Weight and balance spreadsheet. Brian Weight and Balance Graph Tool for Excel 7.

Weight and balance spreadsheet Started by starshippe, August 19, 2013, 01:42:04 AM. I have aspirations to fly large, turbine aircraft. I have an excel spreadsheet we have used to update the w/b. 1 Weight And Balance Spreadsheet Templates are collected for any of your needs. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Weight Arm Moment Utility Normal Total (N/A) Aircraft Licensed Empty Weight Weight and Balance Worksheet Rear Seats Front Seats Seat Occupancy Table: Pilot: Copilot: Rear Left: Rear Right: Remaining Useful Load: USAGE: Fill out the areas in GREEN SETUP: Cell E3: Aircraft Moment Cell D8: Baggage Area Arm Cell D7: Rear Seats Arm Cell D6: Front Coupe by changing the aircraft empty weight and arm from your last weight and balance. There are a lot of old records, mostly for equipment that is not installed anymore. data comes from your AC current weight & balance records. Be sure to confirm the Weight & Balance of your flights. 1. TO MAC is automatically calculated. Select Glider SGS 2-33A, N2488W SGS 2-33A, N5790S SGS 2-33A, N65863 SGS 2-32, N2779Z SGS 1-34, N7626 SGS 1-26C, N2798Z SGS 1-26B, N5743S B4-PC11, N10874 Mar 30, 2012 · Great worksheet, thank you! I am still working out the weight and balance for my new (to me) PA-22/20 160. I also added all the weight and CG numbers from A-718 and A-787 for reference. Feb 24, 2015 · R44 Weight and Balance Calculator. type 1495 and touch Plane Weight cell Set weight to 1,495 LB to Plane item Apr 26, 2002 · Weight & Balance Spreadsheet. I've used this 22" Travelpro Rollaboard for nearly 5 years for commercial and private travel and it is indestructible! It's far from Wal~Mart priced (prox $140), but the durability and full featured expandability make it a great CSOB value, IMHO. This method can be applied to any make and model of aircraft, but is more often seen with small GA aircraft. This is a mass and balance calculator for a Robinson R22 Helicopter. This generic template includes many useful automatic calculations, conversions and a large CoG graph for a quick view of your aircraft’s loading. G. Aug 14, 2024 · Weight and balance sheet. Pilot and passengers: 380 lbs, 64" arm 3. Mar 12, 2007 · When it came time for my Private Pilot Single Engine Land checkride I decided to make up a simple spreadsheet for the Citabria's Weight and Balance. Automatically checks for weights and CG out of range. The top button runs the weigh Robinson 22 Mass and Balance Calculator - Free download as Excel Spreadsheet (. The yellow cells are the input cells. The whole conversion of world industry would need to be carried out virtually overnight. I fold the sheet and seal it. Col 3: Arm. Station arms, load limits, and airspeed limits come from the Airplane Flight Manual (before 03-01-79) or Pilot's Operating Handbook [POH] (after 03-01-79) [pop-up more detail], or the FAA Type Certificate Data Sheet (TCDS). Fuel: 180 lbs, 96" arm. Multiply this number by 1000 to determine the moment (e. Weight and Balance comprises two modules – Powerloader (PC application) and eLoadsheet (web-based system). Default data is for : Weight (lbs) Arm (inches) iii P Preface FAA-H-8083-1A, Aircraft Weight and Balance Handbook, has been prepared in recognition of the importance of weight and balance technology in conducting safe and weight and balance spreadsheet. Feb 24, 2015 · Office Phone: (702) 271-7611 Cell Phone: (702) 338-9393 info@702helicopters. S. The information you must supply is the weight Feb 24, 2015 · Office Phone: (702) 271-7611 Cell Phone: (702) 338-9393 info@702helicopters. txt) or read online for free. 5 %µµµµ 1 0 obj >>> endobj 2 0 obj > endobj 3 0 obj >/XObject >/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group - Less Takeoff Fuel Weight and Moment (from above) + Fuel At Landing (6# Gal) 42. Column 2: Weight. This online tool can also be used for calculating aircraft weight & balance for flight-planning purposes. What I am referring to is a total-truck-Weight & Balance spreadsheet that when proper configured will return the actual weights of each axle tire patch weight for whatever the truck loading condition is at a given configuration. 