Whip grapple 5e Irl whips range from 3-10 feet on average with some special whips that exceed that. When you take the Attack action and… Whip. To do so, make another grapple check. It is just a benefit though, because you don't need a free hand and you have a 10 ft range instead of 5. \$\endgroup\$ – By RAW you need to use your free hand to grapple unless explicitly noted otherwise (for example Simic Hybrid tentacles). An echo of their skill remains within, and can be harnessed by those with the inclination. If the wielder of the whip falls off a ledge or something similar they can use their reaction to lash the whip onto something within range and prevent their fall, if it From what my DM explained, I think he plans to have the whip feat grapple substitute for an attack (hitting someone with the whip vs wrapping it around an appendage, with the bonus action to put some muscle into pulling them down), so the grapple check isn’t just a complete freebie if they’re within 10 feet and it doesn’t completely replace the Extra Attack action. Jun 28, 2024 · This ring has been worn by dozens, if not hundreds, of master whip wielders in one profession or another. Here's my thoughts: Whip is a special weapon "When proficient, you may use the whip to initiate the grapple or shove attack action. I want to… If your target is medium sized or smaller, you grapple the target with your whip. *Either on your turn as an action, or as an attack of opportunity, you may grapple an opponent by wrapping the end of the whip around their neck, arm, or torso. From what I can gather, it is a whip handle that can be used as a magical torch but you can use a free action to extend the flame into a whip. When doing this, you use your attack bonus for this weapon instead of any other modifier for the contested Strength check. A creature can use an action on their turn to make an athletics or acrobatics check against your Whip Master DC. The kuo-toa makes one bite attack and two unarmed strikes Jan 21, 2024 · Thorn Whip 5e Beyond the Battlefield: Utility Capabilities In addition to its combat applications, Thorn Whip possesses versatile utility capabilities that extend beyond the battlefield. Basically, it lets you grapple at 10 feet range if you're wielding a Whip. Now, when you make an Unarmed Strike, you can choose from the Damage, Grapple, or Shove options. If the Fighter is pulled out of Grappling range (usually melee range) by this effect, then the Barbarian is no longer grappled. Aug 26, 2016 · An allied Warlock with Repelling Blast. If the attack hits, the creature takes 1d6 piercing damage, and if the creature is Large or smaller, you pull the creature up to 10 feet closer to you. When the wielder of the whip scores a critical hit, they can choose to knock the target prone, grapple the target with the whip, or pull the target up to 5 feet towards them. Oct 10, 2017 · A Grapple can be broken, and the whip destroyed, by doing 5 points of slashing damage to the whip (AC 10). Special. Make a melee spell attack against the target. The catez can’t make attacks with the whip while using it to grapple a creature. While holding this weapon, you can use this weapon to grapple at a range of 10 feet. With extensive training using a whip you have developed the following benefits: As your action, you can use a whip to manipulate an object, open an unlocked door or container, retrieve an object from an open container, or pour out the contents of a vial. Next turn, activate curse. I know in 5e there's no escape artist check. Another possibility: your whip doesn’t have to be a “whip”. If you really want them to be able to restrain, I'd chain it. Jun 30, 2023 · Overall, restrained is a much more impactful condition than grappled in DnD 5e. Nov 11, 2024 · Now, if the same Barbarian wanted to Grapple or Shove, their target would have to succeed on a DC 15 Strength or Dexterity saving throw: Grapple and Shove Saving Throw DC: 8 + 4 (Strength modifier) + 3 (proficiency bonus) = 15. As neither of us has interacted with this situation before, how does the (presumably forced) movement interact with me being grappled? Is she able to free me without a roll (aside from attack and damage rolls)? Grapple Rules for Monsters Many monsters have special attacks that allow them to quickly grapple prey. It has the same statistics as a kuo-toa whip except that it adds its Wisdom modifier to its Armor Class (AC 13), loses the Spellcaster trait, and replaces the whip's action options with the following action options. Since it's finesse, you could do a Dex build, or just go with Str anyway; it depends on what kind of armor, feats, and skills you want. You have mastered the ways of the whip and the intricacies of such an exotic weapon. Use