Washu interview college confidential. I’m aware these stats are on the low .

Washu interview college confidential I’m not a regular on CC Dec 23, 2023 · I did the optional interview, and it went pretty poorly. </p> <p>I'm not surprised they Nov 11, 2007 · Hi, I’ve been reading threads at CC for a while, but I thought I’d register to see what the people here have to say about my chances. Anyone else applying to WashU in the RD round? Thought we Feb 24, 2011 · The interview is not as fresh in my mind as it used to be, but here are definitely some helpful tips for the interview. First of all, depending what school you are in (arts and sciences, engineering, business, art, or architecture), you will have a varying number of interviewers from 3-5. The Early Decision (ED1) deadline for Fall 2022 admission is November 1. Can anyone tell us what this interview will be like? Is it an informal informational interview or is it more formal? She's planning casual dress since we will be doing the campus tour after the interview, is that OK? Do parents attend this interview Dec 13, 2018 · Interview: Did interview on campus over the summer that went well because I could discuss the classes I was at the time taking. By submitting your email, you agree to College Confidential's Jan 14, 2019 · I have a question about a Wash U alumni interview I just had. </p> <p>Unless you just want to go to a school that will get you oohs and aahs from the average Joe you might talk to on the street. 4 uw gpa, 3. I was all over the place with my interview- it was the first college interview I had ever done, I didn’t really connect with my interviewer, and I was about to take a final (I was taking summer classes at Wash U before my senior year of high school). number1seed October 29, 2006, 5:38pm #1 <p>Looking for Jan 14, 2021 · College Confidential Forums WashU 2025 ED 2 / II. </p> Sep 6, 2015 · WashU is very high on my list, and this october i am scheduling a visit there. those who don’t care if this is an option for them with receiving admission are ofc chilling. (Source) All ED1 applications should receive an admissions decision by December 17. 45 EC’s: Soccer. Is this true? Also, does that mean that I have at least won two half tuition scholarships? If so, does that mean they amount to my full tuition?</p> <p>I'm just confused about how it Mar 25, 2017 · My on-campus interview last summer was pretty brief (it probably lasted 15-20 minutes). He likes the school, but doesn’t like living in the MidWest. Again, good luck! Nov 5, 2007 · <p>Just so you know , there's already a thread about WashU interviews where I give the same advice lol But I didn't feel like looking for it, so I imagine you didn't either</p> <p>Cliche, but be yourself. There is plenty of socioeconomic diversity on Jan 14, 2016 · Hi, Wash U is my dream school and I would appreciate any information about my chances of admission, financial aid, or advice for my upcoming interview. </p> Feb 14, 2020 · I’m from CT and I applied RD to WashU. I also got asked some pretty open-ended questions about what my favorite classes in high schools have been and my extracurricular activities. So Apr 19, 2011 · Amherst is considered more prestigious, and is much smaller than WashU. I know the interviews are Feb 23, 2018 · Could those of you who have been to this in the past (or have had kids who’ve been) share what the interview entailed? Since these are specifically academic in nature, I assume the interview will be mostly about one’s academic life. Crozet1225 February 23, 2010, 12:01pm 1 <p>Hi everyone. I would be prepared to discuss what you like about WashU and what you would bring to the school. I met with 3 ppl, and they were all so incredibly warm and friendly that it really did feel more like a “conversation” than an interview. Below we have compiled a list of all active school specific threads. (she Feb 21, 2011 · <p>Hey,</p> <p>I was given an interview for both the Rodriguez and the Ervin scholarships. There were almost 40 of us there, and WashU has lots of activities planned where you get to know the other candidates and of course, interviews. I’m def considering the school, but I know they care about interest. Congratulations to those accepted. It certainly can’t hurt if it is offered to you or if you can attend an interview session. But what do they usually ask you when theyre trying toget to know you?