Ue4 pawn not colliding. Add FloatingPawnMovement (this component must be added to .
Ue4 pawn not colliding We have procedurally generated map and our pawn always spawned in (x0;y0;z120) point. You can turn this off to improve performance if you don't need it. Is this a bug or am I Aug 17, 2018 · Hi, I have a skeletal mesh with its animation asset and a proper physics asset. Both the player and the enemies are pawns, so I can’t set different collision responses to them. Jul 16, 2014 · Just wanted to mention for posterity, if you’re making a collision channel as DomusLudus suggested, you’ll need to make both a “Player” collision channel (copy the settings from pawn) and a PlayerProjectile collision channel (copy the settings from Projectile (added when you insert the First Person Content) and then just turn off each other in the profiles. Big numbers are required. If you have an error that you want explaine May 28, 2019 · This may be due to the enemy not being “awake” for physx, which may preclude its hit detection. Problem: Sometimes when the player walks into the physics objects Jul 27, 2022 · Hi!! I tried to hit WorldStatic with a Sphere Collision but it doesn’t work. Jan 11, 2017 · I am trying to create an extremely simple box collider that moves down at a constant rate, however the box, even when set to “Block All” travels through everything. Depending on what you need you can just scale up the capsule collision to encompass the whole helicopter and then use a collision channel that ignores the capsule for stuff like projectiles so that those will collide with the helicopter and ignore the capsule. I also have a cube I set up whilst following a tutorial on how to make the cube an enemy and how to get it to detect my custom-made ‘bullets Dec 21, 2014 · I noticed that the navmesh works around objects with either pawn or vehicle collision channels set to block. I have some objects all based on the same Blueprint type “Pawn” with movement. Or increase angular damping. I know is should be a pretty easy solution, but i can’t put my fingers around it. Apr 11, 2021 · APawn collision not working and overlapping the floor when spawn from my custom Game Mode. It’s a Particle System actor that is placed within the level. You need to have two collisions, a bigger one to get overlap event and check the level if the player level is okay allow it to pass through for the smaller collision It might help you How to make one-way collision Apr 13, 2020 · Hello VR Mates, My apologies if it is a dumb question but I did not find a clear solution on the net. The actor that I spawn is the half transparent black box in the first image. We’ve tried to amend that issue in Chaos cloth for UE 5. They have collision, generate hit event, collide with all etc. I simply want to check when the hands hit the enemy. And as an example of what I’m doing: Just trying to simply move this box down and have it stop when it reaches the floor, but it Dec 24, 2014 · Now place the BP in the world and make sure there is an obstacle in the trajectory of the Collision Box (the one created in step3) of the Pawn. This is the tick/moving of the pawn, and to the right, we can see the details of the collider. My tilemap is set to "block" the pawn (so he can walk on it, etc). The system we have can seem a little complex at first, but it is very So I created an AI using pawn, the AI flys around the map and chase the player. But, this other static mesh never collide with something, all collision are ignored. I’ve tried having a mesh as the scene root, with proper collisions set up, I’ve tried adding a box collision as the child of this mesh, still not Jan 11, 2017 · I am trying to create an extremely simple box collider that moves down at a constant rate, however the box, even when set to “Block All” travels through everything. Nov 17, 2019 · So I am trying to start a basic sidescroller game using the SideScrollerGameMode template, but I’ve found that my custom Pawn won’t spawn in my map if it is above a platform. Scenario: Scattered physics objects in a level that should be able to be “pushed” or “nudged” by the player capsule or projectiles. I did it as it is done in the FPS template, except I created a base class for projectiles which actually has no properties. 001] for [NewPawn_C] LogGameMode: Warning: SpawnDefaultPawnAtTransform: Couldn’t spawn Pawn May 20, 2020 · Hi All, I started using the Editor Utility Widget recently and it is awesome! I use it mostly to create tools to make level design and prototyping faster. Once stuck, no amount of movement speed is able to move the Pawn. When he starts to swing his axe I spawn an actor and when the attack is finished I destroy the actor. I’m basically trying to set collision response to ignore pawn “On Component Fracture”. 