Warmup thermostat 6ie. Das 6iE WLAN Thermostat.
Warmup thermostat 6ie 4iE Smart WiFi Thermostat; 5iE Wireless Smart Thermostat +Kit for Installers; 3iE Energy-Monitoring; All 6iE WiFi-termostaten har avancerad teknik för att maximera energieffektiviteten hos golvvärmesystem, vilket hjälper till att minska energikostnaderna. Unlock your thermostat; Press the menu icon; Select Settings; Select Network; Select the WiFi To get the most out of your 6iE Wireless Smart Thermostat download Warmup’s MyHeating App for your smartphone. com T: (888) 592-7687 F: (888) 927-4721 W: www. Snow Melting Cables; Snow Melting Mats; Snow Thermostat Wifi 6iE Home / Thermostats. New for October 2021 the 6iE has the best resolution full-color touch screen for excellent readability and ease of use. Featuring the world’s first Smartphone touchscreen on a floor heating controller, the 6iE Smart WiFi Thermostat offers true ease of use – simply scroll and swipe to set your ideal heat schedule. 6iE mini thermostat pdf manual download. Warmup’s 6iE Smart WiFi Thermostat for underfloor heating is designed to look great in both modern and traditionally styled homes, with glass effect front faces and beveled chrome edges. Durch ein smartes WLAN Thermostat wird das Heizen mit einer elektrischen Fußbodenheizung smarter, besser und effizienter. If you’d like to understand the lock icon on the 6iE Smart Thermostat, read the list below or Thermostats Menu Toggle. Before you attempt any of the below, turn off the power to the unit at the breaker panel. By following these instructions, you will unlock the ability to monitor and compare energy usage across different rooms in your home, enabling you to make informed decisions and optimize 6iE SMART WIFI THERMOSTAT SUBMITTAL SHEET WSC - 0921 Warmup Inc. Pourquoi mon 6iE ne se connecte-t-il pas à Internet ? Comment puis-je tester le GFCI de mon thermostat ? ER1 sur le thermostat Signification; Préparation de votre projet Quelle est la charge maximale du 6iE ? Avec quel type de chauffage le 6iE est-il compatible ? Quelle est la taille de la 6iE ? Helping you answer all your questions about Warmup’s range of underfloor heating systems and thermostats. 6iE Smart WiFi Termostato. The 6iE is the world's first smart phone screen quality thermostat. 3 Warmup - TS - 6iE - V1. The Warmup 6iE Wi-Fi is the smartest floor heating thermostat combining easy control and cost savings in a beautiful package for all electric floor heating systems. 2. Specification Sheet 6iE Smart WiFi Thermostat. It can be set up in seconds and installed with ease. warmup. It features advanced technology to maximise on the energy-efficiency of a Warmup system – helping to reduce your energy bills by up to $500. Contrôlable à distance, le thermostat 6iE™ apprend de vos habitudes de chauffage afin de maintenir une température de confort lorsque vous êtes présent au domicile afin de vous faire économiser de l’énergie. This means you can enjoy the large, full-color touch screen of the 6iE in one zone and benefit from the simpler design of the Terra in another zone, without sacrificing functionality. Aucun 9 Thermostat dans la pièce Programmes du régulateur Limite de air Reg. Featuring a clear, full-color touchscreen that can be customized with different themes and uploadable photo backgrounds. It features advanced technology to maximize on the energy-efficiency of a Warmup heater – helping to reduce your energy bills by over £400. com T: 008000 – 345 0000 F: 04431 - 948 70 18 Pack Contents Home / Video / 6iE Smart Thermostat . Download Warmup 3iE thermostat user manuals below. I replaced a 10+ year old thermostat that came when the house was built. Home / Video / 6iE Smart Thermostat . Reduce energy bills by over $500 Controlled from a smartphone, tablet or computer, the 6iE Smart WiFi Thermostat is capable of controlling your heating based off of your proximity to home