Discord? Join the fan server for announcements, updates, and feature voting. The grappled creature can use an action to make a DC 18 Strength check to escape. From this handle a rubbery rope slowly narrows to the opposite end, which usually ends in a sharp point. Mar 16, 2020 · From what you described, the player character cast thorn whip to grab an enemy by the neck, and used gravity and a branch to hoist up their opponent, all while holding on to the whip. grapple. My DM and I argued about the whip for a long time. Since there isn't a RAW ruling here, come up with something reasonable if your DM is open to this - it's a fun Indiana Jones style trick! Jan 5, 2016 · This whip is magic. I recently started a new campaign with a different dm that is pretty flexible about home brew. Grappling. -using a spell or other ability that moves the grappled creature to move it into a space that is not within the reach of the grappler or grappling effect Jan 26, 2015 · Oddly, I say once a whip-grapple is initiated, the attacker is more reliant on Strength to maintain the grapple, either to hang onto the whip if the target is using Strength to escape, or to pull/shake the target and keep them off-balance if they're trying to escape using Dex. It’s worth noting though that I said use an improvised weapon on purpose. The Thorn Whip can also be used for more useful things outside of fight. I would let him make a grapple attack with a whip just because it’s cool but I would not allow damage on that attack. Whip Type: Martial Melee Weapon Cost: 2 gp Weight: 3 lbs Proficiency with a Whip allows you to add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you make with it. If you're a whip-wielding battle-master, then maybe you can try to 'attack' the object and follow it up with a Dex or Sleight of Hand check to try and 'grab' the object with the whip. " (I'd just leave the AC at 10 for simplicity. Jan 15, 2025 · Grappling is no longer a specific action, as it was in the 2014 Player’s Handbook. To initiate a grapple, a character must use the Attack action and make a special melee attack, the grapple check. Even take the Polearm Master feat so you can do extra tricks with it. When you hit with an attack with this weapon, you can choose to attempt to grapple the target if it's no more than one size larger than you. May 28, 2021 · No 30 ft. Nov 15, 2016 · The 5e D&D grappling rules have a lot to be desired in my opinion, and are also pretty vague. 1d4 is used when grappling enemies Nov 30, 2017 · If you magically yank the target out of the grapple, using some effect that does not have a strength rating, but simply moves the target (thunderwave, repelling blast, thorn whip, etc. Which obviously is low. Once the whip has pulled the creature, the spell Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) Fifth Edition (5e) Equipment, Gear, & Items - Grappling Hook - As a Utilize action, you can throw the Grappling Hook at a rai This site works best with JavaScript enabled. ** (these cancel each other out between the two in the grapple so it would stay a straight roll, but it shouldn't cancel grapple advantage ) PS Grapple is an attack so you should have advantage to go for the pin. Since the mind flayer's grapple requires a Medium or smaller creature, polymorphing the barbarian into something Large should also free him. The grapple action lets you either grapple a creature or shove it with the option to knock it phone. May 23, 2018 · You can use your action to try to pin a creature grappled by you. I was wanting to do a dex based whip build for awhile. Using the Attack action, you can make one of two special weapon attacks to trip or hold a creature with the whip. However, it goes on to say: try to grapple the target as a bonus action (see the Player’s Handbook for rules on grappling) Our druid wants to use thorn whip to pull me out. In 3e sometimes your combat sank into a morass of grapple and counter grapple where the monk and the demon just groped each other for 30 minutes while the rest of the party tried to escape from their chokeholds until the monk finally got free and helped them all escape. Sentinel is a fun feat here. DnD 5e Magic Item. The best choice for a person who wants to help from a distance and cast spells for utility is the Thorn Whip. ) then that breaks the other grapple my moving the target out of the grapplers reach. The attacker must have at least one free hand, and the target must be no more than one size larger than the attacker or not already grappled. Grasping Whip. Weapons in 5e are just a damage die and a few properties. Image via Wizards of the Coast. *When you use a whip, its damage die changes from a d4 to a d6 *When you are using a whip, your opponents provoke