82FS MAC Wing 52. Includes the Bonanza, Baron, King Air, and Premier lines of airplanes, turboprops, and turbojets. xlsx), PDF File (. You will find the link to the spreadsheet. It shows several situations (single and dual, with or without luggage) and prints to a single A4 sheet. If you send me your weight report (how much weight on front wheels and tail wheel) I can probably make one for you. Sep 7, 2005 · I stumbled across this neat little W&B spreadsheet for the 170B while surfing the net. Nov 17, 2015 · The bed spreadsheet in the resource guide is indeed a bed-design-tool ant it seems to be adequate for bed design. It includes the R22, R44, R44 II, Schweizer 300C. . Also when you make your logbook entry put the empty weight and the moment and the CG in the entry. 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. xlxs). Free Excel Spreadsheet Download . This document provides a step-by-step guide to using the BMAA weight and balance spreadsheet to calculate and track an aircraft's weight and balance details. I'd be happy to modify it for anybody with your own W&B figures, and photographs. Searched the archives but no luck. You should be able to download it and it's designed work on iMac, iPad or iPhone. I use it mainly for primary weight and balance calculations after a rebuild or major modification. This document provides guidance on using the BMAA weight and balance spreadsheet to determine an aircraft's empty weight, balance loads, and create necessary placards. There is a new iPad app that seem to do the work, but it is not free though :-(However, it calculates weight & balance and also IGE / OGE hover height. Recall some time ago a posting on this site concerning a program to run weight and balance calculations. example: 1-me and full fuel, 2- me, lite passenger, fuel to take me to 1200 pounds SR22 Weight and Balance Calculator - Free download as Excel Spreadsheet (. 0 spreadsheets allow the user to quickly and easily perform weight and balance computations for various models of the Cessna 150, 152 and 172 airplanes. It includes a graphical representation of the flight envelope and a text worksheet and is very easy to use. Estimates aren’t good enough in a small airplane—you should use exact numbers. Hi All, I'm working through some weight and balance calculations on my 1950 PA20 (not a conversion). Jul 3, 2007 · Sample J-3 Weight & Balance Spreadsheet--Editable for Your J-3. It concludes with reminders about placarding the A spreedsheet-like tool for calculating aircraft weight & balance during construction of home-built experimental aircraft. Weight and its distribution can severely affect performance, handling, controllability, and even structural integrity. If anyone knows how, please let me know. Once selected the Min, Max Nov 11, 2009 · I created an Excel worksheet for easily computing, charting, and printing the weight & balance for my aircraft, based on an older version that I had found on the net somewhere. Actual empty weight The Actual empty weight of the aircraft is the empty weight of the aircraft in its current state. It's pretty simple, but if you have a question about it or find an error, let me know. Extract Data From Email To Spreadsheet . You can add multiple aircraft and select between them. It's a requirement that you show the Designated Pilot Examiner (DPE) that the aircraft you're planning to fly with not be over its certified gross weight or outside of the center of gravity (CG) range specified by the manufacturer. Attached is a simple Weight and Balance spreadsheet I put together for my Carbon Cub (SN123 w/ empty weight 915 lbs). Weight & Balance arrangements for gyroplanes are different to those of aeroplanes and a special type of report is used, unless the manufacturers concerned provides their own special schedule in which case this should be used instead. Oct 15, 2022 · Empty weight and C. Go to the main SR20 website, click “Stuff”. 9. There is also a page for maintenance logs. xls / . The cells colored light blue are calculated cells and cannot be edited. Oct 24, 2017 · Use this downloadable excel spreadsheet to automatically calculate your plane's weight & balance & take-off & landing distances for better aviation prep. Aug 8, 2002 · Position Weight Arm Moment The 1st row is basic a/c empty weight, the following are things like pax, fuel, all that sort of stuff - one row for each different arm position. Mar 22, 2001 · You are correct in saying that Excel is a great tool for general aviation. Fill out all of the items in the weight column. The top button runs the weight up and the bottom button runs it down. Federal Aviation Administration 800 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20591 866. 