文章目录新建Pawn创建C++类. Only 1 Q press. This question seemed to be asking Aug 15, 2015 · I have a Pawn that is basically just a point camera, I’d like to have this pawn bump into walls. Check the collision complexity and consider using "Use Complex Collision As Simple" if necessary. Because when pawn reaction was on block all, the enemy would bounce the character the same way the character bounces them. I just want a block that I can move left to right with A and D key. I have a pawn, with a static mesh as rootComponent. Player Controller Construction. // Set this pawn to call Tick() every frame. And yes it works I haven’t collision anymore between player. If you release the button while he's overlapping the terrain, and it turns his collision back on, he gets stuck. cpp文件将输入和Pawn进行绑定在回调函数中进行响应函数绑定响应函数用来修改变量 源代码 新建Pawn 创建C++类. (ps: I am quite new to the Dec 28, 2017 · Hi, I ran into such an unpleasant feature. I’ve tried adding new channels in project settings (one for player and one for enemies) but I don’t know how to apply the channel to the object. . The event is being registered however the collision response does not seem to change. Or you can have an actor not based on char or pawn and do your own collision and simulation. Aug 27, 2022 · Preface: In the UE project development, some of us need to build a new Pawn to control the perspective, but if we don’t set the Pawn collision, Pawn can easily wear it into Actor during the process of moving. Video This is written in the logs, but the transfer of the PlayerStart does not help. g. If you highlight your object in the blueprint viewport tab then search for collision (in details on the right side of the screen) there is an ignore pawn option this might work idk. cpp文件配置用户输入设置输入表. I have looked into the following posts to investigate and have found no solutions. h文件. 2 and we experienced strange behavior of overlapping detection. Sep 25, 2021 · use the controlled pawn node and then set collision with object type, and use the components not the whole actor… usa423 (usa423) September 27, 2021, 9:09pm 6 在前一文中介绍了如何在UE4中创建简单碰撞或者直接使用其mesh表示的复杂碰撞: Jerry:UE4物理模块(二)---建立物体碰撞那么在拿到碰撞之后,就可以进行物理运算,主要是碰撞查询和物理仿真,这里先介绍更为常见… May 12, 2022 · I am trying to create an Actor that will represent a zone and have something happen to a vehicle that enters the zone (i. It is just a base class. That’s why we may need to see more first in order to help you. Dec 21, 2014 · I noticed that the navmesh works around objects with either pawn or vehicle collision channels set to block. Jul 23, 2021 · You can create an array of spawn points and create a manager to control. It’s in socket with hand. Now in the editor, rotate your pawn so the Collision Box would not collide with the Obstacles when moving. If you want to use AddInputVector… remember gravity is -980 … so small values will not work if you want to manipulate the vectors though that method. The hand actors each have a mesh and a capsule collision component set to the same settings as my pawn. With the pawn, I am loving everything, even the animations have been running smoother. Share the component hierarchy and collision settings of the Pawn’s root element if you need more help. I've tried setting extremely high values with no success. The collision is set to default on the mesh when it was imported. Nov 12, 2017 · Another alternative fix is to lock the rotation of the collision component in the default pawn that you have or to increase angular damping. I am using a skeletal mesh with a physics asset, and spawning it in using the PlayerStart. How do I let the navmesh identify these new channels so that it builds around objects that block these channels? Either a C++ or Blueprint solution would do. However it doesn’t work. My problem Jan 29, 2025 · Hello ! I have a big problem in my game… The thing seems to be quite simple : I would like to have no collision between players. I am under the impression that the Character Blueprints are only capable of collision with the one capsule that inherits. h" #include "VehicleEditorPawn. Also, if you move the object by changing its transform, you will have issues, the hit/collisions are best dealt with as pure physics objects. Collisions work fine when using any of the simple shape primitives, but I wanted to fine-tune the collision shape with a custom mesh. So… I set collision to ignore for pawn in my player character. Using Sphere and Capsule collision do not produce these results (I presume this is because these collision shapes touch the ground at one point). The root of the pawn is a static mesh component, which is using it’s own collision body. Please let me know if it does not and we’ll look into how you’re moving your door. Have a lot more experience with Unity but have been trying to get used to this. Add FloatingPawnMovement (this component must be added to Dec 4, 2016 · Add the Floating Pawn Movement Component; Check which Floating Pawn Movements you want (walk, fly, crouch) Then just use AddMovementInput like you do with any character. On event tick it is constantly adding worldoffset. We’ve got a lot of collectables (collected on BeginOverlap Dec 26, 2016 · Hi, this is Eta, I am making a vehicle using wheelvehicles blueprint by following the documents How to Set up Vehicles in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5. Everything plays as normal when playing with the initial pawn when the game first starts. 