an attack of opportunity when they come within your reach. Once on the friendly's turn by using his move action to move the target out and back into the spirit guardians, then once as a reaction on any other turn to move the target out and in again. I like the idea of having a grapple check restrain a Collections My Characters My Campaigns My Encounters My Dice Special. Yes, to both scenarios. Can utilize reach, if and when you may want to hold on creature and tail whip some other creature at reach for better positioning. I'd also consider increasing the damage die of the whip to d6 because the d4 makes whips fairly useless in a straight comparison with most other weapons. Grapple. An improvised weapon includes any object you can wield in one or two hands, such as broken glass, a table leg, a frying pan, a wagon wheel, or a dead goblin. These D&D 5E Free Basic Rules only contain a fraction of the races, subclasses, backgrounds, feats, items, monsters, spells, and other content available on Roll20. If the target is a creature, the catez can Grapple the target instead (escape DC 15). The whip is a one-handed finesse reach weapon, so there are a few things you can do with it. If he gets additional attacks as part of his class features he can use those for punching (since the whip is already in use for the grapple). Same damage as a bite. This whip was pulled from the ooze of a gelatinous cube. I think this is a reasonable ability to have, but because it confers a mechanical advantage, I want to make this a feat. Requires Dexterity 13 or higher and proficiency with a whip. Jan 14, 2021 · A bugbear cannot mantain a grapple with a target 10 feet away. Your bit in brackets could give a dc of up to 30 assuming 20 dex, +6 proficency and 4 on the d4. Whip reach in one hand, shield in another for more defense, still able to grapple, etc. A typical whip of Hyrulean make is a rope-like weapon comprised of an elastic rubbery material. "Whip Master: When you succeed in an attack roll using a whip, instead of dealing damage you may choose to attempt to disarm the opponent (DEX check), or initiate a grapple (STR check). Multiattack. Jun 12, 2019 · Having a friend that can grapple and drag could subject the target to the damage thrice once the grapple is in place. Jun 29, 2017 · I've seen a lot of posts about making the whip a better weapon. Whip. Improvised Weapons. This weapon can be used to grapple with a range of up to 10 feet. Even though the spell has a 30-foot range, it is treated as a melee spell attack. The rules are quite clear that people can be moved out of grapple range by forced movement. You gain the following benefits: You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls you make with a whip. Justification: Well, it's magic, and the words don't say anything about Grapple in the spell. No? Well, you should! Foundry is a modernized, better-than replacement for Roll20, which prioritizes modding support. " 1) Allows grapple or shove at reach. if the grappled creature is moved out of the grappler's reach the grapple ends. You can use your action to attempt to disarm a target of an object or weapon they are carrying. However, it takes 2 rounds to set-up, instead of 2 attacks which can be done in the same turn. Pulling a creature with Thorn Whip does not make the target eligible for attacks of opportunity. So absolute ball busting max damage with Whip would be 1 Hexblade, 2 Paladin and 17 Bladesinger. There wasn’t any major changes and since the whip does a lot less damage then a regular polearm the dm was fine with it. 1d8 is used for attacks when the chain is extended 1d6 is used for melee attacks with the kunai itself. While wielding a whip, you gain the following benefits: Your attack damage is increased from 1d4 to 1d6. Is that right? From the way it's worded, it sounds like the light effect (The flame gives off bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for another 20 feet) is referring to when it is in its whip form. Theres really no combat advantage to use one, its just for roleplay. However, as written, thorn whip has an instantaneous duration, which means there is no "holding on" to the spell. One end comprises a solid handle. , one target. Dec 17, 2019 · •While you are wielding a whip, other creatures provoke an opportunity attack from you when they enter the reach you have with the whip. ) - You can also use your whip as a short grappling hook to grasp onto an object within its reach in order to hold yourself to it, climb toward it, or pull it toward you. When you do, it must succeed on a Strength saving throw or become grappled by the thorned whip. Spiked armor would make it impossible for you to take a long rest because the spikes would make it much