</p> Nov 5, 2009 · So i got an email yesterday from a WashU alum saying that WashU contacted him and asked him to offer me an interview. I was just looking at the details for the scholarships and noticed that the Scholarship Interview weekend is being held the same weekend that he has his Thespian State Competition, which is the highlight of his whole year. 000001% effect on admission status. Jan 7, 2022 · Applying to WashU in 2022? Decisions will be released by April 1st, but last year, decisions were released on March 20th. I only have two APs, with a 5 on psych, but a few other honors courses. WashU values demonstrated interest by the candidate. i fell in love when I stepped on campus and I could totally see myself attending there for four years! However, I will be a borderline candidate due to SATs (expecting a 2150), with top 2% in class. </p> <p>So I was wondering how much showing interest in washu is considered by the adcom. He answered so many of my questions and was so incredibly helpful. Jun 16, 2005 · I have my first college interview next week (at WashU). However, I am curious to get some thoughts from alums and others on the strength of the school’s alumni network and reputation (aside from the medical school). A very friendly sophomore at WashU interviewed me outside on the steps in front of the admissions office. I felt that it went well and I really connected with my interviewer. Many of the people commenting on the WashU interviews report similar experiences. I think part of the reason why WashU has its students interview is that students can really smell prospective students Sep 9, 2008 · <p>I'm not going to lie to you, I don't exactly have stellar stats or awesome extracurriculars. Use this format (feel free to add whatever you like) to post your stats and decision. asappebble November 4, 2015, 9:52pm 1. I am currently a sophomore at WashU studying Math and Physics (and kind of Computer Science), and I am now entertaining the idea of transferring but wanted to hear thoughts from people Dec 12, 2019 · @Jimkingwood Wow! I actually take pride in the interviews I have conducted and am thrilled when the students get in. 0): Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): AP (place score in parenthesis): IB (place score in parenthesis): Senior Year Course Load: Major Dec 29, 2024 · With the Early Admissions season almost behind us, we are switching focus to the Regular Decision cycle. So post away! Copy, paste, and good luck!</p> <p>Quote: Decision: Accepted Decision: Waitlisted Dec 28, 2010 · <p>Hey. I was wondering how I can display interest in the school, because I know it helps with admissons. I think it went pretty well. I expected a student but she didn't take notes or ask any tough questions. I’m currently a senior at a public high school in the St. So the interview was correct in not mentioning a recommendation for admission. Dec 2, 2022 · Demographics White Female, New York, high income, double major in biology and studio art while on the premed track (main school is the Sam Fox School). ). My mother called the admissions place a few weeks after during the day to ask if there was any way I could interview now because I really liked the school, but the guy said that the computer recorded that I had had an interview. It’s not as important to run through a list of activities, challenging courses, etc, as it is to talk about those that really interest you, what you’ve learned from them, etc. Chinese major, Global Seal of Biliteracy. I meant that if you have what it takes to apply to WashU indicating that you are premed, and are accepted, you have what it takes to succeed at WashU. My dad visited washu with my elder brother and told me the interview was kind of unprofessional Nov 11, 2006 · i wore jeans and a collared shirt and i felt overdressed. Mar 12, 2025 · This is the official discussion thread for WashU in St. </p> <p>The problem is that I have lots of interests, but I don’t know much about any of them yet. For example if I meet with a philosophy professor and he/she asks about my Nov 4, 2015 · College Confidential Forums Washington University in St. Oct 22, 2011 · <p>I agree. Sep 3, 2015 · Hi guys. Do I just send it to the Mar 30, 2016 · I did an interview back in the fall, and out of all the interviews I did for colleges, it was by far the most laid-back. nutellapikachu September 30, 2015, Dec 27, 2024 · My DS '25 is planning on applying RD to WashU as he is being recruited to play a sport there. Jan 14, 2019 · I have a question about a Wash U alumni interview I just had. I typically perform interviews, this wasn’t an exception, and in all of the college interviews I’ve had so far my interviewer has said they’d recommend me for admission (not that that means anything). I don’t have too much experience in formal interviewing, and so I’m a little nervous. </p> <p>There are, I believe, 24 Danforth freshmen attending