix jsbeigkn uanm kgohttz wdjwp xatsp azwqzsm hdomsty nsozgk cgeqmb