1 What's new? Fill out the info below to calculate weight and balance for your aircraft! DISCLAIMER: These calculations are provided as reference, with no guarantee of accuracy, and should be checked against your own calculations. I went to the Kitfox website and printed off various sheets that will match differant weights. Contemporary definitions of basic empty weight include full fluids (oil and hydraulic) and unusable fuel. The accuracy of the arms and formulas should be verified before use. Since the 5-seater allows you to put up to 265 lbs in the rear baggage area, and the 7-seater lets you seat 2 (smaller) adults in the 3rd row, you can obviously put a lot more than 88 lbs back there if placed on the 3rd row seats (unfolded), or in the footwells May 26, 2007 · This is the weight and balance spreadsheet that came on disk with my Cirrus training materials from UND before I picked up my first SR20 in 2004. Rear-seat passenger: 150 lbs, 75" arm 4. Solution: Keystrokes Description [ Clear ] Clears all variables to start a new calculation. Both components share an aircraft master database and user management functions, plus eLoadsheet can be fully integrated with our flight planning solutions as well as third-party systems. It contains 21 favorite aircraft including Dreamfleet, Wilco and PSS aircraft. drawing. Introduction Weight and balance graphs are essential tools in the aviation industry, providing crucial data for ensuring the safety and efficiency of aircraft operations. Finally sign and date the form Part 2: Balance This section is used to check the balance of an aircraft. You might also need to zero out the rudder pedals if you do not have them or you have them but they have been accounted for in your current weight and balance numbers. Essential for students and CFIs alike. The type of engine installed doesn't affect the weight. I modified their Excel Spreadsheet by adding “Buttons” to change the Weights for each station. All other cells can be edited with your own values. Jul 1, 1991 · The weight and balance computations presented (Table 1) are for a typical RV-8, and the basic mantra for all weight and balance computation is: weight multiplied by arm equals moment. An Excel Version W&B Calculator is also available for download. I agree with you. 5322 (866-TELL-FAA) Contact Us When you weigh an airplane it is necessary to calculate the empty weight Center of Gravity (CG). Ultimate Retirement Calculator weights in the appropriate lines of the Weight and Balance Sheet. This section will give you Jun 13, 2001 · Denis (N726CD) has kindly provided an Excel spreadsheet to compute weight and balance for the SR22. Have fun! Bob_Urschel (Bob Urschel) May 27, 2007, 2:56pm A Beechcraft (Raytheon) Owners & Pilots Group providing discussion forums for all Beech aircraft. Feb 2, 2017 · I’ve edited my Apple Numbers Weight & Balance spreadsheet to allow overweight flights with ferry tanks and some flight planning tools. Jan 26, 2019 · Related Post to Cessna 150 Weight And Balance Spreadsheet. Enter the weight and moment values as for useable fuel in row 2. xls. Dec 4, 2012 · iFly Weight and Balance for iPad (free)—Users can create weight and balance systems for any aircraft, and it begins with a pre-set starting weight. After you have completed the weight and balance and verified everything here is what I do. It's a requirement that you show the Designated Pilot Examiner (DPE) that the aircraft you're planning to fly with not be over its certified gross weight or Sep 1, 2006 · Here's a spreadsheet to calculate your W&B: F-1Hwtbal. Oct 16, 2017 · Column 1: Item. Simple excel spreadsheet to compute weight and balance of an R44 and its good for the Raven I or II. 6: 6111: May 27, 2007 Weight and balance spreadsheet created by Mark Neubauer. 47in Values shown here are from 1/4 Chord MAC 86. From there, you just add passengers, baggage, takeoff fuel, and landing fuel, and you’re good to go! Other jobs related to aircraft weight and balance excel spreadsheet aircraft weight balance apple store • apple store aircraft weight balance app • aircraft weight balance q400 • i have a book of names and phone numbers of hospital employees that i need entered into an excel spreadsheet • names and phone numbers of hospital employees Nov 9, 2009 · MS Excel 97 spreadsheet to calculate King Air B200C weight and balance. com 702 Helicopters Inc. RV-6/6A SECTION 14 WEIGHT AND BALANCE REV 3 05/15/20 14-1 SECTION 14: WEIGHT AND BALANCE Any aircraft must, for safety’s sake, be operated within its weight and balance envelope. At the intersectionof the fuel weight value and fuel chart line , follow/draw a line on the graph straight down to find the momentfuel value. Experienced pilots prefer eFlite weight and balance software because it's user-friendly, maximizes flight safety and minimizes the time to perform flight planning from desktop and mobile devices. My airplane does not even have a vacuum system anymore so I am sure the weight and balance is different. With my Bo empty, full oil, 3 gallons (unusable) in each main tank, and no tip tanks, it shows an empty weight of 2,321. microsoft excel weight and balance spreadsheet for TAILWHEEL AIRCRAFT WITH THE DATUM FORWARD OF THE MAIN WHEELS. Why Use Excel for a Weight and Balance Chart? Excel’s features, like formulas, tables, and charts, make it perfect for create weight and balance chart excel. 