WashU this year. See you there! Decision: SAT I (breakdown): ACT: SAT II: Unweighted GPA (out of 4. However, I got an E-mail from an Olin alum today, and the alum said that he’s been asked to conduct my interview as a part of the application process. I would add to that to know what you like about WashU, what you expect to get from going there, and how it will help you reach your goals. I didn’t request an interview because I thought it was optional. If I apply by then, will I likely be given an Jul 4, 2006 · <p>relax. Sep 2, 2012 · <p>Daughter is visiting WUSTL this month for one of their Open Houses. Do they do this with everyone? I want to apply ED to WashU, and do not want to be deceived by a letter… Mar 27, 2013 · I visited campus, had an interview, and sent in my supplement months before the application deadline. The Early Decision (ED2) deadline for Fall 2022 admission is January 4. </p> <p>The problem is that I have lots of interests, but I don't know much about any of them yet. As Early Dec 13, 2019 · Hopefully this helps some future applicants. All she had to do was upload the common essay, pay, and click submit. When registering she checked the box for an optional 20-minute interview. I think the most important thing in any college interview is to show that you've looked into the programs, departments, academic course offerings of the college enough to say why going there appeals to you with some specific details about your areas of interest. I am applying RD to WashU this winter, and I had a question about the process. </p> <p>So I scheduled a trip to WashU for both a tour and an on campus interview. Like interviewees being asked about their politics and such. I know that certain other schools, such as Tufts, are known to do this because they don’t want to be seen Mar 9, 2013 · College Confidential Forums Washington University in St. I think the main thing is that you interviewed which shows interest which is a big plus for washu. So, I wanted to send him a thank-you card because I am really grateful that he was so willing to help. I plan on visiting and interviewing in mid-October, during which time I will meet the baseball coach (I am a recruited baseball player living in Canada). Louis. Personally, I love meeting potential students and learning why they are interested in Mar 15, 2010 · <p>Hi limabeans,</p> <p>I can see how that is confusing. Ive never done an interview and im not comfortable with them because I know I wont interview well 🙁 But i Mar 4, 2013 · <p>Going by history, the decisions will be out in 4-5 days. Maybe you got lucky with your Oct 28, 2016 · Hello everyone! I had an on-campus interview last weekend at WashU. WashU loves interest. I’m just wondering if everyone gets this offer, or if it is because I am a good candidate and they want to learn more about me? Thanks Sep 23, 2012 · <p>I am currently a senior, graduating in 2013, and am seriously considering WashU as my school to apply ED to. Aug 26, 2010 · <p>Hi, I’m going to be a junior this year in HS, and I visited Washu just a few weeks ago. She did one heck of a job selling WashU though. I recently went to see WashU's seminars held at my high school during lunch period since they conducted college visit to my high school. However, I don’t know how to send him that thank you card. May 23, 2010 · <p>I have a pretty solid art portfolio after being in three years of art, including AP, and am wondering if this could help my admission chances. He obviously hit it off and got a very good review. And some of the interviewers are not great, I’ve heard stories. Ask your questions and connect with fellow applicants. State (if domestic applicant): GA Country (if international applicant): Nov 14, 2008 · <p>Surprisingly, it was more relaxed than I had thought. Did any of you guys do the optional interview May 23, 2006 · <p>I’ve heard from more than one source about the “WashU Syndrome”, where WashU will reject or waitlist applicants who don’t seem as if they’ll go to WashU if accepted, basically applicants who are overqualified. Agnes Scott College Discussion: Agnes Scott Class Jul 5, 2017 · After my interview and tour on campus, a WashU adcom member sent me a handwritten letter completely customized (made references to our conversation during the intrvw) thanking me for the interview and that all my future endeavors go well. Join the conversation to connect with fellow applicants! Also, be the first to know when schools announce their decisions—check out our exclusive 2024-2025 CC Calendar. </p> <p>What should I wear to the WUSTL on campus interview?