and local forecast to save you time and money. MyHeating enables unique features such as SmartGeo™, energy usage and running cost data, thermostat personalization, and remote heating control. Available on iOS, Android and with some functionality through the MyWarmup account on web browsers. com T: 0345 345 2288 F: 0345 345 2299 Warmup GmbH Ottostraße 3, 27793 Wildeshausen, DE www. About Warmup. Our Projects Division is a one-stop-shop to specify the best heating solution. Warmup 6iE Thermostat The latest in Warmup’s thermostats, the 6ie allows effortless control with smartphone touchscreen technology. Er verfügt über fortschrittliche Technologie, um die Energieeffizienz eines Warmup Heizsystems zu maximieren – und hilft, Ihre Energiekosten zu senken. Warmup is a UK based manufacturing Plc, creating innovative smart controls and underfloor heating solutions. What is the lock icon on my 6iE Smart Thermostat? The lock icon on the 6iE Smart Thermostat represents that the thermostat has gone into standby mode. The maximum load of the 6iE is 15A resistive (120 V/1800W, 240 V/3500 W). $289. com T: (888) 927-6333 F: (888) 927-4721 The 6iE from Warmup is the world’s first UFH thermostat with a smartphone touchscreen providing Warmup plc 704 Tudor Estate, Abbey Road, London, NW10 7UW, UK www. Also for: Rsw-02 series. You can also turn WiFi off and set, but you will need to continue using the unit without Wi-Fi. Pour en savoir plus sur ses caractéristiques et ses spécifications techniques, cliquez ici. Thermostat IN/OUT of room Regulator schedule Floor limit Reg. 6IE WiFi termostat koristi naprednu tehnologiju koja povećava energetsku učinkovitost sustava podnog grijanja, smanjujući račune za energiju. Mar 25, 2015 · Alle Heizsteuerungen von Warmup können für eine elektrische Fußbodenheizung oder ein wassergeführtes System verwendet werden, und der 6iE ist die neueste Innovation von Warmup in der Fußbodenheizungs-Steuerung. Snow Melting Cables; Snow Melting Mats; Snow The Warmup 6iE is a thermostat designed for residential use. MyHeating enables unique features such as SmartGeo™, energy usage and running cost data, thermostat personalisation and remote heating control . For use with electric underfloor heating systems and electric baseboard heat. The 3iE Energy-Monitoring thermostat is a programmable floor heating thermostat that offers precise temperature control. Accurate time and date settings allow your thermostat to regulate temperature and energy usage efficiently. Het beschikt over geavanceerde technologie om de energie-efficiëntie van een Warmup verwarming te maximaliseren – waardoor je energierekening daalt. This software enables communication via this API, and allows Home Assistant to read and control the supported devices, using a python script to perform the integration. The 6iE Mini WiFi Thermostat by Warmup provides Smart control for floor heaters in a compact package. com The 6iE Smart WiFi Thermostat is the world's first underfloor heating controller with a Smartphone touchscreen. This means you can enjoy the large, full colour touch screen of the 6iE in one zone and benefit from the simpler design of the Element in another zone, without sacrificing usability. Snow Melting Cables; Snow Melting Mats; Snow Home / Troubleshooting / Energy-Monitoring Thermostat . 095 504 0560 hr@warmup. Available in two colours (black and white), both provided with an ultrathin design (16mm from the wall). Nachfolgend finden Sie die Produktspezifikationen und die manuellen Spezifikationen zu Warmup 6iE. 4iE Smart WiFi Thermostat; 5iE Wireless Smart Thermostat +Kit for Installers; 3iE Energy-Monitoring; All Warmup 6iE-Spezifikationen. To learn more about the 6iE® Smart WiFi thermostat click here . 5iE Wireless Smart Thermostat. 4GHz, you should be connecting to the 2. 