2634 Airport Drive, Suite #101 Las Vegas, Nevada 89032 Feb 16, 2013 · NOTE 1. I did computerize a fairly complicated BAC 111 weight and balance computation, and a relatively simple one for the 737, but never saw the need to do that for the Decathlon - I just carry "extreme" examples, and am always in between. Department of Transportation. Weight and balance for F-1 #8, N144X, empty weight with 12 qts of oil, paint, 5 CDs in the pit, and Jan 2, 2018 · Pm me your email address. Feb 20, 2009 · Hi Curt, great work, thank you. Part 2: Balance This section is used to check the balance of an aircraft. xlsx) or read online for free. However, there is a second page ( tab ) that is for flight calculations. Brian Weight and Balance Graph Tool for Excel 7. [snip] I use (and like) AV8R on my palm pilot. This document provides information about the weight and balance/center of gravity (CG) for a Cirrus SR22 aircraft. That way if you lose the page out of the POH you don’t have to reweigh View, download and print Weight & Balance Sheets pdf template or form online. Simple Weight and Balance Spreadsheet When it came time for my Private Pilot Single Engine Land checkride I decided to make up a simple spreadsheet for the Citabria's Weight and Balance. In this Excel tutorial, we will guide you through the process of creating a weight and balance graph, and explain its importance for aviation profess Weight and Balance Spreadsheet Serial Number 12 Level Flight with Oil and undrainable fuel FS Position Left Main 566lb 72 40752 Right Main 552lb 72 39744 Tail Wheel 33lb 240 7920 88416 Empty Weight 1151lb Empty CG 76. Nov 30, 2004 · Dash-8 pilots and operators. It’s possible to name your spreadsheet all you desire. Col 4: col 2 x col 3 = Moment Each row is a separate item, starting with Right seat, then left seat, fuel, aircraft wt (from wt sheet in flt manual, includes unuseable fuel and full oil), nav bag, portable gps, survival stuff in cargo comptmt, hip flask, bong etc Jun 13, 2001 · About that spreadsheet…I received a Weight & Balance Excel Spreadsheet from Wings Aloft. I hate to carry around a Laptop and I wanted a quick way to do a W&B on the ramp. Jul 10, 2023 · U. I then multiply the weight by the arm to get the moment. points plotted for TOW, LDW and ZFW. It is currently in Microsoft Excel, but I might try to port that over to a web-based application in the future. I think the 88 lb weight limitation is caused by baggage being put on top of the folded 3rd row seats. pdf), Text File (. Jun 13, 2001 · About that spreadsheet…I received a Weight & Balance Excel Spreadsheet from Wings Aloft. Posted by jzawodn at March 12, 2007 12:10 PM C172N N737WA Weight and Balance Calculator. Oct 30, 2003 · Private Flying - Cessna 182 Weight & Balance Spreadsheet - Thanks to some guidance from helpful work colleagues and useful input from Brooklands (also MikeCross), I have managed to get my C182 Weight & Balance Spreadsheet doing what I wanted it to do, which was to indicate visually when the W&B data was Aug 7, 2008 · I've been tinkering with Excel and have come up with a spreadsheet that can be used to tally flight hours and important aircraft figures like an aircraft log book. Customize for your aircraft. I have attached it a s a PDF because I could not figure out how to attach it as an Excel file. The empty weight will depend on any repair work, engine accessories, panel configuration, and so on. ) 8. Feb 8, 2025 · Chuck McGee's customizable weight and balance Excel spreadsheet for the Aerostar. May 13, 2013 · An app is (or at least can be) much more complex, so requires you to use a programming language and development environment that's capable of much more than a spreadsheet. It is accessed using the Balance tabs at the foot of the Spreadsheet Seat types: Fixed, Adjustable & Weight Dependent You have to physically click (or tap) on the text in order to get the drop down menu to select the seat type for the pilot. Gives setting for X-Plane CG slider. I created a spreadsheet calculator to estimate trailer weight and tongue weight based on the distribution of weight from added or removed items. 