9 to UE4. It just goes straight through. Also worth noting - The Blueprint Flying template also uses "Add Actor Local Offset’ but collisions indeed work there. Mind-Brain (Mind-Brain) November 15, 2022, 4:07am 2. why? edit: I have added the image of my blueprint below. I cant find any guides or Oct 19, 2021 · I have a custom pawn using a static mesh as the root component. have collision set up for Cube Have Box Collision Component collision set up (overlap event is working fine) on some conditions changing the Box Collision’s collision response to block the cube from entering it (this is not working)… please find the setup for collisions alt text Am i missing some thing? May 28, 2019 · So I have a pretty simple collision I'm trying to check for and I'm really not sure why it isn't working correctly. Test. Then, when I press a key to have my controller posses the second pawn and unposses the original pawn, the second pawn does not trigger overlap events for anything in the world. Movement setup with FloatingPawnMovement. 000 Z=112. ). I think that I have everything set up correctly, but I can not seem to get the overlap event to trigger when the vehicle enters the zone. I have the pawn using “Add movement Input” on tick. Nov 15, 2022 · These are the pawn’s capsule collision presets. LogSpawn: Warning: SpawnActor failed because of collision at the spawn location [X=0. 81 KB. Maybe check the collision channel on the hands? – To resolve collision issues in Unreal Engine, follow these steps: Inspect Collision Mesh: Ensure the object has a proper collision mesh. Jan 22, 2024 · It probably means the mesh asset has no collision or the collision is disabled. so far i have created a patrol behavior, my ai can see and hear the player, but the problem is when the ai must fire to the player pawn, the ai fires but the projectile doesn’t Jun 21, 2016 · Hi, recently we’ve upgraded with team our project from UE 4. It blocks worldstatic. I'm wondering what to do. When I bring it to the game and check simulate physics, it is colliding while animation is playing. Nov 14, 2018 · 简述 UE4集成了PhysX物理引擎,用来模拟刚体的物理行为,包括常用的碰撞响应。碰撞基础概念碰撞对象通道 每个碰撞体都会设置一种(Object Responses)碰撞对象通道,碰撞对象通道可以是ue4默认的几种,也可以新建自定义的碰撞对象通道 新建自定义的碰撞对象通道,点击Project Settings->Collision 在 Dec 17, 2022 · I have checked other post about Spawn Collision Issues, and it would seem this is different. bCanEverTick = true; Jul 31, 2020 · ensure the collision settings are set to block one another; The generic, default settings are generally OK - as seen above. PrimaryActorTick. How can I get this sphere Aug 25, 2022 · 5、给Pawn添加一个Box Collision碰撞组件,将碰撞预设改为Pawn(其他的类型也可以,但必须能阻挡到其他碰撞。 6、还是穿透了,把Box 的Hidden in Game(在游戏中隐藏)取消勾选,能看到碰撞体穿到Actor物体中了,Pawn没有被阻挡。 Jul 30, 2020 · Cube (player pawn) is not being blocked by the box collision component i added. You could have a custom pawn with custom collision though, made in cpp. cpp file Apr 10, 2017 · I have been working on a project and am still in the mechanics phases. generated. For the collisions I have used “Capsule Collision”, the “Overlap” events work but I cannot in any way get the "Character" class comes with the built in capsule for physics based movement simulation, you cannot change that in blueprints. The first post seems to be the same exact issue, but has received no response, probably because the question was vague, or because the video does not load. I think it’s the collision because I set I have pawn blueprint. 000 Y=0. To do so, open the default pawn blueprint and under the physics section, then constraints, lock rotation in the X, Y, and Z axis. However, when I try to set up the collision, no matter what I try it just won’t work. All the code is ment to do is to print "INSIDE’’ if the player is inside the Mesh Component and “OUTSIDE Feb 5, 2015 · Hi guys, I cannot get a Line trace by channel to hit my player pawn. The collision issue occurs even without me trying to reference the particle collision in the level blueprint - you can see it happening (the particles ‘freeze’ when viewed in the editor with Real Time enabled, but they fall through the floor when the game is Aug 20, 2014 · I’m using “Add Actor Local Offset” to make my character fly up and down, is it expected that collisions do not work while using this node? My character collides perfectly with the environment if I simply use the “Add Movement Input” node instead. Switch Presets to Custom, and then switch Collision Enabled to Collision