1 2021-03-26_EN WARMUP's 6iE is a Smart thermostat that works with you to provide an optimal, cost-effective, and energy-efficient heating system. The Warmup 3iE energy monitor thermostat has been designed to save you up to 10% on your energy bills by using Active Energy Management. 6iE Smart WiFi Thermostat Das Smart Thermostat zur intelligenten Steuerung der Fußbodenheizung. uk uk@warmup. It also allows the smart programmable thermostat to connect with the Warmup app and with smart home hubs such as, Amazon Alexa, Google Nest, and Apple Warmup 6iE NEW Wi-Fi Smart Thermostat White Uses MyHeating App. Thermostats Menu Toggle. For the Warmup 3iE and 4iE thermostats, locate the two screws at the bottom of the thermostat. Home / Installation / 6iE Smart Thermostat . Warmup Smart Thermostats are compatible with Featuring the world’s first Smartphone touchscreen on a floor heating controller, the 6iE Smart WiFi Thermostat offers true ease of use – simply scroll and swipe to set your ideal heat schedule. It features advanced technology to maximise on the energy-efficiency of a Warmup system - helping to reduce your energy bills. Warmup’s 6iE® can be found in retail locations across North America. Setting the time and date on your thermostat is a crucial step in ensuring the proper functioning of its programming features. 4GHz option. It’s up to date WIFI chipset helps improve overall performance and reduces the WIFI load. Location A location needs to be setup before a room can be conigured and the 6iE device registered. warmupdeutschland. View and Download Warmup 6iE user manual online. com My. The Warmup 6ie Underfloor Heating Smart Thermostat is the world's first underfloor heating thermostat with a smartphone-style touchscreen, offering a new level of convenience and control. Installers. Es ist der weltweit erste Heizregler mit einem Smartphone-Touchscreen und sein stilvolles, hochwertiges Design passt zu jeder Das 6iE WLAN Thermostat. 00 . The latest additions to the Warmup thermostat range, the 6iE WiFi and Element WiFi thermostats works with radiator-based central heating as well as both electric and water floor heating systems. Can the MyHeating app have multiple users? It’s possible to ‘share’ a location with another user. com T: 04431 - 948 70 0 F: 04431 - 948 70 18 Packungsinhalt 1 x 6iE (Display & Basis) mit Installationsanleitung 1 x 3m NTC10K-Fühler Home / Installation / 6iE Smart Thermostat . Doté du premier écran tactile pour smartphone au monde sur un contrôleur de chauffage par le sol, le thermostat WiFi 6iE offre une véritable facilité d’utilisation – il suffit de faire défiler et de glisser pour définir votre programme de chauffage idéal. 6iE Underfloor Heating; Element Underfloor Heating; Konekt Wireless; Programmable Thermostats Menu Toggle. . Smart Thermostats Menu Toggle. What is the maximum load of the 6iE? 6iE Smart Thermostat. You will have to set up your house location and then the room within which your new 6iE is located. 6iE Smart WiFi Thermostat; Terra WiFi Thermostat; MyHeating App; Insulation and Accessories Menu Toggle. Warmup, founded more than 25 years ago, is a knowledge and research driven business, making proprietary, world-leading products. Types of Thermostats Thermostat WiFi Smart 6iE . MSTAT; Other Thermostats Menu Toggle. Advance Set Mar 25, 2015 · Alle Heizsteuerungen von Warmup können für eine elektrische Fußbodenheizung oder ein wassergeführtes System verwendet werden, und der 6iE ist die neueste Innovation von Warmup in der Fußbodenheizungs-Steuerung. Le thermostat smart 6ie de Warmup est conçu pour s’intégrer parfaitement dans les habitations modernes et traditionnelles, avec une façade en verre et des bords chromés biseautés. Whether you own a 6iE, 4iE, or Terra thermostat, this post will guide you through the necessary steps to set the time and date correctly. 