34FS the Preliminary Design Review. 147 intersects at 6. Nov 30, 2014 · The W&B section in the manual cites an empty weight of 2,088. Here’s why: Feb 24, 2015 · R44 Weight and Balance Calculator. Yours is definitely nicer for flight calculations. Tot up the weights and the moments, divide moments by weight to get actual CG arm, and plot on a chart. Below is a weight & balance spreadsheet I made (in MS Excel format) to save time in computing weight & balance for the helicopters I've flown or might fly. intersects with the fuel line. Mar 12, 2025 · Whether you’re a student pilot figuring out weight and balance or a CFI helping someone through their first calculations, this spreadsheet is meant to take the headache out of the process. E6B, NavLog Calculator, Weather Reports, METAR, TAF, Wind Components, Instrument Simulator, Weight and Balance, Pressure Altitude, Density Altitude, True Air Speed The Federal Aviation Regulations mandate that the Pilot In Command must verify that the aircraft is within weight and balance limits. com every day, making it the Helicopter Industry's #1 Online Resource! It contains a list of equipment and arms from my aircraft so that builders can compare their own measurements for a gross error comparison, and explore the effect of placing different weights at various locations. Important definitions 2. Lastly, there is a weight and balance calculator that includes a plot-the-point output on the Cessna 172R manual W&B chart. Wondering if any other owners with similar planes have weight and balance worksheets to share? I'm putting together a spreadsheet. 2634 Airport Drive, Suite #101 Las Vegas, Nevada 89032 May 23, 2007 · Here is a Javascript utility I wrote to perform standard weight and balance on the Cozy MK-IV. I tried a forum search and had some posts come up, but they Just a side note. Here in Canada you must carry a current weight and balance. May 13, 2023 · Luddite here - my weight and balance sheets are so simple I doubt a "spreadsheet" would help much. It’s simple, reliable, and something I wish I had when I was first learning. 0 Introduction These Excel 7. You, as either the Aug 17, 2001 · Craig: It’s an Excel spreadsheet. Log the weights of any shim stock (the 1 x 4s and any other non-aircraft weight) that is on the scales as tare in Column B. The 4-part spreadsheet guides the user to input aircraft details, inventory items, seat and fuel loads, and limits to check balance and produce a fuel trade-off placard if needed. 835. (See blank Lancair ES “Weight and Balance Sheets” provided for recording this data. The 'graphic' worksheet shows the actual envelope with c. Picking up my SR22 in couple of weeks. 1. xls), PDF File (. The grey cells are for defaults – set once and forget. Apr 30, 2015 · 407 Weight & Balance Calculator 407 Weight & Balance Calculator Hi, This is awesome!! do you by chance have a weight and balance spreadsheet for the B206? Thank Dec 18, 2024 · Learning how to create weight and balance chart Excel spreadsheets ensures flexibility and allows for real-time data updates, helping you stay organized and accurate. I am not sure how to proceed. Feb 23, 2024 · Discover our "Weight and Balance" spreadsheet, a crucial tool for pilots. Commercial weight and balance would require software more specifically tailored to that application. It’s designed for a 1980 Beech A36 Bonanza with Osborne 20 gallon tips but can easily be amended for other configurations. 24 KB Mar 12, 2007 · However, make sure you use the numbers from your aircraft's most recent weight and balance sheet. Enter the Feb 15, 2007 · I admit, it is not the best spreadsheet for quick calculations. It is accessed using the Balance tabs at the foot of the Spreadsheet Seat types: Fixed, Adjustable & Weight Dependent You have to physically click (or tap) on the text in order to get the drop down menu to select the seat type for the pilot. This video shows how to use a spreadsheet to calculate your %PDF-1. Step 3 – Weight Your Gear and Passengers. x 6) Left front seat Right front seat Rear seat Baggage Area 1 Baggage Area 2 The calculator generates two sets of weight and CG values for this purpose. The weight and balance computation system, commonly called the loading graph and CG envelope system, is an excellent and rapid method for determining the CG location for various loading arrangements. I will add other helicopters as I fly them or when I get access to a POH. Chris_Davis_SR22-WB - Free download as Excel Spreadsheet (. Bell 206L Weight & Balance (Excel) Download Thousands of helicopter professionals from 160+ countries "worldwide" visit JustHelicopters. Includes performance calculations, and even financial hourly cost estimates! Weight and Balance Calculator. If you can’t track down the template that you require, you can choose the Template Gallery add-on. May 8, 2001 · SR22 Weight and Balance spreadsheet available. This is my first draft, but it seems to be working pretty well for me. You can't expect even aircraft of the same make and model (Citabria 7KCAB, in this case) to be the same. Guest Discussion. 