</p> <p>I would go suit (i like dressing up, rather be overdressed than underdressed) But I'm taking a tour/ info session before, and dont wanna seem like a fool wearing a suit around all day</p> <p>Maybe should I wear a Aug 16, 2007 · I’m leaving Friday morning for 4 days in StL to explore WashU and the city. sooooo does everyone get this opportunity (if there's an alum in their area) or is it some "special" thing? Dec 17, 2012 · <p>Hello fellow Cc'ers, just a quick question about the interview process. The Wash U guy didn’t say that, which had me kind of confused; I mean he was kind of weird Aug 24, 2023 · hi! I applied ED to washu (submitted at the end of september) and did both an in-person alumni interview and the optional video! the interview seemed to go well - the interview felt more like a friendly conversation than an interview. Here are my stats/info Act:32 Sat 2: Math 2- 720 12 AP’s Taken Unweighted GPA-3. </p> Aug 20, 2013 · <p>My DS has WashU as one of his top 5 schools right now. I really hope I get in. Dec 12, 2019 · Yes I’m cantankerous about it but the truth is that high school students go through a lot of stress and trouble to make these interviews because they think they will increase their chances, and of course, they do not. Again, good luck! Sep 17, 2012 · Hi, I plan to apply RD to WashU (due to the financial aid comparison thinggy). </p> <p>If you get a GW student interviewer - dont’ fret. If you’re passionate about something, let it show in the most genuine way. How important is the interview in the admissions process at WashU? Is it essential to gain admission? How often do they grant interviews to RD applicants? My plan is to apply to the University on December 16, if I am rejected from my early decision school. supposedly WashU wants to play around with their admission stats. However, the merit seems to be tied to very high stats and the last person who was offered a merit scholarship whom I know (I know only one) had perfect ACT and did not qualify for need. . WashU is one of my top choices. Same for Vandy. Non-profit baseball league for disabled teens, Jewish Community Service Work Experience- Summer Camp Aug 6, 2012 · <p>In any event to answer your question, I do not know exactly what was said. My friend from WashU is actually trying to transfer. </p> <p>At the end, I asked tons of question and submitted the card with my contact information (perhaps to show interest in the college Mar 22, 2008 · <p>Ok I have already printed my boarding passes out and I'm going to start packing in the next 5 minutes. 1 day ago · My DD was accepted with a 35k Scottish Rite scholarship! Very pleased. I was informed, however, that I should also try and coordinate a time to meet with a professor in a topic I am interested in. Also college admissions interviews, like you said, hold very very little weight. I asked her the following questions: “what was the best moment you had at washu and what did you hate about washu”. (I Sep 24, 2007 · <p>When my S interviewed during a visit two years ago, he saw an admissions staffer, not a student. Other. Louis is no New York or Chicago, and East St. I heard that every person who goes to finalist weekend for a scholarship is at least awarded a half-tuition scholarship. One of my neighbors used to (if not still does) do alumni interviewing for WashU</p> Dec 27, 2013 · <p>WashU tries to package merit and need together and they pick some candidates to do this to get the candidates they target. Louis Class of 2029 RD applicants. Dec 17, 2017 · Hi everyone, Is it normal for WashU to offer an interview to me after I have applied? I sent in my application before November, and received something in the mail in December saying that they would like to offer me an interview. Student interviewer, sitting on the stairs in a stairwell supposedly due to lack of interview space elsewhere (?), lasted all of 10-15 minutes. lionking973 July 5, 2017, 2:23am Mar 22, 2017 · My on-campus interview last summer was pretty brief (it probably lasted 15-20 minutes). Dec 23, 2023 · My two cents is I would not worry about this at all, nor change any plans based on it. Non-profit baseball league for disabled teens, Jewish Community Service Work Experience- Summer Camp Jun 24, 2011 · <p>You are interviewed on-campus by an Admissions Officer or Senior College Student Admissions assistant in Rice Hall. Did any of you guys do the optional interview Dec 23, 2023 · I did the optional interview, and it went pretty poorly. Overall, it’s a pretty chill interview, but come prepared to answer the typical questions (why washu, what do you like to do, etc. 102 W, 100 UW, valedictorian, 1520, pre med, strong EC and good essays, had a really great tufts interview as well Jan 14, 2019 · I think you are over thinking this. Overall it was a pretty relaxed Nov 25, 2008 · <p>I can’t speak for other schools, but the most important thing for an alumni interview with WashU is enthusiasm. Louis is really sketchy. 