more difficult to get comfortable. You may only grapple one creature at a time. Feb 6, 2023 · A long whip made of chains and small curved blades which facilitate the grappling of opponents, and a claw at the end. Whip Expert. Jan 13, 2021 · There are 7 blade, 9 hammer, 4 axe, 5 bow, and 4 polearm options, but only 1 whip option. A Bugbear's Nov 18, 2023 · What Are the Rules for Thorn Whip in 5e? The rules for Thorn Whip in DnD 5e are as follows: Thorn Whip is a melee spell attack. A long whip made of chains and small curved blades which facilitate the grappling of opponents, and a claw at the end, made for quick combat and disarming opponents. You can build a super funky "Melee controller" kinda thing with a Thri-Kreen Rune Knight. To successfully execute a Grapple in D&D 5e, you need to adhere to the following rules: You must make an Unarmed Strike and choose the Grapple option. When you make a melee attack on your turn, your reach for it is 5 feet greater than normal. And I don't see why a character would need to use a feat to grapple when they already can spend their action to do so. Drop Tenser's and Bladesong. When you attack with this magic weapon, the ooze extends elastically to form the length of the whip. As you identified, Grappling Strike requires a "melee attack" not a "melee weapon attack", and thus Thorn Whip can satisfy that requirement. ThinkDM has a great article on grappling in 5th edition and how the base grappling feat is weak, so with that in mind, I wanted to make sure that the whip’s grapple wouldn’t have the same fate. When you hit a creature or object that is Large or smaller with this whip, you can pull that creature or object 5 feet toward you instead of dealing damage. Anyway, there is a variety of existing rules for spiked armor, spiked chain whips, spiked nets in 5e. Add whip proficiency to either roll. The combat dryad will start combat by casting thorn whip on one of the party members from the trees above, dragging them 10 feet into the air, and, on top of the damage from thorn whip, take an extra 1d6 bludgeoning at the start of combat from the fall. This whip adds 10 feet to your reach when you attack with it, instead of 5. Spikes on armor would add 1d4 piercing during successful grapple (only if the grapple involves both hands). This section explores how you can utilize Thorn Whip for object manipulation, environmental interaction, role-playing scenarios, and non-combat situations. At higher levels you might want to use a flying form to manually grapple your enemies instead, but at that point Spike Growth has already lost much of its luster (plus you might as well just fly upwards and drop your opponent if you are in a flying form and you successfully My DM recently allowed a homebrew feat into a game I'm playing. When motionless, the whip appears to be a sword hilt with a blob of ooze at its end. You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls made with a whip. Since the spell description does not explicitly state that it Grapples the creatures, the magical force made by the whip does what it needs to do to wrap itself around the swarm and pull it to you, dealing suitable damage along the way. At higher levels you might want to use a flying form to manually grapple your enemies instead, but at that point Spike Growth has already lost much of its luster (plus you might as well just fly upwards and drop your opponent if you are in a flying form and you successfully Jun 12, 2019 · Having a friend that can grapple and drag could subject the target to the damage thrice once the grapple is in place. Otherwise, well, there's always the tentacle he Giant Octopus form at low levels. Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) Fifth Edition (5e) Equipment, Gear, & Items - Whip - Proficiency with a Whip allows you to add your proficiency bonus to the Nov 15, 2016 · The 5e D&D grappling rules have a lot to be desired in my opinion, and are also pretty vague. The creature can willingly fail this check. Also the strategy of grapple/shove prone gives you advantage to attack on your grappled target. Thorn Whip forces movement, just like the example of Thunderwave, only in a different direction. This would allow the use of standard grapple rules for moving opponents, and would allow synergy with the grappler feat to pin the target of the grapple. This is a 5e subreddit, if you were thinking of another edition. Electric Surge. Avg 51dmg/hit if my math is right. It would be rad if there were some ranged grapple whip feats, or you had a magical whip (god of war style) but RAW and RAI the whip is just a crappy weapon in 5E. Thorn Whip 5e DM Tips Either with or without a shield, depending on how many creatures you want to grapple. Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained, and you cannot make another attack with the whip used to grapple. Because if you only want the latter, then using the whip to grapple gets everything you need, with the only house rule you need is that you can use the whip to make the attack types I listed. Hit: 6 (1d4 + 4) slashing damage or 7 (1d6 + 4) slashing damage when enlarged. While grappled, the targets takes an extra 1d4 piercing damage at the start of each of its turns. Mar 23, 2023 · Thorn Whip is a versatile and deadly spell in Dungeons and Dragons 5e that allows players to create a long, thorny whip that can be used to lash at enemies and possibly pull them toward you at up to ten feet. We eventually agreed that the combination of reach and finesse makes it a pretty powerful tool for a rogue, or a Dex-based Battlemaster. When you hit with a melee attack using a whip you deal an additional 1d4 damage of whatever type the whip deals. Make a Grapple check against the creature. \$\endgroup\$ – Whip Master Once per turn, one of your attacks with a whip can deal an extra 1d4 damage to a target on a hit. There is a minor point of ambiguity here - while the grapple can only be used on a Medium or smaller creature, it doesn't technically say anything about what happens if a grappled target becomes Large. A kuo-toa monitor has a challenge rating of 3 (700 XP). Weapon +1 ; pull a creature/object 5 ft toward you instead of dealing damage. When you hit a Large or smaller creature with this whip, you can use a bonus action to attempt to grapple the target. Or a snake whip that does 1d6 but has a str req and no finesse. On a critical hit, the creature is also knocked prone or pulled 5' closer to you in a straight line (your choice). If you succeed, you and the creature are both restrained until the grapple ends. Nov 11, 2023 · However, Grapple uses your character’s reach; a Whip, for example, Like most things in 5E, you really want to succeed on a Grapple check. Jan 28, 2024 · Burning Hands 5e - Damage, Range, and Mechanics Explained create-or-destroy-water-5e Alarm 5e: The Ultimate Guide for D&D 5th Edition Players Searing Smite 5e - Unleash Fiery Divine Power in 5th Edition Goodberry 5e Spell - Uses, Rules, and Description for D&D Witch Bolt 5e - A Guide to the Powerful Spell in D&D 5e Grapple must be done with your hands (no black widow acrobatic leg grapples allowed, nor whip grapples or chain grapples/etc) but Shove doesn’t have that restriction. This attack replaces one of your regular attacks and uses the rules outlined in the Player’s Handbook, page 195. Grapple:You make a dexterity grapple throw. Grapple+Restrain from Grappler feat is better in theory, as it benefits everybody. The damage with a whip is 1d4 plus dex (or str) mod which would be a max of 9 assuming no magic whip. You could use the stats of a polearm, but the appearance of a whip. Dec 10, 2019 · One of my players wants the ability to grapple other creatures at range when using a whip (think Indiana Jones wrapping his whip around things). grapple the grappled creature and use the "Moving a Grappled Creature" rules to move the grappled creature to a space that is not within the reach of the grappler or grappling effect. On a hit, instead of dealing damage, the creature is grappled. Melee Weapon Attack: +7, reach 10 ft. Use Foundry?. This allows for the cool factor of tripping and wrapping the whip around body parts. The text of the feat would read as follows: Whip Master May 2, 2023 · The closest thing I could think of to these mechanics are the Grapple and Shove actions. For a start the condition of being grappled (p290 in Player’s Handbook) states only that the subject cannot move, however most players will expect some kind of advantage over an NPC they have successfully wrestled with. I suspect the reasoning was to keep combat fast (relatively speaking) by reducing analysis paralysis for DMs. Shillelagh does more damage than Thorn Whip, but what makes Thorn Whip interesting is its range. I'd like to see a Bullock whip in 5e, 2 handed, easily 15' reach. The Long-Limbed trait of the bugbear in Volo's Guide to Monsters states (VGM, 119):. If you're able to make multiple attacks with the attack action, this attack replaces one of them. We worked out a variation to the polearm master feat designed for the whip. Grappling Strike doesn’t include a specific note about not needing a hand, so it does use your free hand and is therefore limited to the reach of your free hand not the reach of your whip. When you want to grab a creature or wrestle with it, you can use the Attack action to make a special melee attack, a grapple. yes, they can target you with thorn whip, but they'd still have to make an attack