Enabled. add money, activate a shop, etc. x is now preventing the cloth from interacting with the Environment and the Characters. Jun 27, 2016 · I have an actor blueprint with a mesh with collision and “simulate physics” checked. I have created some new object channels in collision and want the navmesh to also take into consideration some of them. How ever, when the same item is being placed the player can. Or the collision is set to overlapping. I have made a short video showing the problem and the blue print I have been working in. I made sure every collsiions are set to block all and the sweep is turned on but my pawn still goes through the collision instead of colliding. Hey @GKoch! Are you sure that your Nov 17, 2015 · I’m fairly new to UE4. I've made new collision channels and added hand skeletal meshes that can generate overlap events and stuff like box collision still won't fire? Jun 20, 2017 · I have a custom pawn with a floating pawn movement component. its kinda like a repel or the colision impulse or something like that. Reply reply Having an issue where I can't get the new VR pawn in UE4's new OpenVR template to generate overlap events. AFAIK that is not possible with character movement. The pawn player ship that I have put into the game seems to pass through all the objects I place in the environment (cubes, walls, volume blocking objects, etc). Here’s my progress so far… #pragma once #include "GameFramework/Pawn. Although it moves somewhat as expected, it keeps getting caught by it’s collision, and stopping moving (velocity decreases to 0,0,0). The thing is the exact problems hit me again and I think I know the reason now. 25. h文件 配置变量属性 . It seems he collides with himself and is destroyed without being born. 0 Documentation However, my wheels do not collide with the floor but fall in, and my car cannot move or rotate I have rotate the vehicle direction to right to match the ones in the official examples, and the animBP is working with wheels In the past, colliding cloth simulation with world objects has been difficult to accomplish. If that is confirmed then I’ll have to try and switch to a different task. I have even looked at the event graph of where the where the collision Feb 24, 2021 · At the moment i want to let a player spawn a object. Player Controller. Jul 20, 2016 · So what I did is I’ve set up a new pawn blueprint, modified the controls and movement to work properly. so in the first picture it shows the default scene root and that is colliding but i cannot adjust the size, but this is the only collision box is working. this solves the high speed collision problem. Due to change of few versions in the same time it’s hard to determine if it’s strictly 4. I am creating a project similar to the twin stick shooter example project and have been using it as a reference. In Unity, it was as easy as adding colliders, but I tried this Nov 17, 2018 · Hi does anybody know how to use a Pawn and set collision for it in VR? No matter what i do the collision simply doesnt work… The normal character collision works but due to VR room scale its not good because if you walk around IRL it doesnt move your collision as its an inherited collision… I know about the plugin but its really not an option for me at this point. But perhaps you switched something around or something is missing in your setup. I know it Jul 16, 2014 · Apologies for the lengthy description - it’s the only way I can think of to get all the pertinent information over to you so you can understand the situation… I have three objects. This is the collision set up in two objects. They are child of root component. Using a trigger box on a map, how to make it fire when the capsule component of the motion controller pawn overlap with it? I am asking this because if it is the whole motion controller pawn, some kind of invisible object or vector related to look collide with the trigger box and make it fire Jun 9, 2017 · I have two of the same pawns that exist in my game world. Still doesn't work properly Only 1 sphere in the world This might actually be it. h" UCLASS() class EDITOR4_API AVehicleEditorPawn : public APawn { GENERATED_BODY() public: AVehicleEditorPawn(); virtual void BeginPlay() override; virtual void Tick(float Character is not colliding with anything Classes are chosen correctly in gamemode I have used print after each input event to make sure that they were executing and registering the correct values (w is 1, s is -1, etc. I have another project where the trace does work. When this object is already placed in the level the player cannot walk trough it. Sep 26, 2014 · I have a force field-like object in my project that I want to block enemies but let the player walk through it. May 31, 2016 · Hi! I am creating a simple blueprint script to spawn a pawn at the place of mouse when left mouse button is pressed. 