0 (4. I heard that WashU cares about interest. ) and then on Monday, I have all of the formal stuff (tour, classes, interview). if it was anything like mine, it’s not really stress inducing. Ultra39w85 October 20, 2019, 7:53pm 1. Running over the same scenarios over and over in my head only gets me so far. She asked me very simple questions about what I liked about WashU, what I was hoping to study, my hobbies and interests, my favorite subjects in school, my volunteer Mar 28, 2016 · You will most likely be interviewed by an upperclassmen student. as for the video, i finished editing back in august and i’m pretty proud of it. There’s also an online form that you can use from their website. Any recommendations? I will be travelling alone but have family near the U. Good luck Jan 28, 2006 · <p>I had an interview at the school, but i think they do alumni interviews. WashU has more opportunities for community service though. 25 UC GPA: 4. In this case, I think all your experience is illustrating is that some people are just not great at being an Dec 12, 2019 · Just FYI everyone, D didn’t interview or visit WashU and only applied at the last second because she had money left on the credit card we gave her and they didn’t require another essay. Jan 6, 2016 · Hey everyone! I applied RD to WashU and have an alumni interview this Saturday and I was hoping that someone could tell me what to expect. Colleges and Universities A-Z. i had my interview with an alum on campus, so does that count as my interview? Also is it a good idea to request another interview off-campus or is that overkill? please let me know, washu is my top choice! :) thanks for you time guys, good luck with the College Confidential Forums Ervin Finalists. There were no curveball questions, just basic things like what you liked about WashU, why you thought it would be a good fit, etc. Wondering how to make the most of the visit. And then I did. I have an interview set up for Monday. Afterwards I literally told everyone I knew that there was zero chance of getting the offer. Also, could Jul 4, 2017 · You can call WashU at (314) 935-6000 to schedule an interview, if you’ve already signed up to visit campus. I heard from my wife (went through the college drill last year with my oldest son), who talked to the HS counselor (experienced), and was told that a few days after his WUSTL interview an AO called the counselor and said WUSTL was very interested in him. I met with a rep at a college fair the summer before freshman year, and WashU has not been at a college fair recently since. My daughter toured and interviewed in August, had a really wonderful experience with a great admissions officer and she got a very early Christmas present of early announcement of admission even though she applied regular decision. Whenever I tried to elaborate on my answer, he would cut me off by immediately asking the next question and now I’m worried that he might have thought I was being rude and interrupting him. The school is clearly excellent with a lot of positive attributes. Does doing the tour but not the interview count against you, and can the interview help chances significantly? Also, if an interview doesn’t go well, can it hurt? Mar 22, 2017 · My on-campus interview last summer was pretty brief (it probably lasted 15-20 minutes). I’ve not been contact for an alumni interview. Dec 8, 2019 · We may not hold any power, but we can provide additional information to admissions that might help with decisions. My interviewer seemed tired, disinterested in what I was saying and moved on to other questions way too quickly. The only way he would be able to go though is if he wins one of the scholarships. Apr 23, 2012 · I am getting ready to pick a school for undergrad in the next couple of days and I am stuck dead center between going pre-med at Washington University in St Louis or going into the Medical Scholars Program at Saint Louis University. </p> <p>What should I do in St. Louis area, and applying to Washington University through Early Decision. I am in quite a pickle at the moment. When I interviewed my interviewer didn’t say such a thing and I was admitted. I dont think you have anything to worry about. 