roll and roll damage I personally give spellcasters the option to deal minimum damage for these types of cases, but your dm might have other ideas While using a whip, on a successful attack roll against a creature that is no more than 1 size category larger than your character, you may immediately spend a bonus action to force the creature to make a contested grapple check DC 12 + Proficiency bonus. Grapple+Shove is better for martials, but screws over ranged attackers (including polearm and whip people who don't like being upclose and personal). Feb 4, 2016 · Whip Expert Prerequisite: Dexterity 13 or higher, proficiency with a whip. As for the second part, here's what Lightning Lure does : You create a lash of lightning energy that strikes at one creature of your choice that you can see within range. As an action, while wielding a whip, you can attempt to grapple a creature within the whip's reach. " I agree, whip has the potential to be something cool and fun, but it's not written up in the PHB to do so. When you hit, you deal 1 + Strength modifier damage. You create a long, vine-like whip covered in thorns that lashes out at your command toward a creature in range. Other options for restraining. While holding this weapon with both hands, you can swing the chain at a Large, Medium, or Small creature and attempt to restrain it. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic whip. Perform an attack against the target, as normal. At Higher Levels. Feb 8, 2025 · Burning Hands 5e - Damage, Range, and Mechanics Explained create-or-destroy-water-5e Alarm 5e: The Ultimate Guide for D&D 5th Edition Players Searing Smite 5e - Unleash Fiery Divine Power in 5th Edition Goodberry 5e Spell - Uses, Rules, and Description for D&D Witch Bolt 5e - A Guide to the Powerful Spell in D&D 5e So absolute ball busting max damage with Whip would be 1 Hexblade, 2 Paladin and 17 Bladesinger. Oct 7, 2023 · Understanding the Mechanics of Grapple 5e. This lets you turn a grapple into the restrained condition (albeit in exchange for leaving you restrained as well). The answer to your question is contained in the rules for the grappled condition instead of the rules for grappling (see Appendix A in the Player's Handbook): Apr 2, 2016 · So that's what happens to the person providing the grappled effect: he loses it's grapple if the creature is taken out of his reach. There are no unwritten, secret, or conditional rules - there really isn't any room for argument here. Sometimes characters don't have their weapons and have to attack with whatever is close at hand. One of the big complaints people had about 4E was combat taking a long time and 5E was trying very hard to fix, or at least do the exact opposite of, everything people had an issue with for 4E. Just reflavor it saying you used the whip instead. In this question, I have been told the difference between a "melee attack" (which, if I understand correctly, Shoves and Grapples are) and a "melee weapon attack" (which they are not). How to grapple in 5e? To grapple a creature in DnD 5e, you must use the Attack action to make a special melee attack called a grapple. The target must succeed on a DC 18 Strength saving throw or be grappled and restrained by the whip. Unarmed Strike Damage 5e. 5e keeps this all moving so that there is deliberately not a way to deepen Use the spells; Thorn Whip (cantrip, action) to pull enemies 10Ft closer to grapple, and Spike Growth (2nd level spell slot, action) to make enemies take 2D4 piercing damage for moving every 5Ft in the 20Ft radius (40Ft diameter) terrain Can Thorn Whip break a grapple? Since the effect of the Thorn Whip spell is to pull the Fighter closer to the Druid, they are pulled without the barbarian being moved. You now Whip it for 1d4 + Str/Dex or Cha + Int + Proficiency + 2d12 (Tenser's) + 5d8 (6d8 if Fiend, Undead, etc) Smite. When you attack with a whip, its damage die changes from a d4 to a d6. . •On your turn, when you score a critical hit with a whip, you can use a bonus action to force the target to roll a Strength save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength or Dexterity modifier (your As far as I can tell in the PHB, a whip already can deal 1d4 lethal damage, and with a range of ten feet. When a monster hits with such an attack, it doesn't need to make an additional ability check to When a monster hits with such an attack, it doesn't need to make an additional ability check to Grapple is an attack that does no damage and requires a free hand. Oct 8, 2020 · Make an attack with your whip, on a successful hit instead of dealing damage you attempt a grapple following the normal Grappling rules. mqkrafwiqlburhvjfbmcpqbbnbethbdbyfovzmagzljardubanvlyeelgkojgfdykneogoinajedsjaa