12 problem or not. In UE4 whatever object/thing the SceneRoot is only this thing can be a collision model and nothing else. I’m moving the pawn by using the Floating Pawn Movement component. I have other static mesh component on this pawn. I stumbled upon a weird problem. A Pawn is the physical representation of a player or AI entity within the world. This is the first time I create something in UE without following tutorials and I’ve never missed with the physics system before. For physics to work, you need blocking collision. Assume my pawn consists of a Button AND a motion controller (imagine the pawn being a tower with a button, add to that a motion controller mesh surrounded by capsule). Use simple collision shapes where possible for performance reasons. As expected. I created one in Blender and set this as the complex collision mesh and changed the complexity to “Use Complex Collision As May 27, 2014 · If you are using Pawn Collision Preset, which MyCharacter Blueprint uses by default, then Collision Enabled will be set to No Physics Collision. Main Gamemode Sep 5, 2018 · This video demonstrates how to use the Floating Pawn Movement component to control a pawn in a top-down, 2D shooter. I have a VR character pawn with custom hand actors. Enjoy! [HR][/HR] Choosing what collides is obviously very important, but it can be tricky, and it’s a problem that we have spent quite a while discussing while developing UE4. Notice that the Pawn still collide Dec 3, 2017 · Looking at other classes, such as Floating Pawn Movement, Spectator Pawn Movement, or Character Movement Component, could provide additional usage examples and ideas. In the second image is all the code for that actor. Feb 20, 2020 · In this series of videos I show you how to fix some of the more common errors found when developing games in UE4. cpp文件 实例化各类对象 配置用户输入 设置输入表 . I also have a cube I set up whilst following a tutorial on how to make the cube an enemy and how to get it to detect my custom-made ‘bullets Jan 5, 2021 · When you release the rewind button, it turns his collision back on. The defaults for the character mesh and capsule component in the collision section are the same which leads me to think that it’s possible to change the collision effects somewhere else. And sometimes we don’t need Pawn to pass through the object, we have to increase the Pawn collision. Place the spawn points from each other at a safe distance. Did you have an idea about this please ? I try to replace this “other Fixed it now due to other's comments. Below is the final CollidingPawnMovementComponent. I'm having a problem with making the pawn sphere not collide with things. The Pawn class is the base class of all Actors that can be controlled by players or AI. Sphere Collision And another problem would be when it’s in physics simulation, this sphere makes my physics simulation go wrong, it makes it fly all over the place. The only thing that can block it is something of type worldstatic that blocks pawn. Mar 19, 2022 · I am trying to give my enemy skeleton an aoe attack. If you don’t want to mess with PhysX configuration stuff, maybe change your code to detect collisions on the hands? It’s odd that the hands collide differently from the pawn. I would like to link these two posts to help that developer as Dec 15, 2018 · Hello UE4 community, I’m hoping to get some help on a (probably simple) physics issue. Inside the blueprint I have the collision set to “custom” and “ignore Pawn” checked. 12. Since I just couldn’t get prone to work with CHaracter Class with correct collision I tried it with a Pawn today. Everything seems working fine except one thing, is that when multiple AI chasing me, when they get really close, they overlap each other than collide with each other. Am I approaching this wrong completely? Do I need a 'Character' blueprint in order to make such a controllable Paddle for Breakout game? Aug 7, 2017 · PPS: I’m not marking this as a bug report yet because I may just be misunderstanding the fundamental function of the move directly toward task, so it may be working as intended and just Isn’t compatible with add impulse to the character movement component of the pawn. My parent class is NOTE: the Physics refactoring of 4. I’ve been (self paced) learning UE4 for a while now, but haven’t really used physics before. i’m using the fps c++ template, i have used some functions in c++ for my player but i’m coding my ai with blueprints. Dec 4, 2020 · Hi everyone, i’m stuck on this problem. The capsule is annoying and not needed in this case. Apr 17, 2014 · Hi guys! Thanks for stopping by today! Lead engine programmer James Golding has a new post for you guys today on collision filtering in UE4. Instead, it works when another component of the capsule is hit and when simulate physics is on. And I wanted to ask you mates for confirmation. Out of roughly 16 blueprints, half or more still have