2: 6283: June 13, 2001 SR 20 Weight & Balance. It is an automatic calculator, just enter Pilot, Passenger and baggage weight + fuel quantity and presto, the calculator calculates whether or not the aircraft Welcome to Traffic Cone's ERAU Cessna 172 Weight and Balance Calculator! You are using V3. You fill in the spaces with the weights of the fuel, baggage, and occupants as appropriate, and then multiply them by the arm to get each item’s moment. Neutral Nov 11, 2022 · Here's an attached weight and balance spreadsheet below (. Updated to show MAX Weight and CG info and corrected TOTAL WEIGHT and TOTAL Weight and Balance calculator for all types of aircraft. Aircraft weight and balance calculator software is used to perform required weight and balance calculations. Have you ever sat with an FMC and wondered "what's the ZFW or Aircraft Empty Weight"? Well, here is the answer in one Excel table. making a _____ of your aircraft will help with visualizing the CG, CG Range, Datum and various arms. TIL 012 ISSUE 6 Page 3 of 12 JANUARY 2022 2. Thread starter jimrice; J3 Weight & Balance Calculator_BLANK Rev1_ 3-08-2009-CSS. Weight of Baggage. It lists the maximum takeoff weight as 3,400 lbs with a maximum useful load of also 3,400 lbs. Current weight and balance report including list of equipment included in certificated empty weight, and loading instructions when necessary, must be in each aircraft at the time of original certification and at all times thereafter (except in the case of air carrier operators having an approved weight control system). Every pilot knows the critical importance of accurately calculating weight and balance for safe and efficient flights. May 27, 2014 · I have one written in LibreOffice with embedded Excel. Post by Robert Eilers » Sat Nov 19, 2005 4:23 am. Range and Weight WEIGHT & BALANCE WORK SHEET ITEM WEIGHT ARM MOMENT Empty weight Fuel (gals. Weight & Balance. To my knowledge, there aren't any "spreadsheet runtime" containers to convert a spreadsheet into an app. 0 Version 3. But, since weight and balance is such a trivial problem, you wouldn't Empty weight and C. The template is just a beginning point. All you need to do is download this booger, load it in Microsoft Excel and punch in the necessary numbers in the RED spaces. I thought some of you may find this useful. 2 LANDING TOTALS LANDING CG (Total Moment ÷ Total Weight) N5144L - Cessna 152 WEIGHT AND BALANCE WEIGHT AND BALANCE TAKEOFF LANDING Weight and Balance Worksheet Aircraft / Equipment Type for VFR FAA Flight Plan: C152/U Instructions For Computing C. 5. I didn't intend to suggest that it be used for anything more. The values are specific to my aircraft, but the spreadsheet should be really easy to modify for other similar model Cessna 172 aircraft. It outlines downloading the spreadsheet, entering key details like the aircraft type and inventory, and using the various tabs to determine the empty weight and balance, ensure it remains within limits under different loading conditions Aug 19, 2013 · weight and balance excel spreadsheet. g. The weight/balance table allows the user to start with a basic fuselage, Apr 30, 2021 · That's what it says in the AFM. 2 x 1000 = 6200). Can someone point me to the source Apr 29, 2018 · The Importance of Cessna 206 Weight and Balance Spreadsheet. Ensure flight safety and efficiency with accurate calculations. For now, Excel does quite nicely. There is a new Excel spreadsheet program for weight and balance on the Dash-8. Weight in front tank, although it remains full from wing tanks until they run dry; As long as the resulting number is bigger than 35 and smaller than 46, Good to go. Regards, Home | Duchess Weight And Balance Spreadsheet Search for: New Duchess W&B spreadsheet available for download on BAC (Technical/Downloads/Flight Planning), courtesy of member Philippe Davy. Aircraft empty weight: 1,495 lbs weight,151,593 lb-in moment 2. yea ksr fcjm lxby hdd ghbjmme spryzmcn jawmqes wczs zofzb hnvx xiyg hkds yznx zbaaca