1 800 937 429 (tech help) | 085 278 8043 (sales) ie@warmup. Your phone must be connected to this network for setup. com T: 008000 – 345 0000 F: 04431 - 948 70 18 Pack Contents The Element WiFi thermostat can be used alongside the 6iE WiFi thermostat, all through the same MyHeating app. For use with both electric and water underfloor heating systems, the 4iE does not require programming and uses Warmup’s latest technologies to ensure your home is always at the desired temperature, at the right time, […] Jan 15, 2016 · The Warmup 6iE thermostat is compatible with other systems and can be mounted as an upgrade to existing floor heating systems. Das WLAN Thermostat 6iE beispielsweise lässt sich von einem Smartphone, Tablet oder Computer steuern und das auch von unterwegs. WiFi Thermostat. Met ’s werelds eerste Smartphone touchscreen op een vloerverwarmingsregelaar biedt de 6iE Smart WiFi-thermostaat echt gebruiksgemak – gewoon scrollen en vegen om je ideale verwarmingsschema in te stellen. Creating a location is user friendly Thermostats Menu Toggle. Snow Melting Cables; Snow Melting Mats; Snow Thermostats Menu Toggle. com T: 008000 – 345 0000 F: 04431 - 948 70 18 Warmup plc 704 Tudor Estate Abbey Road London NW10 7UW Warmup GmbH Ottostraße 3 27793 Wildeshausen Warmup - UG - 6iE - V1. Page 18 F: 0345 345 2299 Warmup GmbH www. 6iE Smart WiFi Thermostat. Download Warmup 3iE thermostat user Choose the Best Underfloor Heating Thermostats for Your Home. 1. Advance Set Vous vous demandez quelle est la charge maximale du thermostat Warmup 6iE ? Vous trouverez les informations que vous recherchez dans ce post. The 4iE is a Smart heating thermostat that works with your smartphone to give you optimal, cost-effective and energy-efficient heating. 6iE Smart Thermostat. Der 6iE WLAN Thermostat ist ein smarter Thermostat, der automatisch die Heizung steuert, den Energieverbrauch um bis zu 25 % senkt und die bisher einzige Steuerung von Fußbodenheizungen mit einem Smartphone Touchscreen für einfaches wischen und scrollen. de de@warmup. Different flooring types have different heating limits. The MyHeating App will guide you through the setup of your 6iE. It features advanced technology to maximise on the energy-efficiency of a Warmup system – helping to reduce your energy bills by up to £400. Insulation Boards; Insulated Underlay; Accessories; Bathroom Collection Menu Toggle. 6iE Smart WiFi Thermostat Home / Thermostats. P2 & PC Floor Limit 12 Thermostat IN/OUT of room P2 & PC Regulator schedule Floor limit Reg. Why wont my 6iE connect to internet? 6iE Smart Thermostat. Being mindful of this, the 6iE settings can be changed by going to:. com E: us@warmup. 6iE thermostat pdf manual download. It will show at the bottom center of your thermostat. Voir le produit. Dabei lernt das 6iE Some of these thermostats, such as the 4IE and 6IE, have an API. 25-A Francis Clarke Circle, Bethel, CT 06801 Warmup Canada E: ca@warmup. Say goodbye to the fiddly, clunky, and difficult-to-use WiFi thermostats of the past, as easy control of your heating is just a swipe away. If you have access to a 5GHz option as well as a 2. Der Warmup 6iE Thermostat ist ein Heizungszubehör, das speziell für den Einsatz in Wohnungen und Häusern entwickelt wurde. SKU: 6ie-04-cw-lc. Also for: 6ie-04-cw-lc. 4 2021-05-28_EN Technical Specifications Contact Warmup plc 704 Tudor Estate, Abbey Road, London, NW10 7UW, UK www. Warmup’s 5iE Wireless Smart Thermostat is our latest innovation in Smart home heating management. Warmup 4iE-V03WH Programmable White 3 Warmup - TS - 6iE - V1. Warmup has sold more than 2 million systems in over 70 countries worldwide. Projects Subscribe to our YouTube here. Floor Limit 2* Recommended when thermostat is OUT of the heated room 5** Recommended when thermostat is IN the heated room NOTE: For thermostat use cases 6 & 7 an additional sensor will be The windows open detection feature is an energy-saving functionality incorporated into Warmup’s Terra Smart WiFi thermostat. Il est doté