collision with pawn when I walk over them yet these are all duplicates of each other. I Sep 6, 2021 · I want the skeletal mesh to collide with the world not the collision capsule. Hope that solves your issue. It should collide as expected. The pawn will only spawn in when it is not above some object in my map. h文件 Feb 26, 2022 · 文章浏览阅读2. Then the actual projectile blueprint which I use has a collision component, a mesh (as a child) and a projectile movement component. but calling the console command “show collision” doesnt work Feb 10, 2019 · Hello, my boss wanted to do away with VR teleportation and instead have the player navigate using the joysticks. Your component is of type pawn. Thus, you will create a queue for the spawn and you can counter it. I have MyCharacter, a capsule zooming across a flat grass landscape. Dec 7, 2016 · I have setup collision successfully before, but I am failing to make a pawn interact with itself. 0 通过上图的属性情况合并出来的StaticMesh如下图 我们发现上图中的StaticMesh并没有复杂碰撞,怎么破呢? Mar 8, 2022 · Hi there. The problem is when I try to spawn actors near each other they go into each other. 0 Jan 19, 2016 · It takes more than just setting the collision response on a single object to block. Apr 2, 2022 · You can change physical preset on the pawn itself. The colliders Nov 15, 2021 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Jun 6, 2014 · hi, i’m trying to create all the logic for my game’s ai, i’m having a small issue. image 450×511 9. Now I’d like to use blueprint with this. e. Here let me demonstrate: I have Feb 12, 2024 · Hello everyone, I have a question that I have not been able to solve on my own, I have been stuck for a long time, I have looked at tutorials and read comments, and I cannot find a solution. This not only means that the Pawn determines what the player or AI entity looks like visually, but also how it interacts with the world in terms of collisions and other physical interact Jan 13, 2020 · I could perhaps turn off collision on the capsule, but is that really the way it has to be. All Apr 28, 2020 · UE4关于Pawn的运动都包装在UPawnMovementComponent类中,在此 类中设定了加速、碰撞等属性和函数功能。我们自定义复杂运动模型时也可以编写一个继承自UPawnMovementComponent或者其他运动类的子类。 Oct 25, 2021 · 本片主要记录针对MergeMaterial单个材质出来的模型没有复杂碰撞的解决方案,此处应该是引擎的Bug, 引擎版本4. I am looking for alternative so May 28, 2018 · Hey mates. I also tried with a pawn, same result Aug 21, 2015 · CCD - Continuous Collision Detection. All my collision is setup correctly for both the DM and my character pawn. I created one in Blender and set this as the complex collision mesh and changed the complexity to “Use Complex Collision As Oct 19, 2021 · I have a custom pawn using a static mesh as the root component. E. I’m trying to change the collision of a destructible mesh when it is fractured. I’m trying to replace typing each time “show collision” in the console with a button in the widget so I can see my pawn’s capsule. The thing you want to block has to block it back. Create a new Pawn class. In the second picture you can see i have added a box collision which doesn’t work, the 3rd picture shows that the static mesh has the convex collision (it Mar 5, 2015 · Hello, I am trying to create projectiles which are shot by a weapon and collide with everything in the world. When a player or (s) spawns, tell the manager that this point is busy and redirect the respawn to another point. Dec 9, 2014 · Hi Eric, I’m not creating the particle system through a blueprint. I used the default VR motion controller pawn, and modified it to have the following controls set up to handle the joystick input (this is placed right below the default blueprints): I’m pretty new to UE4, and was able to get simple wall collisions set up by adding a capsule Root is a box collision component. it takes more CPU, but effectively detects if it was supposed to hit something rather than ticking over it. 21. But if I create an actor and add my skeletal mesh inside and simulate physics (same process), my actor is NOT colliding. Instead of the Character Blueprint as the Player Character I have gone the route of using a Pawn instead. you can visit the tutorial page here where Epic goes into depth about the colliding component. ) pawn is possessed by playercontroller help Main Char. BUT, like this, I have no collision with the AI but I would like to keep collision with the AI (they are pawn too)… So, I decided to Oct 14, 2015 · Hello all i am having collision errors (its not working), see picture link bellow. 4k次。UE4将物体对碰撞的反应分为三种:ignore, overlap(重叠)和block,在Collision Preset(碰撞预设)中设置当两个物体发生碰撞的时候,UE4允许由物体来决定碰撞反应(Object Responses),或者由问询决定(Trace Responses)。 Sep 15, 2017 · The enemy collision capsule is on pawn and the characters is on custom pawn, with the pawn reaction to overlap. I do have a collision sphere and it’s set to block pawn so it should be working. aoftmzwjrfwhtkbfkjqvmycevonfhharxfuhhtqcppxhbmwixvmfduhmwldhxhpilxuhzov