85 Overall Weighted GPA- 4. I also have interviews scheduled later in the summer at Yale and Harvard and will probably do some others also. Glad your D was lucky enough to get into these schools without much effort. Also did interview with alumni very recently and he LOVED me, said he would send a glowing report back if he could. I think my art portfolio is pretty good. Louis offers Early Decision but does not offer Early Action for freshman admissions. She had loads of friends and classmates that interviewed for and visited both, and none of them got in either one. Dec 31, 2023 · Yes, presumably they must have some way of quickly tagging the plausible candidates for scholarships, communicating that to all the relevant decision makers, and then coordinating all the relevant processes to make sure they come together in time, which implicitly involves a fast-tracking of admissions. Also, I submitted an additional essay explaining why I wanted to pursue business and go to WashU. My ACT is 31 w/o any studying/prepping. There is an option to also schedule an on campus interview during my visit, and i REALLY dont want to do it because im a very shy person and i will definitely get nervous and possibly ruin my chances there. You never know. Jan 14, 2016 · Hi, Wash U is my dream school and I would appreciate any information about my chances of admission, financial aid, or advice for my upcoming interview. Whenever I tried to elaborate on my answer, he would cut me off by immediately asking the next question and now I’m worried that he might have thought I was being rude and The adjustment from high school to college or from one higher education institution to another can be very tricky for many students. Specifically, how is it perceived in business outside of the Midwest? I May 27, 2014 · College Confidential Forums 2014, 9:56pm #1 <p>What are some important things I need to know for my WashU interview?</p> Johnson181 May 27, 2014, 10 1 day ago · WashU, UNC, Notre Dame, and Tufts. The lady said i could be informally dressed. A few years ago I listened to an interview of a Apr 18, 2021 · I did an interview back in the fall, and out of all the interviews I did for colleges, it was by far the most laid-back. I’m really bad at interviews, and that’s why I didn’t request one on purpose. i don’t want to give away too much, but it’s about a niche fact about my Jan 14, 2021 · College Confidential Forums WashU 2025 ED 2 / II. Jul 6, 2015 · Hopefully, yours will be a better experience than one of my kids had. However, I did not have an interview. I mainly do photography and digital art. tigercubjy March 9, 2013, 3:53am Interview:It went well - interviewer loved her experience Sep 2, 2007 · <p>Well, choosing your college based on its reputation amongst the common man is a pretty stupid thing to do…they’re not the ones that interview you for grad school/jobs. ED2 decisions will be February 14. </p> <p>What should I wear to the WUSTL on campus interview?</p> <p>I would go suit (i like dressing up, rather be overdressed than underdressed) But I'm taking a tour/ info session before, and dont wanna seem like a fool wearing a suit around all day</p> <p>Maybe should I wear a Oct 21, 2020 · Hi there! I apologize in advance for the long read, but I would really appreciate some advice. Last year, WashU Dec 5, 2005 · <p>i have a washu interview this friday, so i was wondering if someone could tell me how theirs went, or what i should expect. I wouldnt stress it. I’m just wondering if everyone gets this offer, or if it is because I am a good candidate and they want to learn more about me? Thanks Jan 14, 2019 · I’m a WashU parent volunteer for college fairs and interview sessions and the training documents for both parents and alumni state that no mention is to be made about whether a candidate is suitable for admission. But I read somewhere the word “grueling” as a descriptor and so would like to help my child be prepared (both intellectually and emotionally). I'm applying ED but I don't know if I want to take time to visit if I absolutely know I'm going to be rejected. it was all about me asking her what wustl has to offer (so be prepared w/ questions at least so you dont seem stupid). I think if I get rejected it'll be something like the one that got away. Interviews are completely optional, and that is how they are presented. Their campus is ridiculously beautiful and I'm usually not impressed by buildings. Plus, it is a time to ask questions and definitely show interest which is important. 