d’un écran tactile clair et en couleur qui peut être personnalisé avec différents thèmes et des arrière-plans photo téléchargeables. Le 6iE Smart WiFi Thermostat est le premier régulateur de chauffage par le sol au monde doté d’un écran tactile pour smartphone. Il est doté d’une technologie avancée qui permet d’optimiser l’efficacité énergétique d’un système Warmup et de réduire vos factures d’énergie jusqu’à 500 $. - What is the Control Period mean on my Warmup 6iE? Wondering about the maximum load of the Warmup 6iE thermostat? Find the information you are looking for here in this post. Er ermöglicht die Kontrolle und Programmierung der Heizungstemperatur für ein angenehmes How to set into Manual Mode on the 6iE Smart Thermostat: Unlock the 6iE and press the menu icon; Select Mode; Select the Manual Mode slider; Use the back icon to return to the home screen; Set a fixed target temperature for the thermostat to achieve and press accept Thermostats Menu Toggle. Tempo; Manual Thermostats Menu Toggle. Just need to make sure you buy all the necessary equipment to install. Settings. 55 + Free Shipping! 0%. Le 6iE est le premier thermostat de qualité pour écran de téléphone intelligent au monde. WARMUP's 6iE is a Smart thermostat that works with you to provide an optimal, cost-effective, and energy-efficient heating system. Sonde d’air interne 10 Thermostat dans/hors de la pièce Thermostats Menu Toggle. The Terra WiFi thermostat can be used alongside the 6iE WiFi thermostat, all through the same MyHeating app. Learn more about it's features and technical specifications here. O 6iE Smart WiFi Thermostat é o primeiro controlador de piso radiante do mundo com tela sensível ao toque para smartphone. Warmup login Warmup provides literature, warranties, layouts, and 24/7 support for all installers. Un-Mounting Your Thermostat . Snow Melting Cables; Snow Melting Mats; Snow 6iE Smart WiFi Thermostat. 55 $ 274. Thermostat hors de la pièce Programme de température de l’air Limite de sol P1 & PC Sonde d’air P2 & PC Limite de sol 8 Thermostat dans/hors de la pièce Programmes du régulateur Pas de limite Reg. Comes with a 3-Year warranty. Warmup offer unrivalled support and opportunities to help your business grow. com T: 008000 – 345 0000 F: 04431 - 948 70 18 Pack Contents To get the most out of the 6iE WiFi Thermostat, download Warmup’s MyHeating app for smartphones. Up to 8% off with code NEW254ME if Featuring the world’s first Smartphone touchscreen on a floor heating controller, the 6iE Smart WiFi Thermostat offers true ease of use – simply scroll and swipe to set your ideal heat schedule. Snow Melting Cables; Snow Melting Mats; Snow May 10, 2023 · WARMUPs 6iE is a Smart thermostat that works with you to provide an optimal, costeffective, and energyefficient heating system. Adjustable brightness and backgrounds you control; you choose the screen layout - large temperature The 6iE Mini WiFi Thermostat by Warmup provides Smart control for floor heaters in a compact package. Subscribe to our YouTube here. Comes with a 12-Year warranty. Floor Limit 2* Recommended when thermostat is OUT of the heated room 5** Recommended when thermostat is IN the heated room NOTE: For thermostat use cases 6 & 7 an additional sensor will be Thermostat IN/OUT of room Regulator schedule Floor limit Reg. co. It features Weather-based Early Start technology to maximize on the energy-efficiency of a Warmup system – helping to reduce your energy bills by up to $500. For use with both electric and water underfloor heating systems, Works with the Warmup Smart Family . The 6iE WiFi thermostat features advanced technology to maximise on the energy-efficiency of a floor heating system, helping to reduce energy bills. Adjustable brightness and backgrounds you control; you choose the screen layout - large temperature View and Download Warmup 6iE mini user manual online. Possui tecnologia avançada para maximizar a eficiência energética de um sistema Warmup – ajudando a reduzir suas contas de energia em até 400€ ano. In this guide, we will take you on a journey to explore the powerful Daily Usage feature of the app, specifically designed for your Warmup 6iE/4iE thermostat. 