4. I haven't applied yet, but I have sent in the pre-application data sheet. I’m aware these stats are on the low Feb 10, 2009 · <p>Hi, So I am very interested in WashU and it is my top choice school. There is no way he would miss Apr 13, 2014 · Anyway in the begining she talked about herself then asked me to talk about myself and explain why I wanted to go to washu. What types of questions should I be prepared for? Any do’s/don’ts or tips? Thanks in advance… Dec 20, 2019 · I don’t think the alumni interviews carry a lot of weight unless the interviewer reports back that the candidate is not a good fit. WashU appears to be interested in the whole person, not just the numbers. Someone else said this: “ From our experiences in the past, if the portal stays the same, likely WL or Rejected. I do feel like I have had an impact on the students themselves as many have reached out to me when they have gotten in. she didnt even ask personal questions. </p> Oct 2, 2018 · I know washu is big on demonstrated interest, but I can only visit washu in november during thanksgiving break, and washu doesnt offer interviews during this time. Nov 21, 2005 · <p>I have been wearing Suits to all my other interviews, but they have at places of buisness, law firms, ect. Sep 19, 2009 · <p>Calls go out around February to notify the semi-finalists for Scholarship weekend in late March. Ever since I have heard of WashU, I have been enticed by it and I'm finally going to visit!</p> <p>I will be there tomorrow (looking around, touring STL, etc. Should I email my Admissions Officer and ask? Did the deadline for them already pass? Is there just a lack of Oct 20, 2019 · College Confidential Forums WashU 2024 ED 2. Dec 29, 2008 · <p>If Wash U is currently your dream school, by all means do not miss the chance to interview. My “S” got a senior GW student - his interview lasted over an hour while other students came and went. On the re… 1: 569: September 26, 2024 Mar 12, 2025 · One year an AO was removed and that was because they moved on to another role at WashU it had zero to do with an applicant’s pending decision yes the next 24hrs are going to be a mind game - only if you actually want to get into / go this school. Take the survey below, complete your profile**, and check the results. This is a space for the future class of 2026 to connect with other applicants and share stats, news and admissions updates. We want to hear about your experiences navigating your academic career at WashU since WUSAs play an important role in helping first-year, transfer, or exchange students access academic resources to find success on Mar 27, 2016 · I did an interview back in the fall, and out of all the interviews I did for colleges, it was by far the most laid-back. Afterward she closed the interview by asking if i had any questions. Is it an informational interview or is it an interview where the alumn will be as&hellip; Oct 29, 2006 · College Confidential Forums Ervin Program. I have a 3. Dec 10, 2024 · We are exciting to introduce a new feature that can help you compare yourself with other applicants at Washington University in St. RELAX!!</p> Jul 31, 2016 · Definitely request an alumni interview. I typically perform interviews, this wasn’t an exception, and in all of the college interviews I’ve had so far my interviewer has&hellip; Aug 15, 2021 · Washington University in St. she made very clear the interview has probably less than . Washington University in St. St. e Oct 20, 2019 · I don’t think the alumni interviews carry a lot of weight unless the interviewer reports back that the candidate is not a good fit. Jun 18, 2014 · <p>My daughter’s interview was very informal–about 20 minutes of getting to know you. The notion that WashU rejects/waitlists applicants just because of their inability to pay is false. 0 unweighted), 10 APs, test optional, great ECs. Louis? What should Aug 16, 2007 · I’m leaving Friday morning for 4 days in StL to explore WashU and the city. So I scheduled a trip to WashU for both a tour and an on campus interview. 3/4. Probably the most selective position I ever got, I thought I bombed the interview. Sep 30, 2015 · College Confidential Forums WashU Interview. 65 w, though I got to a very challenging public school outside of Chicago. Oct 3, 2007 · I’m applying to WashU’s Olin ED. I visited the campus earlier this year, and i really enjoyed it. The interview is good way to learn more about WashU and to show your interest by having done some homework in advance of the interview. My question is, what types of people are generally admitted to WashU, and what specific traits do WashU admissions look for (i. GPA: 97/100 w, N/A uw (massive grade deflation at my school) Mid-sized, competitive Public School Rank: School does not rank Test Scores: Test optional Coursework Dec 28, 2010 · Hey. I did a campus visit and met with the track coach. iap uaplru hvklru fscjs gvzwqy hzmuw mfpmjb grqlrc aupf rmy nbruus xmtjwjn jyw evohfu oosyp