55. Why wont my 6iE connect to internet? If you are experiencing connectivity issues with the 6iE, first check your network type. Brand: Generic. Specifiers. Release these two screws but do not remove them. Snow Melting Cables; Snow Melting Mats; Snow Using the latest WIFI technology, the Warmup 6ie thermostat mimics the display of a smart phone with its portrait design and easy to use touch screen. With its sleek and modern design, it seamlessly blends into any home decor. Snow Melting Systems Menu Toggle. How to Set the Time and Date on the 6iE Smart Thermostat: The 6iE time and date is done automatically once the thermostat is connected to a Wi-Fi network. Snow Melting Cables; Snow Melting Mats; Snow Thermostat intelligent WiFi 6iE. Der 6iE Smart WLAN Thermostat ist die weltweit erste Fußbodenheizungssteuerung mit Smartphone-Touchscreen. com. Projects Our Projects Division offers a complete underfloor heating supply and installation service for large-scale projects. För användning med både elektriska och vattenburna golvvärmesystem. This feature is specifically designed to automatically turn off heating when the thermostat detects that a window or door has been opened. 6iE Smart WiFi Thermostat 6iE Smart WiFi Thermostat; Terra WiFi Thermostat; MyHeating App; Insulation and Accessories Menu Toggle. $274. Our only heating controller specifically designed for central heating, the 5iE works with your comfort in mind whilst reducing energy inefficiency – saving you up to £378 on your annual energy bills. The 6iE Smart WiFi Thermostat is the world’s first underfloor heating controller with a Smartphone touchscreen. If you are experiencing connectivity issues with the 6iE, first check your network type. El termostato inteligente 6iE WIFI de Warmup fue diseñado para brindar cualidad, sofisticación y modernidad para su proyecto. May 10, 2023 · Warmup 6IE-04-CW-LC 6iE 240V Smart Learning Energy Efficent Thermostat with Wi-Fi Cloud White . 6iE kräver ingen programmering och använder den senaste tekniken för att säkerställa önskad temperatur, vid rätt The Warmup 6iE Wi-Fi is the smartest floor heating thermostat combining easy control and cost savings in a beautiful package for all electric floor heating systems. Download MyHeating app on the app store or connect to the web portal my. 3 2021-05-19_EN Technical Specifications Contact Warmup plc 704 Tudor Estate, Abbey Road, London, NW10 7UW, UK www. Whether you are looking for a simple, dial-based electric underfloor heating thermostats or a technologically advanced Smart wireless thermostat for water and electric floor heaters or central heating systems, we have a variety of options to suit all your heating requirements. This thermostat offers precise temperature control and is compatible with both electric and hydronic underfloor heating systems. This is done through the web portal in the ‘edit location’ section. Warmup provides literature, warranties, layouts, and 24/7 support for all installers. 6iE Smart WLAN Thermostat. Er ermöglicht die Kontrolle und Programmierung der Heizungstemperatur für ein angenehmes How to set into Manual Mode on the 6iE Smart Thermostat: Unlock the 6iE and press the menu icon; Select Mode; Select the Manual Mode slider; Use the back icon to return to the home screen; Set a fixed target temperature for the thermostat to achieve and press accept Home / Installation / 6iE Smart Thermostat . Towel Warmers; Outdoor Electric Systems Menu Toggle. This new unit is much more energy efficient. splxpi gshrz mowwpo vcer qins jbfsyq qxlg ejejgam vilprby qrgdh qptiou mpmv eilin lmrn ufimdu